Cada árbol y cada planta del prado
parece estar danzando;
aquéllos con ojos comunes
sólo los verán fijos e inmóviles.

10 feb 2013

Overcome Tiredness and Feeling Heavy

Stop taking on the energy of others… the accumulation of other people’s energy causes you to become tired and feels heavy.

Gain more energy as you learn how to send back other’s negativity and keep their “stuff” from getting on you. Overcome your habit of carrying around people’s energetic baggage.

Setting Healthy Emotional Boundaries

Many of us end up juggling a dizzying array of stresses throughout the day. We have been taught to just “buck up” and take it, as if that’s just how life is… Stressful. But do you have to live as a circus performer, trying to juggle all of the many aspects of life? Is there a way to get through life without performing a crazy balancing act?

Perceived stress in your environment triggers an emotional response in the body. Stressful emotions held in the body may show up as fatigue, exhaustion, and nervous tension. So let’s start with these questions: How do you keep your environment from influencing your emotional/physical state of being? How do you set healthy emotional boundaries?

Let me give you one quick tip that can serve you to NOT physically take on the stress in your environment, so you can have a healthier and happier life.

You would do well to block the emotional triggers, by recognizing that what is occurring in your space has nothing to do with you… that’s right, I know it sounds a bit curious, but what if the emotional balls of stress that are being flung around you really have nothing to do with you personally?

By taking the Witness stance in your perception, you can observe the events in your environment as if you are watching a movie play out. In my training with NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) we learn about a process called dis-association….

This is not “checking out,” this is powerfully choosing. When we take over our power of perception by choice, we have more control of what influences our emotional state and therefore, the stress on our life and body.

So it’s up to you, if you don’t choose to juggle with the stress balls of life, then you can simply set them down and make another decision… to leave the stresses where they are, to not carry them around with you or play with them. The next time a stressful situation occurs in your space, just observe it as “interesting,” not taking it on… this will give your mind the healthy emotional capacity and time to create a positive solution instead of getting wrapped up in a juggling act.

Choose to be Blessed instead of stressed. Just let the balls of stress be, so you can BE, less stressed and even, Blessed!

This tool is a snippet taken from Christel Hughes’ E-course, Lighting up the Edges of Your Boundaries, how to not be the dumping ground of other’s “stuff”. Whether you want to overcome worry and anxiety, achieve greater degrees of healing, break free of inhibiting behaviors that are keeping you trapped, or bring more peace and happiness in to your life, this e-course gives you the tools you need to conquer the inevitable stresses of life with determination and ease. Ultimately, you are sure to be inspired and empowered with a variety of techniques to apply to your everyday life for years to come.