Cada árbol y cada planta del prado
parece estar danzando;
aquéllos con ojos comunes
sólo los verán fijos e inmóviles.

30 sept 2013

Libro recomendado: La Vida Impersonal de Joseph Benner

Soul Love

Think of someone you love and recognize how consistently you offer love, even during difficult times. Think of all the times you have offered love, even when you have been tempted to withdraw your love. Acknowledge how consistent your love already is. Make a picture of loving this person with a love that is even more consistent and unwavering.

Soul Love


Reframing is about getting people to look at things in a new way. all our
perceptions are experienced in some kind of context, and if we change
the context, the perception – or our reaction to it – can change. a classic
reframe is that of a client choosing to no longer see themselves as a
victim but as responsible for their life instead.

29 sept 2013

Values are the key principles that are inherently important to us

Values are the key principles that are inherently important to us,
such as honesty, compassion and hard work. They can be argued
about in words (‘Honesty is important, don’t you think?’), but
their true test is how we feel about them – especially if we have
broken the rules they imply.

Beliefs are statements that we think are true

Beliefs are statements that we think are true but cannot check
or haven’t bothered to check. Many beliefs are acquired during
childhood, either adopting the beliefs of parental figures or 
based on life as seen by a child. Often when these beliefs are
examined by us as adults, they turn out to be wrong. They often
take the form of generalisations (all xs are y) or statements
about what is possible or impossible (for us or for ‘people’ in

Robbie Steinhouse

Identity is ‘who we really are’.

Identity is ‘who we really are’. It is about our boundaries – where
we end and the world and other people begin. It’s about our
deepest ‘sense of self’, a realisation we frst made in infancy,
that we are separate individuals needing to survive a whole
host of dangers, and that we often spend the rest of our lives
making sense of. Identity is precious and often vulnerable but at
the same time can be perceived as being set in stone, to a point
where people have no notion that it can be changed. People will
give up a lot – in the case of martyrs for a cause, everything –
rather than face any challenge to their identity.

Robbie Steinhouse

Mission or spirit is our relation to the larger context in which we live.

Mission or spirit is our relation to the larger context in which we
live. People with a mission dedicate their lives to something
that is larger than themselves, to something to which they feel
connected and that shapes their view of themselves and guides
their decisions. This is clearly a powerful motivator, and lack of
mission can be a powerful limiting force on someone.

Robbie Steinhouse

When you know that you want something, and you notice you do not have it...

“When you know that you want something, and you notice you do not have it, you assume that there is something outside of yourself that is keeping it from you, but that is never true. The only thing that ever prevents you receiving something that you desire is that your habit of thought is different from your desire.”

“When emotions feel good—whether they are strong or weak—you are allowing the fulfilment of your desire. When emotions feel bad—whether they are strong or weak—you are in a state of disallowing the fulfilment of your desire.”

"It is our powerful desire that you be pleased with where you are right now, in this moment—no matter where you are. We understand how strange these words must sound to you if you are standing in a place that seems far from where you want to be. But it is our absolute promise to you that when you understand the power of feeling good now, no matter what, you will hold the key to the achievement of any state of being, any state of health, any state of wealth, or any state of anything that you desire.·"

"Whenever you ask for something it is always given, but you must mentally allow it to come, being of like mind to what you want to receive."

People feel guilty about having desires, but Abraham states that desires are the very essence of being human because they make you feel who you really are and what you intended to be when you came into this world. If you are deliberate about your thoughts and desires, then you can be more specific about the world you want to create for yourself. Life is a process of asking and receiving, and you are the creator of our own reality, whether consciously or not. You have to “feel” your thoughts and desires as you have them, being grateful that they are being fulfilled in wonderful ways—and then letting go. That is, be eager and optimistic about what is coming, while having no impatience or doubt about its coming. If you are feeling good about something you want and allowing it to come, it will.

The key to manifesting your desires is to assume that your desire is already being experienced, that you already have it and are enjoying it. In this way, you set up a level of vibration that can only attract its material equivalent.

Esther Hicks

Soul Love

Soul love is serene because it is unconditional. Your soul loves without needing to receive anything in return. Soul love is a quality of being, a shining light that lifts, soothes, and comforts all who come within its sphere of influence. Its love flows out generously and freely. It does not measure how much love to give by how deserving people are. Your soul offers love without needing appreciation, acknowledgment, praise, or reward for its love. Feel the serenity that comes from giving love without needing to receive anything in return.

Soul Love

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

Some of your negative thoughts about creating money and abundance may come from being around people whose fears and doubts amplify your own. For instance, you may feel fine about your finances, but after you talk to a friend who is struggling and fearful about money, you start worrying about your own financial future. If you notice this happening, realize that you have been influenced by someone else's thoughts, and remind yourself that you live in an abundant world and that all is perfect in your universe.

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

Spiritual Growth

You can make a contribution to world peace or assist others telepathically by sending light to them or to all of humanity through the inner planes. As you do, you increase the amount of light in the world as much as through any physical effort.

Spiritual Growth

Personal Power Through Awareness

Think of the home you live in. What kinds of thoughts do you have about it? Send it thoughts of how much you love it.

Personal Power Through Awareness

Living With Joy

One of the ways to love yourself more is to stop comparing yourself to others. Although you are part of a whole, you are also an individual self, with your own path. The group and family belief systems you have taken on as your own can be obstacles to your self-love. “Everybody says it is good to meditate,” you may hear some people say, and so you feel bad if you do not do so. The challenge of loving yourself is to step aside from everything people tell you and ask, "Does this fit me? Does this bring me joy? Do I feel good when I do it?" Ultimately your own experience is what counts.

Living With Joy

El dinero no es el problema. El dinero en sí mismo no es malo o bueno.

   “El dinero no es el problema. El dinero en sí mismo no es malo o bueno.
     El dinero en sí mismo no tiene o deja de tener poder. Es en nuestra interpretación de lo que es el dinero, en nuestra interacción con él, donde está el verdadero problema y donde encontramos la verdadera oportunidad para el auto-conocimiento y la transformación personal.”

     Lynne Twist

 El dinero, frecuentemente malentendido en nuestra cultura y también frecuentemente provisto de una connotación negativa, puede ser vehículo de transformación personal y social. Sin embargo, rara vez es visto desde esa perspectiva. El dinero puede ser vehículo para el amor, la energía, la intención, la claridad, el compromiso y la visión para las más altas aspiraciones e ideales. Nuestra relación personal con el dinero determina cómo funcionamos en nuestra vida. Muchos de nosotros tenemos heridas producidas por el dinero que nos mantienen detenidos, e impiden que éste fluya libremente a través de nuestra vida. Existe un nuevo contexto para el dinero, basado en lo suficiente y la plenitud para el individuo, y que sirve como enfoque para este diálogo con Lynne Twist.

Lynne, tú das seminarios sobre lo que llamas "el alma del dinero". Normalmente, no relacionamos la palabra "alma" al dinero. ¿Cómo es que haces eso y por qué?

Mi concepto del dinero es que éste es un objeto inanimado que hemos fabricado, el cual no tiene poder o autoridad mayor que la que le hemos asignado. Y en ese contexto, podríamos asignarle algún tipo de significado espiritual, voz o poder, si queremos, y darle un alma.

 El dinero no tiene alma en realidad, pero nosotros sí. Y somos nosotros, las personas, por quienes fluye el dinero. De manera que, cuando hablo del alma del dinero, lo que quiero realmente significar es tu alma y mi alma y la forma de usar el dinero como otra vía para expresar el alma que todos poseemos.

Veo el dinero un poco semejante al agua. Cuando el agua se encuentra en movimiento y fluyendo, limpia y purifica, es responsable de todo lo verde y crea crecimiento; es hermosa. Pero cuando se detiene, se comienza a ensuciar e incluso se torna tóxica y pútrida. Pienso que sucede lo mismo con el dinero. Y todos aquellos de nosotros que tenemos dificultades para dejar que el dinero fluya -a través de nuestra vida y nuestros sueños- se nos torna a veces un poco nebuloso el tema. Es parecido a mirar el mundo a través de los ojos de un pez en un acuario de agua no muy cristalina; simplemente no se puede ver con claridad. Una de las misiones de mi vida es capacitar a la gente para que mantenga el dinero en movimiento, relacione el dinero con sus más altas aspiraciones y lo envíe allá afuera, al mundo, con amor, con voz, con compromiso, con visión; porque el dinero lleva energía adonde quiera que vaya.

Algunas personas piensan que solicitar dinero para actividades positivas es dificultoso y tratan de evitarlo lo más posible, pero yo considero que mi trabajo, como solicitante de fondos para el Proyecto Hambre, es un trabajo sagrado. Yo disfruto del lujo de solicitar dinero a la gente, ya que brindo, espero, una nueva luz a esto, porque realmente siento que necesitamos re-establecer nuestra relación con el dinero, ya que tiene una enorme influencia en nuestra vida. No importa si vives en la India y sólo tienes dos o tres rupias para ti, o eres un billonario viviendo en Brasil. Para cualquier persona entre ambos extremos, el dinero tiene una enorme influencia en su vida. Hemos dejado que el dinero nos maneje. Hemos dejado que nos domine. El dinero no tiene poder en sí mismo, sólo el poder que le hemos dado.

Sobrevaloración del Dinero

Si yo te muestro un yen japonés y tú no sabes cuál es la tasa de cambio para dicha moneda, éste no significa nada para ti a menos que alguien te explique cuál es el cambio a tu moneda. El dinero sólo tiene el valor que le hemos asignado, e indudablemente hemos sobre-valorado su valor. La verdad es que, en muchos casos, hemos hecho del dinero algo más importante que la vida humana. En el corazón de todo, hay una real mentira que hace que la gente mate por dinero, que haga cosas espantosas a nuestros propios hijos por dinero.

No hay nadie que no haya sufrido o que no tenga heridas por su relación con el dinero. Es como una herida abierta, ya que todo el mundo actúa de una manera que no es como para estar orgulloso acerca de la dirección que toma el dinero hoy en día. Existe una enorme cantidad de trabajo de sanación por hacerse en relación con este tema. Como solicitante de fondos del Proyecto Hambre, considero que este tipo de actividades puede ser uno de los comienzos para sanar a la gente en su relación con el dinero, y puedo ver cómo los participantes del proyecto son los autores y reinventores de esto y por sí mismos. Tú, yo y cada persona en el mundo es bombardeada con mensajes que nos dicen que no seremos felices hasta que compremos tal producto, que no seremos bellos hasta que no usemos aquello en nuestro pelo, que hay algo malo en tu olor y debes usar tal o cual perfume. Nos dicen que no somos una unidad, que no estamos completos, que no somos autosuficientes. Y tenemos este tipo de mensajes 24 horas al día. Lo que yo digo es que la realidad es totalmente diferente, que existe una base totalmente distinta, y es que tú y yo somos un todo y completos, somos suficientes exactamente como somos.

Una de las creencias comunes acerca del dinero es que si no poseemos suficiente siempre desearemos más. Vemos estrellas deportivas con contratos multimillonarios por año y jugadores de fútbol que rechazan una oferta de cambio de club de varios millones de dólares ¡por otra aún mejor! ¿Cuánto dinero es realmente suficiente?

Me encanta tu pregunta, porque va directo al centro de nuestra relación con el dinero. El dinero es una especie de aspirina para la mentira o mito que Llamamos escasez.
No sólo pensamos que las cosas son escasas, pensamos en la condición de escasez permanentemente. Tenemos una idea fija que nos hace pensar que no importa lo que suceda, no es suficiente. Mírate a ti mismo a lo largo de un día. Cuando despiertas en la mañana, sin importar a qué hora te acostaste la noche anterior, ni la hora en que estás despertando, el primer pensamiento de casi todo el mundo es "no he dormido lo suficiente". Y luego, el siguiente pensamiento es "no tengo suficiente tiempo para Ilegar puntual a mi trabajo" o "no hay suficiente leche en el refrigerador" o "no tenemos suficiente dinero para hacer las cosas que realmente queremos", o si tienes un cargo gerencial en una compañía "no tenemos suficientes ganancias". Este es el marco de referencia para nuestra vida, particularmente en occidente, pero prácticamente en todo el mundo.

Así, puedes pasar todo el día con la idea fija en tu subconsciente de que "no tengo suficiente" y "no soy suficiente". No importa con quién hables, de seguro vas a tener una conversación acerca de que "no hay suficiente de esto" y "no tengo suficiente de aquello". Es el marco de referencia para nuestra forma de vivir y pensar. Y el dinero es el gran remedio para esta noción de permanente escasez.

Yo sugiero que repensemos todo esto; particularmente en este momento de la historia cuando estamos enfrentando desafíos ambientales más allá de lo que cualquier generación anterior haya visto, y empecemos a tomar nota, tomar responsabilidad y autoridad en el contexto de suficiencia, totalidad e integridad para nuestras vidas. Y déjame decirlo de nuevo, "suficiente" es la palabra que he elegido, no abundancia. Abundancia es el opuesto de escasez; abundancia es más de lo que necesitas, y escasez es menos de lo que necesitas. En algún punto entre ambos conceptos está lo suficiente, que es exactamente lo que necesitamos y nada más.

 Si tú y yo, y los lectores de este artículo, miramos nuestras vidas, veremos que tenemos exactamente lo que necesitamos. El vaso frente a mí está exactamente lleno: no casi lleno y no rebalsándose. Vivir una vida en la cual reconocemos lo que es suficiente es una vida plena. Pero es un contexto hacia el cual uno debe ir y crearse para sí mismo. Tengo un principio que he inventado. Si abandonas todo aquello que realmente no necesitas, eso libera una enorme cantidad de energía que aumenta lo que ya posees. Verás que lo que ya posees se expande, y estoy hablando de amor, tiempo y todo lo relacionado, incluso el dinero mismo.

Toma el tiempo, por ejemplo. Cuando dejas de buscar hacer más con tu tiempo de lo que realmente necesitas, éste se expande, ya que no tienes que gastar energía en hacer cosas que no necesitas, en las que estabas tan ocupado que ni siquiera te dabas cuenta quién eras y qué tenías. Ese es el contexto de lo suficiente, liberar energía para ti mismo, para realizarte con lo que tienes, con el conocimiento de la totalidad, de lo exactamente suficiente.

 Lynne, escuchándote hablar deduzco que es importante tener claridad sobre la diferencia entre deseos y necesidad, ¿no es así?

Sí. Y es justo el tiempo para que la humanidad se lo pregunte. No obstante que la mayoría de nuestros deseos provienen de nuestras necesidades, hemos llegado demasiado lejos al respecto. Pensamos que no podremos sobrevivir si no hay más petróleo, ciudades y autopistas. Hay gente que piensa incluso que no puede vivir sin cigarrillos. Hemos transformado nuestros deseos en necesidades y ése es otro mito. Es otra mentira basada en nuestra cultura adictiva y consumista y en la que nos encontramos realmente perdidos.

Gracias a mi trabajo, he tenido la fortuna de interactuar con mucha gente que tiene muy, pero muy poco, en Bangladesh, Ghana, Senegal. Interactuando con ellos, se puede observar en sus semblantes y en su vida comunitaria, en su relación con los niños y ancianos, un tipo de satisfacción y plenitud que se ha perdido en nuestra sociedad. Nosotros también tenemos hambre, pero la nuestra no es física. Nuestra confusión entre deseos y necesidades está basada en que estamos perdiendo nuestra base espiritual, la correcta relación entre las personas y la tierra misma. El miedo a la escasez, que es un verdadero tipo de enfermedad, nos conduce a una conducta insana.

Es fácil tener compasión por los pobres; sin embargo, es difícil tener compasión por los ricos. He descubierto que el ciclo vicioso de la abundancia es tan difícil de aliviar como el ciclo de la pobreza. Debemos recordar que el ciclo vicioso de la abundancia está Ilevando aI planeta por un camino que no es sustentable en el tiempo. Y no hablo sólo de la gente rica; cuando hablo del ciclo vicioso de la abundancia me refiero a Ia gente común y corriente que está convencida de que necesita el próximo auto, las próximas vacaciones.

Cuando hablo de abundancia, quiero decir el promedio de las personas, que están atrapadas en la idea fija de que apenas comienzan a tener un poco más de lo que necesitan, empiezan a comprar una serie de cosas que realmente no necesitan; luego, tienen que preocuparse de ellas y, entonces, tienes gran cantidad de energía atrapada, sin salida. En ese punto, invertir dinero para mejorar tu vida y la sociedad donde te desenvuelves se transforma en algo casi imposible, ya que tienes que mantener todas esas cosas que no necesitas y que son verdaderas extensiones de tu vida. Y esto, desde mi punto de vista, es el ciclo vicioso de la abundancia, que forma parte del lado negativo de la economía de mercado. Si como individuos rompemos ese ciclo, comenzaremos a desmantelar estas grandes estructuras que nos llevan hacia una dirección no sustentable como individuos y como sociedad.

¿Cómo podemos romper ese ciclo? ¿Tienes alguna sugerencia?

Mi gran sugerencia es que inviertas tu dinero en cosas que tengan un real sentido para ti y la sociedad. Siento que se puede tener una posición sólida que haga al mundo mejor con el dinero, poder decir "esto es lo que mi dinero hace en la sociedad" "ésta es mi voz". La mayoría de la gente puede mirar su talonario de cheques y ver exactamente a qué está comprometida en su vida, ya que en nuestra sociedad el dinero es la voz de las personas.

 Usas el término "riqueza", lo que muchas veces se relaciona con dinero, ¿pero riqueza es mucho más que dinero, no?

Riqueza, para mí, -junto con otra palabra que podríamos usar que es prosperidad- es el sentido de felicidad, creatividad y plenitud en la vida. Y como tú sabes, mucha gente posee riqueza, pero no está etiquetada normalmente como rica. Cada mañana, el sol sale e ilumina el cielo, sin importar donde vivas. Y cuando te sientas y observas el atardecer, te das cuenta de que la riqueza, la prosperidad y la felicidad están disponibles para ti, sólo considerando nuestra relación con la tierra, el sol y las estrellas. Riqueza es entender la belleza y majestuosidad de un árbol. Riqueza también es amar a tu esposo, tu trabajo. Riqueza es la felicidad de educar a tu hijo. Esa es riqueza, y todo eso no cuesta nada. Son una inversión para el espíritu, y cuando el espíritu humano es liberado, lo que se ha liberado es el alma, la riqueza del corazón, del amor, el sentido de interrelación con los demás y la profunda verdad que constituimos cada uno de nosotros. Y en esa verdad, todo el mundo es uno contigo y te pertenece.


En los últimos 25 años, Lynne Twist ha recaudado más de 150 millones de dólares en 87 países diferentes para distintas causas filantrópicas.

Lo que sigue a continuación es un extracto de algunas de las ideas que presenta y que están en el sitio de Soul of Money Institute, la organización que creó para expandir su mensaje.
(Lynn Twist es una de las invitadas a nuestra Celebración de los 20 Años de Newfield en Villa Leyva, Colombia, en Octubre de este año)

“Cada uno de nosotros experimenta una tensión de por vida entre nuestros intereses económicos y el llamado de nuestra alma. Cuando estamos en los dominios del alma, actuamos con integridad. Somos atentos y generosos, valientes y comprometidos. Reconocemos el valor del amor y la amistad. Admiramos una cosa pequeña cuando está bien hecha. Experimentamos momentos de sobrecogimiento en presencia de la naturaleza y su belleza agreste. Somos abiertos, vulnerables y cordiales. Tenemos la capacidad de ser conmovidos y la generosidad nos es natural. Somos confiables y confiamos en otros, y nuestra autoexpresión florece. Nos sentimos en paz con nosotros mismos y confiados en que somos una parte integral de una experiencia más grande, más universal, de algo mayor que nosotros mismos.

“Cuando entramos en los dominios del dinero, suele haber una desconexión con nuestro yo emotivo. Es como si fuésemos transportados súbitamente a un campo de juego diferente, donde todas las reglas han cambiado. Bajo el control del dinero, esas maravillosas cualidades del alma parecen estar menos disponibles. Nos volvemos más pequeños. Trepamos o corremos para “obtener lo que es nuestro”. A menudo nos volvemos egoístas, codiciosos, temerosos o controladores, o a veces, estamos confundidos o sentimos culpa. Nos vemos a nosotros mismos como ganadores o perdedores, poderosos o desvalidos y dejamos que esas etiquetas nos definan profunda y erróneamente, como si la riqueza financiera y el control indicaran una superioridad innata, y la falta de ellos sugiriera una falta de valor o potencial humano básico. Las posibilidades se disuelven. Nos volvemos cautelosos y desconfiados, protectores de nuestra pequeña parte, o desvalidos y desesperados. A veces nos sentimos llevados a comportarnos de modo inconsistente con nuestros valores, e incapaces de actuar de modo diferente.

“El resultado es una profunda división en nuestra forma de ser, en nuestro comportamiento y en nuestro propio carácter e integridad. Esta dicotomía, este quiebre en nuestra verdad, no sólo nos confunde en relación al dinero, también nos impide integrar nuestros mundos interno y externo, para experimentar la integridad en nuestras vidas, el momento exquisito cuando nos sentimos en paz, en unión con la vida. Esta experiencia más tranquila de integridad se ha perdido casi totalmente en nuestra cultura, superada por el ruido y la lucha alrededor del dinero. Este vacío existe en todos nosotros – yo incluida- y está en el corazón de las luchas más duras en la vida de todos nosotros.

El Papa considera que los chismorreos son "la lengua del diablo"

El Papa considera que los chismorreos son "la lengua del diablo"

27 sept 2013

~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Sunday September 29, 2013

Before you come into the body, you make many plans and agreements with many people. You know that you are coming into the physical with special traits and abilities, interests and passions, all designed to help you live your chosen incarnation. Your unique vibration is unmistakeable from that side of the veil, yet you understand it will feel somewhat different when you are in the body, so your divine other asks, “How will I find you?” You answer, “Oh, it will be easy! I’ll be the painter, (or healer, or teacher, or singer, or author, whatever your calling may be), living in _______, who is joyfully living my life to the fullest.” Your divine other bids you adieu for the moment, until you meet again.
Then the reality of being in the body sets in, and you start being molded by societal expectations, living according to what you “should” do rather than what your heart wants, and you deny all those aspects of yourself! You have passions, yes, but who has time for those? You would love to live in ______ but you never take the leap to do it because you have become afraid of change and are fearful of it not working out. You live with a longing in your soul, but never give in to that subtle yearning. Your life expression has become something very different than what listening to your heart would lead you to, and you have become very uncomfortable, indeed. Further, because you are hiding in a life that is so different than your highest expression, finding you is like looking for a needle in a haystack.
Hear us when we say there is no right or wrong, Dear Ones! Whatever you decide, you are loved and honoured every step of the way. But your soul, your guides, the entire universe, wishes you to have the grandest experience you can imagine. Your unique interests and desires exist within you to help you do just that. Allowing yourself to be you – bright, shiny, authentic, incredible YOU – will help you find every joy and delight you had intended for yourself, and more. ~Archangel Gabriel


Daily Message ~ Saturday September 28, 2013

Can you imagine moving forward in your life with ease and grace? Can you accept comfort as a way of being? The more you embrace your authenticity, what you really love, what brings you joy, who you really are, the more you will be able to find and create greater comfort in your life. ~Archangel Gabriel


Daily Message ~ Friday September 27, 2013

It is so very important to let yourself shine, in all your glory, for so many reasons, but especially if you are looking for love. Letting your real self shine lets your soul, your unique vibration, to emanate strongly and brightly for all to see. If you are keeping yourself small, or hiding behind a mask of how you think people want you to be, how on earth can your divine other find you? They are looking for your essence, and they simply cannot find it if you are hiding by pretending to be something that you are not. So many of you have partners who know you are out there somewhere and are yearning to reunite with you, so turn on your energetic broadcasters and let who you are, who you really are, shine brilliantly so they can find you! It is like turning on your magnetizer to your perfect match. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Thursday September 26, 2013

It is so very important when you are creating for yourselves to be true to what is best for you and your life expression. Don’t let people talk you out of your dreams, Dear Ones! Your desires are yours alone, unique to you and your soul path, and sacred and delicious in the way they match you completely. Hold the energy of their perfection, feeling how they wrap you up and lovingly reflect who you are, and you will be finding them to be part of your reality before you know it. ~Archangel Gabriel  

“A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination.”

“A good head and a good heart are always a
formidable combination.”

Nelson Mandela

‘It’s never too late to be who you might have been.’

‘It’s never too late to be who you might have been.’

George Eliot

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.

‘The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift.’

‘If you can’t explain it to a 6-year-old, you don’t understand it yourself.’

Albert Einstein

Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact

Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact: everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you. And you can change it, you can influence it, you can build your own things…

The minute that you understand that you can poke life, you can mould it… once you learn that, you’ll never be the same again.

Steve Jobs

You can’t change what you don’t acknowledge

Psychologists use the term “perceptual defense” to describe those things our minds cannot face up to. This is commonly called “denial” and damages every aspect of our lives. Why? Without first being able to see and name the problem, you’ll never be able to deal with it; over time it consumes you.

Follow the way of Alcoholics Anonymous when looking at your life: You can only get better once you admit you have a problem. “What most people want is not truth, but validation,” McGraw says. We desperately want to be right, even if what we are doing is not working. But to have change, you must do differently.

Philip C. McGraw

Dr. Phil's Nefarious 15 List - Philip C. McGraw

Dr. Phil's Nefarious 15 List
If you've ever met someone who made the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end, take note: Dr. Phil says bad guys, or BAITERs, possess certain qualities that should spark suspicion. Watch as he goes through the Nefarious 15—methods by which these individuals worm their way into your life.

Identify Bad Guys with Dr. Phil's 8 Warning Signs
How do you spot a BAITER before he or she infiltrates your life? Dr. Phil reveals the Evil 8, his comprehensive list of red flags. Plus, he warns against meddling in friends' unhealthy relationships and explains why life is a game—you either play or get played.

Start your Daily Life Work | Get complete show coverage

“The greatest homage we can pay to truth is to use it.”

“The greatest homage we
can pay to truth is to use
—Ralph Waldo Emerson

There’s a reason things didn’t turn out like you thought they should.

There’s a reason things didn’t turn out
like you thought they should.
Love has a better idea.
                               ~ Alan Cohen

25 sept 2013

24 sept 2013

Stop Blaming Others

From now on, refuse to blame anyone for anything—past, present, or future. As Eleanor Roosevelt said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Buddy Hackett, the comedian, once said, “I never hold grudges; while you’re holding grudges, they’re out dancing!”

From this point forward, refuse to make excuses or to justify your behaviors. If you make a mistake, say, “I’m sorry,” and get busy rectifying the situation. Every time you blame someone else or make excuses, you give your power away. You feel weakened and diminished. You feel negative and angry inside. Refuse to do it.

Brian Tracy

BLOG - Better Brain Better Life

BLOG - Better Brain Better Life

Eldar Shafir

"I would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by belief"

"I would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by belief"

G. Spence

23 sept 2013

Soul Love

If you are feeling anxiety about a relationship, or have conflict, you can link with the other person's soul simply by imagining you are doing so. Ask your two souls to work together to find a winning solution for both of you. Believe that a winning solution does exist and will appear. If you continue to feel anxiety about the situation, lift solar plexus energy into your heart center over and over until you can feel the serenity of soul love. When you are able, radiate the soul love qualities of harmony, compassion, and patience.

Soul Love

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

It is wiser not to put yourself in a position where you have to make immediate decisions without time to thoroughly think things out. If you do find yourself in a situation where you need to make a decision quickly, imagine that you are holding one choice in your right hand and one in your left hand. Ask the hand that holds the higher choice to raise itself.

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

Spiritual Growth

It is important to let go of personal ambition. Make your decisions not on what you think you will get out of doing things, but on how much your actions contribute to others and shift consciousness. While you still may have personal motives for what you do, make sure you are also considering the good of others.

Spiritual Growth

Personal Power Through Awareness

When you strike out at another it is often because you are not feeling good inside about yourself. Recognize that when others create pain within you, when they seem to strike out at you, it is because they do not feel good inside about themselves either.

Personal Power Through Awareness

“Happiness is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal, or goal.”

“Happiness is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal, or goal.”
Earl Nightingale

Living With Joy

Gratitude takes you out of your head and judgment. Many of you are wrapped up in your thoughts, and when you give thanks, it takes you out of that mental place of right and wrong, good and bad, and puts you into your heart. When you get out of your mind level, even for a short time, it is possible for the Universe to work more directly with you. Often the level of mental activity going on in many of you creates so much confusion it is harder for you to get what you want.

Living With Joy

~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Saturday September 22, 2013

Guilt is another way human beings abuse themselves and dull their beautiful light. Dear Ones, please know guilt serves absolutely no purpose whatsoever. There is no glory in keeping yourself small in your self abuse.

We are not for a second saying that if you have done something that is not in alignment with your highest self that you should not make amends if necessary. The vast majority of humans are very forgiving if they feel your regret is genuine. Then simply choose differently next time, and keep your behaviour in line with who you now know yourself to be.

Guilt keeps you chained to the past. Living in the past is a sure way to create great discomfort for yourself which can, over time, create the energetics of depression and disease in the body. It also distracts you from the Now moment where all great change happens.

Please, understand that there is not an angry, vengeful God judging you, so why continue to judge yourself? You do not even need the forgiveness of God, because you were never, even for a second, out of God’s favour.

You are loved unconditionally, and unconditional love does not judge, berate or condemn, so take that love and apply it to yourself, and commit to shining your highest light and know that is always more than enough. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Saturday September 21, 2013

Dear Ones, let us reassure you that ALL movement is forward movement. Even if you have an experience that you would consider a mistake, it has allowed you to redefine your preferences and choose differently another time. It is all about expansion and growth. So throw out the idea of a God who sits in heaven, keeping tabs on you, putting checkmarks next to your name if you are good and big black x’s next to your name if you are not. It is all about experience, and even if you make the same “mistake” a hundred times, you are loved just the same as if you didn’t make it at all. So take the pressure off yourselves! Live. Experience. Do the things you have always wanted to do but were too afraid to try. That is what you are in the body to do, and you are loved completely and unconditionally throughout it all. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Friday September 20, 2013

So many people get upset about things because they feel it is the correct societal response, and if they don’t stand up for themselves they will be perceived as weak. The next time you feel yourself getting reactive, ask yourself if you are really upset, or are you reacting in such a way because others think you should be upset. Don’t be afraid to choose your own reactions to any situation! You get to be in charge of your own energy, and how you use it, as the master of your own life expression. As you evolve beyond victim consciousness, you will find yourself not needing to be on high alert for perceived slights and will find yourself becoming much calmer, much more balanced. It is through the use of acceptance and allowing, and choosing to respond authentically, that you will find a far greater level of harmony and peace in your day to day life. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Thursday September 19, 2013

You are all beloved, beautiful, aspects of Source. Source is pure, shimmering, unconditional love. So, you, as that piece of the whole, as a beloved child of God, are also of that delightful, shining, pool of love. As you start to truly understand the breathtaking simplicity of it all, as you start to embrace your BEingness, you will emanate love, and you will draw love. Love will swirl around you, love will run through you and love will pour out of you. As you embrace the fact that love is your truest state of BEing, you will feel like you have come Home, yet you will be in the body, expressing yourself as an amazing vessel of love. Every time you choose to love, you choose to align with your truth and with Source, and shine more brightly. So embrace love, Dear Ones, every chance you get, because that is what this whole process is all about – your triumphant return to love. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Wednesday September 18, 2013

All true and lasting change comes from within, so telling someone to do something, or become something, is going to have limited success. They may temporarily adopt your proposed behaviour in a desire to please you, but it will be short-lived because it is not coming from their own authenticity. Even worse, if they really wish to gain your approval, they may keep at it for a longer period of time, becoming increasingly sad, uncomfortable and out of alignment because they are attempting to live your path and choices and not their own. The most powerful way you can lead is by following your highest life expression for yourself, while encouraging others to do the same, and honouring however that may look like for them. ~Archangel Gabriel 

Feeling Powerful Everywhere - EFT with Brad Yates

Information keeps you in formation. Inspiration takes you beyond formation.

Information keeps you in formation.
Inspiration takes you beyond formation.
~ Alan Cohen

Pope Francis Condemns Current Financial System

Pope Francis Condemns Current Financial System

Disarm Your Inner Critic - iNLP Center

Giving is the best communication

20 sept 2013

Your Money, Your Life, Your Happiness

“Financial independence is being free of the fog, fear and fanaticism so many of us feel about money.”
“The shift from an ethic of growth to an ethic of sustainability will require nothing less than for each one of us to transform our relationship with money and the material world.”
“So much dissatisfaction comes from focusing on what we don’t have that the simple exercise of acknowledging and valuing what we do have can transform our outlook.”

How much do you really need?

Philosopher John Stuart Mill once noted that “Men do not desire to be rich, only to be richer than other men.” Financial independence is as much psychological as material freedom, involving shedding your past assumptions about what is “enough” for you to live happily and well.
Money is often tied to social expectations: the right house in the right suburb, the right schools and colleges, exotic vacations. Big incomes often equal big expenses. Many people’s existing “financial maps” have led them into a mire of dependency.
Through questioning people who came to their training courses, Dominguez and Robin found that whatever their incomes were, people always thought they would be happier with more money. If only they had an amount equal to double what they had now, they believed, they would be happy.
These days people tend to think of themselves more as “consumers” than “citizens.” As Dominguez & Robin note:
We moderns meet most of our needs, wants and desires through money. We buy everything from hope to happiness. We no longer live life. We consume it.
The “rat race” involves working to buy luxuries that you don’t have enough time to enjoy. According to the authors’ “fulfillment curve,” no matter how much more money you earn, it does not lead to increased enjoyment or satisfaction with life. In fact, if you are able to reduce your expenditure and “declutter” your life you are likely to experience an increase in satisfaction. It is very easy to fall into a bad cycle of debt, spending, and consuming, when all you really want, they suggest, is a reasonable level of comfort and security—a simpler lifestyle. When you simplify your life, you tend to spend less than you earn, and this alone can bring peace of mind.

Frugal people… get value from everything—a dandelion or a bouquet of roses, a single strawberry or a gourmet meal… To be frugal means to have a high joy-to-stuff ratio.

“the difference between prosperity and poverty lies simply in our degree of gratitude.” It’s not about being a tightwad, but about getting maximum enjoyment out of resources.

“Since money has a direct correlation to your life energy, why not respect that precious commodity, your life energy, enough to become conscious of how it is spent?”

You do not have to choose between “your money” and “your life.”  

No matter how rich or “civilized” we have become, we still need clean air, water, and fertile soil to survive.

There are ways in which your working self, your money self, and your role as a family member, friend, neighbor, and citizen can all be reconciled. Life is not just about making as much as you can and spending it before you die, but being in control of your finances so that you have plenty of time to enjoy family and friends and pursue personal interests. Surely this is real prosperity.

If you hear a voice within you say, "you cannot paint,"

If you hear a voice within you say,
"you cannot paint,"
then by all means paint,
and that voice will be silenced.
~Vincent Van Gogh

Jesus via John Smallman: Your Ability to Understand and Learn is Limitless

Jesus via John Smallman: Your Ability to Understand and Learn is Limitless

Cuando se lee a Dostoievski ―creo que es para todos un autor que se debe leer y releer, porque tiene una sabiduría―

"Cuando se lee a Dostoievski ―creo que es para todos un autor que se debe leer y releer, porque tiene una sabiduría―, se percibe cuál es el alma rusa, el alma oriental. Es algo que nos hará mucho bien. Tenemos necesidad de esta renovación, de este aire fresco de Oriente, de esta luz del Oriente."

Papa Francisco

19 sept 2013

No one can take from you what truly belongs to you.

No one can take from you
what truly belongs to you.
You deserve all the good you can imagine
because you were created to love.
~ Alan Cohen

~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Wednesday September 18, 2013

All true and lasting change comes from within, so telling someone to do something, or become something, is going to have limited success. They may temporarily adopt your proposed behaviour in a desire to please you, but it will be short-lived because it is not coming from their own authenticity. Even worse, if they really wish to gain your approval, they may keep at it for a longer period of time, becoming increasingly sad, uncomfortable and out of alignment because they are attempting to live your path and choices and not their own. The most powerful way you can lead is by following your highest life expression for yourself, while encouraging others to do the same, and honouring however that may look like for them. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Tuesday September 17, 2013

When you watch your young children having experiences, you have so much patience and wonder at their choices, at how they are learning and figuring things out. Why does that have to end? Imagine how much peace, harmony and acceptance there could be and how much strife and judgment could be avoided if you continued that attitude through the entirety of life? The idea that you reach a certain age and that process simply stops is completely false. You are always learning, experiencing and defining yourselves as you expand and grow throughout your lifetime. Imagine feeling encouraged to do so without the fear of judgment or getting it wrong. How incredibly freeing that would be for everyone! Love each other enough to step back and not only allow, but encourage each other to have whatever experiences feel right, secure in the fact that it is all part of the amazing growth process you are all on the planet to experience. ~Archangel Gabriel

Wagele on Enneagram book for children

The Happy Introvert by Elizabeth Wagele

18 sept 2013

Soul Love

To surrender to love, you will need to pay attention to any of your own emotions, moods, or thoughts that might lead you to act in less than loving ways. You may need to surrender pride, a sense of self-importance, the need to have your way, to feel superior to, or to have power over others. You will want to let go of those emotions that make you feel less than, inferior, or doubtful of your worth. You will want to train yourself to think about others in positive ways, even if you feel they have hurt you. You will want to bring about harmonious conditions through your speech, actions, and thoughts.

Soul Love

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

Some of you are not doing your life's work out of fear that you or your skills are inadequate, or that in some way other people have something special to offer that you do not. You have been given the talents, desires, skills, and preferences you have because they are in some way a part of your path and needed in the world. Much important work is waiting for you to wake up to your purpose and believe in yourself. Your work is important; your contribution is special and needed.

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

Spiritual Growth

Are there people you are sending a lot of energy to who aren't growing, or who feel like burdens to you in some way? In your mind, imagine you are putting these burdens down. Turn these people over to their own Higher Selves to help them grow. Send them light, and release your responsibility for making their lives work.

Spiritual Growth

Personal Power Through Awareness

As you focus on the greatness in others, you will attract higher thoughts about yourself from other people. See them as doing the best they know how.

Personal Power Through Awareness

Judy Kuhn - "I Dreamed A Dream" Les Miserables

17 sept 2013

Putting a Shield Around Your Inner Child

Putting a Shield Around Your Inner Child

What Does it *Look* Like to Protect Your Inner Child?

What Does it *Look* Like to Protect Your Inner Child?

Learning to Love Your Inner Child

Learning to Love Your Inner Child

A Body Awareness Practice: From Ego to Essence

A Body Awareness Practice: From Ego to Essence

Self Improvement: Do You Value Your Vulnerable Child?

Self Improvement: Do You Value Your Vulnerable Child?

Self Improvement: Who Do You Think You Are?

Self Improvement: Who Do You Think You Are?

Live Your Soul not a Role

Live Your Soul not a Role

Learning to See Our Core Self

Learning to See Our Core Self

Looking into the Mirror of How We See Others

Looking into the Mirror of How We See Others

Do You See Your Essence?

Do You See Your Essence?

When you love someone, you support their joy and freedom.

Daily Inspiration

When you love someone, you support their joy and freedom. You support what they want for themselves, not what you think they should want or what you want from them. Today, think about if you are really loving others, and who is really loving you.
  By Dr.Margaret Paul

Jeshua via Pamela Kribbe: Two Types of Darkness

Jeshua via Pamela Kribbe: Two Types of Darkness

Jesus via John Smallman: The Results of the Collapse of the Dark’s Nefarious Agendas are Coming Plainly into View

Jesus via John Smallman: The Results of the Collapse of the Dark’s Nefarious Agendas are Coming Plainly into View

"The winds of grace are always blowing, but we must raise our sails."

  "The winds of grace are always blowing,

but we must raise our sails."  


No relationship is permanently damaged.

No relationship is permanently damaged.
Any relationship can be repaired.
Your willingness will heal your heart.
                               ~ Alan Cohen

16 sept 2013

Jeshua via Pamela Kribbe: Two Types of Darkness

Jeshua via Pamela Kribbe: Two Types of Darkness

Saul via John Smallman: The Human Collective is Making the Essential Choice to Change Direction

Saul via John Smallman: The Human Collective is Making the Essential Choice to Change Direction

Spiritual Growth

Try watching people without making any judgments about who they are, and you will sense more about them. Find something beautiful about each person and practice sending light or love to him or her through your eyes and heart. You cannot serve people when you separate yourself from them by judging them.

Spiritual Growth

Personal Power Through Awareness

One of the biggest blind spots in sensing energy is being too aware of yourself, existing too much on the center stage of your own life. You are blocked from sensing other people's realities when you are more concerned with what others think about you than with what you can do to heal and assist them (which, of course, heals and assists you).

Personal Power Through Awareness

Living With Joy

Notice the TV, newspapers and books you read - do they use positive words? Do they bring up your energy or do they take it down and plant negative images in your mind? You are absolutely free to choose what you read and hear. No one makes you do anything. This week use that freedom and free will to put yourself in the highest, most supportive environment you can create. Observe and watch what level people are coming from. You will see that you have much to offer by helping others into a higher space. Know that you can carry light and bring it to all those people you contact.

Living With Joy

Psicología con María Jesús Álva Reyes: Cómo son las personas que mienten

15 sept 2013

Simon Sinek: Cómo los grandes líderes inspiran la acción

Jeshua via Pamela Kribbe: Levels of Connection with Your Soul

Jeshua via Pamela Kribbe: Levels of Connection with Your Soul

Orchestra Baobab Live, Hutru horas

LIVIKA en el festival en memoria de Asambai IBIZA 2010

Soul Love

Experience your soul's forgiveness by forgiving yourself. As you feel yourself as your soul, forgive yourself for something you did in the past that you still feel badly about. Let your soul's soft, consistent, and forgiving love flow into you. Receive your soul's love for you as you forgive yourself.

Soul Love

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

Some resistance can be self-sabotage. It comes from feeling that you are not worthy of having more than you have. If you know deep inside that a healthy diet, exercise, handling an issue, or some other course of action would truly benefit you, but you resist, you may need to learn to honor yourself more. Rather than confronting the bigger issues immediately, first take small actions that honor you. Think of something really nurturing and luxurious you would like to do for yourself. Perhaps you would like to soak in a warm bath, buy flowers for your house, or take a half hour for yourself every day.

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

Opening to Channel

Your guide or higher self will assist you in finding answers to everything from mundane everyday issues to the most challenging spiritual questions. You can use channeling for healing, teaching, and expanding your creativity in all areas of your life. As you access the higher realms, you can bring through great knowledge, wisdom, inventions, works of art, philosophy, poetry, and discoveries of all kinds.

Opening to Channel

Spiritual Growth

You strengthen people by sending them your loving thoughts. People are doing the best they know how given their backgrounds, circumstances, and beliefs. Rather than judging or criticizing other people, ask yourself what you can do to make their lives better. As you send people your loving thoughts, you strengthen them and support them in attracting good things.

Spiritual Growth

Personal Power Through Awareness

Do you speak of prosperity, joy, and abundance, or do you speak of pain, problems, and woes? Whatever you speak of will increase in your life. Affirm that you will speak positively of yourself and your life, for as you focus on the positive, you increase it.

Personal Power Through Awareness

Living With Joy

As you go out into the world today, be aware of how you can express love through your eyes, through your smile, your heart, and even a gentle touch if it is appropriate. You came to earth as a community of souls, and all of you can send out a high loving feeling, a thoughtform of love, and offer it to each other. For the rest of today, be in your heart. Experience the love that is you, and as you do, be open to receive from others the acknowledgement of the beautiful light and love within you.

Living With Joy

14 sept 2013

Soul Love

As you grow closer to your soul, the amount of time you want to spend with people may change. You may find yourself valuing time alone to recharge, to meditate, to connect with your soul, and to simply be. It is important to spend time alone to hear your inner self and to feel balanced. Do not make yourself wrong, or tell yourself that something is wrong with your relationships, if you want to spend more time alone. It is in moments of silence, when you are alone, that your soul can best work with you to send you energy and ideas.

Soul Love

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

People who serve others to the best of their ability have lives filled with abundance and joy. Service means putting yourself in other people's shoes and giving them the best you can, be they clients, employers, co-workers, friends, or loved ones. When you show your best face to the world and come from your highest level of integrity, you are serving others. You do not need to be a leader or world famous, or to accomplish great deeds to make an important contribution to humanity. If your work is done with intention, consciousness, and love, you are giving the most valuable contribution of all — you are adding light to the world.

Some people are motivated to make money because they think that having it will take away their problems and lessons. You cannot live on earth and avoid lessons; but you can learn them easily and with joy rather than struggle. Developing the qualities of inner wisdom and peace will help you see your problems as opportunities for growth, which will help you deal with them more easily than having money ever will.

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

Opening to Channel

Channeling is easier than you might think, and because it feels so natural, some people have difficulty believing that they have connected with a guide or their source self when they first begin. Take notes and read back what you have channeled later, and you will be able to see how good your channeling is.

Opening to Channel

Spiritual Growth

Learn to detach from people's personalities, pettiness, or little faults. Focus instead on their greatness and you will experience more of it. Non-attachment is loving people as they are and finding the right moment to insert a thought, a touch, or love into their lives to empower them to make a shift to a higher level of consciousness.

Spiritual Growth

Personal Power Through Awareness

If you are idly thinking of other people, you draw in whatever feeling they have or whatever level of thought they carry at that time. If you notice people coming into your mind, send them love and let them go; do not dwell on their situation or what is happening in their lives, for if you do so you begin to bring their reality into your own.

Personal Power Through Awareness

Living With Joy

To look at your life purpose, look beyond the mass thought forms that exist. Many of you have grown up with a great deal of pressure to do, to accomplish, and to be, to make a name for yourselves, to feel worthy in one way or another. When you look at life purpose, ask your soul and yourself, "Am I doing this for me, for my highest good, or am I doing it to please others, to live up to their image of me? Am I accomplishing this purpose so that I may receive a pat on the back, or recognition? Or am I doing it because it is something I want to do, that fits who I am, that brings me joy?"

Living With Joy

All of you are so loved

All of you are so loved, and you have not been taught this. You do not see it reinforced, mirrored back to you often. When you get with a group of like-minded ones, then you see your value mirrored back to you. You can feel the divinity of each one.

Jeshua Ben Joseph

13 sept 2013

FARAFINA (Burkina Faso)

Guem et Zaka- Afrique tango

Guem, de origen nigeriano, nació en Argelia, pais en el que se inició en la danza oriental y del Africa negra. En los años 70 fue a vivir a Paris, donde comenzó a tocar y enseñar en grupos de jazz, bossa nova,... acabando finalmente creando su propia música y revolucionando el arte de la percusión, saliéndose de las rítmicas habituales.
Es la suya una percusión universal, que mezcla ritmos e instrumentos orientales, africanos, cubanos y brasileños. Su trabajo autodidacta le lleva a desarrollar un método de percusión global. Su arte es una cosa tan "salvaje" como la percusión y la danza africana, de una forma al alcance de todo el mundo.

Con más de veinte trabajos discográficos, incontables conciertos por todo el planeta, participación en los principales festivales de músicas del mundo (world music), Guem es actualmente una referencia para todo buen amante de la percusión, especialmente la africana.

Cualquiera de sus trabajos es bueno, pero en uno de los CDs donde más aparece el djembe es "Musiques de Trance", de donde se pueden sacar muchos ritmos y sobre todo improvisaciones. Otro de mis CDs favoritos es "Guem et Zaka".


Jacob Barnett, el Albert Einstein diagnosticado con "autismo"

Jacob Barnett
Jacob dejó de comunicarse a los 2 años, cuando fue diagnosticado con autismo. Cuando recuperó el habla, aprendió a hablar cuatro idiomas.
Jacob Barnett fue diagnosticado con autismo grave con apenas 2 años y los expertos dijeron que tal vez nunca podría leer o atarse los zapatos. A sus 14 años, el joven Barnett estudia un doctorado en física cuántica.
La mente brillante de este niño prodigio de Indiana, Estados Unidos, estuvo a punto de perderse en una enfermedad a la que a menudo los padres no saben cómo hacer frente.
Desde que fue diagnosticado, Jacob Barnett -Jake, para los amigos- no volvió a hablar.
Fueron largas las horas que pasaba Jacob en casa rodeado de expertos en educación especial que le guiaban en una suerte de terapia interminable con estrictos ejercicios, centrados en desarrollar sus habilidades más básicas, para sacar al niño de lo que se creía era una enfermedad que le marcaría toda la vida.
"Cuando Jacob volvió a hablar, lo hizo en cuatro idiomas", aseguró su madre, Kristine Barnett en una entrevista con la BBC.
Entonces, Barnett ya se había dado cuenta del talento especial de su hijo.
Desde pequeño, cuenta Kristine Barnett, "memorizaba cada calle de las ciudades donde íbamos de viaje y luego recreaba los planos en el suelo de nuestra casa con bastoncillos".
Recitar de carrerilla el alfabeto de principio a fin -incluido de la Z a la A- o dibujar patrones matemáticos en el suelo con una cuerda eran ejercicios de lo más común para Jacob Barnett, que se entrenaba en el silencio del autismo.
Una vez superó la barrera del habla a los 4 años, Jacob comenzó un sobresaliente aprendizaje que lo llevaría a la Universidad con apenas 11 años.
Un año después ya recibía un sueldo como investigador de física cuántica y ayudaba a alumnos de la Universidad en sus trabajos como "profesor adjunto".
Ahora, a sus 14 años, este estudiante de la Universidad de Indiana está cursando un doctorado en física cuántica "de la mano de su tutor", como concreta el joven a la BBC.

Criar a un genio

Jacob Barnett y su madre
La madre del niño prodigio, Kristine Barnett, recoge su historia en un libro en el que cuenta las dificultades y los espectaculares descubrimientos por los que ha pasado desde que su hijo fue diagnosticado con autismo moderado, casi grave.
Las noticias fueron devastadoras para la familia.
Como dijo al programa de televisión BBC Breakfast, en un principio tuvo dificultades para encontrar la educación adecuada para Jacob.
Tras lidiar con terapeutas diariamente, Kristine Barnett decidió ocuparse de la educación de su hijo y prepararle para entrar a la escuela con otros niños: se habían olvidado de proporcionarle una niñez como la de los demás.
"¿Por qué nos empeñábamos en 'arreglar' a Jacob? Cada vez se encerraba más en sí mismo, se acurrucaba entre libros en los rincones de la casa y ya no jugaba con sus amigos", apuntó la madre.
El secreto para ayudarle a brillar fue centrarse en los aspectos positivos de Jacob y permitir al niño hacer lo que mejor sabía: llenar el suelo y las paredes de modelos matemáticos.
Jacob sabía lo que hacía. "Para mí, aquellos patrones tenían mucho sentido".
Fue su madre la primera en darse cuenta del diamante en bruto que tenía en casa.
"Salimos un día a ver las estrellas. Nos tumbamos sobre el techo del auto, escuchando jazz, y pasamos un tiempo madre e hijo fabuloso. Meses después, fuimos a un planetario local y Jacob alzó la mano para responder a todas las preguntas que un profesor hacía a un grupo de alumnos. Eran conceptos complejos de física que un niño de 3 años y medio no alcanza a comprender", apuntó.
"El problema planteado en aquella clase era trivial", dijo mientras reía nervioso.
Cuando cumplió los 8 años, la obsesión por el Universo le había invadido hasta el punto que comenzó a ir a clases en la Universidad. Se sentaba en la última fila, en silencio, pero no podía evitar responder a todas las preguntas del profesor. No fallaba una.
Para Kristine Barnett, que supo manejar la mente extraordinaria de Jacob y lidiar con su enfermedad, todos los niños "tienen un don especial".
Lo mejor, dice, es saber rodearlos de "muchosidad" que ella lo atribuye a una gran cantidad de cosas que el niño o la niña adoren -música, arte... "Sólo así se podrá sacar lo mejor de ellos".
Los expertos aseguran que Jacob Barnett, quien quiere dedicar su vida a la Física, tiene un coeficiente intelectual superior al de Albert Einstein y lo señalan como posible futuro ganador del premio Nobel por su teoría original sobre astrofísica, que desarrolló con 12 años, una edad en la que los intereses de un joven están siempre fuera de las aulas.

Fuente: BBC

Forget What You Know - Jacob Barnett at TEDxTeen

Children remind us where we come from

Children remind us where we come from
because they have not yet forgotten.
Do all you can to help them
continue remembering.
                           ~ Alan Cohen

12 sept 2013

How to Handle Adults Who Take No Responsibility for Their Actions By Mike Bundrant

The Purpose of Shame

The Purpose of Shame

~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Thursday September 12, 2013

Should is a word that is constantly trying to shift you out of your Now moment. Should can be somewhat insidious because it has an underlying tone of judgment, and sees your reality, or the reality of others, as being “wrong”. This is completely contrary to the truth, which is that each person is always exactly where they need to be. Should tries to talk you out of being where you are. It infuses guilt rather than allowing you to enjoy the perfection of your Now moment. It is another distraction tactic your ego self uses to keep you spinning your wheels rather than BEing and expanding. We urge you to stop “shoulding” on yourselves and others! Acceptance is the natural anti-dote to this, as is embracing your Now and feeling appreciation for the multitude of blessings that are always present and oh, so very right in your lives. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Wednesday September 11, 2013

Dear Ones, why not make a commitment to leave the energy just a bit better everywhere you go today? Do kindnesses for each other. Smile. Consciously find the beauty all around you. Be courteous. Hold your balance and shine your light. By doing so, not only will you be of energetic service to others, you will greatly benefit from it as well. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Monday September 16, 2013

Dear Ones, it is so very important that you are clear, truly clear, about what it is that you wish to create for yourselves. Energetically, you have purged and released so very much. Who you are energetically now, compared to who you were just a few short years ago, may be vastly different. Do your desires truly represent who you are now? Or do they still aim to please others or reflect old belief systems or what others think you will be or do? It is so important that you get in touch with what are your true desires and allow that to emanate from you in the clearest fashion, for that is exactly how your internal guidance system will lead you to the life of your dreams. ~Archangel Gabriel