Surrender and flow are assisted accelerated movement. Gratitude
steers the flow and provides vital feedback to the universe. Use them
together and you will move your life forward in a very profound and
empowered way. ~Archangel Gabriel
If you had a shiny clean picture window that glowed with all the
light that shone from within, you would easily be able to see all the
beauty that existed beyond it. But if you decided to pick up handfuls
of mud and dirt and hurl it at the window, and never bother to clean it,
soon it would be difficult for people inside to see the beauty outside
and vice versa. Dear Ones, this is exactly what happens to your
energetics whenever you indulge in doubt, fear, negative self talk or
any of the other tricks the ego self uses to keep you small. Do you
see? Practicing energetic clarity, meditation, focusing on what you
wish to have more of, gratitude, prayer – all of these are proven ways
to keep the windows of your soul crystal clear to allow the brilliant
beauty that exists both within and all around you to be enjoyed and
celebrated to the fullest. ~Archangel Gabriel
Dear Ones, please know that you make a tremendous difference! Your
unique vibration is a vital part of your beloved planet’s energetics
and is helping to assist her through the enlightenment process you are
all a part of. When you meditate, it helps. When you pray, it helps.
When you demonstrate kindness, compassion, love, joy, intention, flow,
surrender, acceptance, allowing, it helps. When you practice gratitude,
it helps. Every single time you decide to embrace your light and your
truth, it helps. Never underestimate the wondrous effect your BEingness
has on your planet and on others. You are far more powerful than you
have come to accept, and oh, so magnificent in so many ways! ~Archangel
The fairy tale paradigm is both the most powerful and the most
detrimental in your society. On one hand, it is powerful because it
teaches that dreams come true, and encourages the belief that you can
live happily ever after. But on the other hand, it glamorizes the idea
of needing to be saved, and worse, the idea that you can be made whole
from an external. How many people, to this day, just wish to be rescued
because it has been so romanticized? Like all other belief systems, we
encourage you to take from the stories the parts that resonate and
leave the rest behind.
A greater story, we believe, would be that of the girl who learned to
release her victim consciousness, to be her own hero and love herself
unconditionally, and by embracing her truth as a beloved aspect of
Source, shone brightly like a beautiful goddess, and from that firm
foundation drew in all the elements to create the life of her dreams.
~Archangel Gabriel
What is your idea of success? Because the energies change so much
between generations, it likely isn’t the same as your parents’ idea of
success. A great number of human beings never feel fulfilled because
they are measuring themselves against a model of success that simply is
not theirs. Know that your idea of success and your child’s idea of
success will likely be entirely different, as well. Each generation
arrives with specific energies to bring to the planet, with unique goals
and aspirations. The best way to navigate your incarnation, and the
best advice you can give, is to follow your own unique passions and your
internal guidance system. Your soul knows exactly what it is in the
body to do and experience, and if you follow those inner urgings you
simply cannot make a mistake. ~Archangel Gabriel
Do you wish you were always in the right place at the right time?
The way you can ensure that is always the case is to commit to staying
in the flow. It is through the flow that the amazing synchronicities
that are the signature of the universe working in your favour are
experienced. Surrender, Dear Ones, and flow! Float and swirl as a
delighted co-creator in the universal stream of your highest good,
enjoying the magic and scenery of each Now moment like an excited child
on a ride at an amusement park, feeling the absolute joy of being alive.
~Archangel Gabriel
A great many humans are consumed with a myriad of details and
decisions as they live their lives. Your life expressions have become
so very complicated! Most of these things are distractions to keep you
from stilling yourselves long enough to connect with what really
matters, your Self and Source. No wonder so many of you are feeling
stressed and battered! You are on sensory overload! Dear Ones, still
yourselves. Breathe. BE. Connect. Embrace peace and quiet, daily, at
least for a little while, and get to know your inner selves again. The
calm helps you connect to the inner and outer beauty, the true beauty,
of your lives. ~Archangel Gabriel