Cada árbol y cada planta del prado
parece estar danzando;
aquéllos con ojos comunes
sólo los verán fijos e inmóviles.

22 may 2013

Anita Moorjani

"Although I don't necessarily agree with her choices, Angelina Jolie is entitled to do whatever it takes to relieve her own fear of getting cancer. What saddens me however, is that because she is a public figure, her choice has received global attention and is triggering fear of breast cancer in millions of women around the world, who are now considering following her example and doing the same if they have a family history of cancer. That, to me, is a much bigger issue than what Angelina is doing with her own body. We have been, and continue to send the wrong message about cancer. Just because you have breasts does not make you more susceptible to cancer!!

It's time that ALL of us, particularly those in the healthcare profession, take responsibility, and shift our focus from being cancer obsessed to one of health instead. We have become obsessed with cancer awareness. If we talked about health as much as we talked about cancer, if we poured as much money into health awareness as we do into cancer awareness, we'd have a very different reality. So let's talk about health instead of cancer. Let's talk about what it takes to be healthy, what does it look like, what does it feel like. Even those suffering from cancer would benefit from this! Let's put those fear based cancer dialogues to bed for a change." ♥