Cada árbol y cada planta del prado
parece estar danzando;
aquéllos con ojos comunes
sólo los verán fijos e inmóviles.

28 feb 2014

Soul Love

Serenity comes when you love as your soul does. You magnetize love rather than working hard to have it. You amplify love instead of reacting to its absence. You stay neutral and are transparent to the energies around you. You keep love flowing by accepting and allowing people to be as they are. When you love as your soul, you love unconditionally, not needing to receive anything in return for your love.

Soul Love

Opening to Channel

People often ask us, "How can you tell if the guide you attract is a high-level guide?" We think that all of you have the ability to recognize a guide who is not high. When you meet people, you have an immediate sense of how wise and loving they are. You know if you feel good and happy around them or depreciated and unhappy. With a guide, use the same faculty of judgment that you use with people. You have the ability to recognize wisdom. Truth feels as if you already know it.

Opening to Channel

Spiritual Growth

You can greatly increase the joy and ease of your life by taking the time to think about things in a calm, peaceful state before you take action. Sometimes one simple idea can save you months of hard work or prevent a major problem. Never feel guilty for taking time to think. As you take the time you need to think things through, your life will become more peaceful and will work in better ways.

Spiritual Growth

Personal Power Through Awareness

When people are causing you pain, or are getting angry with you, realize that what they want from you is for you to love and accept them just as they are. Do not take it personally. They do not want you to withdraw, get angry, feel hurt, or defend yourself. In truth, the issue rarely even matters to them. They are experiencing their own pain and it has nothing to do with you. Although they may blame it on you or tell you it is your fault, any pain they blame on you comes from a pain within them.

Personal Power Through Awareness

Living With Joy

Ironically, the more freedom you give people the more they will want to be with you. Do you demand things of others that you would not want them to demand of you? Do you expect them to report in to you, live up to your pictures, and be there whenever you want? Whatever degree of freedom you take from others is the degree of freedom you take from yourself.

Living With Joy

~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Thursday February 27, 2014

Do you realize that the act of surrender can put you squarely on your healing path, even if you are not sure exactly what it is that needs to be healed? Surrender and flow bypass the mind’s desire for specifics, and allows a greater intelligence, that of your soul, your guides and the universe to deliver to you exactly what you need. You simply cannot make a mistake by navigating you life expression in such a way.

So, if you have an area of your life that seems stuck, and you are unsure of how to rectify the situation, simply surrender, and allow the universe to work its magic, assured that the highest outcome will be experienced in record time. That is not giving up, Dear Ones. That is giving UP, which is the way of the empowered human being. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Wednesday February 26, 2014

When the sun’s activity gets very intense, it can effect human beings in a variety of ways such as fatigue, dehydration, headaches, irritability. It can also energize and inspire, and move you to a whole new level of energetic beingness. Whenever the energies are intense, it is a sign to simplify your life as much as possible and to focus on tender, loving, self care.
Be kind and gentle with yourself. Spend some time outdoors. Meditate. Listen to your body and give it what it is asking for, be it certain foods, hydration, or rest. Immerse yourself in salt water. Do yoga, or any other energy clearing activity. Above all, know that this is all part of the process, part of your own evolution, and what your soul has been anxious to experience all along. By embracing these energies you can shift with grace, ease, appreciation and wonder. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Tuesday February 25, 2014

Dear Ones, poor boundaries always lead to resentment. Always. Resentment leads to separation. So, interestingly, people have poor boundaries because they don’t want separation, yet those poor boundaries are what leads to the very thing they are trying to avoid.

Many of you have come to accept that healthy and appropriate boundaries are necessary to the growth and wellness of all, but have trouble knowing when it is appropriate and when it is not.

If you are about to offer help, stop for a moment and ask yourself the following questions. Did the person ask for your help? Do you really want to help, or is it just a reaction to offer out of habit, or a desire to control? Can this person reasonably handle it on their own? Is stepping in your responsibility? Is it being empowering or disempowering to the other person? How do you feel when you think about assisting? Does it make you feel angry or resentful? A good rule of thumb is to never become more invested in another person’s wellness than they are invested in it for themselves.

A good rule of thumb is to never become more invested in another person’s wellness than they are invested in it for themselves.

We understand that you are tender and loving souls and wish to make a difference. Your loved ones know that! Love them enough to be the experts of their own life expression, and love yourself enough to be the expert of your own. Help, when appropriate, and when asked, and you will find your relationships taking on a greater, more appreciative balance. ~Archangel Gabriel

Papa Francisco sobre Obispos: No nos sirve un mánager, necesitamos auténticos pastores

Papa Francisco sobre Obispos: No nos sirve un mánager, necesitamos auténticos pastores

El simple truco mental que reduce el dolor emocional


Una serie de estudios realizados por los investigadores Ozlem Ayduk de la Universidad de California y Ethan Kross de la Universidad de Michigan, demostró que un simple truco mental puede reducir significativamente el dolor emocional que sentimos cuando reflexionamos sobre experiencias o recuerdos dolorosos del pasado.
En su indagación, los autores descubrieron que la perspectiva a través de la cual recordamos un hecho determina la cantidad de sufrimiento que evoca.
Ayduk y Kross explican que cuando se reproducen y analizan experiencias dolorosas en la mente, la tendencia natural es hacerlo en primera persona, es decir, vemos la escena desarrollándose a través de nuestros propios ojos. Esto, por lo general provoca un dolor emocional significativo, ya que se nos hace revivir la experiencia.
En cambio, el sufrimiento es menor cuando se reproducen recuerdos dolorosos desde una perspectiva en tercera persona, que implica la visualización de nosotros mismos dentro de la escena como si la estuviéramos observando desde el punto de vista de un testigo.
Según los autores, la diferencia entre los dos tipos de perspectivas es profunda. Para comprobarlo, analizaron a grupos de personas que rememoraron experiencias desde los distintas visiones. Quienes reportaron sentir menos dolor, fueron precisamente quienes usaron una perspectiva en tercera persona.
Además, los especialistas explicaron que utilizar un punto de vista psicológico distante también permite reconstruir la comprensión de estas experiencias y llegar a nuevas conclusiones y sentimientos de cierre.
Otro aspecto que impresionó, fue que al monitorear la salud de los voluntarios del sondeo, quienes vieron sus experiencias en tercera persona, presentaron niveles de estrés y presión arterial significativamente menores, además su ritmo cardíaco volvió a la normalidad más rápido que quienes recordaron en primera persona.
Luego, tras realizar un seguimiento de una semana a los participantes, se determinó que quienes reflexionaron en tercera persona meditaron acerca de ellos mismos con mucha menos frecuencia que el resto.
El doctor en psicología Guy Winch, columnista de Pshychology Today, resumió lo señalado por los autores de la investigación en simples pasos que te permitirán cambiar la perspectiva al reflexionar sobre experiencias dolorosas.
1. Asegúrate de estar sentado o acostado cómodamente.
2. Alejarte de la escena, hasta verte a ti mismo dentro de ella. Luego reduce aún más la perspectiva para que puedas ver la situación como si fueras un extraño que pasaba por ahí.
3. Reproduce la escena mientras mantienes la perspectiva en tercera persona.
4. Procura de hacer lo mismo cada vez que reflexiones sobre una experiencia dolorosa.

El amor es el mar donde se ahoga el intelecto

El amor es el mar donde se ahoga el intelecto.


Tu conciencia es tu contribución a la realidad

Tu conciencia es tu contribución a la realidad. Lo que percibes como real se torna real.

27 feb 2014

Pathwork 2.0 Part 1

Empathic Illnesses: Do You Absorb Other People’s Symptoms?

Empathic Illnesses: Do You Absorb Other People’s Symptoms?

Meeting Our Past Selves Outside of Time by Gerrit Gielen

From the fields of science, philosophy and mysticism comes the argument that the linear progression of time as we experience it does not actually exist. This is most evidently expressed in Einstein's Theory of Relativity, which clearly shows that the "now" is not a unique moment.
A moment that is experienced by one person as "now", may be in the future for another person, and in the past for someone else, depending on their respective positions in space and their motion. Events that occur at the same time for one observer could occur at different times for another. But if the "now" is not a singular or unique event, then our traditional conception of time collapses, and the division of time into present, past, and future falls apart. This means that the past is not fixed. Everything takes place in the "now" – including our "past" lives.
What does this mean for reincarnation therapy and the task of a regression therapist? To answer this question, let me first address the meaning of memories. If we remember something, we are reaching, psychologically, to another point in time. We connect our own "now" with another "now", which, to us, lies in the past.
However, if the past, present, and future are in fact part of one extended "now", then the past is not something that is definitely over and finished. Remembering is not a passive process, but an interaction with a living energy, i.e. an interaction with the part of us that is experiencing that particular past moment as their "now"-reality. Also, as we reach out to that past self through remembering, the interaction goes both ways. If we connect with a time in the past, we touch this other "now" with our energy, we influence it, and we also receive energy and information in return.
If linear time is an illusion, remembering is communicating 
Remembering is, in fact, a communication process. To remember is to communicate with the past. This also applies to memories of past lives. Here, too, an energetic exchange takes place between the present you and the past you. At some level, every regression therapist knows this.
A good therapist will never ask a client to try to remember something. He will always make the suggestion to move toward it during regression. For example, he may say “Go to the true origin of the problem.” The therapist knows that the latter approach works much better the former. Why? Because this instruction corresponds more closely to what is actually happening. There is something to go toward: another "now" in which the traumatic event was first experienced.
What happens when you connect your "now", your present, with another "now" and when you start to communicate with the part of you that lives in another "now"? The result of such a communication process is the creation of a new and "shared now". As soon as you begin a dialogue with someone else (in this case your "former" self), you are sharing the "now", the same present. And from this "shared present" new possibilities arise: specifically, it means that you can send healing and understanding to your past self, thus influencing the past in a real way. As the past is not over in absolute terms, you can change it from the future.
What does the above concept mean for reincarnation therapy? In my experience, there are three important consequences:
I. Healing the past instead of reliving it 
According to the traditional view, what we can do with painful experiences in the past in regression therapy is to relive them and thereby take off the sharp edges of the experience. Take, for example, someone who has a fear of heights. He sees a therapist and discovers that he appears to have fallen to his death in a previous life. This event is lived through a number of times and the fear of heights seems to have disappeared.
The traditional view is that the deadly fall in a previous life has created a fear that has not been sufficiently processed, in one way or another, with the result that it manifests in this life as a fear of heights. To be made aware and relive the cause of the fear seems to provide the solution.
I, however, believe that what actually happens is the following: somewhere in space-time, someone is falling, and is feeling fear. The fear is so intense that a cry for help is sent through space-time that is caught by an incarnation with a related psychic structure, or by an incarnation of the same soul, who then experiences the cry for help as a fear of heights. When this person enters into regression, they connect their own consciousness with that of the falling person and in that way the latter person's fear of heights is eased.
The crux to letting go of the fear is, in my view, not the reliving of the fear, but adding a clear, loving consciousness to the fear. This lucid consciousness is you, in the present. As you reach out to the past with clarity of mind and the intention to heal, you actually touch the past self who is suffering like a spiritual guide does, or a "guardian angel" if you will.
Because you, as guide or angel, take compassion on the anxious person, the other you in that other "now", that other you can let go of their phobia and find peace. In that past, they will have a sense of peace and surrender. In this case, the person falling to their death may die in a state of surrender, and the resulting trauma of this death will be less intense. By recreating the past in this way, your present is affected: you, in turn, are also set free of your fear of heights.
Be with your past self as their guide or "guardian angel" 
Reliving a trauma from a past life, a technique that is often used in regression therapy, only makes sense in a limited way. In the worst case, it can bring up a lot of unnecessary anxiety and tension. I feel that it is much better for the client to enter regression therapy as a helper, as a guide and friend to their past selves who are in pain. You then do not identify with the problem, but much more with the solution: you are not the victim, but the healer. You do not need to relive the darkness, but bring your light into the darkness.
Specifically, before entering a past life, I invite my clients to see themselves as a being of Light, an angel who can travel through time and space. When they sense the truth of this, I ask them to reach out to the traumatized person that they encounter in a past life, and be of assistance by sending love, encouragement and understanding to that person.
I once had a client who had considered suicide during a very difficult period in his life in which he suffered from depression. At one point, he heard a voice that encouraged him and told him that he did not have to take his own life. It was a voice of trust and reassurance. I advised him to travel to that difficult time in the past from the present as an angel. By the end of the exercise, he realized that it was he himself who had been that voice; from the future he had helped himself through that difficult period.
II. Approaching unexplained anxiety as a call for help 
Many people suffer from inexplicable fear that is ever present in the background. It may be mixed with other feelings, such as sadness, grief or anger. It is often a feeling that has been present since childhood, for no apparent reason.
Behind that fear is always a cry for help. It is a call from another "now", another life, or sometimes from one’s childhood. In my view, the aim of regression therapy is to discover what that fear is, and to help that other person just as you would help a good friend in need. You go to that person, speak to them with encouraging words, and surround them with support, love, and understanding.
Instead of regarding the persistent fear as a sign that something is strangely and irrevocably wrong with you, you regard it as belonging not to this "now" but to another "now", another "you" who is reaching out for help. You - the client - are the one who can resolve the fear by bringing understanding and sympathy to it and by seeing the fear as a call for help from someone else. This "someone else" is you in another "now" moment.
As soon as you find that person, and you observe them with neutral and compassionate awareness, their fear will become understandable to you and it will be easier to accept it and to gradually let go of it. The anxiety is relieved by seeing it as someone else's problem, because in that way you dissociate from the energy of fear. From the objective perspective of the "now", in which there is often no cause for fear, you realize that you yourself are greater than the fear and that you are able to embrace it with a more expanded awareness.
The fear thus becomes a doorway that leads you into another life, that connects you with another "now". By allowing yourself to move gradually toward that fear in regression therapy, you will discover its source and you can start to heal it. Often, to create the necessary shift and to disassociate from the fear, it is enough to simply ask the question: "To whom does the fear that I feel belong?" By addressing it as a call for help from another point in time-space, you create a bridge to the fear. This bridge does two things which are beneficial: it creates distance between you and the fear and it brings healing to the fear.
III. Creating a new past 
Another possibility arising from this new perspective on time-space is the possibility of recreating the past. If the past is not fixed and over, and if to remember it is to exchange energy with it, then our traditional view of causality goes by the board. Traditionally, things cannot be caused by events in the future, only by events in the past. But what about the man in distress - in the example above - who hears a voice from the future telling him to have faith and who decides to live on because of that? Here, the future seems to have a very real impact on the past.
How can the idea of creating a new past have a bearing on regression therapy? I often invite the client to rewrite the past in the following way. After they have become aware of trauma that occurred in another life, I suggest they connect with the past life personality before the trauma occurs.
Almost always there is a critical moment in time, at which the personality could have chosen a different path, one of which would have lead into a more beneficial future, in which the trauma would not occur. While in regression therapy, you can still choose the road not taken; you can pick the alternate pathway or "timeline" and activate it.
Imagine a sensitive, prophetic woman who has been burned at the stake as a witch in a previous life. There were times during that lifetime in which she sensed the need to better protect herself, or run away perhaps, or to break off ties with certain people. In regression therapy, she attempts to connect with such a crucial moment, a time when she could have made choices that would have prevented the burning. If that works, and the client gets emotionally connected with an alternate timeline that could have developed, the trauma is partially or completely erased from the past of the client.
To achieve this, the following steps are required:
- The client makes an emotional connection with the traumatic past life. The point of entry is usually the time of the trauma itself.
- Subsequent to that, she travels back in time to a moment before the trauma when the decisive choice is still possible.
- The client then begins to communicate with the person she was in that previous life. She explains to that person why she can and should make the positive choice. She encourages her and provides her with insights from the larger perspective that she now has. This will create a new shared "now" with possibilities for healing for both parties.
- The past life personality feels inspired to take a different and new course of action and the traumatic events no longer take place.
As you send healing to the past life, it in return sends healing back to you. By creating a new past, the present is altered as well. According to this view, the past is not fixed: the past, like the future, is an ocean of possibilities. From the present, our current "now", we can choose again and again which pathway to pursue, which timeline to activate, whether it is in the past or in the future.
Our lives take place in a time-space continuum which constantly moves and changes; we are constantly interacting with our other lives and they with us. The part that does the interacting is our consciousness, our conscious awareness. This part is our essence and it is independent of time and space. It travels through the time-space web but it is not in time.
It is the part of us that is eternal and unchanging. Because consciousness itself is independent of time and space, it is a source of Light and healing for all that exists in time. The more conscious we become, the more we enter a timeless realm, from which we radiate light to all of our lifetimes.
In conclusion 
I realize that introducing this new and dazzling perspective on time and causality in the area of regression therapy raises a lot of questions which cannot be answered within the context of this short essay. I do feel however that a non-linear notion of time, which is much more flexible and open than our traditional notion, offers great promises for this area and does far greater justice to the mysterious nature of our soul. The soul is like a sun with numerous beams, each representing a lifetime expressing a part of our Self. The beams all radiate their light simultaneously and as they do they are connected at their roots and interact with each other through the center of the sun.
Many years ago, I was sitting on the shore of a lake on a hot summer day, staring at how the water reflected the sunlight. I thought about life as a human being on earth. The irregular patterns of the light patches on the water, together with the heat, had a hypnotising effect on me. The image of an eternally shining sun which split itself up into countless dancing patches of light seemed to provide a metaphor of what life is about.
The light patches are the many human lives we live that each in their own imperfect way reflect a higher source. Together they perform the perpetual dance of life; together they create a perfect whole. In reality, there is no time; everything exists in one big present. When one patch grows larger because of the movement of the water, another one immediately shrinks in size.
We all have many lives on earth and they are interconnected in dynamic and deeply meaningful ways. All these lives are geared toward the same goal. Together they reflect a higher source; together they are whole.
I belief the same goes for humanity at large. On a deep inner level, a level outside time, we are all connected to the same source of Light. It is our mission to express this source of Light as best as we can in time.

Rumi ,say I am you

Rumi´s Poem, if you can't go to sleep

How to Change Habits Using Your Unconscious Mind by Scout Wilkins·

Put it in the Past Tense by Scout Wilkins·

The Top 10 Traits of Unsafe People by Deborah Ward

Soul Love

Experience your soul's forgiveness by forgiving yourself. As you feel yourself as your soul, forgive yourself for something you did in the past that you still feel badly about. Let your soul's soft, consistent, and forgiving love flow into you. Receive your soul's love for you as you forgive yourself.

Soul Love

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

Take time today to sit quietly, relax your body, and think about something you want to create. Open to receive insights from your higher self, from your inner being that is always guiding you.

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

Spiritual Growth

Love all your thoughts, even those that are limited or fearful. Think of them as small children needing your love and reassurance. If you catch a negative thought, don't make yourself wrong for having it. Love all your negative thoughts and they will have far less power over you.

Spiritual Growth

Living With Joy

Many of you have set up lives for yourselves that are not joyful because you believe that you are obligated to others, that you need to be needed, or that you are enslaved by one situation or another. The challenge of the path of joy is to create freedom. What can you do today to create more freedom in your life?

Living With Joy

Personal Power Through Awareness

Your mind puts out a powerful broadcast of energy. It determines how you experience the world and what you create. Your thoughts are magnetic; they go out from you and draw to you those things you think about. Your inner dialogue is important, for the way you speak to yourself determines the events, people, and objects you attract.

Personal Power Through Awareness

25 feb 2014

Relationship Help:I'm So In Love, So Why Am I Depressed?

Relationship Help:I'm So In Love, So Why Am I Depressed?

Relationships: Moving Beyond Codependency - Saving Your Marriage

Relationships: Moving Beyond Codependency - Saving Your Marriage

Relationship Advice: Should I Give Up Me To Not Lose You?

Relationship Advice: Should I Give Up Me To Not Lose You?

Relationships: If I am Myself, I will end Up Alone

Relationships: If I am Myself, I will end Up Alone

Managing Loneliness and Heartbreak

Managing Loneliness and Heartbreak

A Powerful Method for Healing Depression

A Powerful Method for Healing Depression

Health: What Really Creates Health and Wellbeing?

Health: What Really Creates Health and Wellbeing?

Self Improvement: We Are Not Meant to Live Alone

Self Improvement: We Are Not Meant to Live Alone

What Are You Telling Yourself About Why You Are Feeling Lonely?

What Are You Telling Yourself About Why You Are Feeling Lonely?

The Fear of Being Alone

The Fear of Being Alone

Opening to Channel

People often ask us, "How can you tell if the guide you attract is a high-level guide?" We think that all of you have the ability to recognize a guide who is not high. When you meet people, you have an immediate sense of how wise and loving they are. You know if you feel good and happy around them or depreciated and unhappy. With a guide, use the same faculty of judgment that you use with people. You have the ability to recognize wisdom. Truth feels as if you already know it.

Opening to Channel

Soul Love

To surrender to love, you will need to pay attention to any of your own emotions, moods, or thoughts that might lead you to act in less than loving ways. You may need to surrender pride, a sense of self-importance, the need to have your way, to feel superior to, or to have power over others. You will want to let go of those emotions that make you feel less than, inferior, or doubtful of your worth. You will want to train yourself to think about others in positive ways, even if you feel they have hurt you. You will want to bring about harmonious conditions through your speech, actions, and thoughts.

Soul Love

"If I Move Into My Power, Will I End Up Alone?"

"If I Move Into My Power, Will I End Up Alone?"

Personal Power Through Awareness

Consciously send others higher images. Hold a vision of your higher self in everything you do. Honor the higher self in everyone you meet, and you will find it honored in you.

Personal Power Through Awareness

18 feb 2014

Relationship Advice: Ending Relationships Gracefully

Relationship Advice: Ending Relationships Gracefully

Rleationship Advice: Should I End This Relationship?

Rleationship Advice: Should I End This Relationship?

Codependent Relationships: Takers and Caretakers

Codependent Relationships: Takers and Caretakers

Relationships: A Major Cause of Relationship Problems

Relationships: A Major Cause of Relationship Problems

Relationships: What to do if Your Spouse Won't Go to Counseling

Relationships: What to do if Your Spouse Won't Go to Counseling

Relationship Advice: Too Easy To Leave

Relationship Advice: Too Easy To Leave

Relationship Advice: Can This Relationship Be Helped?

Relationship Advice: Can This Relationship Be Helped?

Addiction to Getting Others To Change

Addiction to Getting Others To Change

Relationship Advice: Controlling Behavior, Loving Behavior

Relationship Advice: Controlling Behavior, Loving Behavior

Relationships: Control and Resistance - the Relationship Gremlins

Relationships: Control and Resistance - the Relationship Gremlins

Inner Bonding "I Feel Empty"

Inner Bonding "I Feel Empty"

Inner Bonding Needs vs. Neediness

Inner Bonding Needs vs. Neediness

Getting Out of The Negative Relationship Cycle

Getting Out of The Negative Relationship Cycle

"Is There Hope For Our Relationship?"

"Is There Hope For Our Relationship?"

The Most Beautiful Chakra Music In The World

17 feb 2014

~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Monday February 17, 2014

Have you ever considered joy to be a navigational tool? Because wherever you find joy is exactly where your soul wants to go. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Sunday February 16, 2014

So many people live their lives in an attempt to please others. They don’t rock the boat, they put everyone else’s wishes above their own, and do everything they can to avoid upsetting others. They try to ensure other people’s happiness through their actions. While we know this comes from a place that seeks love and acceptance, it is doomed to fail. Let us tell you why.
The idea that you can make another person happy is completely faulty. You may temporarily please another, but if they are dependant upon you for their emotional state, they will never find happiness because happiness cannot be found from an external. Happiness must come from within. Because they are looking to an external to make them whole, and that will never, ever work, they will come to resent you for not being able to make them happy. You will find you will have to perform greater and greater feats to try to please them, which will only lead to your own exhaustion and resentment, and ultimate disappointment.
The most loving thing you can do for another is to make them be responsible for their own emotional state. The most loving thing you can do for yourself is to keep other people responsible for their own emotional state, and to be responsible for your own. To find the happiness you seek, you must have the courage to live according to what is right for you, and encourage others to do the same, and to accept and honour all choices, secure in the knowledge that each person is the expert of their own path. ~Archangel Gabriel  

Soul Man - Sam & Dave

a-ha - The Sun Always Shines On TV

100 Best Songs Of 1969

TOP 10 Songs of 1968

The Magic of Being - Receiving. Everything. Now. Are you?

Discover Self Help Internet Radio with magicofbeing on BlogTalkRadio

You empower what you fight. You withdraw power from what you release. ~ Alan Cohen

You empower what you fight.
You withdraw power from what you release.
~ Alan Cohen

Un milagro: una niña descubre la LLUVIA

Kayden + Rain from Nicole Byon on Vimeo.

16 feb 2014

Love is heaven and fear is hell.

Love is heaven and fear is hell.
Where you place your attention is where you live.
                                          ~ Alan Cohen

“Anything I cannot transform into something marvelous, I let go.”

“Anything I cannot transform into something marvelous, I let go.” Anais Nin

“Letting go gives us freedom and freedom is the only condition for happiness.”

“Letting go gives us freedom and freedom is the only condition for happiness.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh

Age-Related Memory Loss How to Keep Your Memory Sharp as You Age

Preventing memory loss and cognitive decline

The same practices that contribute to healthy aging and physical vitality also contribute to healthy memory.

Exercise regularly. Regular exercise boosts brain growth factors and encourages the development of new brain cells. Exercise also reduces the risk for disorders that lead to memory loss, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Exercise also makes a huge difference in managing stress and alleviating anxiety and depression—all of which leads to a healthier brain.
Stay social. People who don’t have social contact with family and friends are at higher risk for memory problems than people who have strong social ties. Social interaction helps brain function in several ways: it often involves activities that challenge the mind, and it helps ward off stress and depression. So join a book club, reconnect with old friends, or visit the local senior center. Being with other people will help keep you sharp!
Watch what you eat. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and drink green tea as these foods contain antioxidants in abundance, which can keep your brain cells from “rusting.” Foods rich in omega-3 fats (such as salmon, tuna, trout, walnuts, and flaxseed) are particularly good for your brain and memory. Eating too many calories, though, can increase your risk of developing memory loss or cognitive impairment. Also avoid saturated and trans fats, which can help your cholesterol levels and reduce your risk of stroke.
Manage stress. Cortisol, the stress hormone, damages the brain over time and can lead to memory problems. But even before that happens, stress or anxiety can cause memory difficulties in the moment. When you’re stressed out or anxious, you’re more likely to suffer memory lapses and have trouble learning and concentrating.
Get plenty of sleep. Sleep is necessary for memory consolidation, the process of forming and storing new memories so you can retrieve them later. Sleep deprivation also reduces the growth of new neurons in the hippocampus and causes problems with memory, concentration, and decision-making. It can even lead to depression—another memory killer.
Don’t smoke. Smoking heightens the risk of vascular disorders that can cause stroke and constrict arteries that deliver oxygen to the brain.

Walking: An easy way to fight memory loss

New research indicates that walking six miles to nine miles every week can prevent brain shrinkage and memory loss. According to the American Academy of Neurology, older adults who walked between 6 and 9 miles per week had more gray matter in their brains nine years after the start of the study than people who didn't walk as much. Researchers say that those who walked the most cut their risk of developing memory loss in half.
Brain exercises to prevent memory loss and boost brainpower

When it comes to memory, it’s “use it or lose it.” Just as physical exercise can make and keep your body stronger, mental exercise can make your brain work better and lower the risk of mental decline. Try to find brain exercises that you find enjoyable. The more pleasurable an activity is to you, the more powerful its effect will be on your brain. You can make some activities more enjoyable by appealing to your senses—by playing music during the exercise, for example, or lighting a scented candle, or rewarding yourself after you’ve finished.

Here are some ideas for brain exercise, from light workouts to heavy lifting:

Play games that involve strategy, like chess or bridge, and word games like Scrabble.
Try crossword and other word puzzles, or number puzzles such as Sudoku.
Read newspapers, magazines, and books that challenge you.
Get in the habit of learning new things: games, recipes, driving routes, a musical instrument, a foreign language.
Take a course in an unfamiliar subject that interests you. The more interested and engaged your brain, the more likely you’ll be to continue learning and the greater the benefits you’ll experience.
Take on a project that involves design and planning, such as a new garden, a quilt, or a koi pond.

Compensating for memory loss

Even if you are experiencing a troublesome level of memory loss, there are many things you can do to learn new information and retain it.

Tips to Help You Remember
To keep track of dates, schedules, tasks, phone numbers

Leave yourself notes or make checklists.
Put appointments and important dates on calendars and in a day planner or electronic organizer.
Ditto for phone numbers and other contact information.
If you have trouble remembering how to do something, write down the steps.

To remember where you put things

Put the things you use regularly (keys, glasses, purse, watch) in the same spot when you’re not using them.
If you have to put something down in a different place, look at the place when you put down the object and say the location out loud.
If necessary, write down where things are.

To stay on top of times and places

Set an alarm clock or timer to remind you when to leave for an appointment or do something in your home.
Use a map to help you get from one place to another.
Enlist friends and relatives to remind you of where you need to be & what you’re supposed to do.

To learn new information

Listen closely when someone talks to you.
Repeat back the information.
Try to talk with people in quiet places.
Focus on one thing at a time; screen out distractions.

15 feb 2014

~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Saturday February 15, 2014

Many of you put incredible pressure on yourselves with your enlightenment process. You seem to think you must do things perfectly in order to avoid the displeasure of your guides and helpers. Dear Ones, please know you can never displease us! When you think that way, you are trying to apply a conditional love model to us. The idea of conditional love from Source, of an angry, judging universe is simply not valid. There is nothing you could do, ever, that would result in anything but our deep and abiding unconditional love.
Know that we are here to love you and support you in whatever experiences you wish to have! It is through experience that you grow and evolve. Your life expression is not meant for you to watch from the sidelines. Being in the body, being on your planet is for the sole (soul) purpose of experience and self definition. So play! Try things out! Have the courage to live, truly live, knowing there is nothing you could ever do to disappoint us or fall out of our favour. You are always and completely loved beyond measure. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Friday February 14, 2014

On this day, when your thoughts turn to love, many people who have yet to find a love relationship that honours them, may be tempted to feel despair, wondering if they will ever meet that perfect partner. If you are looking for an external to make you whole, or focusing upon lack, this day may seem cruel, and you may feel lonely and sad.
Dear Ones, one of the questions we get asked most often is, “When will I find unconditional love?” The answer to that question, always, is when you can love yourself unconditionally. Do you love yourself? Do you make choices that honour yourself? Do you hold the traits you seek? Are you open to love, or are you guarded, waiting for some magical love to show up and prove itself to you? Waiting for such an eventuality will never prove fruitful, as you can never draw to you what you do not hold.
You do not need another person to experience love on this day! You ARE love. The only one who can pinch you off from the experience of it is you. You are part of the wellspring of unconditional love that is Source energy. Open your heart up in acceptance and feel that love fill you and surround you! Take this day that celebrates love as a day to open up to it and let it flow through you and spread it everywhere you go! Then, commit to being the best date you’ve ever had for yourself, and wrap yourself up in the energies of unconditional love that have always been yours to tap into.
Pamper yourself. Treat yourself! Fall madly, head over heels in love with the glory that is you, and by doing so, you will be so filled with the energy of love, you will only be able to draw even more of it into your life, forevermore. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Thursday February 13, 2014

Before you came into the body, you made an agreement with the Universe. You knew you were going into a place where you would feel separate and forget much of what you knew, and that your goal would be to, despite the density, remember your truth. The Universe assured you that it would be there as a constant support once you entered into the body.
“If I am on the other side of the veil, how will you know what I need help with?” you asked. “What if I can’t figure out how to connect with you once I’m there?” “It is simple,” replied the Universe. “Whatever you focus on, we will know you want to experience more of, and we will lovingly support you in that by magnifying it, no matter what it is. That is how much we love and trust you. If you really like what we have co-created, simply send us feedback in the form gratitude, and we will make sure your preferences continue.” ~Archangel Gabriel 

13 feb 2014

Un beso que deseamos

Hay un beso que deseamos
con toda nuestra vitalidad,

el tacto del espíritu en el cuerpo.

El agua del mar
suplica a la perla que rompa su concha.

¡Y el lirio, con qué pasión
necesita un amado silvestre!

Por la noche abro la ventana y pido
a la luna que venga y presione su
cara contra mí.

Respira hacia dentro de mí.

Cierra la puerta del lenguaje
y abre la ventana del amor.

La luna no utilizará la puerta,
solo la ventana.

Letting the Divine take the lead - Tosha Silver

Soul Love

If you are spending time "saving" people, it is time to stop. If you are not certain if you are rescuing people or empowering them with your aid, ask yourself if your assistance is giving them tools to change their lives or simply bailing them out of a reoccurring problem. Are they working to change themselves or are they playing the victim, hoping that you will fix their problems? When people play the victim, helping them is usually saving them, does not create a shift, and drains your energy.

Soul Love

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

Many of you have an inner sense that you have much to accomplish in this lifetime, as if you have a "mission." You may worry if you have not yet found out what it is. Trust that everything you are doing is laying the foundation for your greater work to unfold.

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

Opening to Channel

How do you recognize a high-level guide? High level guides will show you your lessons, if you ask, and speak to you of what you are here to learn, yet they will allow you to continue in a situation if you choose. They are careful not to take away your lessons. If you are headed towards something that will teach you a valuable, but difficult lesson, they may show you more joyful ways to learn the same thing. However, if you persist in your original way they will not stop you. It is up to you to choose joy, but if you learn best through pain and struggle high guides will not take away your lessons.

Opening to Channel

Spiritual Growth

As you reach upward and increase your light, you will draw to yourself all the forms that will make it possible to get your work out to the world. Don't worry if you don't yet know the form of your world service; start with the intention to be of service. Put your life in order. Once you request an opportunity to serve, your Higher Self and the higher forces of the universe hear you. Every opportunity will come to you just as soon as you are ready.

Spiritual Growth

11 feb 2014

The Devastation of Inner Emptiness

The Devastation of Inner Emptiness

Inner Bonding Filling The Well

Inner Bonding Filling The Well

Self-Parenting: What Does the Loving Adult Feel When the Inner Child is Hurting?

Self-Parenting: What Does the Loving Adult Feel When the Inner Child is Hurting?

Offering Your Inner Child a Third Way, Compassion and Love

Offering Your Inner Child a Third Way, Compassion and Love

Inner Bonding Just Love

Inner Bonding Just Love

What is Keeping You from Taking Responsibility for Your Inner Child?

What is Keeping You from Taking Responsibility for Your Inner Child?

Self Improvement: Do You Value Your Vulnerable Child?

Self Improvement: Do You Value Your Vulnerable Child?

Inner Bonding Pick Me! Pick Me!

Inner Bonding Pick Me! Pick Me!

Personal Growth: Defining Self-Worth

Personal Growth: Defining Self-Worth

What Creates Confidence?

What Creates Confidence?

Self-Validation - How to Validate Yourself

Self-Validation - How to Validate Yourself

The Opposite of Self-Judgment Is Self-Validation

The Opposite of Self-Judgment Is Self-Validation

Self-Esteeem: Are You Invisible?

Self-Esteeem: Are You Invisible?

Self Help: Have You Abandoned Yourself?

Self Help: Have You Abandoned Yourself?

Inner Bonding "I Feel Empty"

Inner Bonding "I Feel Empty"

Filling Up Emptiness From The Inside

Filling Up Emptiness From The Inside

Daily Inspiration

Daily Inspiration

What thoughts trigger your fear or anxiety? Thoughts of others' anger, rejection, withdrawal, smothering, demanding, questioning? Thoughts of work, of failure, of money, of time? The moment you notice a thought that is creating your fear, anxiety or depression, counter the thought with a brief prayer - for peace, for love, for grace, for freedom. By Dr. Margaret Paul

Filling Up Emptiness From The Inside

Filling Up Emptiness From The Inside

~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Tuesday February 11, 2014

We understand that taking money out of the equation of your manifestations can seem like a difficult thing to do or understand, but it can help your manifestation processes immensely. Many human beings have resistance to the energy of money, but have complete flow and resonance to the experiences they wish to create. By taking the stress of manifesting money out of your creations, you actually allow the universe many more ways to deliver to you.

Simply be clear about what you wish to create and release it to the universe. Then, surrender into the flow with complete trust, knowing that you are now in the process of aligning for your highest good. You may suddenly find yourself having the very experience you desired with little to no money being required at all! In fact, from being in that flow and alignment, you may suddenly be inspired with ideas and opportunities you would never have considered before, that allow you to create and experience an even greater result than you had ever dreamed possible.

The universe is extremely adept at matching people directly with their desires, and can do it in a myriad of ways if you can stay out of the attachment of it happening or looking a certain way. By surrendering to the flow with intention and trust, and allowing that flow more flexibility to deliver to you in whatever is the highest, most direct and easiest way possible, you will feel the magic of co-creating with the universe like never before. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Monday February 10, 2014

The key to manifestation is to get very clear about what you want. So many of you say you wish to manifest a large sum of money. But is it really the money you want? Or is it what the money will facilitate? That vast majority of humans who say they wish to have a great sum of money, don’t necessarily want money at all. They want what they can turn money into. For most people, the true essence of what they really want is freedom.

Money is simply a middle man, a means to exchange something for what you really want. You understand that in order to bring to you what you desire, you must really feel the experience of having it. Many of you have trouble imagining what it would feel like to have a large sum of money, but can easily imagine feeling free.

Do you see? Let the universe deliver to you exactly what it is you want! If you hold the essence, the true essence of what you wish to create, rather than the idea of money to turn into what you want, you just may find your manifestations becoming much easier. So get clear about what is the true desire that lies under the request for money. Remember, Dear Ones, the universe is very adept at quickly and creatively bringing you, in the most direct way, to your energetic truth. ~Archangel Gabriel

Las 5 claves de una Pareja

Neurofeedback: Do it for the Kids!

The word 'Impossible' itself spells -- 'I'm possible'.

The word 'Impossible' itself spells -- 'I'm possible'.

- Author unknown -

Little Girl Blue - Nina Simone

The Power of Patience --by Sharon Salzberg (Feb 10, 2014) -

Nina Simone - Feeling good

Birds flying high you know how I feel
Sun in the sky you know how I feel
Breeze driftin' on by you know how I feel

It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good

Fish in the sea you know how I feel
River running free you know how I feel
Blossom on the tree you know how I feel


Dragonfly out in the sun you know what I mean, don't you know
Butterflies all havin' fun you know what I mean
Sleep in peace when day is done
That's what I mean

And this old world is a new world
And a bold world
For me

Stars when you shine you know how I feel
Scent of the pine you know how I feel
Oh freedom is mine
And I know how I feel


When you are linked with the Higher Will and are in the higher flow, you will feel good at a physical level. Your body will feel relaxed and comfortable and have plenty of energy. If you discover that you aren't feeling this way, stop for a moment, breathe deeply, and ask for a message about how you could be more in the flow. Listen to the quiet message from your Higher Self, for there is usually an easier way to do things.

Spiritual Growth

10 feb 2014

The Journey Towards Death Recognizing the Dying Process By Angela Morrow

What Happens When We Die by Echo Bodine

Soul Love

How neutral can you be when you are around someone when he or she is upset or unhappy? How transparent are you to the strong opinions this person may have and any expectations of who you should be? Radiate the transparent quality of soul love - a love that creates no resistance, does not add any of its own frequencies, and is not influenced by others' energy. Or, radiate transparent love to follow your own desires around others who want you to follow theirs.

Soul Love

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

You are the source of your abundance and money. Through working with your feelings, thoughts, and intentions, you can become a master at creating whatever you want. You are the source of your riches, not your job, your investments, your spouse, or your parents. By linking with the unlimited abundance of your soul or higher self, by opening your connection to the higher forces, (sometimes called God/Goddess, the Presence, the All-That-Is, or the Universe) by expressing and radiating your higher qualities of inner peace, joy, love, well-being, and aliveness, you become the source of your abundance.

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

Spiritual Growth

To grow spiritually, you do not need to create a perfect environment, have no negativity around you, or retreat from the world. You are here to learn how to be your Higher Self in the midst of the kinds of energy that are present on earth. You can grow and find love in your heart even around people who aren't of a similar vibration to you.

Spiritual Growth

Personal Power Through Awareness

Wisdom is the ability to know what is important in your life and what is not, what things are distractions and what things are important to your soul. It is the ability to sort through all the data that is coming in and select only those things that contribute to your sense of well-being.

Personal Power Through Awareness

Living With Joy

The more precise you can be about your experience, the more quickly you will gain clarity. Take any area of vague discomfort, of fogginess, and focus upon it to the exclusion of all other thoughts. Pin down precisely what the uncomfortable feeling is. If you were to focus upon that vagueness, putting words into it, trying out different thoughts about it, you would finally find a viewpoint that clicked. Once you find that viewpoint, you have clarity. Clarity comes from seeking and finding the information you need, from having the patience to seek out the light of wisdom that will assist in making the higher choice.

Living With Joy

9 feb 2014

Soul Reunion: The Return Home from Separation

Soul Radiance: Bring Your Soul Riches to Life by Susann Taylor Shier

How to live in the present expression of love - Susann Taylor Shier

The Art of Extreme Self-Care: Transform Your Life by Cheryl Richardson

The incredible power of forgiveness- Wayne Dyer and Nick Ortner

Our job is not to convert others, but to transform ourself.

Our job is not to convert others, but to transform ourself.
As each of us finds peace in our own heart, we begin to radiate
a light that warms and heals everyone we contact.
This is the way of the planetary healer.
                                                         ~ Source Unknown

Soul Love

Picture your spine as a hollow rod, then call Solar Light to yourself. Absorb this light until you have created a rod of light inside your body that spreads out, forming a cocoon of light around you. Imagine that you can sense light in everything, and picture what your environment might look like if you could see everything as light. This will assist you in developing the ability to experience the subtle energies of light as they exist in the world of form and matter.

Soul Love

When someone finds you brilliant, peaceful, or attractive, accept their opinion rather than your own.

When someone finds you brilliant, peaceful, or attractive,
accept their opinion rather than your own.
                                                           ~ Alan Cohen

Soul Love

Picture your spine as a hollow rod, then call Solar Light to yourself. Absorb this light until you have created a rod of light inside your body that spreads out, forming a cocoon of light around you. Imagine that you can sense light in everything, and picture what your environment might look like if you could see everything as light. This will assist you in developing the ability to experience the subtle energies of light as they exist in the world of form and matter.

Soul Love

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

Get quiet, close your eyes, and think of something you wanted that you got. Recall some of the feelings you had before and after you received it--your positive thoughts about having it, your inner knowing that you would have it, and your joy when you received it. Think of something you want to create. Can you think of it in the same positive way as something else you have created easily?

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

Opening to Channel

Everyone has a personal guide who is with them for a lifetime, often referred to as a guardian angel. Sometimes there are several guides helping you, particularly if you are at a major turning point in your life. They are here to help you follow your chosen destiny and to help oversee specific issues, and they will work with you whether or not you stick to your highest path or are even aware of them. Part of their purpose is to help you accomplish what you came here to do. Your personal guide is always with you, loving, supporting, and helping you grow.

Opening to Channel

Spiritual Growth

Higher communication does not blame or make the other person wrong; it creates an opening for that person to grow. Telling the truth with love will serve others when you take responsibility for your feelings and blame no one for the way you feel. Say what you feel or think with tact and kindness, and you will gain more in the long run than if you speak with anger.

Spiritual Growth

Personal Power Through Awareness

If you are trying to look into the future, to see the outcome of something, often the information will come back not through your mind, but through your body. You may be trying to decide upon a path, and as you think of one choice you notice your breathing has grown shallow, your body is somewhat closed, and that you feel discomfort in your stomach. These are signs from the future you are sensing that are telling you about this path. If when you think of a certain path, you feel heavy inside, your body is telling you there is a better choice to make or a higher way to do things.

Personal Power Through Awareness

Living With Joy

Think now of people you know who have changed your life. In knowing them, you felt inspired and expanded. Think of how they used their influence. It is important to recognize people who are full of light, for they come in many forms and packages. It is time to be aware of those people who are not leading you to a path of greater light and joy. If you can clearly identify those people who have your greatest good in mind, and surround yourself with them, you will grow more rapidly and have much more to offer others.

Living With Joy

8 feb 2014

Authenticity Movement Assessment Net Wealth #1

"My Wife Is No Longer In Love With Me"

"My Wife Is No Longer In Love With Me"

Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Friday February 7, 2014

We speak so much of the flow because it is such a major and often misunderstood part of who you are and so necessary for the quality of your life experience. The flow is absolutely essential to you for whole health. You ARE flow. Your energy flows, your blood flows, sustenance flows in and out of your body in the form of air and food. When that flow gets disturbed, you experience discomfort or disease in the body. Do you see? You are a fractal of the flow, and the greater flow is where you came from. Flow is not something to be feared, in fact, it carries such relief and support to you because it is going back into your natural state of BEing. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Thursday February 6, 2014

Acceptance is such a vital aspect for those of you wishing to live a truly empowered existence. Are you comfortable receiving? Do you ask the universe for assistance, and then turn down help when it arrives from others? So many of you are on the planet to be of service, so giving and assisting feels very natural to you, but accepting help can be rather difficult. To have the full experience that is available to you, you must find balance with your giving and accepting. Simply put, the universe cannot deliver to you if you are not willing to receive.
Let us give you this simple analogy to help make it clear. A bus is a vehicle of assistance. It helps people move around easily and safely and spends its days in service to the people it transports. What would happen if the bus wouldn’t accept fuel? Maintenance? Cleaning? What if the bus wasn’t sure it was worthy of the help? Wouldn’t that seem ridiculous? The bus, if it decided to not accept all the things that help it do its job so well, would very quickly not be much use to anyone at all.
So pay attention, Dear Ones, you may be shocked by all the ways you reject the help that is offered to you. To accept is to choose balance and unity and to graciously receive the love and support that is available to you. Doing so will allow you to willingly enter into the vast abundance that is the birthright of all of you, and to live with much greater ease and enjoyment. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Wednesday February 5, 2014

So many people ask, “When will I find my perfect love partner? My true friends? Other like-minded souls? People who will love and see me for who I really am?” The answer, simply put, is when you allow your true self to shine. You cannot hide behind a mask and expect people to see what lies beneath! When you allow yourself to shine in your truth, your BEingness, your glory, it allows all those souls you’ve been yearning for to finally find you and reconnect with you. You cannot be an effective beacon from under the covers, Dear Ones, so shine! Shine brightly in all your glory, secure in the fact that in doing so you will draw to you all the perfect matches you seek. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Tuesday February 4, 2014

We find it interesting that so many of you are taught that daydreaming is frivolous, that your imagination is foolish and should be discounted. Often children were told that in an effort to get them to pay attention or stop a certain behaviour or activity. It was the beginning of the very false lesson that control was good, that flow was bad, and that your creations or “having your head up in the clouds” had no merit. The dismissal of the power of imagination in your life has been incredibly disempowering to you, as it sought to stop the use of some of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal as a human being.
The energies of dreaming and imagination are completely vital for you to create and expand into your highest life expression. In fact, dreams are so important that they have been proven to be a major factor in the restorative part of sleep. This is why meditation is such a supportive practice to the enlightening human being. It creates a space that closely mimics the dream state.
It is through the flow of your imagination that you connect with Source and allow yourself to receive your highest inspirations. To imagine is to play in pre-manifestational energies, to try many different ideas and energies until you settle on a specific inspiration you would like to create.
While using your imagination, you experience your powers of creation, knowing whatever you can dream up, while you are in that imagination space, you can have, instantaneously. It is then, through your continued focus, energy and belief you make your inspired creations become part of your physical reality.
Do you see? Giving yourself permission to fantasize and use your imagination is absolutely essential for creating the life expression, and the New Earth, of your dreams. In fact, we would go so far as to say dreaming, meditating, imagining and creating is like healing balm to your soul because it honours the natural state of freedom, creation and expansion you seek to experience. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Monday February 3, 2014

One of the most wonderful and empowering things you can do for another is to encourage them to connect with their own inner wisdom, to listen to their hearts, to accept their role as the expert on their own unique incarnation. Each person on the planet has their own inner guidance system, their own helpers, their own alignment with Source, their own innate wisdom, their own agenda filled with their own passions and interests. To think you know better than that, or to let them think anyone can guide them better than their own knowingness and team of experts, is a great disservice. No one is ever more qualified to lead a soul than that soul itself. By encouraging another to find their highest answers within and assume the role of expert of their own path, you will save them a tremendous amount of stress, frustration, worry and resentment because all of their decisions will be based on what their soul really wants to experience. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Sunday February 2, 2014

You understand that as enlightening human beings you are evolving from victim consciousness into your authentic power. Today we ask you if there are any ways you are still holding on to that victim consciousness.
Do you live in the past? Do you relive how you were hurt, abused, or let down in some way? Do you have health ailments you have become used to living with and have given up on the idea you will ever heal or be whole? Do you believe your life is destined to be a struggle because you are a single parent? Or divorced? Or because of your sex, race, or sexual orientation? The expectation that things are hard and will never change is the single most destructive belief system human beings cling to because it will be a self-fulfilling prophecy and keep you in the loop of woundedness every single time. Your life experiences will always match your beliefs.
Let us put it to you this way. If you ate a food that you suddenly discovered you were terribly allergic to and gave you a horrible reaction ten years ago, would you eat that food on a daily basis from that day forward? Of course not! You would simply acknowledge that the experience of that food was in no way for your highest good and choose differently from that point forward. Why can you not do the same with your old wounds?
We are not trying to diminish or make light of the wounds or challenges that you have experienced, Dear Ones. But hear us when we tell you that you are incredibly powerful to create anew in each Now moment. Do not taint the endless possibility of today with energies that have long ago expired. Live according to who you are today, to what matches you today and what you would like to create in your tomorrows. To do so is to be free and gloriously empowered. ~Archangel Gabriel

Self-Help: Emotions as Information

Self-Help: Emotions as Information

Self Help: What Are Your Feelings Telling You?

Self Help: What Are Your Feelings Telling You?

Self-Help: Healing Your Broken Heart

Self-Help: Healing Your Broken Heart

Hurt Feelings vs. Hurt Heart

Hurt Feelings vs. Hurt Heart

Inner Bonding The Power of Tears

Inner Bonding The Power of Tears

The Wall of Unshed Tears

The Wall of Unshed Tears

Notice how you treat others when you are tired, fearful, stressed, anxious, depressed.

Daily Inspiration

Notice how you treat others when you are tired, fearful, stressed, anxious, depressed. Do you take out on others your own inner struggles? Notice how you feel about yourself when you treat others unlovingly. By Dr. Margaret Paul

Let love guide you instead of your iner critic.

Empathy vs. Sympathy

A film by RSA Animate.
Video from KarmaTube

Are You an Empathizer or a Sympathizer?

Empathy and sympathy are not just two different approaches to confronting the emotional challenges of others: they are diametrically opposite responses in many important ways. Sympathy places another's problems at a distance from us, places us in a position of superiority, and "drives separation", says Dr. Brene Brown. Empathy, on the other hand, requires that one internalize the feelings of another. That shared experience drives interpersonal connection, she says. "What makes things better is connection."
mpathy and sympathy are not just two different approaches to confronting the emotional challenges of others; they are diametrically opposite responses in many important ways. Sympathy places another's problems at a distance from us, places us in a position of superiority, and "drives separation", says the film's narrator, Dr. Brené Brown. Empathy, on the other hand, requires that one internalize the feelings of another. That shared experience drives interpersonal connection, she says. "What makes things better is connection." - See more at:
mpathy and sympathy are not just two different approaches to confronting the emotional challenges of others; they are diametrically opposite responses in many important ways. Sympathy places another's problems at a distance from us, places us in a position of superiority, and "drives separation", says the film's narrator, Dr. Brené Brown. Empathy, on the other hand, requires that one internalize the feelings of another. That shared experience drives interpersonal connection, she says. "What makes things better is connection." - See more at:
mpathy and sympathy are not just two different approaches to confronting the emotional challenges of others; they are diametrically opposite responses in many important ways. Sympathy places another's problems at a distance from us, places us in a position of superiority, and "drives separation", says the film's narrator, Dr. Brené Brown. Empathy, on the other hand, requires that one internalize the feelings of another. That shared experience drives interpersonal connection, she says. "What makes things better is connection." - See more at:
pathy and sympathy are not just two different approaches to confronting the emotional challenges of others; they are diametrically opposite responses in many important ways. Sympathy places another's problems at a distance from us, places us in a position of superiority, and "drives separation", says the film's narrator, Dr. Brené Brown. Empathy, on the other hand, requires that one internalize the feelings of another. That shared experience drives interpersonal connection, she says. "What makes things better is connection." - See more at:
pathy and sympathy are not just two different approaches to confronting the emotional challenges of others; they are diametrically opposite responses in many important ways. Sympathy places another's problems at a distance from us, places us in a position of superiority, and "drives separation", says the film's narrator, Dr. Brené Brown. Empathy, on the other hand, requires that one internalize the feelings of another. That shared experience drives interpersonal connection, she says. "What makes things better is connection." - See more at:

he next time you find yourself feeling sorry for someone, try to shift your reaction from sympathy to empathy. Ask yourself: how are they feeling and when have I felt this way also? -

See more at:

I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.

I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.
                                                       ~ Mark Twain