Cada árbol y cada planta del prado
parece estar danzando;
aquéllos con ojos comunes
sólo los verán fijos e inmóviles.

2 feb 2013

Test de los arquetipos

Carl Jung (1875–1961) – and Archetypes

Jung expanded upon Freud’s unconscious by delving into its elements and workings. Myths and symbols from highly individual and geographically disparate cultures were nonetheless strikingly similar, he noted, leading him to assume they shared a common psyche: a ‘collective memory’. Layers of inherited recollection went back to the dawn of existence, thought Jung, and have created ‘archetypes’: personality types or templates within our own psyche that interpret our personal experiences.

Archetypes are inherited emotional and behavioural patterns that divide humans into groups with similar traits and outlooks. Each type will contain elements that are part private and part public, part conscious and part unconscious. It also has both masculine and feminine elements and can be both moral and immoral.

To Jung, what feels like instinct is our unconscious use of archetypes. These fill the gaps in our individual knowledge with a pre-existing substructure of inherited experiences that have a tremendous impact on our perception of events.

Jung assumes self-realization is the essential goal of human existence: the archetype of the ‘true self’. This is an organized and harmonized character that seeks enlightenment, although Jung claims it can only be found by those that consciously seek it.