Dear Ones, do you put off your enjoyment, your passions, what will
bring you joy, until later? Do you think work takes precedence and
enjoyment will occur if you have time afterwards? Have you noticed that
the time for fun never happens? Are you so exhausted from all your
obligations that you simply fall asleep before you can even think about
what would bring you pleasure, only to wake up and do the same thing all
over again?
Your joy is absolutely vital to your life expression. It is through
your interests and pleasures that you find balance, connection,
enjoyment and beauty in your life. It is through those interests you
embrace the Now moment and align with Source. There is nothing noble
about ignoring those things, in fact, to do so will ensure your falling
out of balance and will lead to a life of drudgery, discomfort and
Making time for yourself to rejuvenate and find pleasure is not
frivolous in any way! It is essential to your wellness and your life
expression. It supports balance and wellness for yourself, and creates a
wonderful model for your children to follow. It also anchors a higher
vibrating energy that not only serves you, but your beloved planet as
well. It is time to release the old model of no pain, no gain and
embrace the path of passion and joy. It is what your soul craves to do
and is the way of the New Earth. It is time. ~Archangel Gabriel
Trust is one of the most difficult elements for enlightening human
beings. They tend to be able to demonstrate faith and trust for short
amounts of time, but struggle to stay in those elements consistently for
longer amounts of time. Trust is not just an act of faith in spirit.
Trust also involves recognizing your own divinity and your worthiness as
part of the whole. What you will find is the more you can practice
self love and embrace your own authenticity, the easier it will be to
work with the universe and stay in the energies of faith and trust
because you will finally accept your worthiness as honoured and beloved
part of the entire system. Do you see? Trust is not just about having
faith in the existence of something more. It is also about believing
that you are worthy of that love and assistance. ~Archangel Gabriel
Many people read our teachings and think they would like to surrender but, because they haven’t figured out exactly what their beliefs are, they stall because they are not sure who to surrender to. Dear Ones, you do not need to have your spiritual beliefs nice and organized and tied up with a fancy bow in order to surrender! You may simply surrender to “more” if you are not sure what to name it. It is ironic because so many avoid surrender because they do not know exactly what they believe, but it is through the act of surrender, and the experience of the magic that comes with it, that people start to further define their faith and experience it tangibly in their lives. So rest assured it does not matter whether you have the name correct. Source contains all of the possible energies you could call on, so you simply cannot make a mistake. The universe will always respond, in an incredibly loving and supportive way, if the act of surrender is heartfelt. ~Archangel Gabriel