Cada árbol y cada planta del prado
parece estar danzando;
aquéllos con ojos comunes
sólo los verán fijos e inmóviles.

30 mar 2014

~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Saturday March 29, 2014

So many of you are such sweet and caring souls, you wish for everyone to be whole and healed, and become invested in other people’s healing journeys. Attempting to assume the healing of others will never work. You may be able to temporarily support them, but ultimately, they will not sustain it because it is not coming from their own foundation. If you really wish to have a positive impact on others, empower them to have the tools to create their own firm foundations and supports to grow from. Certainly give others a hand up and loving support in times of crisis, but the greatest gift you can give others is to help them discover their own ability to create their own healing and wellness. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Friday March 28, 2014

Surrender is the catalyst for true, empowered and lasting change. ~Archangel Gabriel


Daily Message ~ Thursday March 27, 2014

We cannot impress upon you the power of moving into your own authenticity and BEingness. Not only will it have a profound impact on your own life expression, it will also completely support all of humanity and your planet, as well. Each enlightening human being who has stepped into their authentic power holds an energy that connects to the next human being who has stepped into their own authentic power. This is what has created, and will continue to support and expand the enlightenment process and the anchoring of unity consciousness on your planet. Brave, beautiful and beloved souls, embracing their light and shining in their truth, emanating the brilliance of their individual and collective divinity to illuminate the entire planet – such a glorious sight to behold! ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Wednesday March 26, 2014

Focusing on what you like supports flow in your life. Focusing on what you do not like creates resistance, and blocks the flow. One feels wonderful and holds everything you wish to experience for yourself, the other discomfort and stagnation. Which do you choose? ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Tuesday March 25, 2014

Dear Ones, do you keep yourselves small and play it safe so you don’t risk disappointment? What a curious thing to do! You think, I won’t go after what I really want, because if something happens that I don’t get it I’ll be disappointed. So I will consciously choose to not have the thing I want in case I don’t get the thing I want. You are choosing disappointment to avoid disappointment. Do you see? You are choosing the very thing you don’t want!
You are sabotaging so many wondrous potentials in your lives by such thinking. Every great thing that has every happened to you, that has ever happened on your planet, has come from an opening to potential. If you do try to go after something you really want and it doesn’t work out, all that has happened is you have created an opportunity to adjust your course to get to your end result. You have gathered more information on your quest. And you have been living fully and honouring the nudges of your soul in the process.
So live, Dear Ones! Try things! Dare to dream. Open yourself to potentials. Your soul has worked so very hard to come into the body and be present during this amazing time on your planet to have experiences – lots of them! Be the biggest version you can of yourself and honour yourself by being true to what you are yearning to do. You will never, ever regret having the full experience, but you may very well regret never even trying. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Monday March 24, 2014

Staying in surrender and flow allows you to have the tangible experience of the unconditional love and support the universe is so willing to provide you. It lets you experience the magic of your faith in action, as a powerful and loving force in your life, that is always there to guide and assist you. As you feel that unconditional love, you will begin to accept your worthiness as a beloved part of the whole and a profound reconnection to Source that is incredibly moving and healing. It is all there, Dear Ones, just patiently waiting for you to choose as a new means of empowered living. ~Archangel Gabriel