Cada árbol y cada planta del prado
parece estar danzando;
aquéllos con ojos comunes
sólo los verán fijos e inmóviles.

25 dic 2014

Otis Redding - White Christmas

Puertas fáciles hacia la Unidad por Fidel Delgado

una canzone per te ( vasco rossi )

Eros Ramazzotti - Concerto completo

Biagio.Antonacci - Pazzo di Lei (Concerto S.Siro Live)

Mango - Flor de Verano

Raggio di sole-Mango

Sensazioni d'aria-Mango

Mango - sera latina

Mango, "Sogni"

Mango - Stella del Nord


MARGHERITA - Riccardo Cocciante

Io camminerò - Fausto Leali - 1976

Gianni Bella, non si può morire dentro

Riccardo Cocciante Bella senz'anima

Rare 80's Mix

Rene Hamilton Interviews Kenji Kumara - June 19th, 2012.

Consiguen que los dientes vuelvan a crecer y sustituyan las piezas perdidas

Consiguen que los dientes vuelvan a crecer y sustituyan las piezas perdidas

21 dic 2014

Tiramisú Restaurante Artemisa

"You Little Fool" Promo Video

Elvis Costello & The Attractions, "Shabby Doll" - Imperial bedroom, 1982

Giving you more of what for
Always worked for me before
Now I'm a shabby doll
What's going on behind the green elevator door
With just a shabby doll

There's a hit man facing
A compromising situation
With just a shabby doll
And a very neat line in character assassination
She's just a shabby doll

She's just a shabby doll
She's putting him off and putting you on
She's just the shabby doll
You're swearing upon you know in your heart
She's gone you know in your heart
She's just a shabby doll

There's a girl in this dress
There's always a girl in distress
She's just a shabby doll
She's so sure she's self-possessed
Then again she's half undressed
She's just a shabby doll

The boy that I used to be
Showed no sign of sympathy
For just a shabby doll
I have betrayed you and me
And paid for my own bribery
With just a shabby doll


He's the tired toy that everyone enjoyed
He wants to be a fancy man but he's nothing but a nancy boy
He's all pride and no joy

And being what you might call a whore
Always worked for me before
Now I'm a shabby doll
Untie the gag the cat's out of the bag
But won't show his claws
He's just a shabby doll

She said you must be joking
Some things are left unspoken
You're just a shabby doll
He's lying limp and soaking
He was openly broken
By just a shabby doll


Diana Krall, Elvis Costello & Willie Nelson - Crazy (Live)

20 dic 2014

Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas - Tony Bennett

"Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas"

Have yourself a merry little Christmas,
Let your heart be light
From now on,
Our troubles will be out of sight
Have yourself a merry little Christmas,
Make the Yule-tide gay,
From now on,
Our troubles will be miles away.

Here we are as in olden days,
Happy golden days of yore.
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Gather near to us once more.

Through the years we all will be together
If the Fates allow
Hang a shining star upon the highest bough.
And have yourself a merry little Christmas now.

17 dic 2014

2 dic 2014

Relationships: Giving Yourself Up Can Kill You

Relationships: Giving Yourself Up Can Kill You

Relationship Advice: Be Willing To Have People be Upset With You

Relationship Advice: Be Willing To Have People be Upset With You

'I Lose Myself Around Others'

'I Lose Myself Around Others'

'Should I Avoid People Who Push My Buttons?'

'Should I Avoid People Who Push My Buttons?'

Being on Your Path - Dr. Wayne Dyer & Esther Hicks: Co-Creating at Its Best

'A Strong and Noble Heart' - A Saint-Germain Channeling

'A Strong and Noble Heart' - A Saint-Germain Channeling

LMTC: ARTICULACIONES (Problemas, artritis, artrosis) por Manuel Requena Usano

Enya ( Full Album ) The Best of Enya

Nanice Ellis: Worthiness – a Key to Emotional Healing

Nanice Ellis: Worthiness – a Key to Emotional Healing

'Changing Your Life: Go Beyond Limitations' - A Saint-Germain Channeling

'Changing Your Life: Go Beyond Limitations' - A Saint-Germain Channeling

1 dic 2014

La Herencia de la Atlántida

Ser el puente hacia la Nueva Tierra

Pamela canaliza a Jeshua

Traducción del inglés por Sandra Gusella
Queridos amigos, mi querida familia:
Los amo a todos profundamente. Estoy aquí desde un espacio de amistad. Soy igual a ustedes; no soy un maestro parado por encima de ustedes. Quiero estar con ustedes de alma a alma y también de humano a humano. Yo sé lo que es ser un humano en la Tierra y experimentar profundas emociones de dudas, de miedo y de ira. Quiero que todos ustedes sientan compasión por ustedes mismos y por todas las emociones que tienen. Pero, por sobre todas las cosas, quiero que sean conscientes de vuestra grandeza.
En este día y época nos estamos moviendo hacia una nueva realidad en la Tierra. Una nueva conciencia está naciendo ahora mismo. Es una conciencia que se fundamenta en el corazón y está basada en la unidad que todos compartimos. Todos ustedes anhelan que esta conciencia se manifieste en la Tierra, y viven para eso – es vuestro mayor ideal. Pero lo que me gustaría inculcarles es que ustedes son los portadores de esta conciencia. Esto no es algo que vaya a suceder fuera de ustedes. No es algo por lo que tengan que esperar, y no tienen que depender de otros por los mensajes o predicciones acerca del futuro. Ustedes son el verdadero centro de esta transformación. Son ustedes los canales de nacimiento para esta nueva energía, y yo les pido que realmente se pongan de pie y sean todo lo que son, porque veo a muchos de ustedes vacilando. Vuestros corazones están abiertos y se extienden hacia la nueva conciencia que está amaneciendo. Ustedes añoran intensamente esta vibración de unidad, pero también están temerosos.
Hay dos clases de vibraciones en la Tierra. Está la vieja vibración del miedo que los ha intimidado por mucho tiempo, incluso al punto de ir dentro de las células de vuestro cuerpo. Ustedes reaccionan desde el miedo y por mucho tiempo esto es lo que se les ha enseñado a hacer. Se les ha dicho que para sobrevivir tienen que actuar como una persona pequeña, no como una grande. Ser una “buena” persona muy a menudo es escuchar las voces del miedo. La nueva vibración es totalmente lo opuesto. Siéntanlo por ustedes mismos – ¡la nueva vibración está llena de alegría! Es evidente desde esta vibración que hay suficiente para todos. La nueva energía los alienta a ser grandes, a compartir vuestros talentos, a estar orgullosos de ustedes mismos.
¿Cómo se mueven entre estas dos vibraciones? A veces ustedes se conectan con la vibración elevada de la alegría y esto los hace sentirse extáticos, como si estuvieran un poco embriagados, porque les recuerda la energía del Hogar, la energía de vuestra alma. Se emocionan hasta las lágrimas y saben en vuestro profundo interior que: “¡Esto es lo que quiero!” Quieren esto en el área del trabajo y también en vuestras relaciones. ¡Ustedes quieren esto en todo!
Quiero ofrecerles un pequeño ejercicio. Imaginen que la nueva vibración de la alegría, la liviandad y la abundancia está viniendo hacia ustedes ahora. Yo estoy aquí, estoy parado en el centro de este círculo, y conmigo hay numerosos guías y amigos, quienes les están sonriendo, queriendo ofrecerles esta nueva vibración que realmente es la vibración del Hogar. Les pido que la reciban y que sean conscientes de cualquier cosa dentro de ustedes que se resista a esta nueva vibración. Nótenlo en vuestro cuerpo. Pueden sentir una tensión en el cuerpo causada por la resistencia del miedo. Lo que les estoy pidiendo es que identifiquen cuáles son vuestras partes que no pueden fusionarse con la nueva vibración. Y por favor, denle a la energía de la resistencia o del miedo un rostro y déjenlo que se muestre a ustedes como un niño.
Dentro de ustedes hay un niño que tiene miedo de rendirse a esta nueva vibración. No confía en ella, porque este niño no ha aprendido a confiar. Les pido que sean muy conscientes de este niño, porque ésta es la clave. Lo que veo que les está sucediendo es que habitan en dos realidades al mismo tiempo. A veces se sienten muy inspirados y elevados, y en otro momento caen dentro de la vieja vibración y el miedo los domina. Todo lo que sintieron antes en vuestro corazón, vuestra confianza, parece desvanecerse y se encuentran deprimidos o bloqueados para moverse hacia delante. Y algunos de ustedes incluso quieren partir. Es por esto que es tan importante que reconozcan lo que está detrás de esta realidad de miedo. Es un niño atemorizado y ustedes son capaces de ayudarlo; ésa es vuestra verdadera grandeza.
Vuestra grandeza no es tanto que sean capaces de sentir la unidad, sino que sean capaces de extenderse desde ese espacio de unidad hacia lo que está en la oscuridad. Si ustedes no honran y comprenden a este niño atemorizado dentro de ustedes, no pueden entrar totalmente a la nueva vibración. Entonces inviten a este niño ahora a estar cerca de ustedes. Permítanle que les exprese su dolor y déjenlo que lo exprese libremente, que incluso lo exagere. ¿Cuál es su dolor más profundo? ¿Está incluso dispuesto a estar aquí en la Tierra?
Es cuando ustedes están totalmente familiarizados con este niño, esta presencia interior, que pueden poner vuestros brazos alrededor de él y salvarlo del miedo que lo ha dominado. El miedo puede expresarse de muchas maneras. Puede ser expresado a través de la depresión, y también a través de la ira y de no querer ser parte de esta realidad; una desconfianza hacia las demás personas, o un deseo de escapar, y puede llevar a toda clase de comportamiento destructivo. Pero si ustedes pueden mirar detrás del comportamiento destructivo y ver el rostro del niño atemorizado, pueden llegar con compasión.
Hoy podemos hacer esto juntos. Entonces imaginen que tienen a vuestro propio niño en frente de ustedes. Está inclinado sobre ustedes mirando hacia el centro del círculo. Díganle a vuestro niño que está a salvo. Tangan en cuenta que experimentar la Luz puede ser atemorizante para este niño. Los invito a sentir la energía que nosotros, yo y los guías que están presentes aquí, estamos enviando a este niño. Nos acercamos a vuestro niño con paciencia y ternura. Lo amamos exactamente por quien es, en este momento. ¿Pueden ustedes recibir nuestro amor?
Sanarse a ustedes mismos realmente significa descender a la oscuridad, y la habilidad de hacer esto es vuestra grandeza. Ésta es la esencia de la energía Crística. No separa, no acepta una distinción entre la Oscuridad y la Luz, porque sabe que la unidad está en todas partes.
Hoy mi mensaje para ustedes es que ustedes son los portadores de la energía Crística en este día y época. Ante todo, ustedes lo aplican en vuestra propia vida. No se alejan de la realidad, no se alejan del miedo o de la oscuridad cuando la ven. En lugar de eso se arrodillan y le preguntan: “¿Dónde está el niño interior?” No le teman a la oscuridad, porque es vuestro miedo a la oscuridad lo que los bloquea para pasar hacia la nueva vibración.
Todos ustedes acarrean recuerdos dentro de ustedes mismos, no sólo de esta vida, sino incluso antes de ésta. Tienen recuerdos de momentos en los que el miedo los dominó y perdieron vuestro camino. Es por eso que ustedes hoy a veces se pierden y no creen en vuestra grandeza. Pero yo les digo: éste es el momento para el cambio, es ahora. Y vuestra verdadera misión no es sólo dejar la vieja vibración detrás y entrar dentro de lo nuevo, sino llevar la nueva vibración del amor y de la alegría dentro de lo viejo, sanar al niño interior, y sanar a la sociedad como es ahora. Porque ése es el resultado; esto es lo que sucede cuando las personas se sanan a ellos mismos individualmente; esta energía fluirá hacia la sociedad. Entrará en las instituciones educativas, incluso en la política y en la medicina, y la nueva vibración entrará pacíficamente, sin luchar.
Ustedes son capaces de hacerlo, y les agradezco por estar aquí hoy.
© Pamela Kribbe

Sitio en españ

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AWARE—AWAreness during REsuscitation—A prospective study - Resuscitation

AWARE—AWAreness during REsuscitation—A prospective study - Resuscitation

~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Monday December 1, 2014

Think of a professor who had devoted his entire life to the study of one particular topic and its history over the centuries. If you were interested in the same topic, would you go to him? Or would you listen to someone else who had studied something else entirely?
Dear Ones, you are the esteemed experts of your own life expressions. You hold, within your soul memory, the accumulated wisdom of centuries. Others may be well meaning, and may have considerable knowledge of their own soul paths, but you are the only expert on you. Listen to your inner knowingness. There is no greater source of knowledge on you, than you. ~Archangel Gabriel

PRAYER - Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee

We are all one (Subtitulado Español).mp4

Prayer for the Earth - Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee

Thomas Keating Centering Prayer Guidelines Intro

Cry of the Earth - Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee


El clamor de la Tierra  de Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee

Subtitulado en español.

29 nov 2014

~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Friday November 28, 2014

Having a relationship end and choosing not to love again is like having a car break down and then deciding never to drive again. You are severely limiting your ability to have the satisfying experiences you crave and deserve, if you are excluding such necessary elements. Choosing to retaliate in a way that denies self is only keeping yourself in the energies that upset you in the first place, and will only perpetuate the discomfort you are trying to avoid.
If their car breaks down, a wise human honours their desire for enjoyable transportation, does their research, and buys a new car with greater reliability and more features they desire. If their relationship breaks down, a wise human honours their desire to love and be loved, and from a new place of clarity and knowledge, chooses a new relationship with greater reliability and traits that match their desires.
Do not deny yourselves, Dear Ones, even if you have a disappointment. Simply learn from your experiences and choose again, based on your new level of wisdom, for you are on the planet to love, enjoy, experience and evolve. ~Archangel Gabriel

Jesus Christ Superstar 1973. Part 7. Pilate's Dream - YouTube


Blind painter Sargy Mann: Painting with inner vision - BBC News

Lissa Rankin: Can You Navigate Love With Healthy Boundaries?

Lissa Rankin: Can You Navigate Love With Healthy Boundaries?

28 nov 2014

Jesus Christ Superstar - Heaven on Their Minds

My mind is clearer now
At last
All too well
I can see
Where we all
Soon will be
If you strip away
The myth
From the man
You will see
Where we all
Soon will be

You've started to believe
The things they say of you
You really do believe
This talk of God is true

And all the good you've done
Will soon be swept away
You've begun to matter more
Than the things you say

Listen Jesus
I don't like what I see
All I ask is that you listen to me
And remember
I've been your right hand man all along
You have set them all on fire
They think they've found the new Messiah
And they'll hurt you when they find they're wrong

I remember when this whole thing began
No talk of God then, we called you a man
And believe me
My admiration for you hasn't died
But every word you say today
Gets twisted 'round some other way
And they'll hurt you if they think you've lied

Nazareth's most famous son
Should have stayed a great unknown
Like his father carving wood
He'd have made good
Tables, chairs and oaken chests
Would have suited Jesus best
He'd have caused nobody harm
No one alarm

Listen Jesus, do you care for your race?
Don't you see we must keep in our place?
We are occupied
Have you forgotten how put down we are?
I am frightened by the crowd
For we are getting much too loud
And they'll crush us if we go too far
If we go too far

Listen Jesus to the warning I give
Please remember that I want us to live
But it's sad to see our chances weakening with ev'ry hour
All your followers are blind
Too much heaven on their minds
It was beautiful, but now it's sour
Yes it's all gone sour
Ah --- ah ah ah --- ah

Listen Jesus to the warning I give
Please remember that I want us to live
So come on, come on, he won't listen to me.
Ah --- ah
Come on, listen, listen to me.
Come on and listen to me.
Ah --- ah

Tony Bennett - Christmas in Herald Square

27 nov 2014

~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Thursday November 27, 2014

Some human beings hold the idea that you can lose parts of yourself – that you can lose your innocence, that you can lose your ability to trust, your ability to love. In reality, you hold all things. You can never, ever lose an aspect of yourself. People cannot take parts of you away from you. There is always a part of you that is full and complete. What has happened is you have made a decision to allow those traits to diminish, to fall into dormancy.

How do you fix this? First, become your own loving parent and create a beautiful and safe environment for yourself to shine in your entirety. Then bring those aspects of self back into the light, integrate them back into your way of being. You are always whole, and wonderful and divine. You have simply allowed yourself to believe you have become divided, that you are broken. You can call back all aspects of yourself that you have given up on, dust them off and put them back into operation and start to experience the fullness of your being all over again, whenever you want. It is never too late to experience your wholeness, your completeness, your divinity. It is always waiting patiently for you to move back into. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Wednesday November 26, 2014

Your imagination is the tool the connects you to your highest visions, your inspired creations. Making time to play with your imagination is the ultimate in freedom, because it taps you into not only your alignment with Source, but also into a realm of endless possibilities. As children, so many of you were taught to dismiss your imagination, which was the beginning of your disempowerment.
Dear Ones, your innocence, your imagination is still there, waiting to be dusted off and rediscovered. Use it to create, to bring lightness and play back into your lives. Follow the imagination bridge to your greatest joys, creations, and discoveries, and you will be weaving magic back into your reality again. ~Archangel Gabriel

Jimmy Cliff - I Can See Cleary Now


The Bullying Dynamic Explained

23 nov 2014

T S Eliot reads his Four Quartets

Con la atracción de este Amor y la voz de esta Llamada

No cesaremos de explorar
y el fin de toda nuestra exploración
será llegar a donde arrancamos
y conocer el lugar por primera vez.
A través de la puerta desconocida, recordada
cuando lo último de la tierra por descubrir
sea lo que era el comienzo;
en la fuente del río más largo
la voz de la cascada escondida
y los niños en el manzano
no conocida, porque no buscada
pero oída, medio oída, en el silencio
entre dos olas del mar.
Deprisa ahora, aquí, ahora, siempre –
una situación de completa sencillez
(costando no menos que todo)
y todo irá bien y toda
clase de cosas irán bien
cuando las lenguas de llamas estén plegadas hacia dentro
en el coronado nudo de fuego
y el fuego y la rosa sean uno.

"Little Gidding" by TS Eliot (read by Tom O'Bedlam)

THE LION KING Australia: Cast Sings Circle of Life on Flight Home from B...

20 nov 2014

Ruth Moody - These Wilder Things

Battle of the Brain: We Want To Feel Safe, But the News Is Full of Panic | World of Psychology

Battle of the Brain: We Want To Feel Safe, But the News Is Full of Panic | World of Psychology

How Meditation Helps Anxiety | World of Psychology

How Meditation Helps Anxiety | World of Psychology

Forget Positive Thinking – Try This to Curb Teen Anxiety | Stress Better

Forget Positive Thinking – Try This to Curb Teen Anxiety | Stress Better

Clases de Canto - Basico (PARTE 1)

10 Small Physical Activities That Help with Depression | Reaching Life Goals

10 Small Physical Activities That Help with Depression | Reaching Life Goals

Les preguntaron que cambiarian de su cuerpo a adultos y niños

Sudbury Valley School con subtítulos en español

Despierta tu pasión


JUEVES 25 y SÁBADO 27 de septiembre de 2014

La misma sesión tendrá lugar dos días diferentes para que podáis venir cuándo mejor os venga.

Dirigida a familias, educadores y cualquier persona interesada en el proyecto. Hablaremos principalmente de los pilares filosóficos del modelo educativo Sudbury y también comentaremos algunos temas prácticos.

Nos reuniremos de 18.30 a 20h en la Casa de la Juventud de Colmenar Viejo: Carretera de Hoyo de Manzanares, 16

Debido al aforo limitado, para facilitar la organización se ruega CONFIRMAR ASISTENCIA y DÍA a través de nuestro email (el evento es totalmente gratuito): o bien llamando al 660 828 829 (Paula).

También podéis visitar nuestro facebook:

12 nov 2014


How I Lost All Cravings for Junk Food | NLP Discoveries

How I Lost All Cravings for Junk Food | NLP Discoveries

Effective Communication: Speaking Your Truth to Your Partner

Effective Communication: Speaking Your Truth to Your Partner

Relationships: Speaking Your Truth Without Blame or Judgment

Relationships: Speaking Your Truth Without Blame or Judgment

Relationships: Speaking Your Truth Without Blame or Judgment

Relationships: Speaking Your Truth Without Blame or Judgment

Relationships: Speaking Your Truth When it's Hard

Relationships: Speaking Your Truth When it's Hard

Relationship Advice: Should I Give Up Me To Not Lose You?

Relationship Advice: Should I Give Up Me To Not Lose You?

Relationships: Moving Beyond Codependency - Saving Your Marriage

Relationships: Moving Beyond Codependency - Saving Your Marriage

Relationship Help:I'm So In Love, So Why Am I Depressed?

Relationship Help:I'm So In Love, So Why Am I Depressed?

Relationships: If I am Myself, I will end Up Alone

Relationships: If I am Myself, I will end Up Alone

Relationships: Control and Resistance - the Relationship Gremlins

Relationships: Control and Resistance - the Relationship Gremlins

Relationship Advice: Controlling Behavior, Loving Behavior

Relationship Advice: Controlling Behavior, Loving Behavior

When To Compromise…And When Not To Compromise

When To Compromise…And When Not To Compromise

Ask yourself with each choice you make today, "Would I want this announced in the newspapers?"

Daily Inspiration

Ask yourself with each choice you make today, "Would I want this announced in the newspapers?" Staying in integrity means thinking and behaving in ways you are proud of. Be vigilant about your integrity - it will move you into the light. By Dr. Margaret Paul

What is my life purpose?

31 oct 2014

Mary Magdalene via Pamela Kribbe: The Essence of All Healing

Mary Magdalene via Pamela Kribbe: The Essence of All Healing

"You poked my heart......" © all rights reserved

Jefferson Starship - Nothing's gonna stop us now (Lyrics)


Emmet Fox
Lo más maravilloso del mundo es la Voluntad de Dios. La Voluntad de Dios para ti en el momento actual es algo glorioso y bello, realmente interesante y gozoso, y, de hecho, muchísimo mejor de lo que pudieras imaginarte si te pusieras a desearlo con tu mente consciente.
Es algo realmente desafortunado que tanta gente parezca suponer como cosa natural que la Voluntad de Dios para ellos, con toda seguridad, será algo aburrido u oneroso, sino algo definitivamente repulsivo.
"Supongo que es la Voluntad de Dios para mí, así que me lo aguanto", dice la gente cuando habla de una condición que detesta. "Hágase Tu voluntad", dicen los piadosos ante la muerte o la tragedia. Todo esto está completamente equivocado. La Voluntad de Dios para el hombre es vida, salud, felicidad y verdadera auto-expresión, y es sólo en conexión con estas cosas que podemos decir: "Hágase Tu voluntad".
Los problemas o sufrimientos de la clase que sean no vienen de Dios. Son indicaciones de que hay una lección que tenemos que aprender, y los problemas nos proveen justamente la oportunidad necesaria para aprender dicha lección, para que tales cosas no nos vuelvan a pasar jamás.
Todo problema es una valiosa oportunidad. La experiencia es una instrucción inapreciable. La Voluntad de Dios para ti es siempre algo gozoso y bello.
("Encuentra y utiliza tu poder interno" de Emmet Fox)

Wishbone Ash - Phoenix

Bruce Lipton

22 oct 2014 Sólo te pido que me escuches Sólo te pido que me escuches: Cuando te pido que escuches y te pones a darme consejos, no estás haciendo lo que te he pedido. Cuando te pido que me escuches y te p...

Conferencia Manuel Requena (Madrid, 15-10-14) sobre Los Mensajes de tu c...

15 oct 2014

Health: What Really Creates Health and Wellbeing?

Health: What Really Creates Health and Wellbeing?

Addictions: Inner Power Struggles

Addictions: Inner Power Struggles

Symptoms invite us to reconsider our maps

Symptoms invite us to reconsider our maps, revisit the terrain, revision our journeys, and reconsider our purposes. Finding that the map we have been using is no longer adequate is always disconcerting, even anxiety provoking, but it is the beginning of a process by which we come to a better map, a different terrain, a more considered life.

—James Hollis

The Sacred Science Official Trailer

29 sept 2014 El significado del desorden El significado del desorden: ¿Sabías que el acumulamiento de cosas en el hogar y el desorden están relacionados a diferentes clases de miedos? Como miedo al cambio, m... Desapegarse de heridas del pasado! Desapegarse de heridas del pasado!: La inclinación a vincularnos con nuestras heridas, en lugar de dejarlas atrás, hace que experimentemos constantemente la sensación de no se...

14 ago 2014

How to not feel alone

5 Daily Disciplines to Stay in a Positive State of Mind | Your Best Self

5 Daily Disciplines to Stay in a Positive State of Mind | Your Best Self

“But this revolutionary act of treating ourselves tenderly can begin to undo the aversive messages of a lifetime.” —Tara Brach

“But this revolutionary act of treating ourselves tenderly can begin to undo the aversive messages of a lifetime.” —Tara Brach

The concepts of male and female by Nikita

"Stage Beauty"
The concepts of male and female are explored as a starting point to releasing from all concepts into a real experience of being Christ. This is a really practical application of the transfer of training!

28 jul 2014

Haz simplemente esto

Haz simplemente esto: permanece muy quedo y deja a un lado todos los pensamientos acerca de lo que tú eres y de lo que Dios es; todos los conceptos que hayas aprendido acerca del mundo; todas las imágenes que tienes acerca de ti mismo. Vacía tu mente de todo lo que ella piensa que es verdadero o falso, bueno o malo; de todo pensamiento que considere digno, así como de todas las ideas de las que se siente avergonzada. No conserves nada. No traigas contigo ni un solo pensamiento que el pasado te haya enseñado, ni ninguna creencia que, sea cual sea su procedencia, hayas aprendido con anterioridad. Olvídate de este mundo, olvídate de este curso, y con las manos completamente vacías, ve a tu Dios.

Journey Beyond Words: Always It Is Your Thoughts

Brent Haskell article: Jeshua: On Marriage

Brent Haskell article: Jeshua: On Marriage

27 jul 2014

Walve & Delph Center: PARTE III - PREGUNTA A TUS GUIAS...

Walve & Delph Center: PARTE III - PREGUNTA A TUS GUIAS...: ÁNGELES DE LA GUARDA . TUS GUARDA ESPALDAS PERSONALES . Una vez que hayamos tomado conciencia de que el espíritu está en todas la...

Walve & Delph Center: PARTE II - PREGUNTA A TUS GUÍAS...

Walve & Delph Center: PARTE II - PREGUNTA A TUS GUÍAS...: Entrar el Vasto Mundo Espiritual Una vez que tomas conciencia de tu propio espíritu como vimos en el anterior artículo, el siguie...

Walve & Delph Center: PARTE I - PREGUNTA A TUS GUÍAS...

Walve & Delph Center: PARTE I - PREGUNTA A TUS GUÍAS...: Introducción : Aprende a Contactar y Comunicarte con Tus ángeles y Guías Espirituales Basado en el Libro Pregunta a Tus Guías...

25 jul 2014

Sunlightsquare-Pastime Paradise

Patti Smith - Pastime Paradise

Los 7 principios esenciales para el perdón verdadero de Nouk Sánchez

Oración Poderosa, de Nouk Sanchez

Traducción de la Oración Poderosa de Nouk Sánchez, tomada de su pagina
" Espíritu Santo , tú sabes qu e tengo miedo de __ (enfermedad , la vejez, el dolor, la ganancia de peso / pérdida, muerte , etc ) __ . Reconozco que este miedo me separa de confiar en ti exclusivamente y aceptar tu curación con absoluta certeza. Elijo recordar que lo que los ojos y los sentidos de mi cuerpo, no están viendo la verdad , ya que sólo revelan los testigos que el ego manda. También recuerdo que no hay nada en mi cuerpo o en el mundo que pueda causarme sufrimiento. Sólo mis creencias temerosas atraen el sufrimiento a mi experiencia. Le temo a la enfermedad, a el dolor o la muerte porque debo creer erróneamente que merezco el castigo por ser culpable . Y mi miedo / culpabilidad se manifiesta como "auto- ataque. " Pero lo que he olvidado aquí es que cuando estoy con miedo, estoy en defensa . En defensa sin saberlo, rechazo el amor como mi Santo y Ser invulnerable. En el miedo , rechazo la verdadera curación.

El miedo de este problema parece ser compulsivo, algo fuera de mi control. ¿Cómo puedo deshacer este miedo? Y el Espiritu me preguna: " ¿Qué te esta tratando de decirte este miedo? , ¿cuál es el peor resultado posible ? " Después de un profunda y sincera contemplación, a continuación, revelo mi peor temor .El Espíritu me responde con esto, "Cualquiera que sea , debes de que confiar que no es la voluntad de Dios ! debes recordar que tu tienes el poder de rechazar todas las mentiras del ego en mi nombre . Recuerda que todo miedo es siempre el miedo del Amor de Dios , independientemente de la forma que adopte . De hecho , con el fin de aceptar la Expiación ( milagro ) debes de rechazar en primer lugar, las mentiras del ego , aunque sea por un instante . Ese instante es suficiente para que el milagro se produzca " .

Quiero que mi percepción sea sanada más que nada en este momento . Elijo estar vigilante del miedo. Todavía puedo sentir miedo , pero me comprometo totalmente a renunciar a mi creencias de lo que me están diciendo estos miedos . Elijo la "negación verdadera " . Niego cualquier creencia de que el error puede hacerme daño .
Este tipo de negación no es ocultar, es la corrección en mi mente correcta y depende de esto negación.
En este precioso Instante Santo , abro mi corazón para recibir su milagro y confíar totalmente que mi percepción ha sido sanada . Gracias de todo corazón por este regalo . Amén ".
Traducida por Eugenia Ortiz


Querido Hombre, Dear Man

Pastime Paradise - Ray Barretto .



Ray Barretto - La cuna

“Prosperity in the New World” – A Saint-Germain Channel

“Prosperity in the New World” – A Saint-Germain Channel

20 jul 2014

Becoming A Loving Adult

Becoming A Loving Adult

Coming Home: Creating an Inner Sanctuary

Coming Home: Creating an Inner Sanctuary

Relationships: Do You Have the Same Conflicts Over and Over?

Relationships: Do You Have the Same Conflicts Over and Over?

Relationship Advice: Kindness vs. Control

Relationship Advice: Kindness vs. Control

Are Kindness and Tenderness Signs of Weakness?

Are Kindness and Tenderness Signs of Weakness?

Where Kindness Comes From

Where Kindness Comes From

Inner Bonding: Self Improvement, Self Help

Inner Bonding: Self Improvement, Self Help

On Being Helpless, Becoming Empowered, and Surrendering

On Being Helpless, Becoming Empowered, and Surrendering









18 jul 2014

Fidel Delgado presenta "Cómo Reciclar la Basura Emocional"


~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Thursday July 17, 2014

Dear Ones, you are presently in what we would call launch energies. So many of the old issues you have been working on have been, or are finally being resolved. It is like you have been trying to live a full, happy life with the heavy chains of the past around your ankles, and finally, after using much lubricant and trying many keys, the locks have finally popped open and you are stepping out of the chains.
For many of you it is a time where your inner work and the energies have finally moved into an alignment that is ripe for the next stage of your journey. With the planets assisting you, you are primed and ready for launch!
What will you create? Where will you go? It is common to suddenly want to hesitate while you are on the verge of great change. You are ready. You have worked hard to be where you are. You are worthy, and you have earned this! Keep your clarity, remember what you know, set your intention, and surrender fearlessly into this next amazing phase of empowered creation. ~Archangel Gabriel


Daily Message ~ Wednesday July 16, 2014

Consistently honouring yourself and your truth makes you a safe and predictable person to others. Because your choices are in line with who you really are, you will be balanced and comfortable, which eliminates the resentment and sudden outbursts that come from the discomfort of not honouring yourself, and also the guilt and hard feelings that are the aftermath of those kinds of outbursts. It simplifies your relationships because people do not have to spend time trying to discern if what you are saying is what you really mean, which supports true connection and flow. It will allow you, and others, to simply BE with each other because your relationships will be built on a foundation of truth, transparency and energetic resonance. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Tuesday July 15, 2014

Many of you have a belief that “nice people finish last.” Let us explain why that may seem to be true, but really isn’t the case.
If you are being nice with an attachment to an outcome, you are not acting from your place of authenticity because you are dependant upon a result to feel successful or satisfied, and looking for an external to make you feel whole.
Let us be clear. If you are acting a certain way to get a specific result from another, you are being manipulative. Can you be surprised if you then attract to you the result of feeling manipulated?
If, on the other hand, you understand that every action you take is an act of self definition, and you are acting from a pure place of truth, balance, authentic power and BEingness, your actions will be done for the joy of giving, loving and expressing self with no attachment to outcome. They will be reflecting who you really are, and you will absolutely see the universe respond back to that in kind.
The universe will always respond to the truth of your intentions. The more clarity you have, and the more you honour your own truth and BEingness with your actions, the more pleased you will be with your energetic results. ~Archangel Gabriel


Daily Message ~ Monday July 14, 2014

Ignoring your needs, your truth, in order to get along with others amounts to giving your power away. You simply cannot get where you wish to be in these amazing times in any other way than embracing your authentic power. Be your truth, Dear Ones, simply, clearly, and beautifully, and you can never, ever go wrong. It is the only way the universe can respond to you with the exact matches your soul is seeking. ~Archangel Gabriel   



13 jul 2014

~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Sunday July 13, 2014

It is far kinder, both to yourself and to others, to honour how you really feel before you make decisions of any kind. Many of you make choices automatically, with a desire to be kind, or to be liked, or to get along with others. While we celebrate you for your desire to be harmonious with others, it actually has a reverse effect if your decision is not in harmony with yourself as well.
If you ignore your truth and proceed to do something that is not in energetic resonance with you, in no time at all your inner self will start to rail against the activity because it is not in your highest alignment. You will start to feel bad, which is an indicator that you have ignored yourself and are out of the alignment that is most empowering for you. Because you feel bad and are out of alignment, you will start to feel resentful of others, you will feel taken advantage of, you will feel angry, you will feel tired and sad. Then, because you are blaming others for how you are feeling, others will start to mirror all of those feelings back to you and before you know it everyone will be feeling horrible, all due to your not honouring yourself.
By ignoring your feelings, you are trying to operate by the old martyr paradigm, which will only find you exhausted with nothing in return. It is an old energy system that not only has no rewards, it separates you from others as it requires you to carry all the burden. It denies others the opportunity to work in unity and support of you.
Do you see? By staying true to yourself, all of your offerings will come from a place of love and open-heartedness. They will be joyful and uplifting. They will feel wonderful! You cannot create harmony by sacrificing yourselves, Dear Ones! You can only create the harmonious results you desire by making decisions based on your truth and self love, knowing that is what creates the foundation that is best for all.
So stop and take the time to be mindful, self-aware and self-loving in all your decision making processes because that is the only way to create the unity and peace you are truly seeking. The temporary disappointment you may create by saying no to another to be self-loving is far kinder than the disharmony, discomfort, distrust and resentment you will create in the long run by ignoring your truth. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Saturday July 12, 2014

Loving and honouring others while berating and judging yourself is still practicing separation consciousness. Unconditional love and unity consciousness means seeing the beauty and divinity of ALL, and that MUST include yourself. Simply put, to deny yourself is to deny an aspect of God, as you are all part of the greater whole of the divine. ~Archangel Gabriel  

Technology Can Never Replace Love

Technology Can Never Replace Love from Khawaja Naveed Haider on Vimeo.

10 jul 2014

~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Thursday July 10, 2014

We understand that it can be difficult for you to understand how you can embrace unity consciousness and unconditional love and still have your own personal preferences for the energies you wish to surround yourself with. Having a preference does not have to mean you are shunning or dismissing others. You can honour the divinity of others as being a necessary part of the whole, and still surround yourself with those who best resonate with you. In fact, those collections of like energies can add immeasurably to the beauty and flavour of the whole.
Let us give you an example. A rainbow, in its entirety, is an amazing and uplifting sight to behold. But what makes it so beautiful is the banding together of like energies, each collection of colour adding its own unique essence to the whole. Do you see? It is perfectly okay to honour your own unique beauty and to surround yourself with others who resonate and mirror it back to you. By being so you honour both yourself and the whole. ~Archangel Gabriel


Daily Message ~ Wednesday July 9, 2014

Dear Ones, if you are experiencing discomfort, it is a sign that you need to step into honouring yourself. You could be in resistance to growth, change or movement. You could be ignoring your own needs. You could be surrounded by people who do not honour you and accepting it rather than being your own hero. But make no mistake about it, discomfort is a sure sign that there is something going on that needs to be addressed.
You see, your natural state of being is comfort. You came from the comfort of Home. You were born from the comfort of the womb. As a baby, comfort is your top priority. Comfort is the place your soul wishes to work from, as is ease, grace, love, unity, acceptance, health, expansion, growth and experience. Discomfort is not a necessary precursor to any of those states of being! Even the energetic shifting you are going through on your planet can be experienced with joy and excitement by embracing them and willingly choosing activities that assist their integration such as meditation, activities you enjoy, or general self care and nurturing. Discomfort is merely a means of your soul getting your attention.
So the next time you are feeling uncomfortable, ask yourself, “How am I giving my power away? How can I shift back into my natural state of comfort and well-being?” You will likely get the answer very quickly. What if you cannot get the answer? You can simply set your intention to move back into your highest vibrational state of wellness. Ask your guides to assist you in doing so, then surrender and flow back into that alignment. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Tuesday July 8, 2014

Acceptance – complete and total acceptance for who you really are – is one of the aspects of Home that humans miss most while they are in the body. That is why judgement is something humans will go so far out of their way to avoid – because they perceive it as moving them even further away from the energies of Home they are missing so very much. If you are looking to anchor heaven on earth, it must start with open-hearted acceptance and the acknowledgement that every single being on the planet is an essential part of the divine whole and absolutely perfect in their own individual expression of self. ~Archangel Gabriel