Cada árbol y cada planta del prado
parece estar danzando;
aquéllos con ojos comunes
sólo los verán fijos e inmóviles.

16 nov 2013

~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Friday November 15, 2013

Dear Ones, we have spoken of surrender and flow consistently in our messages to you as being vital aspects to move you forward in an empowered way. Surrender and flow will get the energy moving in your life, will sweep you beyond obstacles and will help you navigate your life with the greatest grace and ease, joy and assistance possible. Many of you have read about it, and thought about it, or perhaps dabbled with it, but today we are going to encourage you to begin a 21 day surrender and flow challenge.
To participate you will make the commitment, in a heartfelt and pure moment, to surrender to Source, or whichever higher power feels right to you. Then you will commit to enter and stay in the flow, with faith and trust for 21 days. This means you will simply follow the path of least resistance, and stay aware of the signs and syncronicities that will point the way on your path of ease. It means that you will commit to staying out of your own way, and allow your guides and helpers to direct you. If you fall out of surrender and flow, you will simply resurrender and reenter the flow. You will give your feedback to the universe in a clear manner by using the power tool of gratitude.
If you give surrender and flow a try, you will find yourself feeling much less stress and will find things starting to unfold in your life with far greater ease. Approach the challenge with open expectation, much like a treasure hunt, waiting to see what marvellous discovery is right around the corner. If you can start to live your life with this new navigation system, you will be openheartedly aligning yourself with the magic that exists all around you and opening yourself up to far greater delight, excitement and comfort, which is what we wish for each and every one of you to experience. ~Archangel Gabriel