Cada árbol y cada planta del prado
parece estar danzando;
aquéllos con ojos comunes
sólo los verán fijos e inmóviles.

16 jun 2013

Se suicidan dos conductores de un programa de ayuda psicológica

Se suicidan dos conductores de un programa de ayuda psicológica

Here is some interesting commentary from Jake Eagle’s Green Psychology blog:

We also witness confusion from teachers who promote the illusion that we can escape human frailties and human suffering by relying too heavily on positivistic thinking to address existential issues. In our experience, supported by research, such methods can be repressive, and the benefits short lived.
Jake is a seasoned NLP trainer and the developer of Green Psychology, which offers a new perspective on individuality and personal responsibility. According to Jake, nothing can overcome a fundamental human obstacle. We are frail. We have weaknesses. We suffer. This is the truth and all the NLP in the world will not save you from it.