Cada árbol y cada planta del prado
parece estar danzando;
aquéllos con ojos comunes
sólo los verán fijos e inmóviles.

17 nov 2022

Chakra 6 - TRANSFORMATION Here in the 6th chakra, we find our third eye. That is nice, but how do we use it for transformation? And do we even want to? Sure we want to because our third eye is where we see what is not there. It is how we break out of illusion. It is where we take the lower and transform it into the higher. It is where we have the ability to change our outer and outer worlds by completely understanding them both. . .as ONE. It is only the holographic illusion that we live in that tells us these worlds are separate. And we need to stay grounded in our physical bodies in order to be here and do whatever our spirit came to accomplish in our human form. Understanding and using the third eye as a means of connection can help bring us back into the oneness necessary to make our earthbound lives peaceful and harmonious. This is what is meant by creating Heaven on Earth. It is not such a strange or impossible feat. On an earthbound level you are being asked to come to a clear understanding of the mind, body, spirit connection and your connection to ALL. In this way, the table is set for the feast to come. Be not afraid of any changes that are taking place. Embrace them all. Develop the muscle of your third eye effectively through meditation. Do not have time? The third eye is the chakra that contains the energies that help us master and transcend time.