Cada árbol y cada planta del prado
parece estar danzando;
aquéllos con ojos comunes
sólo los verán fijos e inmóviles.

5 ene 2014

~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Sunday January 5, 2014

Many human beings walking a spiritual path have concerns about other people or thought forms “vamping” their energy. They fear if they embrace the light, they will be targeted by the darkness. They are on high alert, fearful that they have somehow become ripe for victimization. Dear Ones, nothing can ever tamper with you, ever, if you are standing in your truth, your authentic power, your own energetic clarity. You are the only one who can disempower yourself and you do that by giving your own innate power away. You may do it through fear. You may do it by falling into addiction, through your own negativity or other practices that disempower you. You may do it through judgement, us vs them thinking, from clinging to old, limiting belief systems or some idea of victim consciousness. But hear us when we say this. You are a child of God. You are a beloved and honoured piece of Source. How can anything be more powerful than that? ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Saturday January 4, 2014

If you are done your meal at a restaurant and the server comes to remove your plate, you don’t cling with all your might to the plate and the scraps of food that might be leftover. You let it go, knowing its purpose is done for the moment and trust that you will have another serving of food, whenever it is perfect for you, in the future. You don’t worry that if the server takes your plate you will forget how to eat. That would seem somewhat ridiculous, would it not?
The same is with your experiences. You don’t need to hang onto every wound, every perceived mistake, so that you remember not to do it again. Let it go, Dear Ones! You have already ingested the experience and any benefit it had for you. No need to keep stale memories around, souring your energetics. Your reality is in the Now, and you will continue to experience exactly what you need in each Now moment. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Friday January 3, 2014

Are you completely focused on what it is you would like to experience? You cannot be mad at the pepper shaker when it does not produce salt. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Thursday January 2, 2014

Dear Ones, the universe is always, always conspiring to help you. If you are experiencing endings in your life, the universe, along with your helpers and your soul, is simply trying to shift you out of something that was no longer for your highest good. You are completely loved, supported and assisted at all times! It is your resistance to change that causes the most discomfort. If you can stay in your faith and flow, in trust and acceptance, you will be amazed at how quickly what doesn’t honour you will be swept away so your next grand adventure can appear. ~Archangel Gabriel