The wonderfully empowering energy waves that you Light bearers and
wayshowers have been sharing and extending during these last few weeks
are bearing beautiful and exotic fruit of an extremely sweet and
uplifting nature. If you could see and appreciate what you are
achieving in every moment you would be dumbfounded. You all chose to
incarnate at this point in humanity’s evolution so that you could assist
in the process of awakening, which you knew would be both demanding and
stressful, and you are doing great work, just as you intended and
planned. That you would not experience real knowledge or awareness of
the task that you had undertaken as you struggled to play your parts was
known to you before you incarnated, and you accepted it as an essential
part of the divine plan.
The part each one of you plays is absolutely essential and has to be
spontaneous, an appropriate response to the situations in which you find
yourselves moment by moment. Intuitively you always know what
the appropriate response is, however, in the moment you have to make a
choice based on the information presented in that moment, and because
you are humans living in an illusory state, where nothing truly is as it
seems, there is always room for error, and errors get made. By making
errors you learn from your experiences, and it becomes apparent to you,
if you are willing to see clearly what those errors show you, that Love
is always the only answer that will provide lasting resolution to any
issues, problems, and conflicts that arise.
Your history shows you very clearly that conflicts can never be
resolved through force of arms. It has been tried, and tried, and
tried, and it always leads to further conflict and suffering. Peace
enforced is not peace, it is but a temporary cease-fire until the
parties concerned are ready once more to go to war.
There are now very few among you who have not become fully
aware of this, even if all are not yet prepared to admit to the truth of
it. Enthusiasm for war is declining rapidly, although it often seems
to the few who are in positions to make the decisions to go to war that
there are no alternatives. But without the enthusiastic support of
their subordinates – and all across the world the decision makers are
discovering, much to their chagrin, that that support is not forthcoming
– the decision to engage in war cannot be made, and so it is first
delayed and then abandoned.
The threats of potential conflict in various parts of the world that
are being reported by the media are but ill-considered attempts to
prepare people to accept that, in certain circumstances, war must be
waged to ensure world peace and stability. But, because the collective
has decided to awaken, the hollowness of that kind of argument is
clearly seen, and those who consider themselves to be the guardians of
world peace with the right and the power to take a nation to war will not
be able to raise the necessary support to do so. There may well be
lots of sabre rattling as the politicians save face, but the time for
war on Earth is over.
As you know, the New Age of peace and abundance for all has arrived
and is being established all across the world as you wayshowers and
Light bearers channel, extend, and share in and intensify the divine
field of Love in which all of creation has its eternal existence. For
eons the Love of God, your heavenly Father has been dreamt of, hoped
for, and prayed for, but always you were judging and condemning one
another and by so doing closing yourselves off to Love.
Love is all-inclusive, all-accepting, all-honoring, It has no room
for judgment of any kind. Judgment is of the illusion and therefore
unreal, but you have believed in it, believed that God judged, and have
frequently taken it self-righteously on yourselves to judge others
supposedly on His behalf. What unbelievable and insane arrogance!
Within the illusion you made an image of God in your own human likeness! You
have many paintings of an old wise-looking and bearded man, very human
looking because that was what you chose as a representation of God. No
image could be further from the truth, because the god that you imagined
and worshipped was one who bore grudges and sought vengeance on those
whom you, on his behalf, judged unworthy of him. He was in fact utterly
human, unreal, illusory.
Finally, in these last few decades, the insanity of that kind of
belief is becoming apparent to more and more of you as you move
consistently and steadfastly towards awakening. You are being drawn
onwards by the power of Love to which you have finally started to open
your hearts, and you have realized collectively that no image that any
one of you could conceive of could give you even the remotest idea of
what your Father might look like.
He Is. He is beyond description, He can only be experienced, and
only by those who have discarded all within them that is unloving. And
that experience, when it happens for you, will be one of infinite and
utterly unimaginable ecstasy that continues eternally; brilliantly
brighter than the brightness of all the stars in the universe combined.
It is not to be experienced lightly or without enormous preparation,
preparations that you start in on when you move permanently into the
spiritual realms, leaving all form and matter way behind you.
In the meantime know that your awakening into Love, into the
spiritual realms, is far closer than you might think. Unfathomable joy
will soon be yours because that is what you have chosen and that is
totally in alignment with God’s Will for you. And from there there is
no limit as you know yourselves once more as beings of infinite Love.
Your loving brother, Jesus.