Cada árbol y cada planta del prado
parece estar danzando;
aquéllos con ojos comunes
sólo los verán fijos e inmóviles.

28 dic 2022

El camino hacia Ti.

Tan íntima y profunda. Sublime. Una inspiración divina. Obra maestra. Siempre he querido que las letras de las canciones me nutrieran el alma. Esta lo consigue a la perfección. Gracias, hermano.

17 nov 2022

The Shortest Guide to Dealing with Emotions

Imagine you are sitting in a car, and you are driving down a lonely highway. Suddenly, in the middle of nowhere, a warning light goes off. Your oil pressure is very low. If you just ignore it and continue your drive, you run the risk of doing serious damage to your engine. You know you can get a tow, but this is going to take a while. As you are considering your next step, you suddenly remember a trick about how you can short circuit the warning light. This would not change anything about the engine—it would still be starved for oil—but the low-pressure signal would no longer be blinking on your dashboard, and you could ignore it more easily. Here’s the question: Should you do it? Continue reading this article,

Chakra 3E - BALANCE

Bring balance to yourself, mind, body, and spirit. No one can bring this balance to you. You must first bring it to yourself. Practice staying in your center. Do not allow anything to knock you off that center. Strive for male and female balance. Strive for yin and yang within. In relationships and business, expect equitable returns.

Chakra 6 - TRANSFORMATION Here in the 6th chakra, we find our third eye. That is nice, but how do we use it for transformation? And do we even want to? Sure we want to because our third eye is where we see what is not there. It is how we break out of illusion. It is where we take the lower and transform it into the higher. It is where we have the ability to change our outer and outer worlds by completely understanding them both. . .as ONE. It is only the holographic illusion that we live in that tells us these worlds are separate. And we need to stay grounded in our physical bodies in order to be here and do whatever our spirit came to accomplish in our human form. Understanding and using the third eye as a means of connection can help bring us back into the oneness necessary to make our earthbound lives peaceful and harmonious. This is what is meant by creating Heaven on Earth. It is not such a strange or impossible feat. On an earthbound level you are being asked to come to a clear understanding of the mind, body, spirit connection and your connection to ALL. In this way, the table is set for the feast to come. Be not afraid of any changes that are taking place. Embrace them all. Develop the muscle of your third eye effectively through meditation. Do not have time? The third eye is the chakra that contains the energies that help us master and transcend time.

POWER Power is not the same as force and power can also be misguided. Our angels speak to us here in this second chakra layer, of coming to know, understand, and take responsibility for our power. We can make so many things! Do we use our gifts for good or no? Do we manipulate and use or no? Do we insist on engaging in our old patterns or do we find better ways? Do we foist our idea of power onto others? It is our choice. This card represents the house where our ideas, creativity, and purpose, meet together in the parlor to decide how they will show up as form in the world. We can all sit in the room and talk forever or we can take forward moving action. You are being urged to gather your power, then, and use it constructively, so as to create something solid that lives on and touches your life and the lives of others in positive and uplifting ways. Much work may be involved, but you are up for the task. Gather, fuel up, and then go.


Like many contracts in general, sacred contracts can be complicated. Then again, if you understand what they are about, they can be quite simple. We all come in here with certain lessons our soul agreed to learn and certain contracts we agreed to perform. For example, some meet their soul mate while they are here. They recognize each other as soul mates. Yet one person refuses to engage in this soul contract and the agreed upon actions. This can, sometimes unknowingly to the other person, cause someone a great deal of pain and anguish. And that person may struggle for a reasonable answer or explanation as to why this did not work out the way it was supposed to. In either soul contracts or sacred contracts we cannot enforce what in earthly law might be known as specific performance. We ALL have free will. We cannot make anyone adhere to what was agreed upon, nor do we have to do it ourselves. And we do not have to engage in any relationship on any level that makes us feel less than, and that does not honor us. All is a lesson in love, especially our sacred contracts, and we must learn to honor ourselves. If circumstances in your life are confusing beyond measure, look first to your sacred contracts. Somewhere inside you, your spirit knows exactly what these are and what you agreed to learn. They are imprinted upon your soul. On an earthbound level delve into this via meditation or journaling or both. Find the patterns. Know that your answers will show up. While it can be important to integrate these contracts into your earthbound reality, it is equally important to not feel stuck or victimized by them. If you are truly done with a contract or lesson, you are done with it and it will not show up again. Accept, learn, integrate, transform, and then just let go.

13 nov 2022

¿Qué es lo más importante que debo eliminar o qué es eso de lo que necesito deshacerme en este momento?
¿Cuál sería para tí el futuro más hermoso y con quién te gustaría compartirlo?
Most of us learned as we were growing up to define our worth by our looks, performance, and achievements, and this creates many problems. What happens when you get older and lose some of your looks? What happens if you stop being as productive at work, or you retire? Does this mean that you now have less worth? This is the problem with attaching your worth to looks, achievements or performance.
The wounded self in many people wants to think that someone else can give you the love you need, fill up your emptiness, make you feel safe, define your worth, and tell you what the right thing is to do. The wounded self thinks if you give yourself up and try to be the way you think someone else wants you to be, you can get the love and attention you need to feel worthy, and the approval you think you need to feel safe. Unfortunately, there are many people, also operating from their wounded selves, who want you to give up your authority over yourself - over defining yourself and over knowing what is right for you - to them. Whether it is a teacher, a parent, a spouse, a friend, a guru, a minister, rabbi or priest, a therapist or a doctor, anyone who professes to know more than you about what is right for you is not coming from a loving adult state. A good teacher can guide you and help you find your own answers, but if that teacher professes to have all the answers for you, he or she is not supporting your highest good.
"El que tiene fe en sí mismo no necesita que los demás crean en él." Miguel de Unamuno
Algunos dudáis de vosotros mismos y pensáis que aún no habéis logrado mucho en vuestras vidas. Pero esta vida que estáis viviendo ahora no se trata tanto de logros mundanos. Se trata mucho más de convertiros en maestros de vuestra propia energía; se trata de reconocer realmente que sois un alma, un ser divino: esa chispa de luz que estaba al principio de la Creación, y se trata de reconocer esa luz como propia. Venís de un pasado y una tradición donde esta chispa de luz se ha sofocado y reprimido. Y una de las formas en las cuales vuestra luz se reprimió fue a través de la lucha que surgió entre hombres y mujeres. Vuestro espíritu es libre y puede bailar con cualquier energía que quiera; habéis vivido vidas tanto femeninas como masculinas. Pero, en vuestra tradición y sociedad, los roles de hombre y mujer se definieron y se redujeron. Las mujeres se vieron obligadas a negar su verdadero poder, creatividad e independencia. Durante mucho tiempo se pensó que las mujeres eran inferiores a los hombres, sin tener la capacidad de razonar y pensar con claridad. Mucho de esto ha cambiado, pero no debéis subestimar las huellas que esta tradición ha dejado en la psique femenina. Por otro lado, los niños, desde una edad temprana, fueron desanimados a mostrar sus sentimientos y a ser vulnerables. Se les enseñó a apagar su energía femenina intuitiva, tenían que ser fuertes y tener el control. Y de esta manera, se creó una polaridad artificial entre hombres y mujeres, haciendo que pareciera que venían de planetas diferentes, como dice un famoso libro, pero esto es realmente una tragedia.
Muros en mi jardin.
God’s Love is here...right now.
“Do I really believe in God, the Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Loving Father who made the universe?”
To be alone is to be separated from infinity, but how can this be if infinity has no end? 2No one can be beyond the limitless, because what has no limits must be everywhere. 3There are no beginnings and no endings in God, Whose universe is Himself. 4Can you exclude yourself from the universe, or from God Who is the universe? 5I and my Father are one with you,5 for you are part of Us. 6Do you really believe that part of God can be missing or lost to Him? Jesus

The miracle

The miracle is the act of a Son of God who has laid aside all false gods, and who calls on his brothers to do likewise. 2It is an act of faith, because it is the recognition that his brother can do it. 3It is a call to the Holy Spirit in his mind, a call to Him which is strengthened by this joining. 4Because the miracle worker has heard Him, he strengthens His voice in a sick brother by weakening his belief in sickness, which he does not share. 5The power of one mind can shine into another, because all the lamps of God were lit with the same spark. 6It is everywhere and it is eternal. Jesus
Tal vez, sólo tal vez, Dios quiere que yo goce de una salud perfecta, radiante, quizás pueda aceptar hoy que Dios quiere que camime hacia la Vida Eterna igual que Jesús. La Voluntad de Dios para mí es la Vida Eterna a través de mi propia Resurrección.
Each of us has an inner critic. There is no way to grow up in our society without having developed this inner critical voice - which comes from parents, teachers, peers, the media, and from our own conclusions. The problem is that this inner critic sounds like a voice of authority, when in reality it doesn't know what it is talking about. It is a voice based on beliefs that have been handed down through generations but that have no basis in fact.