What is your idea of success? Because the energies change so much
between generations, it likely isn’t the same as your parents’ idea of
success. A great number of human beings never feel fulfilled because
they are measuring themselves against a model of success that simply is
not theirs. Know that your idea of success and your child’s idea of
success will likely be entirely different, as well. Each generation
arrives with specific energies to bring to the planet, with unique goals
and aspirations. The best way to navigate your incarnation, and the
best advice you can give, is to follow your own unique passions and your
internal guidance system. Your soul knows exactly what it is in the
body to do and experience, and if you follow those inner urgings you
simply cannot make a mistake. ~Archangel Gabriel
Do you wish you were always in the right place at the right time?
The way you can ensure that is always the case is to commit to staying
in the flow. It is through the flow that the amazing synchronicities
that are the signature of the universe working in your favour are
experienced. Surrender, Dear Ones, and flow! Float and swirl as a
delighted co-creator in the universal stream of your highest good,
enjoying the magic and scenery of each Now moment like an excited child
on a ride at an amusement park, feeling the absolute joy of being alive.
~Archangel Gabriel