Cada árbol y cada planta del prado
parece estar danzando;
aquéllos con ojos comunes
sólo los verán fijos e inmóviles.

23 dic 2013

Message of the Day

 Beloved one, you are coming to the place now where you recognize the divinity of yourself, and you recognize the divinity of each one of the friends and the ones that you interact with. It may not come at first. They may present a certain image to you and you have to look beyond that image. A lot of times what they do is they present the most disheveled image of who they think they are and they may want to fight, and they may think that everything is wrong. But what they are really asking you to do is to look past that and to see the Christ of them. The more they scream and hit out and act out, the more they are calling for your love, wanting you to see past what perhaps they cannot see past, but you can. You smile at them, and it is Christmas because you see the Christ of them.
