Cada árbol y cada planta del prado
parece estar danzando;
aquéllos con ojos comunes
sólo los verán fijos e inmóviles.
parece estar danzando;
aquéllos con ojos comunes
sólo los verán fijos e inmóviles.
30 nov 2014
29 nov 2014
~Archangel Gabriel
Daily Message ~ Friday November 28, 2014
If their car breaks down, a wise human honours their desire for enjoyable transportation, does their research, and buys a new car with greater reliability and more features they desire. If their relationship breaks down, a wise human honours their desire to love and be loved, and from a new place of clarity and knowledge, chooses a new relationship with greater reliability and traits that match their desires.
Do not deny yourselves, Dear Ones, even if you have a disappointment. Simply learn from your experiences and choose again, based on your new level of wisdom, for you are on the planet to love, enjoy, experience and evolve. ~Archangel Gabriel
28 nov 2014
Jesus Christ Superstar - Heaven on Their Minds
My mind is clearer now
At last
All too well
I can see
Where we all
Soon will be
If you strip away
The myth
From the man
You will see
Where we all
Soon will be
You've started to believe
The things they say of you
You really do believe
This talk of God is true
And all the good you've done
Will soon be swept away
You've begun to matter more
Than the things you say
Listen Jesus
I don't like what I see
All I ask is that you listen to me
And remember
I've been your right hand man all along
You have set them all on fire
They think they've found the new Messiah
And they'll hurt you when they find they're wrong
I remember when this whole thing began
No talk of God then, we called you a man
And believe me
My admiration for you hasn't died
But every word you say today
Gets twisted 'round some other way
And they'll hurt you if they think you've lied
Nazareth's most famous son
Should have stayed a great unknown
Like his father carving wood
He'd have made good
Tables, chairs and oaken chests
Would have suited Jesus best
He'd have caused nobody harm
No one alarm
Listen Jesus, do you care for your race?
Don't you see we must keep in our place?
We are occupied
Have you forgotten how put down we are?
I am frightened by the crowd
For we are getting much too loud
And they'll crush us if we go too far
If we go too far
Listen Jesus to the warning I give
Please remember that I want us to live
But it's sad to see our chances weakening with ev'ry hour
All your followers are blind
Too much heaven on their minds
It was beautiful, but now it's sour
Yes it's all gone sour
Ah --- ah ah ah --- ah
Listen Jesus to the warning I give
Please remember that I want us to live
So come on, come on, he won't listen to me.
Ah --- ah
Come on, listen, listen to me.
Come on and listen to me.
Ah --- ah
Heaven on Their Minds,
Jesus Christ Superstar,
27 nov 2014
~Archangel Gabriel
Daily Message ~ Thursday November 27, 2014
Some human beings hold the idea that you can lose parts of yourself – that you can lose your innocence, that you can lose your ability to trust, your ability to love. In reality, you hold all things. You can never, ever lose an aspect of yourself. People cannot take parts of you away from you. There is always a part of you that is full and complete. What has happened is you have made a decision to allow those traits to diminish, to fall into dormancy.
How do you fix this? First, become your own loving parent and create a beautiful and safe environment for yourself to shine in your entirety. Then bring those aspects of self back into the light, integrate them back into your way of being. You are always whole, and wonderful and divine. You have simply allowed yourself to believe you have become divided, that you are broken. You can call back all aspects of yourself that you have given up on, dust them off and put them back into operation and start to experience the fullness of your being all over again, whenever you want. It is never too late to experience your wholeness, your completeness, your divinity. It is always waiting patiently for you to move back into. ~Archangel Gabriel
Daily Message ~ Wednesday November 26, 2014
Dear Ones, your innocence, your imagination is still there, waiting to be dusted off and rediscovered. Use it to create, to bring lightness and play back into your lives. Follow the imagination bridge to your greatest joys, creations, and discoveries, and you will be weaving magic back into your reality again. ~Archangel Gabriel
25 nov 2014
23 nov 2014
T S Eliot reads his Four Quartets
Con la atracción de este Amor y la voz de esta Llamada
No cesaremos de explorar
y el fin de toda nuestra exploración
será llegar a donde arrancamos
y conocer el lugar por primera vez.
A través de la puerta desconocida, recordada
cuando lo último de la tierra por descubrir
sea lo que era el comienzo;
en la fuente del río más largo
la voz de la cascada escondida
y los niños en el manzano
no conocida, porque no buscada
pero oída, medio oída, en el silencio
entre dos olas del mar.
Deprisa ahora, aquí, ahora, siempre –
una situación de completa sencillez
(costando no menos que todo)
y todo irá bien y toda
clase de cosas irán bien
cuando las lenguas de llamas estén plegadas hacia dentro
en el coronado nudo de fuego
y el fuego y la rosa sean uno.
20 nov 2014
Despierta tu pasión
JUEVES 25 y SÁBADO 27 de septiembre de 2014
La misma sesión tendrá lugar dos días diferentes para que podáis venir cuándo mejor os venga.
Dirigida a familias, educadores y cualquier persona interesada en el proyecto. Hablaremos principalmente de los pilares filosóficos del modelo educativo Sudbury y también comentaremos algunos temas prácticos.
Nos reuniremos de 18.30 a 20h en la Casa de la Juventud de Colmenar Viejo: Carretera de Hoyo de Manzanares, 16
Debido al aforo limitado, para facilitar la organización se ruega CONFIRMAR ASISTENCIA y DÍA a través de nuestro email (el evento es totalmente gratuito): o bien llamando al 660 828 829 (Paula).
También podéis visitar nuestro facebook:
19 nov 2014
18 nov 2014
17 nov 2014
14 nov 2014
13 nov 2014
12 nov 2014
Ask yourself with each choice you make today, "Would I want this announced in the newspapers?"
Daily Inspiration
Ask yourself with each choice you make today, "Would I want this announced in the newspapers?" Staying in integrity means thinking and behaving in ways you are proud of. Be vigilant about your integrity - it will move you into the light. By Dr. Margaret Paul11 nov 2014
7 nov 2014
4 nov 2014
2 nov 2014
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