Cada árbol y cada planta del prado
parece estar danzando;
aquéllos con ojos comunes
sólo los verán fijos e inmóviles.

16 mar 2014

~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Sunday March 16, 2014

As energetically sensitive human beings, you would do well to move with what the energies support at any given time. Much like you make plans around your weather, taking advantage of opportunities when the conditions support it, and putting things off if they do not, you would save yourself a lot of discomfort and struggle if you would do the same by honouring what the energies are good for each day. You do not need an expert to tell you. You simply need to be self aware, and trust that you are the expert on how the energies are affecting you.
We see so many humans with bodies that are shifting and desperately require some rest, ignore that in order to “get things done.” We find this interesting because under those circumstances, not much gets done at all, and what little does is usually fraught with difficulties and leaves the person feeling even more battered and worn. There are other times when the energies are supporting movement and activity when the human marvels at how much got done and with so little effort!
You would all save yourselves so much trouble and angst, and become far more comfortable and efficient if, just like with the weather, you would move when energetic opportunities arise that support your activities. It is a wise human who willingly moves with what the flow supports. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Saturday March 15, 2014

You are all evolving beyond old belief systems and structures that were designed to encourage you to give your power away. You gave your power away to your parents, your teachers, your doctors, your bosses, your leaders. This has been so pervasive, for so very long, many of you had come to believe that you were powerless in so many areas of your lives. Why, for some of you, you did not even choose your careers or who you would marry! This is the conditioning that you have all been so busy releasing and evolving beyond.
Hear us when we say that you have infinite ability to create the life you wish to lead. You are the experts on you, and what you are on the planet to experience and create. You have worked hard to step into your authentic power and you are more than ready for it! You are gentle, kind, mindful, beautiful aspects of God, and are seeking to step into unity and the energies of creation and unconditional love. You are all finding new balance points that allow you to honour others in their expertise as well as honouring your own. What an amazing time on your planet, and it is happening because of each and every one of you! You are truly divine and powerful and breathtaking to behold. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Friday March 14, 2014

Dear Ones, are you still holding onto old wounds because you think if you let them go it somehow makes what happened to you ok? Part of being your own hero means saving yourself from that old victim consciousness and giving yourself everything you have ever needed, then and now! To heal does not mean you are condoning a behaviour that was hurtful. It means you are choosing a life of wellness, happiness, freedom and wholeness, from this point forward. Not only do you have the power to do that, right now, it is what your soul has been yearning for all along. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Thursday March 13, 2014

So many of you are beautiful, caring souls who are on the earth to help anchor the changes that will move your planet, and humanity, forward in this new age of enlightenment. You understand that what you resist persists, so some of you may be confused as to how to proceed. We would suggest you focus on a new way of supporting change, what we would call mindful activism.
Mindful activism is able to hold the energy of the desired change without activating resistance in others. It is a kinder, gentler energy. It involves being beautiful teachers by example. It anchors the energy of the changes you wish to see in their most positive aspects. It creates beyond the old energies of what is no longer a match on an evolving planet. From embracing the positive aspects, it teaches potential and possibility rather than focusing on the negative. It uplifts, it encourages and it feeds hope for the future. More than anything else, it unifies rather than separates, with its gentle focus on what can be. ~Archangel Gabriel