Cada árbol y cada planta del prado
parece estar danzando;
aquéllos con ojos comunes
sólo los verán fijos e inmóviles.

28 ene 2014

Raise Your Happiness and Emotional Set-points

Raise Your Happiness and Emotional Set-points from Dr. William K. Larkin on Vimeo.

In a study, lottery winners turn out to be no happier than they were 18 months before winning the lottery and paraplegics have recovered the state of happiness they had 18 months prior to their accidents. Happiness does not correlate with health, wealth, education or status. But it does correlate with the some things we can now identify and grow in our everyday lives. You can raise your happiness set-point and your emotional set-point. The neuroscience of happiness and joy lead us to new revelations about how the mind/brain connection can naturally elevate state of mood and keep at a place where "feeling good" is a way we can live. Dr. Willliam Larkin, a neuroscience researcher can tell you how.