Cada árbol y cada planta del prado
parece estar danzando;
aquéllos con ojos comunes
sólo los verán fijos e inmóviles.

10 ago 2013


3 August 2013
Beloved and holy and only Child of our heavenly Father, Child of the one Source, Child of Light, divine. That is who you are. Take it deeply within the consciousness and contemplate what that means. I am the one known as Jeshua ben Joseph, Jesus you have called me, and it in great joy that I come to abide with you this evening in your timing as you have chosen once again to call me forth.
Always great joy of reunion; great joy of remembrance of who and what you are and who and what you have been with me as you would see some two thousand years ago. For as I have told you many times, there are no strangers. Everyone is brother/sister/kin to each other. Everyone is beloved of me and of the Father.
That is truly your nature: beloved. That is truly who you are and what you are. Allow yourself to relax into that love and to know that truly never can you be apart from the love that you are and the love that surrounds you. Never ever can you be apart from the love that you are.
Sometimes separated ego will speak to you and it will say, “Ah, yes, but there are bodies. What do you mean, ‘You can never be apart from that love?’ There are bodies, there are personalities, there are challenges, there are decisions to make, and sometimes other bodies and personalities don’t react to me in the certain way that would feel loving.”
And yet I say unto you, you do invite everything that comes to you into your awareness; not as something negative, but as a blessing. Even though it may not look to be a blessing at first, there is a gift in it. Sometimes it will take a process of time before it becomes evident, but always there is a gifting in it.
And you have proved this to yourself as you look back over your lifetime, back to certain happenings, that when they happened you felt it was the end of everything. “How could this be happening to me? How could anyone say such awful unloving things to me?”
And yet you have moved on from it and you have seen that truly it was the best thing that could have happened. It brought you to a place of understanding self-love, understanding that you are love and that you give love to yourself always. And it really does not matter what another one is saying or doing. That is their choice. That is their decision, their behavior, and it really has nothing to do with you, although many times separated ego will take it personally and will say, “Well, look what she said to me. Look what he did.”
Okay, that is what she said. That is her perspective, where she was coming from. Look at what he did? Well, again, that was his choice to come from a certain decision point because of times and experiences perhaps that he would have had where that was the expected reaction. But truly, it has nothing to do with you. It has everything to do with the other one.
And so you just stand in your love, giving love to yourself and giving love to the other person, because truly they are your servant. They have come to give you a message, a reminder to turn on the amplitude of the love of yourself, to bring it up a notch or two. Because sometimes as you go through the human life there are the decisions that have to be made and the challenges that seem to come up, and you allow your Light to somewhat diminish because of all of the outer that you have to deal with, seemingly.
And so then someone will come and they will be toe to toe with you and they will say something, and you say, “Oh, that’s right.” And you allow your Light to shine at least for yourself—the inner Light—and another person around you truly cannot miss the energy that you are allowing to come up in the amplitude.
And you come back to the place where you understand that never has anything ever been presented to you that you could not handle and that you could not see the blessing in it; perhaps not right away, but there is a blessing always in it.
So you have always been that which you are right now. You will never ever be anything more than what you are right now, and you will never ever be anything less than what you are right now, because you are All. You are the One. You are the love that you seek.
All of you have been wanting to know Home. You have been feeling…some of you came into this lifetime kicking and screaming and saying, “No, I don’t want to be here. This is not what I want to do.” But at the soul level you chose to be here, to be of service; not only to other ones, but to be of service to yourself. And sometimes you want to be reminded that you are Home.
You have said, “I want to go home.” Sometimes as the little one you have said this to the parents, “I want to go Home.” And they have said, “But you are home. This is your home.” And you said, “No, I don’t mean this home. I want to go Home.” And if they remembered their childhood, they would know what you were speaking of. But perhaps so many years and challenges had come in the meantime that they have forgotten that when they were small they also desired to go Home.
You all have been wanting to go Home; not to decease the body in order to go Home, but to realize Home even as you walk this lifetime, and to know that you carry Home within you. It is that sense of peace, that sense of love, that sense of being okay with no matter where you are or what you are doing, that sense of knowing that you are loved and will always be taken care of, because you will. It has been foreordained by you that always you will be taken care of and that you will always be loved, because you are that love and you have it within you.
Now, separated ego, which does know its I Am power, separated ego gives you many messages. As you are learning to live in this human life and as you are forgetting the Allness of Self, you are picking up old patterns of what has been in generational teaching; in other words, what the parents have taught you, what they have been taught, passing it down from one generation to another generation, on and on, and sometimes there will be one in the family who will break out of the mold and will show that there can be something more, and then there is a bit of evolution that happens with the family and within the friends, where they can see that perhaps there is something different.
But for the most part, you are molded by generational teaching and by what separated ego will say to you, because this is what the parents have known; this is what they know to share with you, and what the friends and the peers have known from their parents and their generational teaching.
But as you have seen with your news media, the world is getting smaller and smaller. You are beginning—sometime back—to be able to experience brothers and sisters who are many miles away, countries away, and see what decisions they are facing, what conditions they are facing, and your heart goes out to them.
The one heart that you are goes out and connects truly at a very deep level with the ones who seemingly are suffering, the ones who have volunteered to live a certain scripting so that that which is not like love can be seen and identified and changed. So there are many in your world who are now playing out great drama so that that which is not love can be seen and can be eventually changed.
And things build upon each other rapidly; in other words, there are changes that are happening now within your world which are speeded up from what they used to be because of your news media bringing you the information and because of your evolution of remembrance. And even if you don’t say anything in words—in fact, many times words get in the way—even if you don’t say anything in words, your heart opens and you extend love to the brothers and sisters, because you can imagine how it would feel to be in their shoes or their sandals. And that love is powerful.
That is what I want to speak to you about in this evening—the love that you are and the robot self of you that you have been up until a certain awakening point. You come as a small infant with remembrances of other lifetimes, other conditionings, other trainings, other things that have happened.
And then you pick up from the parents what they think is important and true. And you live for a while in an in-between state of remembering Home and yet seeing that that doesn’t quite fit the picture of the world of what is happening, even if it is a small world as you are just a small one before you have even gone to the grade school.
And you become more and more entrenched in generational thinking because that is what you are surrounded by. But then you are thrown into what is called the schooling and you get a wider view of, again, generational teaching and generational thinking, and you unconsciously take on some of those traits. It isn’t a conscious thing that you say, “Well, I want to know how to hate somebody,” but there may be a bigger bully perhaps in the class who gives you a hard time and you have feelings of power that come up as anger, that come up as hatred of the other one, because you don’t like that kind of attention and you want to get away from it, and so you become a bit of the robot reacting to situations and actions seemingly outside of yourself.
And yet everything that comes to your awareness comes by your invitation because you are strong enough and powerful enough to deal with it. It comes in perfect timing to help you remember who you are, to remember the love that you are and have always been and will always be.
And it helps you break through the robot self that has only been reactive and acting from a point of the generational teaching, so that you find yourself being interested in certain books. You find yourself being interested in certain teachers, certain friends who are asking the same questions that you are asking, and you find yourself in a new grouping perhaps than you were before and you begin to leave behind the robot self of you and you start thinking on your own, “What if? What if that which has been taught to me by my parents and by the peers, what if that isn’t all there is to the story or to the picture of life? What if?”
And as soon as that question arises, doors and windows will open for you to see new vistas, to see new ideas, new ways of being. And then, because of the conditioning of the robot self, sometimes the doors and windows will temporarily close again and you find yourself reacting, and that is okay.
Then separated ego runs in and says, “Well, you should know better.” But that is separated ego, and those are old “shoulds”, and you say, “Well, for a moment or so I forgot, but now I remember. Thank you for reminding me.” And you come up higher in your remembrance of the divine love that you are, the divine love that you have said at the soul level that you will come and example to other ones.
You will reach out and give the hugs. You will reach out with the smiles and you will say, either in words or in actions, “I am really happy to see you. I am glad to see you once again.” And you will look deep within their eyes and you will see the Christ of them; not just the personality of who they think they are, but the Christ of them that has come, volunteered out of great courage to live once again within the confines of human experience.
Human experience is not the easiest experience. I know; I tried it. And I ended up on a cross. You also have come through your crucifixions, sometimes physical, many times emotional, where you felt you had been nailed to the cross and you were suffering and you wondered if there was any way out of this situation.
And you did ascend out of it, because you broke through the robot thinking, and out of desperation you said, “There must be another way. I don’t like what is happening right now. There must be another way.”
And in that moment you give permission for a new idea to come to you, a new way of feeling about yourself and about others. It turns everything around. It changes everything, whether you can see it ahead of time—and usually you can’t, but looking back on it you can see that, “Yes, that was a turning point for me. That was a crucifixion. When my loved one said that he/she didn’t want to be with me any longer, when the son/daughter said, ‘Well, what you believe is not what I believe,’ and walked out of my life, those were hard times of crucifixion.”
But they brought you to a place of strength within yourself that you could not deny. You said, “This is who I am. This is what I believe. And no matter what another person, no matter how close they are to me, no matter what they say or do, it does not change who I am and what I believe and what I am striving to remember of Home and of unconditional love.”
And so you have come through those experiences and you have added unto them new experiences that then have added more “evidence” of your divine Self. Because one small pebble added to another small pebble added to another small pebble…after a while you get quite a pile of pebbles, of stones that you can work with, you can build with, and you do this step by step, pebble by pebble, little change by little change until finally you look back at the changes and you say, “Wow, what I have done in this lifetime, it’s amazing. I would never have thought that I could make such changes, that I could now believe in the love that I am and that I have to give, and I would never have believed that I would know truly deep within myself forgiveness; forgiveness for all of the other lifetimes when I have been so blinded by the robot self; forgiveness for the words I have spoken that truly another one has invited me to say so that they could come to their own awakening; forgiveness for every choice that you later on judged, and forgiveness of self for having forgotten, even temporarily, that which you truly are.
Each and every one, as you see an individual, is living walking love. Each and every individual that you see is here to example divine love and to remember Home. That is truly what they are seeking, as you are seeking, to know that place where you are okay, where you are accepted, where no matter what you do, you will always be loved; no matter what you say, you will always be loved.
Because you are that love. You have it within you and you express it, and oftentimes, because robot self says to you that it is easier to look outside of yourself, you have been able to give love and to give forgiveness to other ones easier than you could give love or forgiveness to yourself.
But now you are coming to a place of understanding that there is no separation between yourself and the one who sits next to you, the one who sits across the room from you. There is no separation, in truth.
We have spoken other times of the aura, the light energy that is around you that your scientists now can measure and your photographers can make photographic images of the aura around you, and you have begun to understand that your aura expands and intermingles with the one sitting next to you and with the one across the room, with everyone in the room, because your energy does do that, and even to neighbors and ones you don’t even see or are aware of. Because you are unlimited energy, as well.
Most of the time you keep the energy in check, because that is what robot self has said. “It’s not safe to put out too much energy. It’s not safe to maybe say that I love you. What’s the other one going to think if I say that? If I offer to give a hug to someone and they’re not a hugging type, what are they going to think?”
Well, maybe they are going to have to change their thinking, because you are approaching them with love. And maybe at first they want to put up a barrier, but you don’t see the barrier. You just see love. You just see a person who is a divine expression of divine love and you want to embrace that divine love that is walking around on two feet—or sometimes with your small pets on four feet, or your big pets on four feet, the big horses that you [Jim] work with, play with truly; you think you work with them. They smile inwardly, because they play with you. Sometimes they will hold still for you, and sometimes they give you a little bit of a challenge, because they’ll move out of where you think they’re going to be, and then you’re moving with a certain part of them and they think, “Oh, I’ll play a trick on him;” not in those words, because they don’t use words, but an idea. And so you get to play together, and it is a dance that you do together.
And when you recognize that truly every interaction with other ones is a dance that you do, you begin to understand the energy fields of ones and you begin to understand that the energy field of one who may be in deep meditation [Patrick] is truly connecting with the love that he is. This is what is happening, and it is a very good place to be, because the robot self is not in there blocking. It is very open in a meditative state.
So it is very good; I never take exception to ones who want to close the eyes when I am speaking. I do not take a feeling of being shut out, because truly when you get to the place of the Christ, you know that you can never be shut out, because we are connected at the Christ Self. But the robot self doesn’t always know that. But that is our dance that we do.
As you go through the next few months of your timing, you are going to be seeing more and more of the robot self of others coming up in actions, and you are going to be having opportunity to love them through it. You have seen already much of unrest in some of your geo-political groupings. Even in this geo-political grouping of what you call this country there is much of divisiveness and much of ones who will be into judgment.
And so in the next few months of your timing you are going to see more of that behavior and you are going to be hearing more and more of words that come from the robot self, the self that does not love self and does not understand or want to give understanding to that which is happening.
But the Christ Self will not be denied. And so you are going to be seeing, by the end of this year, a change; a change that you have prayed for, that you have asked for, and it is going to come sometimes in small steps and sometimes there’s going to be an “Aha!”, a change that is really visible.
Right now it feels that the robot self is in charge of many of your “leaders” who truly do not lead and truly do not try to be in touch with the ones they are supposedly representing. Each and every one of your “leaders” who has been elected as a representative has started out sincerely wanting to be of service, and they have found themselves in a robot situation; it’s called the “old boys club” where there are certain rules and you have to belong and you have to abide by old thinking, robot thinking, old thinking of what has been, “You’d better look out for yourself.”
But there are ones who are changing that pattern. There are ones who truly want to change that pattern, who see that what is happening is not for the best evolution of this collective consciousness, and there are enough of you who are seeing past the robot decisions; you are influencing, just by your visioning, the ones who want to make impact and make change for the people they represent.
Right now they don’t feel free to do that. They are in a robot situation where…well, it has been called the knee jerk; something happens and immediately then they have to respond in the old way. But that is coming to a place of…it’s already come to a place of being questioned. And it’s coming to a place where there’s going to be courage to act differently, to make new choice.
It is difficult when you are surrounded by robotic thinking that has been engrained in you, and then you come into a situation where you are surrounded by it and you are only accepted if you agree to those old-thinking rules. So it takes great courage, but you have ones who want to make change, and you are going to see changes happening.
Now, the next few months are going to be rather…mmmm, what do you call fireworks; explosive; and much of divisiveness, but that is okay, because that has to be allowed to clear the way for new choices to be made. And this is not only in what you see your geo-political grouping, but also in individual lives where ones feel that they have to keep on with what they have been taught, even though the heart may be telling them something different, even though the books that they read are suggesting that there could be other ways to look at things, even though the mate and the friends may be suggesting, “But have you thought about such and such?”
And they may say, “Well, no, I never really looked at it that way, but you know, I can’t do that. That isn’t what my parents taught me. That isn’t safe.” But you have planted a seed, and those seeds—because collective consciousness is changing—those seeds are going to grow. You are going to see changes.
So put on your hard hats, put on your fireproof jackets, and go through the next few months listening to the voice of the world and yet knowing that that voice is old thinking, and putting forth your own energy into love and into new visioning as to what truly can serve the brothers and sisters.
Many of the brothers and sisters, you have seen, are taking to the streets to make protest, to make their voice heard, because they know that what is happening is not right and is not beneficial. They are courageous ones.
You, in your own way, you don’t have to be out in the streets. You don’t have to be doing the sit-down protests, but in your own way you are putting energy into the visioning that you are doing, seeing that truly ones can be, for example, compensated at a good level for the work that they do.
You have a division in this geo-political country, a division that is mirrored in many other geo-political countries, of the ones who have the golden coins wanting to hold onto them. And the ones who do not have the golden coins are saying, “Hey, this isn’t really fair. This isn’t really how it can be.” I will not use the word “should”, but this is not how it can be. There can be a more beneficial sharing.
And so, again, with your collective consciousness changing, you are going to see some changes in the ones who have the golden coins being ready to change their thinking, and you’re going to call it a miracle, because it’s going to be a bit of a miracle, if they want to be benefactors and to change the way they do their business. And it will seem to be, and you will thank it and you will praise it as a miracle.
But truly, it is the only logical out-working of the visioning that you are doing, because all of you know in your hearts. You have a most wonderful writing, which was written by you as what you call your forefathers, but truly you are the forefathers, which says that all men/women are created equal and should have equal opportunity to pursue happiness.
You as the forefathers—and you lived those lives; you sitting right here and within the sound of my voice, you were part of that collective consciousness and you also were part of the ones who were incarnate bringing forth that vision, and it is time now that that vision come to the forefront once again.
It is coming, and you can add your energy to it by knowing that it is coming. Old thinking is passing away. (Zuvu: Praise be) Yes, exactly, praise be. Old thinking is passing away, because you have decreed that old thinking doesn’t really work for everyone.
And you have decreed that, “Maybe I’m getting by okay. Maybe my brothers and sisters are…mmm…getting by; maybe not okay. And maybe some of the brothers and sisters have more of the golden coins, but that’s the way it’s always been.”
Truly, that is not the way it has always been. You have known civilizations and you have been part of civilizations that knew equality and knew respect one for another. You knew your divinity and you knew that you were playing on holy Mother Earth or on some of the other planets or in some of the other galaxies—doesn’t have to be holy Mother Earth.
You knew in those civilizations that everyone was from the divine Source, and you knew that everything was safe. You knew you were loved. You knew you could do no wrong, because truly you cannot do anything wrong. Sometimes separated ego will say…many times separated ego will say you’ve done wrong, made a wrong decision, but then later you have looked back on it and you have said, “Well, you know, it has brought me to this place. Maybe it wasn’t a wrong decision after all.”
Separated ego has been your servant in this reality many, many times; so much so, that it feels real. And it is real—with a lower case “r”—but it is not Real—with a capital “R”. It is part of a construct that you have made as a servant, as a companion to walk with you and to whisper in your ear, “Hey, that wasn’t really the best thing you could have done. I don’t know why you didn’t think of doing something different sooner. I don’t know why you decided to do X, Y, & Z. Why didn’t you….”
Separated ego is very, very good at asking all of the “negative” questions. But that is what you have programmed it to do. That is part of the robot self. Now you are beginning…when I spoke of civilizations where you have known equality, where you have known divine expression that everyone comes forth from the one Source and you are okay; you are loved, and you never make a mistake…you have known those civilizations, and when I spoke of that, there was a knowing deep inside of you that said, “Oh, I long for that. I know that that is true, and I long for that.”
And your longing is going to bring it forth. It is a very strong force within you, the longing to know Home once again and to be free of the robot self that just reacts according to old generational teaching.
You need fear nothing. You need fear no one, no decision, no condition of the body, no condition of the financial numbers in your bank account. You need fear no technology, even though that is getting to be quite powerful in its own way.
But look at who is bringing forth the technology: you as the One. Maybe you say, “Well, I’m not, as an individual, involved in that.” But as we spoke earlier of the energy of the aura and the energy of being, you are not separate from anyone else. And so, yes, you have given your permission for the technology to come forth and for it to be used in a good purpose, a purpose that will benefit the civilization.
Maybe it’s not there yet, but your longing is going to bring it forth, because now you are remembering. And once that door starts to open even a little crack of longing and remembering, there is nothing that can stop the Light coming through that crack in the door, and before you know it, the door opens even further.
So I speak to you in this evening of hope. I speak to you in this evening of love. I speak to you of remembering your divine Isness. I speak to you of Home, and I speak to you of the longing to know the civilizations where you have played without a care of what you were doing or why you were doing it or how the outcome might be, because you knew you were playing as the Light that you are. And you danced upon the firmament of holy Mother Earth and any other planet in any other galaxy, and you danced because you were so happy. You deserve to remember that. You deserve to live that again.
Truly, the Christ child who has been courageous enough to say, “Yes, I will take one more incarnation as a human and I will live breaking out from the robot self. I will live the human condition, and I will make demonstration; not on a across, not a crucifixion of that type; it doesn’t have to be that way.
But it does have to be a crucifixion of the old thinking, and you are ready, willing, and able to do that. That is what I speak to you of in this evening. Take that power that you feel arising up within you and allow it to be expressed as love.
[To Patrick] Put the smile on the face. Know you how I appreciate mustaches? Oh, I do love a good mustache. She won’t grow one for me. But when I walked this Earth, I had a mustache. Also, I had a bit of a beard. I was quite pleased with the beard. But again, she won’t grow one for me. I have asked her (Patrick: Very unreasonable) Very unreasonable, I agree, yes. Most unreasonable, but there you have it. So every time I see a mustache, I am drawn to it. I admire it. I enjoy it. But I digress.
Allow that power that you feel rising up within you, that longing, that remembrance of civilization where you were divine, you knew yourself to be okay, no judgment, no old thinking, no wrong choices, only choices, only to dance as the Light. Remember that and bring forth that power and express it as love to one another, and you will bring forth miracles.
Know that truly I am with you, expressing through you as you express that divine love, and come through you every chance there is, every chance when you smile, when you love. When you reach out to another person, I come through you as the divine love, as the Christ Self, the One of us. 
So be it.