You and Source made an agreement to come onto the planet to bring
the energies that are uniquely you. The planet needed your unique
you-ness! To hide who you are in any way…to stay small or to not let
your light shine, is a disservice to you, all the people whose hearts
are seeking the real you, and your beloved planet. You are that
important, exactly as you really are. ~Archangel Gabriel
When you hold your highest vibration and stay in a space of
surrender and open expectation, you become a very helpful member of the
ground crew for the universe to work through. By staying out of
resistance and willing to assist in whatever way is for the highest good
of all, you act as a guide on earth and a reliable support. It also
allows the universe to move you into your highest desires easily and
efficiently the moment all the energies align to support that movement.
This is yet another example of why your own energetic stability is
essential for your own wellness, as well as the wellness of the whole.
~Archangel Gabriel
Why not make your sacred mission joyful service? It is a delightful
way of living that only supports higher and higher energy for the
upliftment of all. ~Archangel Gabriel
The mind can only process within the parameters of what it already
knows. The heart works with the endless potentials that exist in the
universe. To put it in a way you can easily understand, the mind would
have access to a singular book, while the heart would have access to the
entire library. Don’t you owe it to yourself to have the most options?
By following your heart, not only do you do that, but you also allow
your soul to lead you to the matches that so perfectly fit the
uniqueness of you. ~Archangel Gabriel