Cada árbol y cada planta del prado
parece estar danzando;
aquéllos con ojos comunes
sólo los verán fijos e inmóviles.
parece estar danzando;
aquéllos con ojos comunes
sólo los verán fijos e inmóviles.
31 dic 2013
Message of the Day
Beloved one, wisdom is going back to simplicity itself, going back to
the recognition that, "I Am Christ. I Am divine. Everything that I
behold is divine. Every day is Christmas." And when you come to that
place where you can truly celebrate every day as Christmas because you
are the Christ awakening in each day, you will know the miracle--as the
world yet judges miracles--you will know the miracle of Christmas. You
will know the miracle of your being. You will feel the expansiveness of
your being.
30 dic 2013
Kenneth Wapnick, 2/25/1942 — 12/27/2013
Kenneth Wapnick, 2/25/1942 — 12/27/2013
Ken Wapnick has passed away at age 71. The Foundation for A Course in Miracles released this announcement: "It is with the utmost sorrow that we inform you of the death of Dr. Kenneth Wapnick on Friday December 27, 2013. He died peacefully at home with his beloved wife Gloria and family at his side. The family will have a private service and plans are being made for a forthcoming public memorial."Ken devoted his life completely to the Course. After Helen Schucman and Bill Thetford, he played the largest role in its genesis, after which he became its most influential interpreter. With his passing, we have lost our most significant living link with that story. Our deepest condolences go to his family, friends and students.
From all at the Circle of Atonement.
28 dic 2013
Revisit your past only to recognize how far you have come.
Revisit your past only to recognize how far you have come.
Soul Love
may be trying to find or create perfect love in your life. Pure,
clear, true love exists at the soul level, between souls. Even the most
understanding person will not always be able to love you the way your
personality wants to be loved. Some may come close, yet there will
always be places where you do not feel completely loved, understood, or
appreciated. With this knowledge, you can be more understanding and
forgiving of others, knowing that there is no way they could ever
completely satisfy you.
Soul Love
Creating Money: Attracting Abundance
can draw your life's work to you more quickly by developing the inner
strengths and resources you will need to successfully carry it out. You
do not need to take large risks or big steps that are inappropriate for
you. By starting with small steps and developing your inner resources,
each move you make will be an easy next step. As you take small steps,
you will discover that your dreams are within your reach and easier to
accomplish than you imagine.
Creating Money: Attracting Abundance
Personal Power Through Awareness
can master your thoughts, your inner dialogue, and your personal
broadcast. Over and over, decline negative thoughts that come into your
mind. Substitute higher ones. Fix your mind on higher ideas no matter
what is going on around you. Spend some time learning to hold a focus,
taming your mind, and harnessing it as your friend. As you do so, you
will become a source of light and love for all around you.
Personal Power Through Awareness
What are you focusing on today?
Daily Message ~ Friday December 27, 2013
Daily Message ~ Thursday December 26, 2013
Daily Message ~ Wednesday December 25, 2013
Daily Message ~ Tuesday December 24, 2013
Daily Message ~ Monday December 23, 2013
27 dic 2013
The quieter you become, the more you can hear.
The quieter you become, the more you can hear.
~ Ram Dass
Message of the Day
Beloved one, one of the most beautiful parts of being divine, which you
are, is that you can live life as a celebration every day. Your
divinity--who you are and what you are--allows you to play with every
experience and to make it what you will. Allow yourself to live as the
innocent Child, the one who celebrates every day, who laughs every day,
who finds joy in every day. Live as that little dog that realizes that
someone left the gate open and it is running in great joy because the
gate is open. "And I can go out. I can celebrate my being."
26 dic 2013
La Navidad suele ser una fiesta ruidosa: nos vendría bien estar un poco en silencio, para oír la voz del Amor.
La Navidad suele ser una fiesta ruidosa: nos vendría bien estar un poco en silencio, para oír la voz del Amor.El Papa Francisco
25 dic 2013
Daily Inspiration
Today, pretend that a movie camera in on
you, photographing every action, every word, as a role model of loving
action for the children of the world to see. With this in mind, you
might be more mindful of your intent, of who you choose to be each and
every moment.
By Dr. Margaret Paul
24 dic 2013
Spiritual Growth
takes only a few people living at a higher vibration to create a
doorway for many others. Becoming a world-server is one of the fastest
paths to enlightenment and will bring you joy, abundance, and inner
satisfaction. Make the most of every opportunity you have to serve and
empower others. As you do, you will reach enlightenment through
Spiritual Growth
Personal Power Through Awareness
the leader. Dare to be wise! Dare to be the one who is the most
loving, compassionate, open, and vulnerable. Set the example; do not
wait for others to be open and wise first. You will soon discover the
power of one open, wise, and loving person to transform the entire
universe around him or her.
Personal Power Through Awareness
Living With Joy
the TV, newspapers and books you read - do they use positive words? Do
they bring up your energy or do they take it down and plant negative
images in your mind? You are absolutely free to choose what you read
and hear. No one makes you do anything. This week use that freedom and
free will to put yourself in the highest, most supportive environment
you can create. Observe and watch what level people are coming from.
You will see that you have much to offer by helping others into a higher
space. Know that you can carry light and bring it to all those people
you contact.
Living With Joy
It is possible to own too much.
It is possible to own too much.
A man with one watch knows what time it is;
a man with two watches is never quite sure.
~ Lee Segall
23 dic 2013
Archangel Gabriel
Daily Message ~ Monday December 23, 2013
Soul Love
your inner dialogue today. Catch thoughts or feelings that are
judgmental or less than loving about yourself. Then, join with your
soul and change any unloving thoughts into loving ones. The more
consistently you can love yourself, the more often you can experience
consistent love from others.
Soul Love
Creating Money: Attracting Abundance
might imagine your thoughts as "magnets." These "magnets" go out into
the world and attract the substances that match them; they duplicate
themselves in form. Everything around you was a thought in someone's
mind before it existed in your reality. Cars, roads, homes, buildings,
and cities all existed as thoughts before they became realities.
Creating Money: Attracting Abundance
Living With Joy
can create joy by softening your energy. What do I mean by softening?
Whenever people are mad at you, you can easily respond with anger and
hardness. On the other hand, you can soften so much that you look at
them with deep compassion. This separates your energy from theirs at
the personality level and connects you in the heart.
Living With Joy
Message of the Day
Beloved one, you are coming to the place now where
you recognize the divinity of yourself, and you recognize the divinity
of each one of the friends and the ones that you interact with. It may
not come at first. They may present a certain image to you and you have
to look beyond that image. A lot of times what they do is they present
the most disheveled image of who they think they are and they may want
to fight, and they may think that everything is wrong. But what they are
really asking you to do is to look past that and to see the Christ of
them. The more they scream and hit out and act out, the more they are
calling for your love, wanting you to see past what perhaps they cannot
see past, but you can. You smile at them, and it is Christmas because
you see the Christ of them.
Personal Power Through Awareness
Consciously send others higher images. Hold a vision of your higher self in everything you do. Honor the higher self in everyone you meet, and you will find it honored in you.
Personal Power Through Awareness
22 dic 2013
Preachers err by trying to talk people into belief -
Preachers err by trying to talk people into belief —
better they reveal the radiance of their own discovery.
~ Joseph Campbell
Creating Money: Attracting Abundance
you are feeling a lack of abundance in your life, think of someone you
can give something to. Giving to others who are appreciative and can
use your gifts can bring you some of the most wonderful feelings in the
world. Giving affirms your abundance and helps you feel prosperous.
Giving makes you strong. Think of something you could give to someone
you know that would help him or her right now. Make a point of doing
it, and you will find the universe will give to you as well.
You can cultivate new beliefs that will help you accumulate money. For instance, the belief that you can make a living doing what you love might motivate you to be more creative. You might want to believe that money is something to be enjoyed, something that will contribute to your higher purpose and help you make a contribution to humanity.
You can cultivate new beliefs that will help you accumulate money. For instance, the belief that you can make a living doing what you love might motivate you to be more creative. You might want to believe that money is something to be enjoyed, something that will contribute to your higher purpose and help you make a contribution to humanity.
Creating Money: Attracting Abundance
21 dic 2013
Living With Joy
someone does something you do not like, open your heart before you
speak. If you choose to make a statement, state what you feel about the
situation, rather than blame for something they did to you. You can
say, "I feel hurt," rather than "YOU hurt me." A powerful way to state
it is, "I am CHOOSING to feel hurt,” for every feeling you have is one
you have chosen.
Living With Joy
Personal Power Through Awareness
of the biggest blind spots in sensing energy is being too aware of
yourself, existing too much on the center stage of your own life. You
are blocked from sensing other people's realities when you are more
concerned with what others think about you than with what you can do to
heal and assist them (which, of course, heals and assists you).
Personal Power Through Awareness
Spiritual Growth
strengthen people by sending them your loving thoughts. People are
doing the best they know how given their backgrounds, circumstances, and
beliefs. Rather than judging or criticizing other people, ask yourself
what you can do to make their lives better. As you send people your
loving thoughts, you strengthen them and support them in attracting good
Spiritual Growth
20 dic 2013
JESHUA: THE CENTER OF THE SUN ~ channeled by Pamela Kribbe
~ channeled by Pamela Kribbe
Dear friends, I am Jeshua. I represent the Christ energy, which is now born on Earth in and through you. I ask you to imagine my energy as a sun. Just think of the actual Sun, that radiant image of life and strength. You also can see the sun as a metaphor, as an image of yourself, of your own being and soul. Focus your consciousness for a few moments on the center of the Sun, and enter into it with your imagination – do it very calmly and quietly. Feel the immeasurable power of the energy field that is the Sun and feel yourself in the center of that huge volcano of energy. Feel the silence and tranquillity there, and the spontaneous nature of this radiance that happens by itself: the Sun radiates its light outward effortlessly.
Rest, surrounded by light, in the center of the Sun and feel how right and natural it is that you are carried by this source of power. This light is there for you, because you are, in your essence, yourself a sun. Allow yourself to relax and sink into this light. Let this light envelop you in a gentle and loving way: very flowing, warming, but never burning. Allow this light to flow through you completely and to remind you of who you are: a soul, a sun, a star in all the cells of your body. Allow every cell in your body to be imbued with this healing light of your soul-sun.
You can find the center of this sun, your central core, whenever in your daily life you return to the Now by bringing your attention completely into the present. If you are busy with the past or the future, you go out of your center and you lose connection with your light source – that which carries you. But what is the Now really? You are asked to be in the Now, in the moment, in the present, but what is that Now in reality? Once you talk about it, it is already over. The Now is not a minute, not a second; it cannot be actually named as a unit of time. The Now evades you when you want to determine what it is. There are no limiting boundaries to the time that is the Now. The Now defies ordinary ways of thinking.
In the earthly sense, you can calculate time and count it – there are 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, 7 days in a week, etc. That way of viewing time is not natural to the human spirit. The Now is free from time – what unit of time can describe it? The human mind cannot contain or understand the Now, because it is not subject to the logic of thought, although it is quite understandable to your feelings. You know what it is like to completely lose yourself in the moment; for example, in an instant of enjoyment. There may have been times when you experienced something beautiful and at the same time you realized how special that moment was. You were aware and completely open to the experience that resonated and flowed through your body, soul, and feelings. When that happens, you are one with the experience and one with the Now – you are the Now!
When you are in the Now, you are also then in the center of your sun, your soul, and all change takes place from that central core within you. We talked today about fear and how you feel anxious when you are outside your core and away from your center. Fear is also linked to thinking in calculable time, the past and the future: “What will happen? What will go wrong?” Anticipating the future from fear is very human, but it can happen only if you have moved from your center, moved from the Now. Being in the Now means that all your inner strengths come together and become integrated, and you do this by being completely present in your body, soul, and feelings.
I want to say a little more about the concept of time, and how it can intimidate and frighten you. During the last few decades, there have been many predictions about certain dates that lie in the future. Time is seen then as a sort of line that runs from the present toward the future and on that basis certain events become fixed. By accepting that vision of time, you could then be able to prepare for the coming events, and you can do that from either fear or trust. But is this a true image? Is the future really a straight line on which things are fixed in place? Is the future the sum total of all those hours, days, and months that lie ahead of you? Or is this a wholly restrictive way of looking at time and the future?
You who are here and who hear this, know that there is more to life than what is just visible in the world. You see the form of things – someone's body, the trees or animals, or even the plants and stones – but you intuit that there is something within all those things that is not visible to the eyes and to the physical senses. You feel something mysterious is there, an inner life, which creates a unique individual or thing. You know you need to look more deeply than just at the surface of things, and you know also what it is to experience joy when you penetrate into their inner world, which is also within you. That is real life; that is the reality of all things. The exterior is only a manifestation of that inner world.
What about time then? If you look at time as a line of quantifiable units or spaces – days, weeks, months, years – than you look at time from only the outside; from the perspective of that which you can measure with a clock or a ruler. But time as seen from the inside, as an experience, is something quite different. That inner perspective becomes evident when you consider the concept of the Now. The concept of the Now can not be based on the clock or on the calendar; it is based on your conscious presence, on your awareness. According to your inner sense of time, time can go very fast or very slow, independently of how the clock ticks. “Inner time” can stand still when you experience bliss and stretch out endlessly when you are bored; inner time flows according to the way you experience things
What about the future and the past? What is their reality when seen from the inside and not from the outside? Imagine again, for a moment, that you are in the core of the sun of your soul, where in its motionless center there is no time – there is only eternity. Although there is movement in the form of rays radiating out, there is a primordial essence that is always just there. You can call it God consciousness, if you wish, but it is Eternal Life, and it is there inside you, too, deep in your center.
A sun emits rays, and imagine that you are present in those rays that effortlessly radiate from your sun. By way of those rays, you can manifest yourself in many lives and be anywhere in the universe. Every ray is a life in time and space, you might say, in which you have taken on a specific form: a body. You have experiences in that body; it has a beginning and an end; it is born and it dies; it is mortal. To live in such a body, focused in time, you become biologically aware and under the influence of the concept of time. You begin to see things in terms of the finite, but your true center is in the center of your sun and you, as this sun, emit countless rays that are possible manifestations of you in the future – potential lives and expressions of yourself. The future is not fixed; although every timeline is a very real possibility in the Now, you choose to activate one and make it real in your world.
See the past also in this way for a moment. You think there is only one timeline that runs from the past to the Now, but seen from the center point of your sun, that is not so. Behind you lies a whole range of timelines, some of which have become activated by you and your choices, and many others which lie dormant, so to speak, but which might still be activated at some time in your future. The past is not fixed and “over”: you can recreate the past by reinterpreting the experiences you had, by interacting with them from the present. This is possible because the past is not something outside of you, it is not a dot on a line.
I will give an example to clarify this matter. Let us assume you felt afflicted by your past relationship with your mother or your father; that you felt you were not recognized for who you were and experienced fear and a lack of security in that relationship. You believe your life has been determined by that past and you feel a sense of victimhood because of it. You feel you were made into who you are now due partly to your parents, as a product of your upbringing.
But suppose that you, in the course of your life, are going to delve into your consciousness through the process of inner growth. You make the connection with your soul and you go into who you are at your core, the sun within you. Through this process you now form a much broader perspective of your life. You now see your parents in the context of their past, for example, and you now see their powerlessness and their images of fear and negative convictions. You have forgiveness in your heart.
This broader perspective helps you to gradually feel less the victim of your parents. Moreover, you start to see that there is a part of you that has never been really touched by what happened to you, a part that has remained whole and unscathed. You increasingly feel your own autonomy and independence. And the more you connect during your life with the center point of the sun within you, the easier will it be for you to let go of the past, such as your relationship with your parents. The way you experienced that relationship was only one ray, one possible timeline, and by changing your awareness of who you really are, you can shift to another experience of the past, and to another timeline.
You are now able to look at the relationship with your mother and father from the perspective of the soul, of which as a child you were not aware. Since you are now more in your center core, you are able to perceive your parents in a different light, in a more gentle, forgiving way. You can explain to the child within you how certain painful experiences helped you grow and how your parents were unaware of the pain they inflicted. Your present consciousness recreates the past by liberating the energy within you that got imprisoned by it. You are literally creating a new timeline in the past, which will affect your current relationship with your parents. They will sense a difference in you and if they are open to it, your relationship will change for the better. You have opened up the past through your new perception, and thus created a new timeline in which more understanding and love exists. This is a real possibility.
With your consciousness you can break open time. Time is not fixed and closed behind you; the past is not really over. Whatever you have experienced, even when there were traumatizing events in your past which profoundly influenced you, there are openings available from the present to bring comfort, love, and encouragement to yourself in that past. The past is like so many solar rays that come from your core, to which you can still make a connection if you go to the center of the Sun.
You can recreate your own past – enlighten and lighten it – by looking with more understanding at who you were and at the people who were around you. If you do this, you simultaneously recreate the past as well as create a new future, because shedding light on the past and altering the energy you carry from the past will activate a new and brighter future for you. Neither past nor future are fixed; you can influence both of them from the Now moment and you can do so most powerfully when you are in your center, which means you are connected to your soul.
Where you stand in the Now is an experience – a living, creative moment – and not a dash on a ruler, nor a dash on a timeline. From the well of the Now, all timelines spring. The Now is where you are in the present moment – where you are with your full attention is the Now. As soon as you are attentive to this most enlightened and present part of you – your core, your soul, your consciousness – then you radiate from this sun-center toward both your past and your future, and it all comes together. Time is not a straight line; you can imagine it better as an intricate 3D spider web, fanning out in all directions both past and future.
And what can you do with this knowledge in the present, in your everyday life? You can become aware of your own strength and potential. Everything is within the range of your power, both past and future. There is no power outside you; no power that determines your future or says what your past must be – nothing is determined. You are the creator, always, and in every moment. In that sense, you are master over your own past and your own future. If you remain in your core, you can hold on to this consciousness, this source of light. In the continual realization of this source lies your confidence, safety, and surrender. If you are in the center of this sun, you know you can surrender to it – it is apparent and natural for you to do so. However, once you leave the center and start thinking: "How do I escape my terrible past? How do I create a future in this world that is so full of fear and threat?", you are already out of your core. The art of this transformative process is to go back into your core, your center, and to not want to solve problems through thinking, but to seek solutions from within the core, the center of your sun, the Now – where there is no time! This is the Home where you are who you are, and where there is nothing outside you that can determine or keep you from your destiny.
I ask you to imagine again that you are in the center of this radiant sun that you are. You feel one with the light and strength that is there, and it is effortless for you to do so, because this sun exists within you already. And now imagine that somewhere in that web of rays emitting from your inner sun is a timeline from the past that needs to come more into the light. You do not have to feel or see something concrete, simply imagine that the light from your sun easily fills that dark alleyway from the past. It may be that you do not quite manage to fully rekindle the light there, but the light has made an initial connection with that timeline from the past, so you can come to it again whenever you want to do so. Say to these past events now surrounded by your sun-light: “Everything that needs to receive Light, receives that Light from me. Old pain and trauma that want to be resolved and released can now come forth into my Light.” Let go of all clinging to these past occurrences, they do not define who you are; you are not the darkness you perceive there - you are the Light! You – operating from the center of your Sun - are the liberator and healer of the past and thereby the creator of the future.
Now go to the future. The future lies around you as a huge 3D spider web with many threads, and you are at its center. The future is not something that comes to you from the outside. The threads of the web spring from your heart; they are spun effortlessly by the continual thoughts and feelings you have. The inner states you fluctuate between create countless possible timelines. You do not have to do anything special to make that happen – it simply happens because you are a sun who cannot help but radiate outwardly. It is in your nature to be a Creator. Now, ask the future, ask that web of timelines to show you what is the brightest thread for you at the moment. Ask: "What do I need to focus on now? What direction should I follow now so that I can walk into a beautiful and radiant future? What do I need to be aware of now, in this moment?" There will come an urging from the center of this sun that you are, so just be open to it. Your soul wants to reassure you and to encourage you to connect with a powerful, beautiful future that is already lying dormant within your being.
Be aware of how effortlessly that future will come to you; you do not have to strive or work for it. Stay in the Now. Feel in your heart how the energy of this beautiful, bright future is already a part of you. In this way, you will draw it to yourself with more ease. Feel that beautiful future in your heart and awaken it by simply rejoicing in it. Be open to its lovely vibration. Invite it into your heart and into your hands, and through your open hands, let it flow out into the Earth. Let it happen – it will take root naturally. Have confidence in your future and feel your sun power deeply within. Feel it in your heart, feel it in your belly, feel it in your legs. Allow that sun power to be grounded through your feet
© Pamela Kribbe
El centro del Sol
~ channeled by Pamela Kribbe
Dear friends, I am Jeshua. I represent the Christ energy, which is now born on Earth in and through you. I ask you to imagine my energy as a sun. Just think of the actual Sun, that radiant image of life and strength. You also can see the sun as a metaphor, as an image of yourself, of your own being and soul. Focus your consciousness for a few moments on the center of the Sun, and enter into it with your imagination – do it very calmly and quietly. Feel the immeasurable power of the energy field that is the Sun and feel yourself in the center of that huge volcano of energy. Feel the silence and tranquillity there, and the spontaneous nature of this radiance that happens by itself: the Sun radiates its light outward effortlessly.
Rest, surrounded by light, in the center of the Sun and feel how right and natural it is that you are carried by this source of power. This light is there for you, because you are, in your essence, yourself a sun. Allow yourself to relax and sink into this light. Let this light envelop you in a gentle and loving way: very flowing, warming, but never burning. Allow this light to flow through you completely and to remind you of who you are: a soul, a sun, a star in all the cells of your body. Allow every cell in your body to be imbued with this healing light of your soul-sun.
You can find the center of this sun, your central core, whenever in your daily life you return to the Now by bringing your attention completely into the present. If you are busy with the past or the future, you go out of your center and you lose connection with your light source – that which carries you. But what is the Now really? You are asked to be in the Now, in the moment, in the present, but what is that Now in reality? Once you talk about it, it is already over. The Now is not a minute, not a second; it cannot be actually named as a unit of time. The Now evades you when you want to determine what it is. There are no limiting boundaries to the time that is the Now. The Now defies ordinary ways of thinking.
In the earthly sense, you can calculate time and count it – there are 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, 7 days in a week, etc. That way of viewing time is not natural to the human spirit. The Now is free from time – what unit of time can describe it? The human mind cannot contain or understand the Now, because it is not subject to the logic of thought, although it is quite understandable to your feelings. You know what it is like to completely lose yourself in the moment; for example, in an instant of enjoyment. There may have been times when you experienced something beautiful and at the same time you realized how special that moment was. You were aware and completely open to the experience that resonated and flowed through your body, soul, and feelings. When that happens, you are one with the experience and one with the Now – you are the Now!
When you are in the Now, you are also then in the center of your sun, your soul, and all change takes place from that central core within you. We talked today about fear and how you feel anxious when you are outside your core and away from your center. Fear is also linked to thinking in calculable time, the past and the future: “What will happen? What will go wrong?” Anticipating the future from fear is very human, but it can happen only if you have moved from your center, moved from the Now. Being in the Now means that all your inner strengths come together and become integrated, and you do this by being completely present in your body, soul, and feelings.
I want to say a little more about the concept of time, and how it can intimidate and frighten you. During the last few decades, there have been many predictions about certain dates that lie in the future. Time is seen then as a sort of line that runs from the present toward the future and on that basis certain events become fixed. By accepting that vision of time, you could then be able to prepare for the coming events, and you can do that from either fear or trust. But is this a true image? Is the future really a straight line on which things are fixed in place? Is the future the sum total of all those hours, days, and months that lie ahead of you? Or is this a wholly restrictive way of looking at time and the future?
You who are here and who hear this, know that there is more to life than what is just visible in the world. You see the form of things – someone's body, the trees or animals, or even the plants and stones – but you intuit that there is something within all those things that is not visible to the eyes and to the physical senses. You feel something mysterious is there, an inner life, which creates a unique individual or thing. You know you need to look more deeply than just at the surface of things, and you know also what it is to experience joy when you penetrate into their inner world, which is also within you. That is real life; that is the reality of all things. The exterior is only a manifestation of that inner world.
What about time then? If you look at time as a line of quantifiable units or spaces – days, weeks, months, years – than you look at time from only the outside; from the perspective of that which you can measure with a clock or a ruler. But time as seen from the inside, as an experience, is something quite different. That inner perspective becomes evident when you consider the concept of the Now. The concept of the Now can not be based on the clock or on the calendar; it is based on your conscious presence, on your awareness. According to your inner sense of time, time can go very fast or very slow, independently of how the clock ticks. “Inner time” can stand still when you experience bliss and stretch out endlessly when you are bored; inner time flows according to the way you experience things
What about the future and the past? What is their reality when seen from the inside and not from the outside? Imagine again, for a moment, that you are in the core of the sun of your soul, where in its motionless center there is no time – there is only eternity. Although there is movement in the form of rays radiating out, there is a primordial essence that is always just there. You can call it God consciousness, if you wish, but it is Eternal Life, and it is there inside you, too, deep in your center.
A sun emits rays, and imagine that you are present in those rays that effortlessly radiate from your sun. By way of those rays, you can manifest yourself in many lives and be anywhere in the universe. Every ray is a life in time and space, you might say, in which you have taken on a specific form: a body. You have experiences in that body; it has a beginning and an end; it is born and it dies; it is mortal. To live in such a body, focused in time, you become biologically aware and under the influence of the concept of time. You begin to see things in terms of the finite, but your true center is in the center of your sun and you, as this sun, emit countless rays that are possible manifestations of you in the future – potential lives and expressions of yourself. The future is not fixed; although every timeline is a very real possibility in the Now, you choose to activate one and make it real in your world.
See the past also in this way for a moment. You think there is only one timeline that runs from the past to the Now, but seen from the center point of your sun, that is not so. Behind you lies a whole range of timelines, some of which have become activated by you and your choices, and many others which lie dormant, so to speak, but which might still be activated at some time in your future. The past is not fixed and “over”: you can recreate the past by reinterpreting the experiences you had, by interacting with them from the present. This is possible because the past is not something outside of you, it is not a dot on a line.
I will give an example to clarify this matter. Let us assume you felt afflicted by your past relationship with your mother or your father; that you felt you were not recognized for who you were and experienced fear and a lack of security in that relationship. You believe your life has been determined by that past and you feel a sense of victimhood because of it. You feel you were made into who you are now due partly to your parents, as a product of your upbringing.
But suppose that you, in the course of your life, are going to delve into your consciousness through the process of inner growth. You make the connection with your soul and you go into who you are at your core, the sun within you. Through this process you now form a much broader perspective of your life. You now see your parents in the context of their past, for example, and you now see their powerlessness and their images of fear and negative convictions. You have forgiveness in your heart.
This broader perspective helps you to gradually feel less the victim of your parents. Moreover, you start to see that there is a part of you that has never been really touched by what happened to you, a part that has remained whole and unscathed. You increasingly feel your own autonomy and independence. And the more you connect during your life with the center point of the sun within you, the easier will it be for you to let go of the past, such as your relationship with your parents. The way you experienced that relationship was only one ray, one possible timeline, and by changing your awareness of who you really are, you can shift to another experience of the past, and to another timeline.
You are now able to look at the relationship with your mother and father from the perspective of the soul, of which as a child you were not aware. Since you are now more in your center core, you are able to perceive your parents in a different light, in a more gentle, forgiving way. You can explain to the child within you how certain painful experiences helped you grow and how your parents were unaware of the pain they inflicted. Your present consciousness recreates the past by liberating the energy within you that got imprisoned by it. You are literally creating a new timeline in the past, which will affect your current relationship with your parents. They will sense a difference in you and if they are open to it, your relationship will change for the better. You have opened up the past through your new perception, and thus created a new timeline in which more understanding and love exists. This is a real possibility.
With your consciousness you can break open time. Time is not fixed and closed behind you; the past is not really over. Whatever you have experienced, even when there were traumatizing events in your past which profoundly influenced you, there are openings available from the present to bring comfort, love, and encouragement to yourself in that past. The past is like so many solar rays that come from your core, to which you can still make a connection if you go to the center of the Sun.
You can recreate your own past – enlighten and lighten it – by looking with more understanding at who you were and at the people who were around you. If you do this, you simultaneously recreate the past as well as create a new future, because shedding light on the past and altering the energy you carry from the past will activate a new and brighter future for you. Neither past nor future are fixed; you can influence both of them from the Now moment and you can do so most powerfully when you are in your center, which means you are connected to your soul.
Where you stand in the Now is an experience – a living, creative moment – and not a dash on a ruler, nor a dash on a timeline. From the well of the Now, all timelines spring. The Now is where you are in the present moment – where you are with your full attention is the Now. As soon as you are attentive to this most enlightened and present part of you – your core, your soul, your consciousness – then you radiate from this sun-center toward both your past and your future, and it all comes together. Time is not a straight line; you can imagine it better as an intricate 3D spider web, fanning out in all directions both past and future.
And what can you do with this knowledge in the present, in your everyday life? You can become aware of your own strength and potential. Everything is within the range of your power, both past and future. There is no power outside you; no power that determines your future or says what your past must be – nothing is determined. You are the creator, always, and in every moment. In that sense, you are master over your own past and your own future. If you remain in your core, you can hold on to this consciousness, this source of light. In the continual realization of this source lies your confidence, safety, and surrender. If you are in the center of this sun, you know you can surrender to it – it is apparent and natural for you to do so. However, once you leave the center and start thinking: "How do I escape my terrible past? How do I create a future in this world that is so full of fear and threat?", you are already out of your core. The art of this transformative process is to go back into your core, your center, and to not want to solve problems through thinking, but to seek solutions from within the core, the center of your sun, the Now – where there is no time! This is the Home where you are who you are, and where there is nothing outside you that can determine or keep you from your destiny.
I ask you to imagine again that you are in the center of this radiant sun that you are. You feel one with the light and strength that is there, and it is effortless for you to do so, because this sun exists within you already. And now imagine that somewhere in that web of rays emitting from your inner sun is a timeline from the past that needs to come more into the light. You do not have to feel or see something concrete, simply imagine that the light from your sun easily fills that dark alleyway from the past. It may be that you do not quite manage to fully rekindle the light there, but the light has made an initial connection with that timeline from the past, so you can come to it again whenever you want to do so. Say to these past events now surrounded by your sun-light: “Everything that needs to receive Light, receives that Light from me. Old pain and trauma that want to be resolved and released can now come forth into my Light.” Let go of all clinging to these past occurrences, they do not define who you are; you are not the darkness you perceive there - you are the Light! You – operating from the center of your Sun - are the liberator and healer of the past and thereby the creator of the future.
Now go to the future. The future lies around you as a huge 3D spider web with many threads, and you are at its center. The future is not something that comes to you from the outside. The threads of the web spring from your heart; they are spun effortlessly by the continual thoughts and feelings you have. The inner states you fluctuate between create countless possible timelines. You do not have to do anything special to make that happen – it simply happens because you are a sun who cannot help but radiate outwardly. It is in your nature to be a Creator. Now, ask the future, ask that web of timelines to show you what is the brightest thread for you at the moment. Ask: "What do I need to focus on now? What direction should I follow now so that I can walk into a beautiful and radiant future? What do I need to be aware of now, in this moment?" There will come an urging from the center of this sun that you are, so just be open to it. Your soul wants to reassure you and to encourage you to connect with a powerful, beautiful future that is already lying dormant within your being.
Be aware of how effortlessly that future will come to you; you do not have to strive or work for it. Stay in the Now. Feel in your heart how the energy of this beautiful, bright future is already a part of you. In this way, you will draw it to yourself with more ease. Feel that beautiful future in your heart and awaken it by simply rejoicing in it. Be open to its lovely vibration. Invite it into your heart and into your hands, and through your open hands, let it flow out into the Earth. Let it happen – it will take root naturally. Have confidence in your future and feel your sun power deeply within. Feel it in your heart, feel it in your belly, feel it in your legs. Allow that sun power to be grounded through your feet
© Pamela Kribbe
El centro del Sol
Archangel Gabriel
Daily Message ~ Friday December 20, 2013
Many people have difficulty receiving. They feel that if they need help or step out of their giving role that people will reject them or that they will owe or be indebted to the other person, and somehow lose freedom to them.
Dear Ones, if you have a fear of receiving or a fear of asking for help, it comes from expecting that love is conditional. It comes from a perspective of lack, that they will want more from you than you want to give in return. When you are concerned with the idea that there isn’t enough to go around, you will be carefully keeping track of who owes who and fearful of one day being made accountable. This is a very restrictive way of living and in no way connected with the vast flow of unconditional love, support and abundance that exists in the universe.
Receiving is a loving act because it is giving someone the opportunity to express their love to you! Loving and giving feels GOOD. It is an activity of joy, expansion and service. It allows people to express themselves in their highest alignment, which supports heart-centered living.
So, if you are uncomfortable in receiving, start looking at it as a way of being unconditionally loving to yourself. See it as surrendering into the higher dimensional energies and demonstrating your faith, trust and willingness to start flowing with the loving and abundant universe you are an honoured part of. The beautiful part is, allowing others to love and give to you is an act of service to them, as well. ~Archangel Gabriel
Soul Love
of the things people do for other people are for the purpose of
receiving love in exchange. You may have been taught that love was
something you had to earn through your good behavior and through
fulfilling other people's needs. You may have trouble setting
boundaries with others, thinking that to do so you might hurt their
feelings or push away their love. If you think love comes to you only
when you earn or deserve it, it is time to experience the magnetic
quality of soul love.
Soul Love
Creating Money: Attracting Abundance
worry about money blocks your creativity and clear thinking. Getting
yourself to a level where your bills are manageable and your basic needs
are met will help you find and create your life's work more rapidly.
Your soul does not care what job title you have. As long as you bring
love and consciousness to your work, you will grow spiritually. If you
decide to take a temporary job, do not think that you have sacrificed
your ideals in some way. You may find that you are more effective in
helping others if you are not struggling to survive yourself.
Creating Money: Attracting Abundance
Personal Power Through Awareness
of you tense up when you encounter negative energy. That attracts even
more energy that is negative. To avoid being affected by negative
energy, relax. Any process of relaxation will work. Then visualize or
imagine a peaceful feeling. By imagining and then experiencing the
feelings you want, you will not pick up negative energy.
Personal Power Through Awareness
Opening to Channel
guide or higher self will assist you in finding answers to everything
from mundane everyday issues to the most challenging spiritual
questions. You can use channeling for healing, teaching, and expanding
your creativity in all areas of your life. As you access the higher
realms, you can bring through great knowledge, wisdom, inventions, works
of art, philosophy, poetry, and discoveries of all kinds.
Opening to Channel
Spiritual Growth
you grow and evolve, the words you speak and the thoughts you have
about others will have an increasing power to affect people. Your
positive thoughts and visions of people will lift them higher. Your
criticism will depress their energy and hold them back. Every thought
and spoken word produces strong effects, so it is important to learn to
communicate in loving ways.
Spiritual Growth
19 dic 2013
18 dic 2013
We do not heal alone
We do not heal alone. We all need the
caring, support, and honest reflection of others to know ourselves and
move beyond the false beliefs that limit us. The wounded self may
falsely believe that we have to handle our challenges alone, that we are
weak if we need help, but the loving Adult takes the loving action of
reaching out to others for the necessary help and support.
By Dr. Margaret Paul
17 dic 2013
“Jamás debemos tener miedo de la ternura”.
“Jamás debemos tener miedo de la ternura”.
Jorge Bergoglio
¡Gracias por predicar con el ejemplo!
Jorge Bergoglio
¡Gracias por predicar con el ejemplo!
16 dic 2013
14 dic 2013
Personal Power Through Awareness
firm with people may not be easy, but it can be a greater gift than
being the nice guy all the time. You may have experienced friends to
whom you give and give, who do not seem to appreciate what you do. If
your offers of help are doing no apparent good, it is time to put your
energy elsewhere. You may risk not being liked in the short run, but in
the long run you will gain from following this higher wisdom.
Personal Power Through Awareness
Living With Joy
are a worthy individual, no matter what your past, no matter what your
thoughts, no matter who believes in you. You are life itself, growing
and expanding and reaching upward. All people are valuable, beautiful
and unique. Every experience you have is meant to teach you more about
creating love in your life.
Living With Joy
13 dic 2013
Spiritual Growth
to detach from people's personalities, pettiness, or little faults.
Focus instead on their greatness and you will experience more of it.
Non-attachment is loving people as they are and finding the right moment
to insert a thought, a touch, or love into their lives to empower them
to make a shift to a higher level of consciousness.
Spiritual Growth
Archangel Gabriel
Daily Message ~ Monday December 16, 2013
Many speak of a desire for peace, yet inner peace eludes them. Do you give yourself the love, the support, the opportunities to find and nurture your own sense of peace? Do you take that peace from within and share that beautiful energy with others?
As with all other aspects of great change, it must start from within first, before it can be an external experience. BE the peace, Dear Ones. Demonstrate your inner peace by living a kind, gentle and mindful life of authentic expression. Help others find and connect to their own sense of peace.
The greatest leaders and teachers on your planet have done just that, and created a cascade of peaceful potential everywhere they went. The changes you all seek in your deepest heart of hearts are truly attainable if you understand that they all begin with the spark of peace and divinity that exists in each and every one of you. ~Archangel Gabriel
Daily Message ~ Sunday December 15, 2013
Worry indicates a lack of faith. It comes from a place of perceived powerlessness. It is born from fear and doubt. It keeps people stuck, disempowered and uncomfortable. Worry is simply letting the least empowered part of you take over and trying to create from there. It is like trying to run a race while sitting in quicksand.
Once you realize that you have an infinite ability to create the life of your dreams, worry becomes a thing of the past. Rather than waking with trepidation, you excitedly embrace each day, wondering what new wonders will show themselves to you. It is like waiting for a package to arrive in the mail. There is no need to fear it because you know exactly what you ordered.
The good news is, if you worry, you have already demonstrated that you can sit in stillness with focused thought. That is wonderful! So why not take that skill that you have already honed and instead use it to focus on what you DO want through meditation, visualization, prayer and gratitude? Any of those practices would feel so much better and provide much more satisfying results than you ever thought possible. ~Archangel Gabriel
Daily Message ~ Saturday December 14, 2013
Daily Message ~ Friday December 13, 2013
Dear Ones, impatience is very hard on you physically, emotionally and energetically. Thankfully, with your awareness and intention, you can shift yourself out of the energies of impatience very quickly. If you are feeling impatient, one of the best things you can do is to stop and take a few deep breaths. Once you have become centred back in your body in the Now moment, take a moment to see the blessings that are all around you.
Rather than focusing on what still needs to be done, celebrate how much you have already accomplished with your day. If you are forced to wait, take a moment to practice one word affirmations, visualization, or waking meditation. Talk to your guides! Surrender. Accept. Allow. Trust that your soul, along with the universe, has you in that situation for a reason! Why not turn the pause in your day into an opportunity to silently send blessings and love to the people around you? See it as being stopped to be a support for others and to be of service.
The truth is there is never anything wrong, only a universe that is always conspiring to assist you. If you trust in that, and embrace all of your Now moments, you find delightful pockets of joy and opportunity everywhere you go. ~Archangel Gabriel
Daily Message ~ Thursday December 12, 2013
Make a commitment to do it all day long. It could be a person’s smile, their courtesy, their mindfulness, their generosity, their kindness…just whatever stands out to you as a lovely aspect that shines from them. As you start to appreciate other people’s beauty and divinity, you will start to feel much more love. You will feel a far greater enjoyment of your fellow human beings. You will embrace unity. Further, you will find your interactions with others far more pleasant because what you focus on you get more of.
Each and every trait you celebrate in others, you yourself hold energetically. You would not be able to recognize it in others if it were not so. So why not make this your new habit? Why not commit to always focusing on the glorious goodness of others, and the glorious goodness in yourself, as well? Be a celebrator of the divinity that exists in everyone! That, Dear Ones, is the foundation of unconditional love and unity consciousness. ~Archangel Gabriel
Meditación para la Paz - Sanaya Roman
Llamando al Espíritu de la Paz
Por Orin y DaBen
Elije una o más visiones para ponerle energía con tus pensamientos positivos:
Gente por todo el mundo realizando decisiones acertadas,
inspiradas por su ser superior y llevadas a cabo con talento.
Todas las personas con claridad mental,
paz emocional y conciencia espiritual.
Las personas están en contacto con su creatividad,
su fuerza, su coraje y su sabiduría.
Hay un nivel de cooperación y trabajo en equipo sin precedentes.
Todo el mundo comparte.
La humanidad experimenta una gran fluidez de amor,
nuevas ideas y conexión entre almas.
Hay esperanza, optimismo y visiones positivas del futuro.
La gente sabe que el universo es amistoso
y que está siempre trabajando para ellos.
La gente cree en la abundancia y es capaz de crearla en su vida.
La gente apoya a aquellos que lo necesitan,
y son generosos asistiéndoles y compartiendo.
La crítica es substituida por la compresión, el amor y la cooperación.
Cada trabajador de la luz se convierte en un punto de luz, esperanza y coraje.
Gente despertando sus cuerpos de luz en todo el mundo.
La humanidad está alineada con la Voluntad Divina.
La humanidad es liderada de una forma iluminada por los líderes mundiales.
Los límites entre gentes, naciones y razas se disuelven.
La gente reconoce su unión con las demás personas
y con el reino vegetal, animal y mineral.
El aislamiento se convierte en comunidad,
la soledad en amistad y la separación en inclusividad.
Todo el mundo es libre para seguir y vivir su propósito más elevado.
La humanidad se vuelve consciente de su propósito superior.
Cada persona expande su conciencia, despierta su visión verdadera, y hace evolucionar todas las áreas y formas de su vida de modo que puede llevar a cabo la verdadera actividad de su alma.
La personalidad de cada uno se convierte en un vehículo para realizar el potencial de luz, amor y voluntad del alma.
Todo el mundo honra la tierra y vive en armonía con ella
y con todas las formas de vida que hay en ella.
El plan de la humanidad funciona en toda su belleza y perfección.
Llamando al Espíritu de la Paz
Por Orin y DaBen
- Unos cinco minutos antes de la medianoche, empieza a ajustar tu postura de forma que tu cuerpo se encuentre confortable y preparado para entrar en un estado de meditación pacífica. Inspira, imaginando que atraes luz hacia ti. Llena de luz tu cuerpo con cada inspiración. Manda luz a cada parte de tu cuerpo.
- Llama a tu alma e imagina que te rodea con su luz. Tu alma siempre responde a tus llamadas. La luz radiante y la presencia amorosa de tu alma une su conciencia a la tuya, seas o no consciente de ello. Deja que tu corazón se expanda con amor; que tu mente crezca en claridad y que tus emociones se vuelvan más pacíficas y tranquilas.
- Imagina que eres un sol radiante. Estás lleno/a de luz, convirtiéndote en un barco transparente de luz sin límites.
- Siente las almas de millones de trabajadores de la luz que están meditando contigo. Observa tu conexión con estas almas. Date cuenta de que todos vosotros estáis creando una luz maravillosa que rodea el mundo. El mundo se está volviendo radiante con la luz de la unión de vuestras almas.
- Date cuenta que los Iluminados, Maestros, Guías, Ángeles y Profesores del otro lado se están conectando entre ellos para formar un patrón interconectado de luz que rodea el mundo y a todos los trabajadores de la luz.
- Pon atención a la luz que fluye desde estos Seres Iluminados hacia todos los trabajadores de la luz, incluyéndote a ti mismo/a.
- Hay un ser cuya presencia se ha acercado a la tierra durante años, llamado por todas las almas que buscan la paz. Se trata del Espíritu de la Paz, un ser magnífico. En nuestra meditación conjunta invocamos al Espíritu de la Paz, el gran Ángel de la Paz, para que nos bendiga con paz.
- A medianoche, o cuando puedas, únete a todos en meditación e invoca al Espíritu de la Paz , pidiendo a este Maravilloso Ángel que ponga paz en los corazones de toda la humanidad. Este Espíritu es una presencia muy real. Entrar en contacto con él puede crear grandes cambios. Entona internamente o externamente el sonido “AUM” (OM) con la certeza de que el Espíritu de la Paz te oirá y te responderá.
- Experimenta la presencia del Espíritu de la Paz, este maravilloso Ángel, que respondiendo a la llamada enfoca su conciencia sobre la humanidad. Siente la respuesta de este Ángel a la vez que este Ángel toca los corazones de todo el mundo. Abre tu corazón para recibir esta energía. Toma una inspiración profunda y deja que la energía mandada por este Ángel penetre en cada parte de tu ser.
- Deja que este maravilloso Ángel de Paz toque tu vida. Reflexiona acerca de cómo podrías experimentar y crear más paz en tu propia vida, de forma que ello contribuya a la paz mundial.
- Dite a ti mismo/a, “Dejo al Espíritu de la Paz expresarse a través de mi. Ahora llevo paz y armonía a mis relaciones. Extiendo buena voluntad y amabilidad allá donde voy. Pongo atención a mis pensamientos; suelto la crítica y el juicio. Digo cosas amorosas a los demás. Digo palabras que extienden el amor y la luz. Irradio paz. Merezco vivir en paz y armonía todo el tiempo”.
- Imagina que eres un sol radiante. Permite que el deseo de paz para tu propia vida y para la humanidad dirija la luz que tú eres hacia fuera. Imagina que te estás convirtiendo en un centro de paz irradiando paz y buena voluntad hacia otros.
- Tus amigos y familia
- A todos aquellos sensibles a esta transmisión
- A todos los trabajadores de la luz
- A todos los líderes mundiales, de modo que puedan guiar sus naciones hacia la paz.
- A toda la humanidad
- A los reinos mineral, vegetal y animal
No te apegues al resultado ya que no habrá ninguno que
puedas medir. Simplemente has realizado una valiosa e importante
contribución a la vida.
Elije una o más visiones para ponerle energía con tus pensamientos positivos:
Gente por todo el mundo realizando decisiones acertadas,
inspiradas por su ser superior y llevadas a cabo con talento.
Todas las personas con claridad mental,
paz emocional y conciencia espiritual.
Las personas están en contacto con su creatividad,
su fuerza, su coraje y su sabiduría.
Hay un nivel de cooperación y trabajo en equipo sin precedentes.
Todo el mundo comparte.
La humanidad experimenta una gran fluidez de amor,
nuevas ideas y conexión entre almas.
Hay esperanza, optimismo y visiones positivas del futuro.
La gente sabe que el universo es amistoso
y que está siempre trabajando para ellos.
La gente cree en la abundancia y es capaz de crearla en su vida.
La gente apoya a aquellos que lo necesitan,
y son generosos asistiéndoles y compartiendo.
La crítica es substituida por la compresión, el amor y la cooperación.
Cada trabajador de la luz se convierte en un punto de luz, esperanza y coraje.
Gente despertando sus cuerpos de luz en todo el mundo.
La humanidad está alineada con la Voluntad Divina.
La humanidad es liderada de una forma iluminada por los líderes mundiales.
Los límites entre gentes, naciones y razas se disuelven.
La gente reconoce su unión con las demás personas
y con el reino vegetal, animal y mineral.
El aislamiento se convierte en comunidad,
la soledad en amistad y la separación en inclusividad.
Todo el mundo es libre para seguir y vivir su propósito más elevado.
La humanidad se vuelve consciente de su propósito superior.
Cada persona expande su conciencia, despierta su visión verdadera, y hace evolucionar todas las áreas y formas de su vida de modo que puede llevar a cabo la verdadera actividad de su alma.
La personalidad de cada uno se convierte en un vehículo para realizar el potencial de luz, amor y voluntad del alma.
Todo el mundo honra la tierra y vive en armonía con ella
y con todas las formas de vida que hay en ella.
El plan de la humanidad funciona en toda su belleza y perfección.
Coro San Francisco de Asís en Honduras EL MUNDO PIDE PAZ
Paz, paz, paz, el mundo pide paz, logra la paz en tu interior y derrámala en la tierra. :/ Sólo la paz trae la paz, {LA} guerra engendra guerra. Paz es la hermana del amor, cuando vence no hay vencidos. Paz es la fuerza con que sale el sol cada mañana, es la conciencia universal que descansa en su inocencia. Paz, paz, paz... Siembra el árbol de la paz por do quiera que vayas y el cielo entero regará las semillas con tu paz. Sólo si tienes puedes dar, la paz no es un decreto, es una forma de vivir, un camino a seguir. Paz, paz, paz....
12 dic 2013
10 dic 2013
Many people seem to feel entitled to get what they want at the expense of others.
Daily Inspiration
Many people seem to feel entitled to get what they want at the expense of others. People with an entitlement issue often attract those with a caretaking issue. The person with the entitlement issue believes he or she deserves to take from others, while the caretaker believes he or she deserves to be taken from. Neither are taking loving care of themselves. By Dr. Margaret PaulSoul Love
your soul's forgiveness by forgiving yourself. As you feel yourself as
your soul, forgive yourself for something you did in the past that you
still feel badly about. Let your soul's soft, consistent, and forgiving
love flow into you. Receive your soul's love for you as you forgive
Soul Love
Creating Money: Attracting Abundance
that there are many flows coming into you from the Universe, and each
one offers a way money can come to you. Every time you have a doubt,
every time you resent paying a bill, every time you do not believe in
your prosperity, you close off one of those flows. Every time you send
out your money with joy and love, you open another way for the universe
to send you money. The next time you pay a bill, imagine that at least
ten times more than the amount you pay out is coming back to you. See
your money contributing to the prosperity of the person or institution
you are paying.
Creating Money: Attracting Abundance
Spiritual Growth
change as a great adventure. Believe that all change is for your
higher good or it wouldn't be happening. You can learn to cope with
change in joyful, peaceful ways by trusting that the universe is
friendly and that your Higher Self loves you and is looking out for you.
If your personality isn't willing to make the needed changes,
sometimes your Higher Self will set things up so that the changes are
made for you.
Spiritual Growth
Personal Power Through Awareness
you become aware of the energy around you, wisdom helps you understand
it. You begin seeing that everything that happens to you is meant to
assist you in going higher. As you begin to believe that all things are
being created for your highest good, it becomes so. Your positive
perspective creates a supportive and nurturing environment around you;
it allows energy to flow with you.
Personal Power Through Awareness
Living With Joy
and stability are achieved by checking with your higher self before
taking action, especially on important issues. That means giving
yourself the opportunity to view things from many different angles
before acting. It means allowing yourself to take whatever time is
necessary to do a good job. You can avoid many things that take you off
balance by giving yourself enough time to think before you act. There
is a saying, “Look before you leap”.
Living With Joy
~Archangel Gabriel
Daily Message ~ Monday December 9, 2013
This is why we stress the importance of the flow. The flow is the path that supports you the most. It is the path that honours you, and as a byproduct of that, honours all others as well. There is no frustration, anger or resentment when you are in the flow, because it is the path of least resistance, making it filled with far greater grace and ease, and also the path of greatest assistance and energetic resonance for you.
Again we say there are no special points awarded in heaven for keeping yourself small, uncomfortable or in the habit of self denial! The love, the caring, the support, the assistance, the encouragement – everything you wish to offer to others, must begin within first in order to step into a system that works for the joy and empowerment of all. ~Archangel Gabriel
9 dic 2013
Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric.
Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric.
- Bertrand Russell -
"The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice. "
The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice. --
Peggy O' Mara
Peggy O' Mara
"The smallest good deed is better than the grandest intention."
"The smallest good deed is better than the grandest intention."
- Unknown
- Unknown
“The most obvious, important realities are often the ones that are hardest to see and talk about.”
“The most obvious, important realities are often the ones that are hardest to see and talk about.”
David Foster Wallace
David Foster Wallace
8 dic 2013
~Archangel Gabriel
Daily Message ~ Saturday December 7, 2013
Think of a person you are trying to help. If they are unable to articulate what they need, it is very difficult to meet their needs properly. Without their clarity of what those needs are, it would be very difficult for them to know when they had been met! It would become a game of hit and miss, likely with considerable frustration for all involved.
So take a moment to still yourself and go within. Connect with that part of you that knows your truth. Embrace that part of yourself like a long lost friend and broadcast your reunion! Finding that energetic clarity with who you are and what you would like to create or experience, combined with surrender, flow, faith and trust, can create absolutely wondrous things in your life. ~Archangel Gabriel
6 dic 2013
Archangel Gabriel
Daily Message ~ Thursday December 5, 2013
Peter Gabriel Reflects on Nelson Mandela
At a New York City event Thursday night for his human rights organization Witness, Peter told ABC News Radio that Mandela's death was "an enormous loss."
Peter said of Mandela, "He's the great figurehead for anyone struggling for human rights, you know, maybe Gandhi before, but to go from to a violent struggle and then reach non-violence and forgiveness and really inspire not only your own people but people all around the world, we haven't seen anything like that."
The human rights group The Elders, which was launched by Mandela in 2007, began as an idea from Peter and mogul Richard Branson . It's comprised of global leaders who work together for peace and human rights.
Peter's ties to Mandela extend to the musical arena, too. He performed at a 70th birthday concert for Mandela at London's Wembley Stadium in 1988, performing "Biko," about South African anti-apartheid activist Steve Biko .
Copyright 2013 ABC News Radio
Concert Nelson Mandela
Amy Winehouse,
Nelson Mandela,
Peter Gabriel,
Richard Branson
5 dic 2013
Djambutu Thiossane
Djambutu Thiossane
Grupo senegalés compuesto por los hermanos N'Diaye, intérpretes de la música griot del Africa Occidental. Los griot son quienes animan todo tipo de fiestas y, a la vez, mantienen vivo el hilo de la historia local con sus canciones sobre hechos tanto históricos como de actualidad. Actualmente viven en Madrid, pero su éxito en escena les ha llevado a escenarios de toda Europa.
La base de su música está en las percusiones wolof, compuesta por toda una serie de tambores: sabar, djembe, dum dum, tambor hablador, bougarabu etc, aunque las últimas veces que les he visto venían acompañados además de nuestra instrumentación occidental. Al público le gusta mucho porque el resultado es muy bailable, pero personalmente me quedo sin dudarlo con su música tradicional.
Live By Your Heart
Live By Your Heart ~ Channeled November 27, 2013

Archangel Gabriel
You have been thoroughly cleansed, wrung out, shifted, bathed, and infused. It has been a time like no other on your planet and you are still standing, still feeling excited to be part of this amazing process. Let us assure you that things are just starting to get very interesting and you are truly starting to move into the changes that you have been waiting for.
You are in a time of preparation between now and your solstice, and then between your solstice and the energies of the brand new year of 2014. You will be poised to enter into this new year like never before. You have never entered into a new year holding the energies that you are all collectively holding at this point. This is the solidifying of the foundation that the New Earth will be built upon. These are glorious times, indeed.
What you will also notice moving into the winter solstice is an energetic locking in of progress, so for those of you who are wishing to make changes in your life, this is an excellent time to do so. If you wish to let go of old belief systems, if you wish to create new habits and new supports for yourselves, we would encourage you to begin now and allow the winter solstice to assist you by energetically locking in that progress. It would be a much better time for you to create lasting change than waiting until you are shifting into the energies of 2014.
Of course, any time is a wonderful time for desired change, growth and expansion, but if you are looking for some extra energetic assistance, allow the solstice to lock in your intentions. Then you can simply enjoy shifting into and experiencing the energies of the brand new year.
So tonight we would like to speak to you about the importance of following your hearts desire. You are aware that you have shifted and moved through many different layers of energy. You have been purging and releasing tremendously over the last several years. What that has been doing is releasing the layers of density that existed between you and your delightful heart centers. Now that you have released those old wounds, those old beliefs, those old energies, you are poised in a place to, much better than ever before, be in touch with what your heart’s desires are. We encourage you to become clear about how you really feel, what you wish to experience, and to start navigating your paths through your hearts as that is the navigational system of the New Earth.
Many of you, in your life expressions have not given yourselves permission to follow your heart. There is a pervasive belief that says that following your heart is frivolous. It may lead you to ruin. It is not responsible. That was the old operating system of the mind that led to you believe that. That old operating system of control and the mind is no longer being supported.
Following your heart means getting back in touch with your heartfelt desires, your passions and your interests, and using those to lead the way in your life expression. Those unique passions and interests are part of who you are and exist to help you navigate your life expression into your highest purpose, your highest service and your greatest joy.
Navigating through the heart is how you will move into this new age of fifth dimensional consciousness. It will be honouring your unique interests and your unique life path. You will be navigating through how you truly feel. You will always be having your highest expressions if you are following what feels right for you. It is giving yourself permission to be the expert of your own life experience.
We often teach this, to follow your own unique path and allow yourselves to be the experts on you, yet many of you still do not give yourselves permission to do so. There does seems to be a greater understanding that what you feel in your heart is unique to you, so we say to you, follow your beautiful, tender, mindful hearts. That is what we have meant when we have said to honour your unique life expression and what we have been encouraging you to do all along.
By following your heart you will find yourself expressing yourself like never before. Following your heart leads to flow. Your heart flows. It loves, it grows, it expands. If you have been hurt, there is no such thing as becoming hard hearted or closed hearted or cold hearted. Those are constructs of your mind. The heart only knows how to love. The heart is always connected to Source, so from going within, into your heart center, you are acknowledging the part of you that is connected to all. The heart supports love and the heart supports unity consciousness. The mind seeks to stay in control. The mind is the tool of the ego and it will always seek to keep your small. It has no interest in your enlightenment.
Your mind seeks to separate and the heart seeks to connect, to love, to express, to create. The greatest creations on your planet have come from the spark of creativity that flowed from Source through the heart not from the mind.
When you allow yourself to be led by your heart you are allowing yourself to use your intuition. You are in surrender and flow. You are in growth and expansion and in your highest creations. More than that, when you live through your heart you are better able to be of service, to have compassion and understanding for all. You cannot be in your heart and judge others. You can only love from heart. Your heart leads you by your feelings and your heart will lead you to your greatest joys.
It is such a simple system, but many of you have heard the expression “follow your heart” so often that it has lost its meaning to you, or perhaps you think it is only applicable to the young. What you are not understanding is that the heart is the navigation system of the enlightening human being because it is through that heart center that you connect with Source, that you will be able to surrender, that you will be able to flow, that you will be able to stay in your faith and in your trust. When you navigate through your heart you are making sure that you are having the highest experiences for yourself and that will honour others.
Many of you have trouble even knowing what’s in your heart. Many of you have not been in touch with that since you were small children. So we urge you to take the time to stop and go within and ask your heart what it wants, and if you are still, you will hear your heart clearly expressing what its greatest desires are.
Living by your heart will lead to joy, will lead to the beauty, the love, the connectedness that you all yearning for. Your heart will never lead you astray. Even if you see someone who is having a life experience that seems less to you than what you think they should have, if they are following their hearts they are in that situation because it is offering them experiences that their soul wishes to have. So following your heart and encouraging others to follow their hearts is an essential tool for practicing acceptance and allowing, as well. If you truly understand that there is nothing more powerful for yourself to do but to follow your own heart and that the same is true for each and every human being on the planet, you will be able to stay in that acceptance and allowing, in that faith and trust, knowing that each soul knows exactly what it is doing. It is a beautiful system and it is the basis for the higher dimensional consciousness that you are moving into.
Living by the heart holds healing, it holds laughter, it holds joy and creation and experience, it helps you to stay present, and in your highest alignment with Source. It is living by your truth and your authenticity. It keeps you moving, expanding and growing. It helps you live.
So dust off that expression, follow your heart and start to use it as a tool that you live by. If you do, and if each and every person on the planet starts to live by their hearts, you will see a greater peace, a greater harmony, a greater satisfaction, shining health and a delight in human beings that has not been present on this planet thus far. Let us assure you that these potentials absolutely exist and it is simply up to you to start to live them. This is what we wished to share with you today.
Archangel Gabriel thru Shelley Young
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Dentro de Pizarnik
Dentro de Pizarnik
Lumen publica una versión "definitiva" y de más de mil páginas de los Diarios de la poeta argentina, escritos entre 1954 y 1972
MARTA CABALLERO | Publicado el 04/12/2013
Sólo tenía 17 años: "¡Caer! ¡Estoy cayendo! Mientras me río, no sé por qué, me siento impura. Cuando lloro, no sé por qué, me siento y me purifico. ¡Cómo sufro! Mi alma es un trozo amorfo, blanquecino y lloroso...". La voz detrás de estas palabras es la del tormento temprano de la escritora Alejandra Pizarnik (Buenos Aires, 1936), de la que ahora ven la luz sus Diarios completos en una versión corregida, ampliada y, añade la editora, Ana Becciu, "definitiva". 20 años después de estas palabras, la escritora se despidió de la vida y del dolor tras ingerir 50 pastillas de secobarbital. "Heredé de mis antepasados las ganas de huir", escribe al comienzo del libro. Dejaba una obra luminosa en sus tinieblas, consagrada a la escritura, y una biografía que, como se aprecia a lo largo de las más de mil páginas del volumen, asumió desde el principio el destino fatal del poeta: "¡Alejandra! ¡Alejandra! ¡Piedad por tu espíritu! ¡Alejandra! ¿Qué será de ti, sola en esta muerte espasmódica? ¿En esta lugubridad humeante? ¿En este fuego sin alumbrar?", se cuestiona.
Para Becciu, Pizarnik, en poesía, en prosa, en los diarios, es siempre la misma Alejandra, a pesar del vasto espectro de facetas y giros de su obra: "Aunque murió muy joven, supo dar un viraje completo a su factura poética sin abandonar una constante, la escritura en sí. Este aspecto se refleja en los Diarios, que le sirven para reflexionar sobre su trabajo y su vida", destaca la editora. No es baladí la pronta edad a la que Pizarnik tuvo acceso al psicoanálisis, algo muy poco frecuente en la época. Las terapias, como se aprecia en el libro, también la empujaron a la introspección y a las constantes preguntas sobre su forma de ser y de estar. El mismo hecho de escribir un diario también la convierte en una precursora, pues entonces no era una práctica frecuente entre los escritores y menos en el caso de una mujer: "Tenía una extraordinaria capacidad para analizar su vida interior, su sexualidad... quizás a la gente joven de hoy le pueda parecer una nimiedad, pero es impensable para su tiempo", recuerda Becciu.
La nueva edición aporta unos fragmentos inéditos que conservaba la poeta Olga Orozco, quien a su muerte nombró a Becciu su albacea. Estos papeles que habían estado conservados en un sobre recogen un momento clave en la vida de Pizarnik, el correspondiente a su primera estancia en Francia, cuando tras desprenderse del ambiente opresor de la sociedad porteña se encuentra con un París lleno de estímulos y de escritores que le fascinan. Son estos unos textos elaborados, escritos a máquina y con correcciones, a diferencia de los de otras épocas, aunque, recuerda la editora, la poeta siempre corrigió, podó y, con toda probabilidad, desechó muchos fragmentos. Como novedad, el volumen también permite al lector asistir a las distintas versiones de cada entrada. Esta fijación por pulir su prosa, unida al hecho de que conservara los diarios, da cuenta, amplía Becci, de que la poeta era consciente del valor intrínseco que tenían y de que planteara publicarlos, como de hecho hizo con algunas partes. No en vano, en su mente figuraba un diario al estilo del de Leonard y Virginia Wolff.
No se equivocaba Pizarnik cuando escribía que algún día sus papeles estarían en un museo (aunque ella añadió de un instituto psiquiátrico) y hoy la auténtica versión completa se custodia en Princeton. Decimos auténtica porque la editora se puso como límite no publicar textos que aludieran a personas vivas mencionadas en sus páginas con nombres y apellidos, ignorando el morbo mitómano que rodea a Pizarnik: "Lo que pude decir una persona joven en un arrebato puede dañar mucho a una familia, a ninguna persona le gustará ver impresa su vida íntima. Los investigadores que quieran ver el fragmento del último año de su vida, que se paguen el viaje al Princeton, pero este es un libro para un público muy extenso, para un lector de obra literaria. En la edición anterior, los morbosos me acusaron de censura sin tener en cuenta mandatos familiares o editoriales. Jamás respondí a aquellas acusaciones", protesta.
De vuelta al contenido, el lector se topará con una mujer que, desde muy joven, fue consciente de lo que estaba escribiendo, de su talento y de la importancia de lo que iba a hacer. Pese a su baja autoestima, la escritura fue siempre incondicional para ella. Ello, unido al apoyo de sus padres en su carrera literaria -ayuda que reconoce en varias ocasiones a pesar de la conflictiva relación que tuvo con ellos- provocó que la literatura fuera para ella su sino, una disciplina inaplazable. La primera Pizarnik de estos diarios es una adolescente con un casi insólito historial lector, que a lee a Lautréamont, a Kafka, a Jarry, a Proust y César Vallejo y que ya tiene formada la idea del destino del poeta, para ella innegociable. "Realiza un trabajo de introspección permanente, también hacia la escritura. Hay mucho de taller en sus diarios, donde se ejercita desde la adolescencia. De hecho, nombra cuadernos anteriores al 54 de los que debió desprenderse. Pero hay cosas deliciosas ya desde el comienzo, como su pasmosa capacidad de observación.
Otra constante de la obra es que, a pesar de que fue una autora reconocida, nunca se sintió dueña del idioma, hija como era de inmigrantes que llegaron a Argentina huyendo del Stalinismo. Desde niña, Pizarnik se esfuerza en la gramática y busca por todos los medios que el español, que no es su lengua materna, le sea útil. Pero la incomodidad existe ("Una vez más el lenguaje se me resiste, no el lenguaje propiamente dicho, sino el deseo de conjurar mis deseos por medio de una detallada descripción de lo que veo...).
Y, de hecho, en ocasiones, abunda la editora, parecía sentirse más libre con el francés, dada también su empatía hacia la cultura de este país. Y hay más temas, la conmoción parisina, las reflexiones sobre el arte, sobre la muerte ("¿Cuando yo muera ¿Quién me lo va a decir?"), su fidelidad a los grandes maestros, el mundo de los sueños, el debate entre casarse y ser madre o dedicarse plenamente a la escritura... "Desde el principio, el riesgo que corría era muy grande. Primero por la soledad a la que condena la poesía, que te lleva a fronteras que no puedes predecir; segundo, por la dificultad de elegir ese destino en la pacata Argentina. Para ella, que tenía una forma de ser muy avanzada para la época, que había conocido el París de la Nouvelle Vague, que se codeaba con gente que estaba a años luz de sus paisanos, la vuelta a Buenos Aires fue un golpe del que nunca se recuperó".
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