Cada árbol y cada planta del prado
parece estar danzando;
aquéllos con ojos comunes
sólo los verán fijos e inmóviles.

17 nov 2022


Like many contracts in general, sacred contracts can be complicated. Then again, if you understand what they are about, they can be quite simple. We all come in here with certain lessons our soul agreed to learn and certain contracts we agreed to perform. For example, some meet their soul mate while they are here. They recognize each other as soul mates. Yet one person refuses to engage in this soul contract and the agreed upon actions. This can, sometimes unknowingly to the other person, cause someone a great deal of pain and anguish. And that person may struggle for a reasonable answer or explanation as to why this did not work out the way it was supposed to. In either soul contracts or sacred contracts we cannot enforce what in earthly law might be known as specific performance. We ALL have free will. We cannot make anyone adhere to what was agreed upon, nor do we have to do it ourselves. And we do not have to engage in any relationship on any level that makes us feel less than, and that does not honor us. All is a lesson in love, especially our sacred contracts, and we must learn to honor ourselves. If circumstances in your life are confusing beyond measure, look first to your sacred contracts. Somewhere inside you, your spirit knows exactly what these are and what you agreed to learn. They are imprinted upon your soul. On an earthbound level delve into this via meditation or journaling or both. Find the patterns. Know that your answers will show up. While it can be important to integrate these contracts into your earthbound reality, it is equally important to not feel stuck or victimized by them. If you are truly done with a contract or lesson, you are done with it and it will not show up again. Accept, learn, integrate, transform, and then just let go.