Cada árbol y cada planta del prado
parece estar danzando;
aquéllos con ojos comunes
sólo los verán fijos e inmóviles.

31 dic 2012

Baba Shiv: A veces es bueno ceder el control.

A través de los años, las investigaciones han mostrado un hecho contrario a la intuición sobre la naturaleza humana: que a veces, tener demasiadas opciones nos hace menos felices. Esto, incluso, puede darse en un tratamiento médico. Baba Shiv comparte un estudio fascinante que mide por qué la elección da lugar a la duda, y sugiere que ceder el control –en especial, en decisiones de vida o muerte– puede ser nuestra mejor decisión.

¿Por qué no puedo cumplir mis propósitos?

Por Jonah Lehrer

Enero es el mes de los propósitos: los gimnasios están repletos por una semana, la gente se pone a dieta o se inscribe en programas de control de peso, y algunos limpian a fondo su casa por primera vez en años. En este mes nos comprometemos a convertirnos en quienes deseamos ser: esbeltos, limpios y puntuales.

Por desgracia, no pasa mucho tiempo antes de que las escaladoras se queden una vez más abandonadas, las camisas sucias se amontonen en el rincón del clóset, nos demos atracones de pizza y cerveza, y ni hablar de la promesa de convertirnos en personas más dulces y amables.

En otras palabras, los hábitos humanos son difíciles de erradicar, lo cual ayuda a explicar por qué —según una encuesta realizada en el 2007 por el psicólogo británico Richard Wiseman— 88% de los propósitos terminan en el fracaso.

La razón por la cual nuestros buenos propósitos terminan de manera tan funesta es el hecho más importante acerca de la fuerza de voluntad: que es increíblemente débil.
Una cuestión de voluntad

Considere el siguiente experimento: Baba Shiv, economista conductual de la Universidad de Stanford, reclutó a varias docenas de pasantes y los dividió en dos grupos; al grupo a se le pidió que recordara un número de dos dígitos, y al grupo b, uno de siete; después, condujeron a los pasantes por un pasillo para que seleccionaran una de dos opciones para comer: una rebanada de pastel de chocolate o un tazón con ensalada de frutas.

Y entonces es cuando las cosas se ponen raras: los estudiantes que debían recordar siete dígitos fueron casi dos veces más propensos que los otros a elegir el pastel. Según Shiv, la razón radica en que los números adicionales ocupan un valioso espacio adicional en el cerebro —son una «carga cognitiva»—, que hace mucho más difícil resistirse a un postre tentador. En otras palabras, la fuerza de voluntad es tan débil, y la mente consciente tan sobrecargada, que bastan cinco datos adicionales para que el cerebro no pueda resistirse a un pedazo de pastel.

Esto explica por qué, después de un largo día en la oficina, somos más propensos a consentirnos con un litro de helado. De hecho, en un estudio desarrollado en la Universidad de Michigan se descubrió que el simple acto de caminar por una calle transitada es suficiente para debilitar nuestro autocontrol. Un cerebro cansado, preocupado por sus problemas y derrotado por el mundo, no podrá resistirse mucho a un antojo, incluso cuando lo que quiere no sea realmente lo que necesita.

El problema es que el mero hecho de someterse a una dieta hace aún más difícil el resistirse a la tentación. Durante un experimento en 2007, el psicólogo Roy Baumeister sometió a sus alumnos a un ejercicio de atención: tenían que ver un aburrido video en el que aparecían unas frases en la parte inferior de la pantalla, y debían esforzarse en no leerlas; como parte del ejercicio, los alumnos bebían un vaso de limonada: la mitad con azúcar, y la otra con sustituto. Los resultados del control mostraron que los logros del grupo que ingirió sustituto de azúcar fueron consistentemente peores. La falta de azúcar en su corteza prefrontal, el «músculo neural» de la fuerza de voluntad, hizo aún más difícil el esfuerzo de atención.

El cerebro, un mal amigo en tiempos de crisis


El cerebro, un mal amigo en tiempos de crisis

Hasta hace 10.000 años, el cerebro humano sólo tenía una misión: la supervivencia. En los dos millones de años anteriores, las neuronas se fueron conectando con el único fin de estar prevenido ante el peligro, mantener el estrés necesario para escapar si era preciso y recordar los malos tragos para no repetirlos.

Pero un día, asegurada la comida, ese ser humano quiso, además, ser feliz, una aspiración universal intangible que la neurociencia, investigando en los entresijos de las neuronas, intenta localizar entre neurotransmisores y circuitos de la compleja masa gris.

Uno de los últimos descubrimientos científicos ha sido que ese cerebro no está diseñado para ser feliz, es más, tiende siempre al pesimismo, algo que puede ser muy destructivo en tiempos de crisis. Para compensar, los científicos también han revelado que es muy plástico, que ese modelaje neuronal se aprende y que, si se practica, puede generar cambios prodigiosos que ayudan al bienestar mental e incluso podrán heredar los hijos.

El neurocientífico español Francisco Mora, en su último trabajo (¿Está el cerebro diseñado para la felicidad?, Alianza), apunta cómo en ese camino la búsqueda de la felicidad se dividió en dos rutas divergentes hace 2.500 años: la occidental, surgida con el benévolo influjo del Mediterráneo, se centró en buscar el bienestar afuera, transformando el mundo exterior en busca de mejoras materiales; y la oriental que, en un entorno hostil, huyó del dolor con un viaje al interior a través de la meditación. «La clave hoy es llegar a un encuentro entre esa reflexión interior que nos hace sentir mejor y la creatividad que permite cambiar el entorno», asegura Mora desde la Universidad de Iowa, donde trabaja este curso como profesor invitado.

Ambas actividades las defiende también la filósofa y divulgadora científica Elsa Punset en su libro Una mochila para el universo (Destino), donde define las 21 rutas que ayudan a gestionar mejor las complejas emociones humanas. «Con un cerebro antiguo, diseñado para otra época y que tiende a ver el mal, la ciencia ha descubierto que es importante hacer pequeños gestos, cambios que contrarresten esa tendencia; son los que he metido en esta mochila», señala Punset. Digna heredera de su padre, está convencida de que si el siglo XX se centró en la importancia del cuerpo, el XXI será el de aprender a modelar un cerebro que es como la plastilina. «Hoy sabemos que las emociones son como los virus, se contagian: por ello, debemos entrenarnos en ser felices, lo que nos hace también más creativos. Debemos probar nuevas alternativas en lugar de atrincherarnos en lo conocido que no funciona. Es algo que les recomendaría a muchos políticos, ser más creativos, porque potenciando lo negativo no encontraremos salida a la crisis». Lo malo es que esa red de 86.000 millones de neuronas, que pesa menos de kilo y medio, vive más del pasado y del futuro que del presente... Y es muy miedosa. «Si encima», añade Punset, «la ponemos en un entorno estresante se apaga su creatividad; y si se rodea de tristeza, se deprime».

De hecho, la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMC) augura que en ocho años el 20% de la población mundial tendrá una enfermedad mental y que la depresión será una plaga. Esas cifras, aseguran los expertos, bajarían si el cerebro detectara que recupera el control sobre la propia vida. ¿Lo lograremos?

La americana Elaine Fox, del Centro de Ciencias del Cerebro de Essex, parece convencida de ello: «Nadie nace con genes de felicidad o de tristeza. El cerebro humano puede generar células nuevas, reconfigurar circuitos. Es más, lo que ocurre en nuestra vida cambia la forma de operar de esos genes y esos cambios incluso pueden pasar a la siguiente generación. En suma, pese al cerebro, podemos aprender a ser felices y eso es esperanzador».

Phineas Gage

Phineas Gage: Historia por raulespert

Phineas P. Gage (1823 – 21 de mayo, 1861) fue un obrero de ferrocarriles, quien debido a un accidente sufrió daños severos en el cerebro, específicamente en parte del lóbulo frontal. Gage sufrió cambios notorios en su personalidad y temperamento, lo que se consideró como evidencia de que los lóbulos frontales eran los encargados de procesos relacionados con las emociones, la personalidad y las funciones ejecutivas en general.

Beneficios de aplazar la gratificación

La prueba del malvavisco es un experimento que puede predecir el futuro de un niño, publicó en su página web The Boston Globe, de acuerdo a un trabajo clásico del psicólogo de la Universidad de Columbia, Walter Mischel, quien desde finales de 1960 siguió a sus sujetos de estudio desde edad preescolar hasta los 40 años.

Según el medio electrónico esta prueba consiste en un reto impuesto al pequeño de cuatro años, a quien se le deja sentado frente a un malvavisco u otra golosina; si espera hasta que regrese un adulto a la habitación sin comerlo, obtendrá dos y de lo contrario sólo podrá comer uno. Entre más pueda controlarse, mayores serán sus logros a lo largo de la vida.

Algunos niños no pueden esperar más de un minuto, aunque otros aguantan los 20 minutos programados.

La prueba del malvavisco se ha incrustado en la cultura popular como una poderosa lección sobre las recompensas del autocontrol. De igual forma este experimento ha planteado profundas interrogantes psicológicas: ¿qué está implícito en el hecho de aplazar la gratificación? ¿Por qué está correlacionada con el éxito en la vida? ¿Por qué a la gente le resulta tan difícil?

Actualmente, un grupo de neurocientíficos busca respuestas para dichas preguntas mediante tomografías de alta tecnología en las que analizan lo que sucede en el cerebro cuando una persona supera o reprueba tareas como las del malvavisco. Con ello pretenden descifrar cómo capacitar a la gente para lograr un mayor autocontrol.

“Las imágenes del cerebro ofrecen una importante y emocionante herramienta nueva”, comentó Mischel. “Lo importante son las pistas que la actividad cerebral pueda ofrecer para los mecanismos psicológicos involucrados”, agregó el psicólogo.

En esta misma línea, investigadores de la Universidad de Yale encontraron que en el aplazamiento de la gratificación participa un área del cerebro, la corteza anterior prefrontal, que es conocida por su participación en la solución de problemas y en el registro de objetivos, en dicha región del cerebro se mantiene la meta a la que se pretende llegar.

Los descubrimientos de las tomografías cerebrales de 103 sujetos sugieren que aplazar la gratificación implica la habilidad de imaginar un evento futuro de manera clara, señaló Jeremy Gray, profesor de psicología de la Universidad de Yale y coautor del estudio.

Mischel, entre otros, cree que la clave para aplazar la gratificación quizá resida en la capacidad de “enfriar el estímulo caliente”, es decir, localizarlo en zonas racionales.

Se trata de aplazar la idea, “en el examen del malvavisco el mismo chico que no puede esperar un minuto por imaginarse lo delicioso de la golosina puede esperar 20 minutos si lo imagina como una bola de algodón o una nube flotando en el cielo”.

Los neuroeconomistas, que utilizan las tomografías del cerebro para ilustrar la toma de decisiones económicas, también explotan la teoría del “cerebro frío y caliente”, señaló Daniel Benjamín, profesor adjunto de economía en la Universidad Cornell. "Si ese modelo es confirmado, podría tener importantes implicaciones para la economía", añadió

Investigaciones han encontrado que la capacidad de aplazar la gratificación está vinculada no sólo con la serenidad y la previsión, sino también con la inteligencia. Sin embargo, esa relación parece ser un tanto compleja; la inteligencia es difícil de definir, y cuando un niño es inteligente y capaz de aplazar la gratificación, es difícil distinguir la causa del efecto.
Por lo anterior, Mischel hizo un énfasis en que aunque la inteligencia está relacionada con obtener buenos resultados en las pruebas de los malvaviscos, no es la respuesta.

Como mucha gente sabe, “es bastante posible ser muy inteligente y no ser capaz de inhibir los impulsos”, finalizó.

Meditación y cerebro

“Lo que para mí es más fascinante es la sugerencia de que la práctica de la
meditación puede cambiar la materia gris de cualquiera”.

Desde hace tiempo se tenía conocimiento de que la meditación es capaz de
modificar los patrones cerebrales mientras la persona está en reposo, lo cual
deja entrever que es capaz de producir cambios de larga duración, pero todo
parece indicar que la cosa va más allá: la meditación podría tener impacto
también sobre el grosor de la corteza cerebral

Un estudio publicado en NeuroReport y en el que participaron científicos de
Yale, Harvard, el Hospital General de Massachusetts (MGH) y el Instituto
Tecnológico de Massaschusetts (MIT) dice que la meditación perceptual produjo
cambios en áreas del cerebro que son importantes para el procesamiento
sensorial, cognitivo y emocional.

El estudio fue encabezado por Sara Lazar, del MGH.

Jeremy Gray, profesor asistente de psicología en la Universidad de Yale, dijo
que a pesar de que el estudio sólo incluyó a 20 participantes bien capacitados
en meditación perceptual budista, los hallazgos son importantes por lo que

“Lo que para mí es más fascinante es la sugerencia de que la práctica de la
meditación puede cambiar la materia gris de cualquiera”, dijo Gray. “Los
participantes del estudio eran personas con empleos y familias. Se limitaban a
meditar en promedio 40 minutos al día, o sea que no tienes que ser un monje”
para obtener efectos visibles.

Los investigadores usaron equipo generador de imágenes a partir de resonancia
magnética nuclear, y observaron que el hábito de meditar está asociado con un
grosor mayor en un subconjunto de regiones de la corteza cerebral, en particular
las regiones asociadas a la percepción sensorial, auditiva y visual, pero
también a la percepción interna, la que permite captar el latido cardiaco y la

Además de lo anterior, los científicos hallaron que el hábito de meditar también
hace más lento el adelgazamiento de la corteza cerebral frontal asociado con la

“La mayoría de las regiones identificadas en este estudio se hallaron en el
hemisferio derecho”, dijeron los investigadores. “El hemisferio derecho es
esencial para mantener la atención, una práctica fundamental de la meditación

Los investigadores dijeron que es muy probable que otras formas de yoga y de
meditación tengan impactos parecidos sobre la estructura de la corteza cerebral.
Como es natural, también es probable que cada tradición produzca su propio
patrón de engrosamiento cortical dependiendo de qué ejercicios mentales estén

Milenio Diario 11-noviembre-05

Ayudar a tus hijos a desarrollar su potencial

Genio hecho en casa

Estas son algunas claves que dan los científicos para que los niños mejoren su desempeño escolar y, por qué no, alcancen niveles de excelencia que les aseguren el éxito en el futuro.

El sueño de cualquier padre es que su hijo sea exitoso. Por eso casi todos dan lo mejor de sí para criarlos de manera que desarrollen al máximo sus capacidades y habilidades. Y a pesar de que algunos expertos consideran que la clave del genio está en los genes, investigaciones recientes han revelado que, además de esa influencia hereditaria, “el ambiente tiene un poder muy grande en el desarrollo de capacidades, habilidades y potencialidades”, le dijo a SEMANA la psicóloga María Elena López.

Según Paul Thompson, neurólogo de la Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad de California, “llevar una dieta saludable, dormir bien, tener acceso a buena educación y desarrollar distintos tipos de actividades puede potenciar la capacidad de cualquiera”. Estas son ocho recomendaciones que pueden cambiar el curso de la crianza de su hijo.

1) Dieta digital

Una de las grandes preocupaciones de los padres es saber cuánto tiempo deben pasar sus hijos frente a las pantallas, ya sea del televisor, del computador, de los videojuegos o de los celulares. Según un estudio realizado por la Academia Estadounidense de Pediatría (AAP, por su sigla en inglés), el 30 por ciento de los niños menores de 2 años que no ven televisión y en cambio invierten ese tiempo en jugar o interactuar con gente real, tienen un mejor desarrollo cerebral que los que ven dos horas de televisión. “Los niños a esa edad se benefician del juego libre que estimula la creatividad y las habilidades para resolver problemas. Por eso se recomienda mantenerlos alejados de las pantallas”, le dijo a SEMANA Ari Brown, psiquiatra de la AAP. Aunque existen varios juegos de video y computador que suelen ser llamados educativos y supuestamente ayudan a mejorar el desempeño académico, un estudio con más de 700 niños en el Reino Unido demostró que tal beneficio no existe.

2) Música, maestro

Los padres incentivan en sus hijos tocar un instrumento musical sin ninguna expectativa de mejorar su intelecto. Pero así como en otros procesos de aprendizaje, existe una repercusión en el cerebro entre quienes tocan instrumentos de cuerda, como guitarra o piano. Según un estudio de la Universidad de Boston con un grupo de niños que rondaban los 10 años, aquellos que saben tocar este tipo de instrumentos musicales tienen más habilidades verbales y un 15 por ciento de coeficiente intelectual (CI) más alto. “Glenn Schellenberg demostró en su momento que tomar lecciones de música aumenta el CI, pues al ser una actividad de aprendizaje se estimula el cerebro y en esta medida puede mejorar”, le contó a SEMANA Ellen Winner, psicóloga de la Universidad de Boston.

3) Buenos lectores

Una investigación realizada en 27 países encontró que los niños que crecen en un hogar donde existe el hábito de leer y hay una gran variedad de libros tienen mayores posibilidades de graduarse. Aunque suene lógico, sobre los 70.000 casos evaluados se encontró que quienes contaban en casa con al menos 500 libros tenían el 36 por ciento más de posibilidades de recibir el diploma de bachiller y el 19 por ciento de tener título profesional. Los niños que observan a sus padres leer con avidez adquieren más fácilmente el hábito de la lectura.

4) ¡A mover el esqueleto!

El ejercicio aeróbico también incrementa en un gran porcentaje el desarrollo de habilidades. En este caso, “los mejores resultados se acumulan cuando los ejercicios son hechos entre padres e hijos”, afirma el biólogo John Medina, en su libro Brain Rules for Baby. Aunque la estructura del cerebro está determinada en gran parte por los genes, el volumen de materia gris en la región frontal que se relaciona con la habilidad cognitiva puede incrementarse si se aprende una actividad motora que exija cierta dificultad, como, por ejemplo, los malabares. “En la medida en que los niños practiquen actividades de coordinación motriz, eso ayuda a que se generen conexiones en el cerebro”, le explicó a SEMANA Germán Casas, psiquiatra infantil.

5) Comida balanceada

Lo ideal es que los niños se alimenten en sus primeros seis meses con leche materna. Un estudio publicado en la revista Archives of General Psychiatry evidenció que quienes así lo hicieron obtuvieron más altos resultados en lectura, escritura y matemáticas. Y según un estudio publicado por la revista Obesity, un peso acorde con la estatura, es decir, el nivel de masa corporal, también incide en el desempeño académico. Los expertos llegaron a esta conclusión luego de evaluar a más de 500 niños de 12 años. Los que sufrían de sobrepeso faltaban más a clase y sus notas eran bajas.

6) El autocontrol

Además de buen desempeño académico, un niño también necesita tener inteligencia emocional, pues de nada le sirve su talento si no controla sus impulsos. Un célebre estudio realizado en los años sesenta por el psicólogo estadounidense Walter Mischel analizó a un grupo de niños que acababan de cumplir 4 años. Mischel los puso a escoger entre comerse una galleta de inmediato o ingerir dos al cabo de 15 minutos. El investigador les hizo seguimiento y años después descubrió que quienes resistieron la tentación tuvieron 210 puntos más en pruebas de conocimiento. “El autocontrol es tal vez la habilidad más importante para una persona. Por eso cualquier actividad que sirva para alcanzarlo es fundamental”, le dijo a SEMANA Jeremy Gray, profesora de Psicología de la Universidad de Yale.

7) Hijos de padres jóvenes

Un estudio que evaluó a más de 33.000 niños, publicado por la revista PLoS Medicine, reveló que los niños de padres jóvenes, entre 20 y 30 años, tienen de tres a seis puntos más de coeficiente intelectual. Además, son menos propensos a desarrollar enfermedades mentales. En las últimas décadas, la tendencia a tener hijos después de los 30 ha crecido a la par con el índice de enfermedades como autismo, esquizofrenia y síndrome de Down, por lo cual quizás sea mejor, por el bien de la salud de los pequeños, no esperar tanto para convertirse en padres.

8) El bilingüismo

Los niños que aprenden dos o más lenguas desarrollan mejores habilidades cognitivas y verbales, como reveló un estudio publicado en la revista Modern Language Journal, en el que se mostró que los niños que estudiaron lenguas extranjeras en el lapso de cinco años obtuvieron mejores resultados en pruebas académicas que aquellos que tomaron cursos de cualquier otra materia.

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29 dic 2012


Una noche tuve un sueño muy potente. Estaba parada frente a un dispenser de agua con un grupo de compañeros de trabajo. Nuestra conversación parecía cordial, pero me di cuenta de que algunos de los compañeros mandaban “puñetazos” psíquicos invisibles a otros. Le dije a uno de los golpeados “¿Estás bien?”, y luego al otro, “¿Viste lo que acabas de hacer?”. Me impactó la inconsciencia de la gente con respecto a su comportamiento.

El sueño me mostró el poder de nuestras interacciones invisibles. Cuando observamos el comportamiento de la gente puede parecer que no hay hostilidad. Podemos ver una sonrisa en la cara de alguien que nos está escuchando. Pero ¿qué está pasando a nivel invisible?

Tenemos una dimensión invisible que llamamos espíritu – un aspecto que yo llamo “quien somos mas allá de nuestra piel”. No podemos ver esta parte nuestra, pero junto con el cuerpo y la mente conforma nuestro ser. Siempre que interactuamos con otros en el mundo físico, también se produce un intercambio invisible de energía.

Aquí hay frases que a menudo usamos para describir algunos comportamientos:

Me sentí golpeado.
Lo patearon cuando estaba caído.
Me apuñaló por la espalda.
Sentí cuchillos saliendo de sus ojos.
Tenía al grupo de rehén con su conducta.
La habitación estaba llena de energía explosiva.
Hice una sugerencia pero me tiraron a matar.

La energía de la violencia actúa en un nivel psíquico invisible, pero impacta tanto en nuestra salud física como en la emocional. La energía se puede sentir. Simplemente no nos sentimos bien en ningún nivel cuando vivimos y trabajamos en un ambiente lleno de ira o de miedo.

Todas las culturas indígenas comprenden la diferencia entre mandar energía, como por ejemplo el enojo, o simplemente expresarla. Cuando alguien expresa enojo está simplemente reconociendo su sentimiento de ira, pero la ira no tiene fuerza ni movimiento como para causar daño a otros. En nuestra cultura, donde sólo reconocemos lo que pasa en un nivel visible, negamos estos otros niveles de conciencia, así mandamos inconscientemente nuestros pensamientos como “flechas envenenadas”, sin darnos cuenta del daño que hacemos.

Usamos la frase “enviar pensamientos”, pero ¿qué clase de pensamientos estamos enviando? ¿Mandamos pensamientos llenos de amor, compasión, amabilidad y perdón? ¿O están llenos de odio, ira y miedo?

Es importante entender que sentir y expresar emociones es parte de la condición humana. Sabemos por varias investigaciones que cuando no expresamos nuestras emociones podemos enfermarnos. Como seres humanos tenemos derecho a sentir y expresar toda la gama de sentimientos desde la felicidad y el amor al miedo y la ira. Expresar nuestras emociones nos hace sentirnos vivos.

Al mismo tiempo es importante que observemos cuáles son las situaciones e interacciones que nos alteran. Debemos parar la reacción y aprender a expresar nuestros pensamientos y sentimientos mientras transformamos al mismo tiempo la energía en energía positiva que sea sanadora para el planeta.

Desde siempre las enseñanzas espirituales nos enseñaron que nuestro mundo externo es un reflejo de nuestro estado interno de conciencia. Cuando observamos la polución ambiental y el estado del mundo de hoy estamos viendo un reflejo de nuestro mundo interno. Si queremos cambiar el mundo necesitamos concentrarnos en cambiarnos a nosotros mismos. Y esto incluye la necesidad de ser mas consientes de los pensamientos que emitimos.

Aquí hay algunas maneras en las que podemos trabajar para transformar la energía:

Respirar: La respiración es una de las formas más simples de transformar la energía. Cuando estamos en estado de reacción la respiración es superficial. Con una respiración profunda transformamos naturalmente nuestro estado reactivo.

Fijar una Intensión: cuando te sientas alterado simplemente repite para ti la siguiente declaración: “Necesito expresar lo que siento en este momento y pido que la energía de mis sentimientos se transforme en amor y luz, así alimento al mundo con amor”.

Pensar en una imagen hermosa: la energía detrás de nuestras emociones llega a todos los seres vivos. Si te enfrentas con alguien que te evoca emociones fuertes, piensa en algo que ames y cubre con esa imagen la cara de la persona que te está desafiando. Por ejemplo, podrías trabajar con la cara de un gatito, un cachorrito o con la imagen de tu flor favorita. ¿Qué pensamientos querrías mandarles a aquellos que amas?

Usa el Poder de las Palabras: Las tradiciones espirituales enseñan que las palabras son vibraciones y que las palabras que usamos afectan nuestras vidas. De niños muchos de nosotros hemos usado la frase “abracadabra”. Es una frase real en Arameo “Abraq ad habra” significa “Yo creo al hablar”. Usa palabras a lo largo del día que te recuerden la energía del amor.

Gratitud: Piensa en aquello por lo que estás agradecido. La gratitud siempre transforma el estado de conciencia.

Proyecta Fuerza: no sientas pena por los que percibes que sufren –esto sólo los hunde más en el pozo. Cuando ves a la gente en su luz y perfección divina los estas ayudando a tener la fuerza que necesitan para manejar sus problemas.

Conecta con la Naturaleza: El agua puede lavar tu dolor. Al lavarte visualiza la energía negativa fluyendo de ti y transformándose en luz. Parado en el viento imagina que el viento se lleva lo que necesitas soltar y se transforma en luz.

Enciende una vela e imagina que el fuego transmuta tus sentimientos intensos. O puedes enterrar tus problemas en la tierra con la intención de que la energía se transforme en amor.

Rodéate de Luz: Si sientes que alguien está siendo energéticamente hostil hacia ti, imagina una luz protectora a tu alrededor. Algunas personas se imaginan rodeadas de una luz blanca. Yo me imagino dentro de un huevo azul translucido. Encuentra el color que te sirva.

23 dic 2012

Fortalezas humanas en tiempos de crisis


La crisis económica que estamos viviendo implica crisis también a diferentes niveles: personal, laboral, social que deja multitud de afectados en el área de la salud mental. Sin embargo, todos conocemos a pesonas que tienen la capacidad de sobreponerse ante las dificultades de la vida e incluso salen fortalecidos. La resiliencia se refiere a esa capacidad de ajustarse de forma positiva y saludable ante la adversidad.

17 dic 2012

Haidakhan Babaji- MAHASAMADHI

How Will the World End"?

How Will the World End"?

"The world will end in joy because it is a place of sorrow. When joy has come, the purpose of the world has gone. The world will end in peace because it is a place of war. When peace has come, what is the purpose of the world? The world will end in laughter because it is a place of tears. Where there is laughter, who can longer weep? And only complete forgiveness brings all this to bless the world. In blessing it departs, for it will not end as it began. To turn hell into Heaven is the function of God's teachers, for what they teach are lessons in which Heaven is reflected. And now sit down in true humility and realize that all God would have you do you can do. Do not be arrogant and say you cannot learn His own curriculum. His Word says otherwise. His Will be done. It cannot be otherwise. And be you thankful it is so".
~ACIM OrEd.Mn.14.5

Mientras el perdón no sea completo, el mundo seguirá teniendo un propósito. Es el hogar donde nace el perdón, donde crece y donde se vuelve más fuerte y abarcador. Aquí se le alimenta, pues es aquí donde se le necesita. Un benévolo Salvador, nacido donde el pecado fue concebido y donde la culpabilidad parecía real. Éste es Su hogar porque aquí ciertamente se le necesita. Él trae Consigo el fin del mundo. Es a Su llamada a la que los maestros de Dios responden, dirigiéndose a Él en silencio para recibir Su Palabra. El mundo acabará cuando todas las cosas que hay en él hayan sido correctamente juzgadas mediante Su juicio. El mundo acabará con la bendición de la santidad sobre él. El mundo desaparecerá cuando ya no quede ni un solo pensamiento de pecado. No será destruido, ni atacado y ni siquiera sufrirá el más mínimo rasguño. Simplemente dejará de parecer que existe.

16 dic 2012

Jesus: You Will Recognize Yourselves as Most Wondrous, Divine Beings

Jesus: You Will Recognize Yourselves as Most Wondrous, Divine Beings

: : : R e s k a r e n d a y a : : :

: : : R e s k a r e n d a y a : : :

Las Siete Preguntas que Pueden Cambiar tu Vida
Por Sara Biermann
Estas siete preguntas están diseñadas para liberarte de las limitaciones de la Realidad Tridimensional, para que puedas crear tu vida como TU lo elijas.
La Física Quántica nos dice que el universo existe como un número infinito de futuros posibles hasta que es observado. Estas posibilidades siguen una función de onda. Es como si cada posibilidad estuviera representada por una curva en la onda. Una vez que se hace una elección, la onda se colapsa. Una pregunta crea una onda de posibilidades. Una vez que existen las posibilidades, entonces todo lo que tienes que hacer es elegir.
Estas preguntas son particularmente expansivas y empoderadoras. Cuando hagas la pregunta, no esperes una respuesta inmediata aunque puede suceder. Algunas veces el simple acto de hacer la pregunta crea el cambio. Pon atención a tus sueños y fíjate en lo que salte en tu ambiente. Pueden ser palabras en un libro, una imagen, un recuerdo, etc. Sin embargo, el simple hecho de hacer la pregunta cambia la energía. Sigue preguntando hasta que sientas que la pregunta ya no es útil.
Durante la transición a la Nueva Energía, las frecuencias aquí están fluctuando dramática y rápidamente. Cuando la vibración planetaria es más alta, te sientes expansivo y dichoso. En estos momentos sientes que realmente “estás entendiendo de qué se trata”. Te sientes tranquilo y contento, como si todo fuera a salir bien.
Cuando el planeta fluctúa hacia las frecuencias inferiores, comienzas a batallar. Viejos patrones limitantes que pensaste que se habían limpiado, regresan. Estos pueden ser mentales, emocionales y físicos. En estos momentos sientes que “no estás entendiendo de qué se trata”. Puedes sentirte tenso y/o exhausto. Puede parecer como que las cosas simplemente no están bien y puedes caer en viejos hábitos. Puedes decir “Oh no, yo creía que ya había superado esto, pero creo que me equivoqué… otra vez”. ¿Te suena familiar?
Eres más psíquico de lo que te das cuenta. No solo percibes los cambios de frecuencia en el planeta, también recoges los pensamientos, emociones y sensaciones físicas de las personas. Esta es una habilidad maravillosa, y es parte de la naturaleza de tu ser de Nueva Energía. El problema es que eres inconsciente de la energía y la traduces para encajar en el patrón que expresaste en el pasado, ¡que coincidía con esa frecuencia! Los viejos patrones pueden ser emociones negativas, pensamientos limitantes, dolor o enfermedad, o viejos hábitos que ya no te sirven más. Tú percibes la energía y piensas que es tuya.
La forma como esto me afectó, es que me dio dolor de espalda. Ese es un patrón viejo mío. Para muchas cosas en mi vida, estaba limitada por mis problemas de espalda, particularmente ciática. Recientemente ese problema se fue. Bueno, no se fue simplemente así. Trabajé duro, limpiando la programación y aprendiendo a estar en armonía con mi cuerpo. Cuando regresó el dolor, primero me comencé a juzgar, “Oh no, ¿por qué estoy creando esto otra vez? Entonces me detuve y elegí esta vez verlo desde el lugar de mi ser expandido. Fue entonces cuando me di cuenta de que estaba traduciendo las energías que percibía, dentro de un viejo patrón. Solo que no estaba permitiendo que simplemente me atravesaran, yo tenía redes que estaban atrapando el viento y estaban anclándolo en mi cuerpo. Había familiaridad con la energía y debido a que era familiar, yo pensé que era mía.
Otro ejemplo fue cuando me encontré obsesionada por recuerdos de todas las cosa horribles (yo pensé) que mi ex-esposo hizo antes y durante nuestro divorcio. Ya estaba muy dentro del calabozo de los pensamientos inquietantes antes de darme cuenta. “Guau! esa historia ya está más que superada. ¿Cómo me atrapé en ese nudo?” Comprendí que estaba percibiendo pensamientos y emociones que no eran míos. Ese patrón energético coincidía con lo que había experimentado cuando estaba en medio de la densidad del drama y la historia del divorcio. Esa energía era familiar y detonó las reacciones familiares en mi. Mi mente creó pensamientos que concordaran con esa energía.
No tienes que adueñarte de todas esas energías externas. Al ser consciente de lo que está pasando, serás capaz de desconectarte para no reaccionar a la energía y detener los síntomas de esa reacción. Permanece consciente y cuestiona cada cosa que sientas y pienses. Pregúntate, “¿Es mío esto?” Tu conocimiento interno te dará la respuesta. Puedes obtener la respuesta, o puedes usar kinesiología o usar cartas para obtener tu respuesta. Si la energía no es tuya, te aligerarás solo haciendo la pregunta. Repite las palabras, “Gracias por la conciencia de esto, pero no es mío. Dejemos que pase de largo.” Usa tu imaginación, respira y déjalo ir. Disuelve los ganchos o redes y “permite que atraviese”. El alivio puede no ser instantáneo. Dale algo de tiempo. Continúa respirando y liberando.
Aquí hay un ejercicio que es una práctica excelente para este proceso.
Camina por una colonia habitacional. Conforme caminas, nota cada pensamiento, emoción o sensación y pregunta, “¿es esto mío?” Me asombré cuando lo hice. En un punto me comencé a sentir triste, inmediatamente mi mente encontró algo en mi vida por lo que me pudiera sentir triste. Pero me di cuenta y pregunté “¿es esto mío?” La respuesta fue “No”. “Permite que pase a través de ti”, dije eso y la tristeza desapareció, así de simple. Más tarde me comenzaron a doler las caderas, tampoco era mío. En unos cuantos minutos el dolor de fue. Este tipo de cosas sucedieron una y otra vez y ¡ninguna era mía!
Con conciencia consistente de este proceso, pienso que te sorprenderás al encontrar que pocos pensamientos, emociones y sensaciones físicas ¡son verdaderamente tuyos!
2) ¿CÓMO SERÍA SI ( )?
Todo lo que ha sido creado ha sido imaginado primero. Cuando haces esta pregunta, “¿Cómo sería si ___?”, imagina como se sentiría. Enfoca tu imaginación para crear una nueva sensación. Esto inicia un flujo u onda de energía para manifestar el efecto deseado. Enfocarte en la manifestación física crea una limitación a una sola opción. Lo que queremos es mantener abiertas nuestras opciones, incluso aquellas que no puedes imaginar en este momento.
Aquí hay algunos ejemplos:
¿Cómo sería si…
• siempre tuviera suficiente dinero?
• mi cuerpo se viera como me gustaría?
• me gustara como se ve mi cuerpo?
• fuera brillantemente exitosa?
• supiera qué hacer en esta situación?
• no tuviera que preocuparme por mi hijo?
Si estás teniendo dificultades imaginando el sentimiento, no te rindas. Continúa haciendo la pregunta. Podrías preguntar, “¿Cómo sería si pudiera imaginar ____?” Entre más tiempo pases en el sentimiento del efecto deseado, mejor.
En la Nueva Energía creamos sin esfuerzo. Cuando quieres que algo suceda y no estás seguro cómo conseguirlo, haz esta pregunta. No preguntes, “¿Qué necesito hacer? o ¿Cuáles son los siguientes pasos?” ¿Sientes la diferencia de energía entre ambas preguntas? Si preguntas qué hacer, te estás predisponiendo para crear de una forma lineal y con esfuerzo. “¿Qué se requiere?” es una invitación para que aparezca sin lucha o esfuerzo y permite posibilidades en las que no haz pensado. Esta pregunta invita al universo a apoyarte en tu creación.
Muy seguido nos enfocamos en lo que está equivocado o mal en una situación. Entonces comenzamos a juzgarnos y/o a otros como equivocados al dejar que eso pase. En lo que enfocas tu energía, es lo que se hace más grande. Entonces al preguntar, “¿Qué está bien en esto que no estoy viendo? enfocas tu energía en lo que está bien y te sales del juicio.
Piensa cuántas veces han pasado cosas que haz juzgado como malas, como perder un trabajo. Cuando lo miras hacia atrás (tal vez después de obtener un mejor trabajo) te das cuenta que perder el trabajo fue realmente algo bueno. Hacerte esta pregunta cambia tu percepción, y eso cambia tu experiencia.
Cuando preguntas, “¿Cómo creé esto? estás pidiendo tener conciencia de ese momento de inconsciencia cuando tomaste la decisión que te condujo hacia un resultado menos que expansivo. Mi hija tenía una infección de oído. Una tarde me comencé a sentir mal, realmente exhausta y adolorida. Pregunté, “¿Cómo creé esto?” Recordé que mi oído me había comenzado a doler antes en el día. En el momento, me di cuenta de que estaba adueñándome del dolor y el sufrimiento de mi hija. Pensé que mi cuerpo iba a ser capaz de limpiar la enfermedad más rápido y fácil que el de mi hija. Ella no estaba mejorando después de 6 días. Entonces me volví inconsciente. Simplemente pensé en algo más. En un par de horas me estaba sintiendo enferma. Hacer la pregunta, “¿Cómo creé esto?” me condujo a la conciencia del momento inconsciente. Desde allí fui capaz de deshacer la creación. La buena noticia es que ambas nos recuperamos, rápido.
NO PREGUNTES, “¿POR QUÉ HICE ESTO?” Cuando preguntas “por qué” te lleva de vuelta hacia un lazo de tus propios fracasos, hacia todas las veces en el pasado cuando hiciste algo como esto y a todas las emociones y juicios relacionados. POR QUÉ hace emerger todas las cosas que te hacen creer que haces cosas estúpidas, como tu padre abusivo, o tu segunda ex-esposa. Esto solidifica esa realidad limitante dentro de tu situación actual. En su lugar yo pregunté cómo comenzó, cuál era el punto de creación de esta experiencia.
Haz esta pregunta después de la pregunta, “¿Es mío esto? Si lo que sea no se va. La experiencia de dolor es una interpretación de un estímulo sensorial. Esta pregunta te da la opción de interpretarlo de una forma distinta. Si hay algo que tu ser está tratando de comunicarte y no estás escuchando, algunas veces llega como dolor. La emoción también puede ser traducida como dolor.
Repite esto cuando suceda cualquier cosa que te guste. Si te encuentras dinero… “¿Cómo podría ser mejor que esto?” Si el mesero te trae un delicioso postre gratis… “¿Cómo podría ser mejor que esto?”
Una mujer se encontró un centavo en el piso. Preguntó, “¿Cómo podría ser mejor que esto?” Poco tiempo después se encontró un billete de diez dólares en el asiento del taxi y preguntó, “¿Cómo podría ser mejor que esto?” un objeto brillante en el drenaje llamó su atención. Era un brazalete de diamantes. Desafortunadamente dijo, “No podría ser mejor que esto” y ya no fue mejor.
Repite “¿Cómo podría ser mejor que esto?” cuando pase cualquier cosa que no te guste. Si se le poncha una llanta a tu auto… “¿Cómo podría ser mejor que esto?” Si tu hijo se mete en problemas en la escuela… ¿Cómo podría ser mejor que esto? Es una invitación al universo para que te muestre cómo puede mejorar.
Si no puedes pensar en qué pregunta hacer… intenta:
Esto puede parecer tonto, ¡pero probablemente sea la mejor pregunta de todas!
El uso consistente de estas preguntas cambiará tu realidad. Aquí hay un gran secreto. “¡Nosotros estamos creando todo!” Creamos este juego de vida en la Tierra. Continuamos creándolo cada día. ¿Por qué no hacerlo como deseo? ¿Por qué no divertirse y jugar con esto?
¿Cómo sería si pudieras crear lo que sea que desearas?
Sarah Biermann

Saul: It is Almost Impossible For You to Continue in Your Seemingly Drugged State of Awareness

Saul: It is Almost Impossible For You to Continue in Your Seemingly Drugged State of Awareness

14 dic 2012

Loneliness versus Solitude

Loneliness versus Solitude

A Course in Miracles Lesson 348 - I have no cause for anger or for fear.

December 21st 2012 will bring the start of untold joy

December 14, 2012 by John Smallman

Time, as you experience it, has accelerated significantly over the last two years, and December 21st 2012, which is approaching rapidly, will bring the start of untold joy for humanity. As you have been told numerous times “It’s a done deal.” There are no ifs, ands, or buts. Hold steady on your course by continuing to express and demonstrate love in action in every interaction, no matter what the situation, because that is what you incarnated to do, and you have been doing it with ever-increasing effectiveness as you have worked constantly to open your hearts more fully to God’s Love, which is always calling to you.

You, like all humanity, do need to open your hearts, because by agreeing to incarnate and assist the awakening process you also agreed to experience the severe memory loss which is a major aspect of the illusion, and that involved the partial closing of your hearts to the ever-flowing stream of your Father’s Love. No hearts are fully closed because to do so would completely shut out Love, the life-force, ending your existence, and that is impossible because you are the children of God — immortal and eternal beings, forever alive and at one with Him.

Humans have starved themselves of Love for eons, because the openings into their hearts have been enormously restricted and reduced while playing their painful games in the depths of the illusion. Many have entered the illusion during those eons to demonstrate Love and to help you to awaken, but because you were so caught up in your unreal environment it has taken a long time for you to become aware enough to notice them and then respond positively to the assistance that they offered you.

As a result, you have had plenty of time to cause much pain to one another and to build up large quantities of resentment and anger which you are now in the final stages of releasing permanently, so that you can disentangle yourselves from the unreality you built. The divine Love field is flushing out the remaining characteristics of humanity that are in any way incompatible with Love, ably assisted by you Lightholders and wayshowers who incarnated for this purpose, as all have chosen to turn towards their spiritual origins as they seek escape from the fear and suffering in which they have been embroiled for so long.

This collective change of heart has been slowly developing over the last one hundred or so years, and has accelerated tremendously over the last two decades, leading you forwards towards your inevitable awakening. It has given us in the spiritual realms unparalleled joy to see you move so positively, and indeed courageously towards this momentous event, because to do so you had to face and release the very realistic-seeming fears that you had invented to form part of your imaginary environment. It involved learning to love and to trust one another again — something that was lost when you engaged in your apparent separation from Reality — and your experiences within the illusion over countless eons made such openness and trust seem extremely counter-intuitive. Nevertheless, some of you started to do just this, and the result has been a rippling outwards of love and trust that has impinged on all and that is leading you towards a most marvelous conclusion to your sojourn within non-reality.

You have made amazing progress over these last few years — progress that even astonished us in the spiritual realms, because the unloving attitudes and behaviors that you had been employing for so long seemed to be very heavily ingrained within you, and, at one stage, it appeared that you could not possibly become ready to awaken as soon as you, in fact, have.

Congratulations are in order for your untiring efforts which have brought you to the very verge of awakening. Completion of that process is at hand.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

12 dic 2012

Cry out vociferously for spiritual assistance and you will receive it in abundance

12/12/2012 by John Smallman

With the end of this calendar year approaching and expectations rising, the numbers of you engaging daily in meditation — with the strong intent both to awaken, and send and share love, compassion, and forgiveness to all who are in need — are growing ever larger. This is exactly as it should be. There is a divine plan unfolding, with all that is required to happen to bring this stage of it to completion occurring precisely on schedule, because it is God’s Will that it should – but remember that outside the illusion time is absent.

Referring to a schedule makes it hard for you to grasp the significance of many things that are happening all across the world, and even for you to be aware of many other equally significant events that the mainstream media does not report on, because to you a schedule is time sensitive and to understand it without the element of time is, to say the least, confusing.

In Reality the limits and constraints of time do not exist, but for you that is not easy to understand. In fact, it is practically incomprehensible. Continuing to trust that your Father’s Will for you is eternal joy, and that it will be achieved as divinely intended is actively encouraged by your angels and guides in spite of any doubts or misgivings you may feel, because it raises your frequency and makes it easier for you to connect with them and receive their proffered help. You do need their help; you can do nothing alone because there is no such state. And, of course, that trust in your Father is utterly justified.

Your regular times of prayer, meditation, and contemplation strengthen that trust and enable you to engage more fully with the help that is constantly on offer — help that will assist you in releasing your attachments to the illusion and to all the distractions with which it presents you, as it attempts, constantly, to convince you that it is real. Those attachments are being teased apart, and their complete removal is ensured because you are cooperating. Concentrate on strengthening that cooperation by adding your willing enthusiasm to release any remaining pockets of judgment, resentment, or anger, especially those you still feel can only be resolved by an abject apology owed to you by one whom you believe has deeply hurt you.

Forgiveness is the key to release, and if you have difficulty with that, it most likely indicates that you have areas of denial in which lie hidden actions or events of which you may be ashamed and for which you feel unable to forgive yourselves, and so you project them on to others. If you find yourselves unable to forgive someone else, it generally means that you cannot, for whatever deep-seated and unknown reason, forgive yourselves. When you have forgiven yourselves, forgiving others is a breeze!

If forgiveness is a problem for you, look within and cry out vociferously for spiritual assistance, and you will receive it in abundance. You may be quite amazed at what shows up: stuff long since past and forgotten, but on which you still hold a strong emotional charge. Often, in childhood, you have been judged and punished unjustly, but because of your dependence on those who judged you, you accepted it and the wrongful shame it imposed. It was far too painful for you to keep in your conscious mind, and for your own survival you buried it as deeply as you possibly could.

All that “stuff” is now coming up for release, and initially the anger felt for those unjust acts committed against you will appear to be the issue; look deeper and you will find the shame, the disgrace that you felt about yourself for which you cannot forgive yourself. That is what you need to release, and with your adult awareness it is completely apparent that you had absolutely no reason whatever to feel shame or disgrace, and so you can easily now forgive yourself for this unwarranted judgment against yourself. As you let it go, you will feel as though a mighty weight has been lifted off you, and a wonderful sense of freedom will envelop you. It truly is the start of your awakening into Reality. Delve deep within, release any guilt or shame that you find, reclaim your divinely given freedom that it seems others have taken from you, and know, truly know that you are forever free, just as God created you.

With so very much love, Saul.

As you awaken, the fog will clear from your minds

December 12, 2012 by John Smallman

Many have talked of the End Times approaching, but you are really approaching the Beginning Times as a new age of peace, harmony, and abundance for all humanity comes into view. The satisfaction and contentment that you will experience, as all that could frighten, worry, or cause you any kind of suffering just dissolves, leaving absolutely no trace to disturb your constant state of sublime peace, is definitely something to which you can look forward. A New Age, for which you have been yearning, is about to dawn.

As the short period remaining before you awaken winds down it would be good to address any issues that you may have been avoiding, or perhaps considered too insignificant to concern yourselves with. However, anything that would fall into the category of holding a grudge, a derogatory judgment of another, or something unforgiven, no matter how small or inconsequential it seems, does need to be released. If you can remember it, then it needs to be released. Everyone has things that have been totally forgotten that could have been released, but if they are truly forgotten they are as good as already released and forgiven. It is just the small niggling things, which are occasionally retained because they give a person a sense of satisfaction, of being right, that now need to be released to clear your energy fields – that person who queue-barged, pinched your parking-spot, made an unwarranted and unkind remark – small seemingly insignificant momentary occurrences that you still remember. Let them go.

As the moment of your awakening approaches do not let the anticipation, the wondering about how it will all play out, distract you from holding your Light on high, and from intending that all become engaged with the divine energy field. This field is gathering together all the individual intentions to share compassion, forgiveness, acceptance and love worldwide into itself, where a great intensification of that intent will occur so that no one will be able to remain unaware of its powerful presence influencing them with its enormous sense of peace, acceptance, and of course, Love.

Whenever you can, it is good to join together in groups to meditate at the same instant – you do not need to be physically present with one another as long as you have made the joint intent – to continue strengthening the awaking process for the planet herself and for all the sentient beings whose lives she supports. Intend that Love penetrate the hearts of those most forcefully opposed to the essential changes that are happening worldwide. It is very effective to do so, and some of them will most definitely have a change of heart, even at this late stage of your collective spiritual evolution because, with God, all things are possible.

The Light that shines out from so many of you and from the planet herself is extremely beautiful, and increases in brightness and intensity with each passing day, because the amount of time spent in prayer or in meditation all over the world has been increasing, as ever more of humanity feels the irresistible urge to develop their spiritual aspects. The loving intent that so many of you have been expressing, and which has helped you to align yourselves with the divine field of Love that surrounds Earth, has strengthened your integration with that field so that it effects everyone on the planet most positively.

The level of energy required to awaken you from your eons-long slumber has nearly been reached, and when it is achieved, as it very shortly will, it will be impossible for you to cling any longer to the state of sleep that has caused you so much suffering and confusion. As you awaken, the fog will clear from your minds; your vision, your awareness will become crystal clear, and you will have returned Home and into recognition of who you truly are: the perfect children of God, whose Love for you knows no bounds.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

11 dic 2012

The Eagle and The Hawk - John Denver

I am the Eagle,
I live in high country,
The rocky cathedrals that reach to the sky.
I am the Hawk,
And there's blood on my feathers,
But time is still turning,
They soon will be dry.
And all those who see me,
And all who believe in me,
Share in the freedom I feel when I fly!
(instrumental portion)
Come dance with the west wind,
And touch on the mountain tops,
Sail over the canyons,
And up to the stars.
And reach for the heavens,
And hope for the future,
And all that we can be,
Not just what we are...
(instrumental lead into finish)
Voice Of America (1993)

I am the Eagle,
I live in high country,
The rocky cathedrals that reach to the sky.

I am the Hawk,
And there's blood on my feathers,
But time is still turning,
They soon will be dry.

And all those who see me,
And all who believe in me,
Share in the freedom I feel when I fly!

(instrumental portion)

Come dance with the west wind,
And touch on the mountain tops,
Sail over the canyons,
And up to the stars.

And reach for the heavens,
And hope for the future,
And all that we can be,
Not just what we are...

(instrumental lead into finish)

I am the eagle, I live in high country
In rocky cathedrals that reach to the sky
I am the hawk and there's blood on my feathers
But time is still turning they soon will be dry
And all those who see me and all who believe in me
Share in the freedom I feel when I fly
Come dance with the west wind and touch on the mountain tops
Sail o'er the canyons and up to the stars
And reach for the heavens and hope for the future
And all that we "can" be, not what we are
Aerie (1972)
I am the eagle, I live in high country
In rocky cathedrals that reach to the sky
I am the hawk and there's blood on my feathers
But time is still turning they soon will be dry
And all of those who see me, and all who believe in me
Share in the freedom I feel when I fly

Come dance with the west wind and touch on the mountain tops
Sail o'er the canyons and up to the stars
And reach for the heavens and hope for the future
And all that we can be and not what we are

La vuelta al paraíso terrenal

10 types of Automatic Negative Thoughts by Tim Sharp

1. Over generalisation

Coming to a general conclusion based on a single event or one piece of evidence. If something bad happens once, you expect it to happen again and again. Such thoughts often include the words ‘always’ and ‘never’.

I forgot to finish that project on time. I never manage to do things right.

He didn’t want to go out with me. I’ll always be lonely.

I didn’t get that job I went for last week. I’ll never find work.

2. Filtering

Concentrating on the negatives while ignoring the positives; ignoring important information that contradicts your view of the situation.

I know he (my boss) said most of my submission was great but he also said there were a number of mistakes that had to be corrected… he must think I’m really hopeless.

I’ve just lost my job… my life is a complete mess (despite the fact that I’m very healthy and have a loving family who cares for me)

3. All or nothing thinking

Thinking in black and white, or all or nothing terms (e.g. things are right or wrong, good or bad); a tendency to view things at the extremes with no room for middle

I made so many mistakes… If I can’t do it perfectly I might as well not bother

I won’t be able to get all of this done, so I may as well not start it

This job is so bad… there’s nothing good about it at all

4. Personalising

Taking responsibility for something that is not necessarily your fault; thinking what people say or do is some kind of reaction specific to you, or is in some way directly related to you.

John’s in a terrible mood… it must have been something I’ve done

It’s obvious she doesn’t like me; otherwise she would have waved to me.

I didn’t get the job because of my appearance.

5. Catastrophising

Overestimating the chances of disaster; expecting something unbearable or intolerable to happen (such thoughts begin with ‘What if…?’)

What if I make a fool or myself and people laugh at me?

What if I haven’t turned the iron off and the house burns down?

If I don’t’ perform well, I’l get the sack.

6. Emotional reasoning

Mistaking feelings for facts – negative things you feel about yourself are held to be true because they feel true

I feel like a failure, therefore I am a failure

I feel ugly, therefore I must be ugly

I feel hopeless, therefore my situation must be hopeless

7. Mind Reading

Making assumptions about other people’s thoughts, feelings and behaviours without checking out the evidence (e.g. asking them)

John’s talking to Molly so he must like her more than me

I can tell he hates my shirt

I could tell she thought I was stupid in the interview

8. Fortune Telling

Anticipating an outcome and assuming your prediction is an established fact. These negative expectations can be self-fulfilling; predicting what we would do on the basis of past behaviour might prevent the possibility of change.

I’ve always been like this; I’ll never be able to change

It’s not going to work out so there’s not much point of trying

This relationship is sure to fail

9. ‘Should’ Statements

Using ‘should’, ‘ought’ or ‘must’ statements can set up unrealistic expectations of yourself and others. It involves operating by rigid rules and not allowing for flexibility.

I shouldn’t get angry. I should always be happy

People should be nice to me all the time

I should own my own house, have a great job, be happily married

10. Magnification/minimisation

A tendency to exaggerate the importance of negative information or experiences (making mountains out of molehills) while trivialising or reducing the significance of positive information or experiences.

She noticed my bad haircut. I know she said she will go out with me again, but I bet she doesn’t call.

She said I did a good job but she was probably just saying that to be nice.

After reading all that you can see that all of us fall into at least a few of those categories at times, which is human. Completely human.

When I personally went through this list I spent a solid 2 to 3 months analysing my thoughts. It was hard to write honestly and pick my thoughts apart but some of the questions I had to ask myself were are these thoughts helpful? And am I being realistic? Do I have everything into perspective? Am I jumping to conclusions? Am I focusing too much on the negatives? Will this really be bad in one, two or five years? Even if it did really happen, is it really that bad? How likely is it that the worst would happen?

Going through this has helped me a great deal just with my every day thinking, and if you read my previous blog post about my first few weeks here in America it’s helped me to adjust with transition a great deal. I’m certainly no pro in relaying information, people like Tim Sharp and Norman Doidge are. If you want to read more on Tim see below, there’s also a link to a lot of his free literature and I’ve included a link to Norman Doidge’s book as well.

Happy Monday everyone!

Dr. Tim Sharp

The Happiness Intsitute

Twitter: @drhappy

The Happiness Handbook

Free Resources from Dr. Tim Sharp


9 dic 2012

Entrenamiento cognitivo y neuroplasticidad

Entrenamiento cognitivo y neuroplasticidad: B... por raulespert

Relationships in the New Era

Jeshua channeled by Pamela Kribbe

Dear friends, with much joy and happiness I am with you today. My energy flows among you and as you can feel, this is not a lecture in the traditional sense. I am passing on a certain energy (in addition to information) and you are as much a part of this as I and Pamela and Gerrit. In our being together here, we create a field or vortex of energy in this room, in this opening to the earth. Therefore this place is sacred. At any place where people – angels in human bodies – come together and join with the intention of seeding their light into the earth, the ground becomes sacred.

I would like to briefly say something about the phenomenon of channeling which has become so popular recently. You all know the concept of prana, which is employed in yoga and eastern philosophy. Prana is a spiritual energy that you take in with every breath. The idea is that you do not merely inhale oxygen when breathing in but also a life force energy, a cosmic energy which exceeds the physical and enables you to live. Now what I’d like to point out is this: just as everyone inhales prana along with oxygen in breathing, everyone channels continuously in his or her own way. Channeling is not reserved to a few people with a special gift. Channeling is the most natural thing in the world. You see, you cannot live without cosmic energy. You cannot exist, live and thrive without taking in cosmic energy. Just as you cannot live from oxygen alone, you cannot function even in a basic manner without some connection to the cosmic energy that is your home. Earth and cosmos, oxygen and prana, both are necessary to manifest yourself completely as a human being in earth reality.

In the previous channeling I have called you the gatekeepers, the ones who open the gate to more light on earth. But you are also the bridge builders, the ones who mediate between the cosmic and the earth realm, the ones who channel cosmic energy to the earth. This is something you actually do and it is something you need to do in order to feel joyful, purposeful and healthy. You are channeling whenever you use your intuition, whenever you go deep within and sense how things are for you and how you would like to change them. At these moments you form a channel with your higher self and you connect to the wisdom of non-earthly, cosmic realms which can support you in reaching your goals here on earth. Every one of you channels in some way to realign yourself with your greater being that is outside of space and time.

Today we share our energies and join to channel a cosmic energy which is trying to find its way to earth in this New Era. The New Era is no longer a vision of the future. It is already manifesting itself in the daily life of innumerable individuals. If you read the paper or watch the news it may seem that the time is not ripe yet. But the awakening brought forward by the New Era starts at the level of the individual, not at the level of governments, institutions and organizations. It is in your own everyday existence that a new flow of energy presents itself. It is the flow of your heart that invites you and beckons you to live and to act according to its lightness and wisdom. This is how the birthing of the New Era takes place, by ordinary individuals being attentive to the whispers of their heart. Spiritually the foundation of any real change or transformation is always laid on the individual level. The energy which is awakened in your hearts will gradually find its way through institutions and organizations which still hold on to the old paradigm of ego based consciousness. Old bulwarks of power will break down, not by violence but by the tender energy of the heart. If the heart takes over the lead the old will collapse, not under the pressure of power and violence but under the pressure of love.

In this New Era relationships undergo a major transformation. Relationships are the source of the deepest emotions within you, reaching from great joy to deep agony. In relationships you may become aware of an inner pain that is essentially much older than the relationship itself, even older than your human existence.

In this age you are invited and often challenged to achieve a deep self-healing in the field of relationships. Because of the new energy now presenting itself it is possible to transform the destructive elements of a relationship into a positive, equal flow of energy between you and the other person. However healing and personal transformation may also mean that you let go of relationships in which you cannot properly express yourself. It frequently means that even if you love someone dearly, you may have to say goodbye, because your own inner path takes you to a different place. Whether it leads to renewal or to parting in a relationship, you are all challenged to face the deepest issues in this area of personal bonding. The call of the heart, the heart based energy which marks the New Era, has entered your daily lives and you cannot ignore it anymore.

To explain why relationships can hurt you so much and turn your life completely upside down, I would like to say something about an ancient pain you carry within your soul. It is a pain which is very old, much older than this lifetime, older even than all your former lives on earth. I want to take you back to your original birthing pain as a soul.

“Once upon a time” all was whole and undivided. Can you imagine this? Allow your imagination to travel freely for a moment. Just imagine: you are not in a body, you are pure consciousness and you are part of a huge energy field that surrounds you in a comfortable way. You feel that you are part of this unity and are being cherished without conditions. Feel how this energy field encloses you as an immensely comfortable blanket, as an abundantly loving energy which allows you to explore and develop freely, without ever doubting yourself or your intrinsic right to be who you are. No anxiety, no fear. This sense of comfort and security constituted the pre-birthing conditions from which you emerged as an individual soul. It was a cosmic womb. Even if it is far removed from your present state, your heart still aches for this sense of completeness and wholeness, the feeling of absolute safety you experienced in that blanket of love and benevolence. The sense of oneness you remember was God. Together in this blanket of love you constituted God.

Within this divine consciousness or blanket of love, it was decided at some point to create a new situation. It is very difficult to put into human words but perhaps you can imagine that in God, this unity awareness, there was a longing for something different, something other than unity. There was, so to speak, a longing for experience. When you are completely assimilated into a wholeness of pure being, you do not experience things – you simply are. In spite of the ecstasy and the total safety in this state of being, there was a part of God, a part of this cosmic awareness, that wanted to explore and to evolve. This part “departed from itself.”

You are this part of God. At a certain point your consciousness agreed to this experiment of departing from unity and becoming an “I,” an entity in itself, a defined individual awareness. This was a huge step. From the bottom of your being you felt that this was a good thing. You felt that the longing for creativity and renewal was a positive and valuable aspiration. However the moment that you actually departed from the field of oneness, there was pain. For the first time in your recollection, for the first time in your life there was deep pain. You were torn loose from a realm of love and safety which had been completely self-evident to you. This is the birthing pain I referred to. Even during this first intense experience of desolation, something in your innermost being told you that it was all right, that this was your own choice. But the pain was so deep that at the outer layers of your being you got confused and disoriented. It became quite difficult to keep in touch with the deeper knowledge inside, the inner level at which you are God and where you know that all is well.

The tormented part that arose at that time I call the inner child. Your soul, your unique individuality, carries within itself the extremes of a pure divine knowledge on the one hand and a traumatized cosmic child on the other hand. This unity of God and Child, of knowledge and experience started off on a long journey. You started off as an individual soul. You started to investigate and experience what it is like to be an I, a defined individual.

God had transformed a part of Godself into Soul. The soul needs experience to find again its divine origins. The soul needs to be alive, to experience, to discover, to self-destruct and to recreate in order to feel who the soul truly is, namely God. The self evidence of being one and whole had been shattered and had to be regained by experience. This in itself was a great feat of creativity. The birthing of I-consciousness was a miracle! It had never existed before.

Often you try to transcend the boundaries of your I-ness in order to experience oneness and deep unity again. You might say that is the very aim of your spiritual quest. But consider for a moment: from God’s point of view it is the I-ness, the separateness, that constitutes the miracle! The state of being ONE was the normal situation, “how it had always been.” Within the miracle of being an individual soul lies an immense beauty, joy and creative power. The reason that you do not experience it like that is that you are still struggling with your birthing pain as a soul. Somewhere deep inside you the primal scream of anguish and betrayal still resounds: it is the recollection of being torn apart from your Mother/Father, from the omnipresent blanket of love and safety.

On your journey through time and experience you have gone through so many things. You have tried all different kinds of forms. There were quite a lot of incarnations in which you did not have the form of the human body, but that is not so relevant now. What matters to me in this context is that throughout this very long history, you were guided by two different motives. On the one hand there was the zest for exploration, creation and renewal and on the other hand there was the homesickness, the sense of being cast out of paradise and an overpowering loneliness.

By the adventurous, progressive part in yourself, the energy which pushed you out of the cosmic womb, you have experienced and created a lot. But due to the birthing pain and homesickness you carried within, you also had to deal with a lot of trauma and disillusion. Your creations were therefore not always benevolent. During your journeys through time and space you have done things you have regretted later on – things you might call “bad” (in quotation marks). These actions were, from our perspective, merely the result of the determination to plunge into experience and venture into the unknown. You see, as soon as you decide to become an individual, to break away from the self evident oneness, you cannot experience light only. You have to find out everything anew. So you will also experience the dark. You will experience all there is, up to all the extremes.

At your present point of evolution, you come to realize that everything stands or falls with the power to truly embrace your “I-ness.” It is about truly embracing your own divinity and from that self-awareness, experiencing joy and abundance. In the moment of your cosmic birth, the moment that desolation and pain enveloped you, you started to feel tiny and insignificant. From that moment on, you started to look for something that could save you – a power or force outside of you, a god, a leader, a partner, a child, etc. In the awakening process that you are now experiencing, you realize that the essential safety you are longing for is not to be found in anything outside of you, whether it is a parent, a lover or a god. However strongly this longing or homesickness may be triggered in a particular relationship, you will not find this essential safety there, not even in a relationship with God.

For the God you believe in, the God who has been handed down to you by tradition and who still heavily influences your perception, is a God outside of you. It is a God who outlines things for you, who lays out the way for you. But that God does not exist. You are God, you are that creative part of God who decided to go its own way and to experience things in a wholly different way. You had the confidence that you would be able to heal yourself from the primal wound of birth. You could say that the expansive energy of exploration and renewal is a male energy, whereas the energy of unification, joining together, the energy of Home, is a female energy. Both these energies belong to the essence of who you are. As a soul you are neither male nor female. Essentially you are both male and female. You started your journey with both these ingredients. And now the time has come to let them work together in harmony which means to truly experience wholeness in yourself. After having denied your own greatness for such a long time, you will start to realize finally that there is no alternative but to be the God you are longing for.

This is the ultimate breakthrough to enlightenment: to realize that you yourself are the God you are craving. There is nothing outside you that can bring you into the heart of your own power, your own wholeness. You are it, you are the one and you have always been the one! You have always been waiting for you.

To light this flame of self awareness within brings such joy, such a deep sense of homecoming that it puts all of your relationships into a new perspective. For example you feel less concerned about the things that other people tell you. If someone criticises or distrusts you, you do not automatically take it personally. You feel less affected or eager to react. You let it go more easily and the need to defend yourself, both to yourself and to the other person, drops away. When you are easily affected emotionally by what another person thinks of you, this indicates that inwardly there is a self contempt that makes you give credit to the negative opinions of others. You do not solve this self contempt by seeking out a conflict with the other but only by going inward and getting in touch with the emotional wounds within yourself. These are much older than this specific moment of rejection.

In fact all pain of rejection, all relationship pain, goes back to the original, unhealed birthing pain. It may seem as if I’m taking a huge step here for there are all kinds of complex situations in relationships which seem to indicate that the cause lies closer. It may seem as if your pain is caused by something your partner has done or not done. It may seem as if something outside of you causes the pain. And therefore you think that the solution to your problem lies in the behavior of the other. But let me tell you: fundamentally you are working on healing an ancient pain within yourself. If you are not aware of this, you may easily get entangled in relationship issues that can be extremely painful.

Especially in male/female relationships (love relationships), you frequently try to forge a kind of unity and safety between you that resembles the primeval state of oneness that you vaguely remember. Subconsciously you are trying to recreate the feeling of being comfortably wrapped in a blanket of unconditional love and acceptance. There is a child within you who is crying out for that unconditional acceptance. However if this child in you puts his or her arms around the child part in your partner, too often it results in a suffocating grasp that blocks both partners from genuine self expression.

What happens is that you become emotionally dependent, and then you are going to need the love or approval of the other person for your well-being. Dependence always calls into being power and control issues, for to need someone is equal to wanting to control his or her behavior. This is the beginning of a destructive relationship. To give up your individuality in a relationship, guided by a subconscious longing for absolute unity, is destructive towards yourself as well as towards the other person.

True love between two people shows two energy fields that can function in complete independence from each other. Each energy field is a unity unto itself and connects to the other on the basis of that unity. In relationships in which partners are dependent upon each other, you will find an uncoordinated striving for “organic wholeness,” not wanting or being able to function without the other. This leads to an entanglement of energies which can be observed in the auric fields as energy cords by which the partners feed each other. They feed themselves with the addictive energies of dependence and control. This kind of energy entanglement indicates that you do not take responsibility for yourself, that you do not face up to the old soul wound that only you can heal. If only you would address this deepest pain and take responsibility, you would see that you do not ever need someone else to be whole and you will liberate yourself from the destructive aspect of the relationship.

Karmic relations

In this context I would like to say something about karmic relationships. By this I mean relationships between people who have known each other in other lifetimes and who have experienced intense emotions with regard to each other. The hallmark of a karmic relationship is that the partners carry unresolved emotions within such as guilt, fear, dependence, jealousy, anger or something of the kind. Because of this unresolved emotional charge, they feel drawn to each other in another incarnation. The aim of the renewed encounter is to provide an opportunity to resolve the issue at hand. This happens by recreating the same issue in a short period of time. When they first meet, the karmic “players” feel a compelling urge to get nearer to each other and after some time they start to repeat their old emotional role patterns. The stage has now been set to face the old issue anew and perhaps handle it in a more enlightened way. The spiritual purpose of the renewed encounter is for both partners to make other choices than they made during that former lifetime.

I am going to give an example here. Imagine a woman who, in a previous lifetime, had a husband who was quite possessive and bossy. For a while she accepted this but at a certain point she decided it was enough and she broke off the relationship. Afterwards the husband committed suicide. The woman felt remorse. She believed that she was guilty. Shouldn’t she have given him another chance? She carried this sense of guilt with her for the rest of her life.

In another lifetime they meet again. There is an odd attraction between them. At first, the man is exceptionally charming and she is the center of his attention. He adores her. They enter into a relationship. But from now on he becomes increasingly jealous and possessive. He suspects her of adultery. She finds herself in an inner struggle. She is angry and upset that he wrongly accuses her but she also feels a strange obligation to be forgiving and to give him another chance. He is a wounded man, she thinks; he cannot help it that he has this fear of being abandoned. Maybe I can help him get over this. She justifies her behavior in this way but in fact she allows her personal boundaries to be violated. The relationship negatively affects her self esteem.

The most liberating choice for the woman would now be to break off the relationship and go her own way without feelings of guilt. The pain and fear of the husband are not her responsibility. His pain and her sense of guilt have led to a destructive relationship. Their relationship was already emotionally charged because of another lifetime. The meaning of the renewed encounter is that the woman must learn to let things go without feelings of guilt and that the man must learn to stand on his own feet emotionally. So the only real solution is to break off the relationship. The solution for the woman’s karma is to let go of her sense of guilt once and for all. The mistake she made in her former lifetime was not that she abandoned her husband but that she felt responsible for his suicide. The departure of his wife in this lifetime would confront the husband again with his own pain and fear and it would offer him a new opportunity to face these emotions instead of escaping them.

You may recognize a karmic encounter by the fact that the other person immediately feels strangely familiar to you. Quite often there also is a mutual attraction, something compelling in the air which urges you to be together and to discover each other. If the opportunity is available, this strong attraction may grow into a love relationship or a heavy infatuation. The emotions you experience may be so overwhelming that you think you have met your twin soul. However things are not as they seem. In such a relationship there will always be problems which sooner or later will surface. Often the partners become involved in a psychological conflict that has power, control and dependence as the main ingredients. By this they repeat a tragedy which they subconsciously recognize from a former lifetime. In a past life they could have been lovers, parent and child, boss and subordinate, or some another type of relationship. But always they touched a deep inner pain in each other by acts of unfaithfulness, abuse of power or, by contrast, too strong an affection. There was a profound encounter between them which caused deep scars and emotional trauma. That is why the forces of attraction as well as repulsion can be so violent when they meet again in a new incarnation.

The spiritual invitation to all souls who are energetically entangled in such a way is let each other go and become “entities-unto-themselves,” free and independent. Karmic relationships as mentioned here are almost never long-term, stable, loving relationships. They are destructive rather than healing relationships. Quite often the basic purpose of the encounter is to succeed in letting each other go. This is something that could not be done in one or more past lifetimes but now there is another opportunity to release each other in love.

If you find yourself in a relationship that is characterized by intense emotions, that evokes a lot of pain and grief but from which you cannot break free, please realize that nothing obligates you to stay with the other person. Also do realize that intense emotions more often refer to deep pain rather than to mutual love. The energy of love is essentially calm and peaceful, light-hearted and inspiring. It is not heavy, exhausting and tragic. If a relationship gets these traits, it is time to let it go rather than “work on it” once again.

Sometimes you convince yourselves that you have to stay together because you “share karma” and you have “to work things out together.” You call upon the nature of karma as an argument for prolonging the relationship, while you are both suffering immensely. In fact you are distorting the concept of karma here. You do not work out karma together; karma is an individual thing. The karma at stake in such relationships as mentioned before often requires that you let go completely, that you withdraw from such a relationship in order to experience that you are whole unto yourself. Again, resolving karma is something you do on your own. Another person may touch or trigger something inside you that creates a lot of drama between you. But it remains your sole task and challenge to deal with your own inner hurt, not with the other person’s issues. You only have responsibility for yourself.

This is important to realize because it is one of the main pitfalls in relationships. You are not responsible for your mate and your mate is not responsible for you. The solution to your problems does not lie in the behavior of the other person. Sometimes you are so connected to the inner child of your partner, the emotionally hurt part inside, that you feel you are the one to “rescue” it. Or your partner may be trying the same with you. But this is not going to work. You will be reinforcing emotions of powerlessness and victimhood in the other person, whereas it would be more helpful ultimately if you drew the line and stood up for yourself. It is your destination to be able to feel whole and complete, entirely on your own. That is the most important condition for a truly fulfilling relationship.

Healing relationships

There are healing and there are destructive relationships. A characteristic of healing relationships is that the partners respect each other as they are, without trying to change each other. They take much pleasure in each other’s company but they do not feel uneasy, desperate or lonely if the other person is not around. In this kind of relationship you offer understanding, support and encouragement to your loved one without trying to solve their problems. There is freedom and peace in the relationship. Of course there may be misunderstandings now and then, but the emotions they bring up are short-lived. Both partners are prepared to forgive. There is a heart connection between them as a result of which they will not take the other person’s emotions or mistakes personally. Because it does not trigger a deeper layer of pain, they do not attach so much importance to it. Emotionally both partners are independent. They draw their strength and well-being not from the approval or the presence of their mate. He or she does not fill a gap in their lives but adds something new and vital.

In a healing relationship partners may also know each other from one or more past lifetimes. But in these cases there is hardly ever an emotional karmic burden as described above. The two souls may have known each other in a past life in a way that was essentially encouraging and supporting. As friends, partners or as parent and child, they have recognized each other as soul mates. This creates an indissoluble bond throughout several lives.

I will give another example. A young man grows up in a poor family somewhere in the Middle Ages. He is gentle and sensitive by nature and he does not fit in very well with his surroundings. His family consists of hard working, rather rough people who think little of his dreamy, unpractical nature. When he is grown up, he enters a monastery. He is not really happy here either, for life is tightly regulated and there is little human warmth or companionship among the people living there. There is however one man who is a bit different. It is a priest who has a higher rank but who has no air of authority and who is truly interested in him. Now and then he inquires how things are going and he allots him a few pleasant jobs like gardening. Each time they look at each other there is a sense of recognition, something like-minded between them. There is a silent connection from the heart. Although they do not meet very often or speak much, the priest is a source of hope and encouragement for the young man.

In a following lifetime this man is a woman. Once again she has a gentle and dreamy nature. She has difficulties standing up for herself. When she is an adult she gets bogged down in a marriage with a man who is authoritarian and bossy. At first she fell for his distinct, powerful charisma but later on she realizes how his dominance restricts and oppresses her. Nevertheless she finds it very difficult to set herself free from him. At her work she sometimes mentions the subject to a colleague, a somewhat older man. He encourages her to stand up for herself and to stay true to her own needs. Each time she speaks with him she intuitively knows that he is right. Then after a great deal of inner conflict she divorces her husband. The contact with her colleague changes now. She feels affection for him. He turns out to be single. She feels so much at ease with him that it seems as if they have known each other for ages. They start a relationship which is affectionate, relaxed and encouraging for both of them. The sympathy which was flowing between them in a former lifetime now takes shape as a fulfilling relationship as husband and wife.

This is a healing relationship. The woman has taken an essential decision in leaving her husband and choosing for herself. With this she has affirmed her emotional independence. This has created the basis for a loving, well-balanced relationship with a congenial soul.

Twin souls

At this point I would like to say something about the concept of twin souls, probably familiar to all of you. The idea of twin souls exerts a deep attraction for you. However it is potentially quite dangerous, because it can be interpreted in such a way that it reinforces the birthing pain and emotional dependence in each of you, rather than resolving it. This happens when you conceive of the concept of twin souls in such a way that there is another person who perfectly suits you and makes you whole. This is the concept of the twin soul as your other half. You then assume that the oneness and safety you are missing so deeply will be found in someone else who is the perfect match for you.

According to this immature notion of twin souls, the souls are considered to be two halves who together make up a unity. Usually the two halves are respectively male and female. So this notion not only suggests that you are incomplete unto yourself but also that you are essentially male or female. You can probably see that this notion of twin souls is not healthy or healing from a spiritual point of view. It makes you dependent on something outside of you. It denies the divine origin which implies that you are everything, male and female, and that you are whole and complete unto yourself. It creates all kinds of illusions which bring you far away from home. And by “home” I mean your own self, the divinity of your “I-ness.” No soul is meant to be someone else’s other half.

Twin souls do exist and they literally are what the word implies: they are twins. They are souls with the same “feeling tone” or vibration, or you could say with the same birthing time, as is the case with biological twins. The particular time of birth, this unique moment in time and place, makes for a uniquely charged feeling tone inside the souls that come to life. They are not dependent upon each other in any way. They are neither male nor female. But they are certainly tuned into each other as kindred spirits.

What is the reason for the creation of twin souls? Why do they exist? You often think that the raison d’être for something is the learning process it effects. But this is not the case with twin souls. The reason for the existence of twin souls is not to learn something. The aim is simply joy and creativity. Twin souls have no function within duality. You will meet your twin soul when you are transcending duality, when you identify yourself again with the God inside yourself who is whole and undivided and who is able to take any form or appearance. Twin souls meet again on their journey back home.

Let us go back for a moment to the beginning of the journey. The moment you leave the state of oneness and become an individual, you enter duality. Suddenly there is dark and light, great and small, sick and healthy, etc. Reality is split. You have no frame of reference anymore for who you really are. At first you took your identity from “being-part-of-a-whole.” Now you are a single part torn loose from the whole. But without your conscious knowing, someone accompanies you who is equal to you, who resembles you as closely as anything could. You took up “the same space” in the blanket of oneness, so near to each other that you didn’t know you were two until you were born. What connects the two of you is something beyond duality, something that antedates the history of duality. This is hard to put into words properly, because it defies your usual definitions of identity in which you are either one or two and cannot be both at the same time.

Now you were both setting out on a journey, a long journey throughout many experiences. Both of you have experienced the extremes of duality, to discover gradually that your essence does not lie in duality but outside of it, in something which underlies it. As soon as you become deeply aware of this underlying oneness, your journey back begins. Little by little you feel less attached to external things such as power, fame, money or prestige. You understand more and more that the key is not what you experience but how you experience it. You create your own happiness or misery by your state of awareness. You are discovering the power of your own consciousness.

Once you have gone through all the highs and lows of duality there will be a moment when you meet your twin soul. In the energy and appearance of your twin soul, you will recognize a very deep part of yourself, your essence beyond duality, and by this very recognition you will start to understand yourself better and become aware of who you really are. Your twin is a frame of reference for you that carries you outside of the limited beliefs about yourself that you took in during your life and lifetimes before. You liberate yourself by seeing this reflection of you in your twin; it is like a reminder and it has nothing to do with emotional dependence. Meeting each other helps each of you to be stronger and more self-aware individuals, expressing your creativity and love on earth. It accelerates your return journey as it helps you step up to a higher level of oneness while fully retaining and expressing your I-ness, your unique individuality.

Ultimately we are all one. We are supported by an energy which is universal in all of us. But at the same time there is individuality in all of us. The twin soul is to some extent the link between individuality and oneness. It is like a stepping stone to oneness. If you connect with your twin soul consciously and materially, you will bring about the creation of something new: a third energy that is born out of their combined action. That energy always helps to enhance unity awareness on a larger scale than just the two of them. Because they are on their way Home, twin souls feel inspired to anchor the energies of love and oneness on earth and they do so in a way that accords with their own unique talents and skills. In this manner the twin soul love builds a stepping stone between “being one” and “being One.”

There is a deep inner bond between twin souls but that does not alter the fact that they are complete unities unto themselves. Their joining together brings about love and joy and their meeting enhances creativity and self-realization. They support each other without falling into the pitfalls of emotional dependence or addiction. The love between twin souls is not meant to make each other whole, but to create something new: instead of the two becoming one, the two shall become three.

Healing the cosmic birthing pain

You will meet your twin soul at some point. Please let this knowledge be enough to you. Try not to dwell upon hopes and expectations that take you out of the here-and-now. What matters in this very moment is that you fully realize that the love and safety you deeply desire are present within yourself. The key is to realize that this absolute self-acceptance can never be given to you by anyone else, not even by your twin soul.

Not only in love relationships but also in parent-child relationships, there is the temptation to find absolute oneness or safety in the other. Think of a parent who secretly wants his child to realize all the dreams he did not fulfill, or a child who as a grown up still clings to her parents and considers them to be her absolute safe haven.

It is important to become aware of the underlying dynamics and motives in your relationships and to heal them in the light of your consciousness. Your cosmic homesickness is not going to be healed by or in a relationship. This will be done by you alone, by the full realization of who you are, by realizing your light, beauty and divinity. This is the destination of your journey.

Also you will not return to the state of oneness from whence you came. The “blanket of love” from which you were born constituted your embryo stage. Now you are becoming mature gods. You will create a field of absolute safety and love from your own heart and allow others to share in this without any conditions. That is the essence of God: unconditional love that radiates, creates and cherishes without any agenda, without any calculation.

I would like to ask you now to be silent for a few moments and to truly feel your I-ness, your unique being unto yourself. If you are surrounded by people, then for a moment feel your “I” very strongly. Unconditionally, you are this part of God. It is not something that can be taken from you, it is an undeniable presence that IS.

And now feel how this undeniable fact of your I-presence can be a source of joy and strength to you. Say yes to the miracle of your own being and embrace it. Yes, I am I. I am separate and unique, my own being. I may connect deeply with others but also ever remain an “I.” You may think that behind this fact lies solitude and desolation but please go beyond these thoughts and feel the power and vitality within you. If you really say yes to your individuality, you experience self-confidence and trust. On that basis you will create loving relationships and the solitude and desolation will dissolve.

When feelings of loneliness and desolation overwhelm you, take the child within you on your lap. Notice the hurt in this child. It is longing for the total safety it once knew as an embryo. It wants to see that safety reflected in the face of your partner, in the face of your child, in the face of your mother or father, in the face of a therapist. Then show the child your face. You have the face of an angel for this child. You are meant to heal this child in the most absolute way you can dream of. Neither I nor any “master” is able to do it for you. We can only show the direction. You yourselves are the saviors of yourself.

Finally I would like to invite you to feel our joining together for a moment. Even if you are not present and you are reading this material, feel our connectedness. Do not focus on the I-ness now but on our togetherness in a very free and easy way. Feel the energy, feel what brings us together. It is a longing for a state of wholeness. Now imagine that we are surrounded by the most powerful energy there is, the energy of your awakened selves, the energy of the angel within you. Let us breathe in this energy and take a minute to deeply feel its power.

Thank you for your presence.

© Pamela Kribbe 2006

- The Jeshua channelings are available in book form. -

- "The Lightworker Series" is also available as audio book. -

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