Cada árbol y cada planta del prado
parece estar danzando;
aquéllos con ojos comunes
sólo los verán fijos e inmóviles.

4 nov 2013

Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Sunday November 3, 2013

Many human beings who have been on their enlightenment paths are feeling quite challenged by the process. They have been purging and releasing, shifting and transmuting for quite some time and are wishing they would just hurry up and get there.

Dear Ones, there is no there. There is no point when you will stop growing and expanding, no magical place where you suddenly stop and rest on your laurels, as the nature of the universe is always to grow and expand. There will be, however, a far greater ease and enjoyment of the path, a calmer BEingness, a place of peaceful acceptance and flow that will be most delightful for you.

Rather than greeting the process with resistance, perhaps it might be nice to greet it with excitement and wonder. What if you looked at it as a wonderful treasure hunt, uncovering new gifts that give you direction to the next delightful discovery? To approach your path in such a way would set the tone for a much more enjoyable ride from this day forward.

We know it has been challenging, and we are truly amazed by all you have accomplished! Embrace the miracle of being in the body during this amazing time on your planet. You have front row seats for the greatest show on earth, and you will come to look back on this time fondly, we promise you. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Saturday November 2, 2013

We speak extensively of flow in our teachings, as it is one of the most important elements of enlightenment. Water is the substance that is most closely physically related to flow and is essential for your wellness, particularly during times of accelerated shifting such as you are experiencing on your planet right now. Water helps you move with the energies. It supports you, it absorbs different vibrations, it cleanses, and it allows your physical bodies to shift in the most comfortable way possible. Just as the tides on your planet move with the planets, so do you. By using water as a tool, by both drinking ample amounts, and submerging yourself in it (salt water is especially good for externally cleansing the body), you will be choosing to move with the rhythm of the universe, and assisting yourself in a very simple, yet very effective way. If you have allowed yourself to become dehydrated, you have allowed your body to enter into a space of resistance rather than flow. So drink, Dear Ones, drink! And if you really wish to support yourself, ask Source to bless your water beforehand, and you will be sailing through these times with a far greater ease. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Friday November 1, 2013

Dear Ones, love is, simply put, expansion and alignment with Source, which is ever expanding unconditional love. Love is a stream of Source energy which is available for you to step and into and use any time you choose. Some of you deny love, out of fear, which only creates more constriction, resistance and discomfort to whatever it was that made you think love was unsafe in the first place. Simply put, choosing responses of fear, denial and resistance is like placing yourself in a cage. Love supports growth and freedom. Because it is an expansion tool, wherever you allow your love to flow becomes expanded and nurtured. From that viewpoint, you could see love as a manifestation tool. What in your life needs expansion and growth? Try simply sending it love, whether it be to your own body, your human expression, to your finances, to your livelihood, to relationships with others. The act of sending love has much more power than you realize to transmute any situation. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Thursday October 31, 2013

Trust is such a vital element because it keeps you in the perfect motion and alignment for the universe to deliver to you all your greatest creations. Trust is the anti-dote to doubt. It keeps you surrendered and flowing and is always leading you to your highest good. Surrender, faith and flow are essential, but trust is the glue that holds that Divine Combination together long enough for the miracles to occur. ~Archangel Gabriel