Cada árbol y cada planta del prado
parece estar danzando;
aquéllos con ojos comunes
sólo los verán fijos e inmóviles.

13 dic 2013

Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Monday December 16, 2013

Peace on earth is something that many speak of, both in connection to your holiday season and also for the future of your beloved planet. What brings you peace?
Many speak of a desire for peace, yet inner peace eludes them. Do you give yourself the love, the support, the opportunities to find and nurture your own sense of peace? Do you take that peace from within and share that beautiful energy with others?
As with all other aspects of great change, it must start from within first, before it can be an external experience. BE the peace, Dear Ones. Demonstrate your inner peace by living a kind, gentle and mindful life of authentic expression. Help others find and connect to their own sense of peace.
The greatest leaders and teachers on your planet have done just that, and created a cascade of peaceful potential everywhere they went. The changes you all seek in your deepest heart of hearts are truly attainable if you understand that they all begin with the spark of peace and divinity that exists in each and every one of you. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Sunday December 15, 2013

Worry is a habit that so many indulge in, not recognizing how energetically stagnating it is. People mistakenly think that worrying is noble, that it equates love for another, and it is somehow helpful to their path. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Worry indicates a lack of faith. It comes from a place of perceived powerlessness. It is born from fear and doubt. It keeps people stuck, disempowered and uncomfortable. Worry is simply letting the least empowered part of you take over and trying to create from there. It is like trying to run a race while sitting in quicksand.
Once you realize that you have an infinite ability to create the life of your dreams, worry becomes a thing of the past. Rather than waking with trepidation, you excitedly embrace each day, wondering what new wonders will show themselves to you. It is like waiting for a package to arrive in the mail. There is no need to fear it because you know exactly what you ordered.
The good news is, if you worry, you have already demonstrated that you can sit in stillness with focused thought. That is wonderful! So why not take that skill that you have already honed and instead use it to focus on what you DO want through meditation, visualization, prayer and gratitude? Any of those practices would feel so much better and provide much more satisfying results than you ever thought possible. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Saturday December 14, 2013

Dear Ones, giving from the heart is one of the most joyous experiences you can have as a human. Giving from the heart, meaning with no expectation of anything in return, is pure love in action. It is tapping into the energy of Source and sharing that alignment. It is being of service, and wanting to make a difference to someone from the purest heart space. When you tap into that endless wellspring of unconditional love, you can’t help but feel wonderful! It connects us all, it uplifts, it encourages, it embraces, it shines, it holds every single high vibrating energy you can think of. So, Dear Ones, this holiday season and beyond, understand that giving from the heart is one of the best gifts you can give to unite, connect and truly rejoice in the energies of this season of peace, love, joy and appreciation. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Friday December 13, 2013

Impatience is a very common emotion people experience, particularly during the busyness of the holiday season. Impatience is caused by resistance. If you are feeling impatient, you are wishing yourself out of your Now moment. You are seeing things as being wrong and focused on the future. Impatience often comes with a feeling of powerlessness, frustration, anxiety and anger.
Dear Ones, impatience is very hard on you physically, emotionally and energetically. Thankfully, with your awareness and intention, you can shift yourself out of the energies of impatience very quickly. If you are feeling impatient, one of the best things you can do is to stop and take a few deep breaths. Once you have become centred back in your body in the Now moment, take a moment to see the blessings that are all around you.
Rather than focusing on what still needs to be done, celebrate how much you have already accomplished with your day. If you are forced to wait, take a moment to practice one word affirmations, visualization, or waking meditation. Talk to your guides! Surrender. Accept. Allow. Trust that your soul, along with the universe, has you in that situation for a reason! Why not turn the pause in your day into an opportunity to silently send blessings and love to the people around you? See it as being stopped to be a support for others and to be of service.
The truth is there is never anything wrong, only a universe that is always conspiring to assist you. If you trust in that, and embrace all of your Now moments, you find delightful pockets of joy and opportunity everywhere you go. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Thursday December 12, 2013

What if, when you went about your daily activities, you consciously looked for things you liked about every single person you came in contact with? Many humans are in the habit of looking for what they do not like in others for contrast and self definition. We are suggesting you begin actively looking for what you like in others.
Make a commitment to do it all day long. It could be a person’s smile, their courtesy, their mindfulness, their generosity, their kindness…just whatever stands out to you as a lovely aspect that shines from them. As you start to appreciate other people’s beauty and divinity, you will start to feel much more love. You will feel a far greater enjoyment of your fellow human beings. You will embrace unity. Further, you will find your interactions with others far more pleasant because what you focus on you get more of.
Each and every trait you celebrate in others, you yourself hold energetically. You would not be able to recognize it in others if it were not so. So why not make this your new habit? Why not commit to always focusing on the glorious goodness of others, and the glorious goodness in yourself, as well? Be a celebrator of the divinity that exists in everyone! That, Dear Ones, is the foundation of unconditional love and unity consciousness. ~Archangel Gabriel