Cada árbol y cada planta del prado
parece estar danzando;
aquéllos con ojos comunes
sólo los verán fijos e inmóviles.

28 nov 2013

Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Wednesday November 27, 2013

Listen to your heart. It has become a cliche to most of you that you really don’t hear – just a common phrase that has little meaning. But we are here today to ask you to dust off that old expression and to really, truly begin to listen to your hearts.
Your heart helps you become congruent. It gives you clear feedback on what your deepest, truest desires are. As those desires are absolutely essential to living your highest life expression, allowing your heart to lead the way is the way to navigate your life. Your heart cannot lie to you. It only emanates truth, your truth, and leads the way to the experiences your soul desires to have.
The old ways of navigating solely through the mind and control are gone. Moving forward into this brand new age, let your heart lead the way. Embrace your intuition, your emotions, your knowing, your BEing. Flow, create, connect and love which are all specialties of the heart. Find your clarity by asking your heart. Be of service by living by the heart. Do you see? The heart is the true navigator to all the things you seek. ~Archangel Gabriel


 Daily Message ~ Tuesday November 26, 2013

Are there any old habits you would like to let go of, once and for all? What positive changes would you like to incorporate into your lives? While people often focus on New Year’s resolutions, the time before the winter solstice is an excellent time to make changes. Solstices lock in progress, acting like an energetic save point. What new habits, new ways of being would you like to embrace before you enter 2014? Now would be an excellent time to make those changes so the upcoming solstice event can help reinforce them and make them part of your being. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Monday November 25, 2013

Dear Ones, let us suppose you have a control panel in front of you that helps you navigate to your heart’s desires. Would you keep pushing the pause button? Or would you want to keep in motion until everything came to fruition?
It seems silly to think anyone would push pause when they were on their way to love, to healing, to joy, to empowered living and creation. Yet you do this, time and again, every single time you fall into doubt. Allowing doubt to creep in and make you second guess your deepest longings and highest creations is simply allowing your ego self to press pause and stall your progress.
We cannot emphasize enough how important surrender, flow and intention are to living the life of your dreams. Align. Dream. Stay in that heavenly motion that holds all the magic. Know the life of your dreams is just waiting for you to stay in trust, faith and open acceptance long enough for the universe to deliver it all to you. ~Archangel Gabriel