Cada árbol y cada planta del prado
parece estar danzando;
aquéllos con ojos comunes
sólo los verán fijos e inmóviles.

23 sept 2013

~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Saturday September 22, 2013

Guilt is another way human beings abuse themselves and dull their beautiful light. Dear Ones, please know guilt serves absolutely no purpose whatsoever. There is no glory in keeping yourself small in your self abuse.

We are not for a second saying that if you have done something that is not in alignment with your highest self that you should not make amends if necessary. The vast majority of humans are very forgiving if they feel your regret is genuine. Then simply choose differently next time, and keep your behaviour in line with who you now know yourself to be.

Guilt keeps you chained to the past. Living in the past is a sure way to create great discomfort for yourself which can, over time, create the energetics of depression and disease in the body. It also distracts you from the Now moment where all great change happens.

Please, understand that there is not an angry, vengeful God judging you, so why continue to judge yourself? You do not even need the forgiveness of God, because you were never, even for a second, out of God’s favour.

You are loved unconditionally, and unconditional love does not judge, berate or condemn, so take that love and apply it to yourself, and commit to shining your highest light and know that is always more than enough. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Saturday September 21, 2013

Dear Ones, let us reassure you that ALL movement is forward movement. Even if you have an experience that you would consider a mistake, it has allowed you to redefine your preferences and choose differently another time. It is all about expansion and growth. So throw out the idea of a God who sits in heaven, keeping tabs on you, putting checkmarks next to your name if you are good and big black x’s next to your name if you are not. It is all about experience, and even if you make the same “mistake” a hundred times, you are loved just the same as if you didn’t make it at all. So take the pressure off yourselves! Live. Experience. Do the things you have always wanted to do but were too afraid to try. That is what you are in the body to do, and you are loved completely and unconditionally throughout it all. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Friday September 20, 2013

So many people get upset about things because they feel it is the correct societal response, and if they don’t stand up for themselves they will be perceived as weak. The next time you feel yourself getting reactive, ask yourself if you are really upset, or are you reacting in such a way because others think you should be upset. Don’t be afraid to choose your own reactions to any situation! You get to be in charge of your own energy, and how you use it, as the master of your own life expression. As you evolve beyond victim consciousness, you will find yourself not needing to be on high alert for perceived slights and will find yourself becoming much calmer, much more balanced. It is through the use of acceptance and allowing, and choosing to respond authentically, that you will find a far greater level of harmony and peace in your day to day life. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Thursday September 19, 2013

You are all beloved, beautiful, aspects of Source. Source is pure, shimmering, unconditional love. So, you, as that piece of the whole, as a beloved child of God, are also of that delightful, shining, pool of love. As you start to truly understand the breathtaking simplicity of it all, as you start to embrace your BEingness, you will emanate love, and you will draw love. Love will swirl around you, love will run through you and love will pour out of you. As you embrace the fact that love is your truest state of BEing, you will feel like you have come Home, yet you will be in the body, expressing yourself as an amazing vessel of love. Every time you choose to love, you choose to align with your truth and with Source, and shine more brightly. So embrace love, Dear Ones, every chance you get, because that is what this whole process is all about – your triumphant return to love. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Wednesday September 18, 2013

All true and lasting change comes from within, so telling someone to do something, or become something, is going to have limited success. They may temporarily adopt your proposed behaviour in a desire to please you, but it will be short-lived because it is not coming from their own authenticity. Even worse, if they really wish to gain your approval, they may keep at it for a longer period of time, becoming increasingly sad, uncomfortable and out of alignment because they are attempting to live your path and choices and not their own. The most powerful way you can lead is by following your highest life expression for yourself, while encouraging others to do the same, and honouring however that may look like for them. ~Archangel Gabriel