Cada árbol y cada planta del prado
parece estar danzando;
aquéllos con ojos comunes
sólo los verán fijos e inmóviles.

3 mar 2014

~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Sunday March 2, 2014

Encouragement supports growth, expansion, courage and experience. Doubt feeds contraction, fear and stagnation. Which do you choose to feed in others? There is a great joy that comes from the upliftment of others because it allows the divinity in them, and in you, to shine brightly. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Saturday March 1, 2014

Do you fear success? Do you think if you are successful people will talk about you? Want too much from you? Envy you? Treat you differently? Not love you anymore? Dear Ones, so many of you worry about these things. What if you changed your idea of what success truly is? Success, simply put, is being true to your own life expression, honouring yourself by living your truth, your passion, your joy. That doesn’t sound so scary now, does it? ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Friday February 28, 2014

Do you have the courage to live your dreams? So many people, right when they are about to see their dreams come true, self sabotage from a fear of success or a fear of failure. Perhaps a new model of success could be not whether you succeed or fail, but whether you have fully embraced an experience. If you can understand that having experiences for growth, expansion, and further self definition is what your soul really seeks, it can make it easier to take the pressure off yourself about results, and start to truly, fully, embrace living the life expression of your dreams. ~Archangel Gabriel