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parece estar danzando;
aquéllos con ojos comunes
sólo los verán fijos e inmóviles.

4 dic 2013

Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Tuesday December 3, 2013

Your body has been doing an incredible job for you from the time you have taken your first breath. It has grown and supported you, and lovingly created a perfect housing for your soul, containing the DNA that will support you and your unique path. It has been using its innate intelligence to evolve and repair, to shift and regenerate, to breathe and perform countless functions, all to support your experience as a human.
Dear Ones, appreciate your body! Love your body! See it as the miracle of engineering it is and the constant support for you through all of your days. Nurture your body. Celebrate your body! Rather than picking on it for whatever aesthetic flaws you may perceive, why not appreciate it for its beauty and its many incredible functions?
If you begin to thank your body and truly start to show it love, you will enjoy far greater health and far greater energy and joy than ever before. You will begin brilliantly shining with a shimmering beauty that is far more genuine than anything you have experienced thus far, because you will have finally accepted that both your insides and your outsides are incredible expressions of Source, and that glorious congruency and unity will be a delight to behold. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Monday December 2, 2013

There is no greater gift you can give another than to encourage them to shine in their own beauty and divinity. It is so simple, Dear Ones. To do so is an act of love, and helps people reconnect with the Source of love that is them and runs through them. It is through that collective upliftment you will be anchoring the energies of heaven on earth and heralding in a new era of peace, joy and divine expression. ~Archangel Gabriel


Daily Message ~ Sunday December 1, 2013

Encouragement can be a vital tool for growth. You see this in small children. They will hesitate before trying a new skill, and often look to a trusted adult for approval. If the adult offers encouragement, the child will have the extra courage to try and move to the next level of accomplishment.
How silly it is to assume that encouragement is no longer required as adults! If you see encouragement as a means of showing love and support and having faith in another’s abilities, you can see what a welcome energy it would be for most. That demonstrated faith in another’s capabilities is sometimes all they need to start stepping into their own authentic power.
Great teachers and coaches understand the power of encouragement. It lifts people up, and allows them to see a brand new vision of themselves they may not have been able to envision previously. You can help others achieve all kinds of feats they never thought they could, just by offering some heartfelt encouragement. While you are at it, why not become your own greatest supporter by indulging in some encouraging self talk, as well. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Saturday November 30, 2013

Encouragement holds such a lovely energy, but you do not hear it spoken of often in terms of the enlightenment process, yet encouragement is such a wonderful tool to assist others and help them move forward.
The spiritual path, particularly in the early stages, can require a lot of courage – courage to change, courage to explore, courage to heal, courage to step into authentic power, courage to BE and know that is more than enough. Encouragement (in-courage-meant) reinforces that courage. It supports growth and exploration of self.
Dear Ones, support each other! Uplift each other! Help each other rise up and embrace the glorious beings you are. It only takes a moment to do, and it can make such a profound difference to others. You are powerful teachers by example, yes, but even more powerful when your message is, “Not only did I do it, but you can do it, too.” ~Archangel Gabriel