Life is tricky for some of you, as the moment for humanity’s
grand awakening approaches. All the personal issues that you have
neglected or denied are breaking into your conscious awareness, quite
forcibly if necessary, and it can be very unsettling. All you have to
do is allow them to present themselves to you. You do not have to do
anything with them or about them; they hold an energy that needs to be
released because it is causing blockages in your energy fields. Just
observe them, experience the feelings they bring up for you — and just
observe. They may sit with you for quite a while, possibly being rather
painful, but if you allow them, they will pass, leaving you feeling
somewhat renewed or freed.
This is a time of enormous change in the way humans deal with one
another — change that is essential for you to embrace as you prepare to
awaken from the nightmare of violence, conflict, suffering, and betrayal
that has been endemic on Earth for millennia. Your true nature is
Love, because it was from Love that you were created, but your earthly
experience has been far removed from that because of the distrust that
separation has encouraged and nurtured.
The change that is required is for you to see, acknowledge, and then
release those attitudes that have served you so ill. Wherever you
choose to cast your gaze you can see the enormous damage that these
attitudes have been, and still are, causing all over the world, and you
can also see how totally ineffective have been your attempts to alter
those situations and bring in peace, whether it be in your own families
or between nations, when you “declare war on” the issues that you
believe need to be addressed. Declaring war on a situation, issue, or
problem is to make a decision that others are wrong, you (or “your
side”) is right, and that “they” need to be taught a lesson, which will
force them into line. And how many lessons has humanity attempted to
teach itself over the eons, and with what success?
What humans keep on doing would be amusing if it were not causing so
much unjustifiable and unnecessary suffering to so many. How many times
do people attempt to alter the behavior of others by disapproval or by
force, find that it does not work, and then when another issue arises,
use the same tactics? And the arrogance of the belief that “my team /
my side / I am right” is truly quite stunning. Finally, this is
becoming apparent to even those who are keenest to continue “shooting
themselves in the foot.”
Humanity has collectively decided to change its attitudes and
behaviors, and as a result the divine energies pouring down on the
planet are intensifying so that you have the strength to “walk your
talk” despite the ridicule and contempt that those who hold the reins,
and who claim to be wiser and more intelligent, shower on your efforts.
They cannot succeed, for it is they who lack wisdom and intelligence
and who continue to believe that their righteous and inflexible outlook
will win the day. They are riding for a fall, and it will not be long
in coming.
You, the enlightened ones, insofar as you have finally realized to
what a sorry state your old ways have brought you, must accept that the
people who have designed, planned, and perpetrated these corrupt and
heartless practices are themselves, just like you, beloved children of
God. It is therefore incumbent upon you to lay aside any desires to
condemn and punish them, and to ensure that any attempt at reprisals
against them is contained. Everyone who has ever inhabited the earth plane has at some point behaved atrociously – no one is without stain of sin.
Now, with God’s Love flooding the planet, the way forward is through
Love, compassion, understanding and forgiveness. Anything else just
hurls you back into the morass from which you are so successfully
climbing out. It may well be difficult for you to engage completely
with these new enlightened ways, but is essential for the awakening
process. Knowing this, be the calm, the peace, the compassion, and the
Love that your Father has instilled in you. Break the patterns of the
old order, and joyfully usher in the new Golden Age for which you have
all been longing.
Your loving brother, Jesus.