Cada árbol y cada planta del prado
parece estar danzando;
aquéllos con ojos comunes
sólo los verán fijos e inmóviles.

19 mar 2014

Emmanuel Bedtime Story by Pat Rodegast

Emmanuel Bedtime Story.

Your entire lives are bedtime stories. If you would but gently tell yourselves as you go to bed at night…

Once upon a time, there was this wondrous being of light who was floating in the heavens in perfect bliss and heard the call of love. The heart within this being who heard the call of love knew that when love calls, love must respond. And so that being left the wonder of the oneness, the sweetness and the light, and came one more time to visit this schoolroom of illusion.

Within this schoolroom there has been a great many struggles, because the entity forgets. One enters in this world again and one forgets. One joins the world of forgetting and spends many years seeking to find a safe place. That is what you have all been doing. That is all any of you have ever done. Regardless of what the mind tells you it has been doing, it's really been the choice of your sweet heart that came in name of love and that has been looking for a safe place to begin to be the loving that it is.

Fear has taught you to say "No, it isn't safe here. No, it isn't safe there." You believe you have to transform everybody else so that then you will be in a world where people are well and kind, and then perhaps you can begin to believe in your own loving. It is the child's thought that says, "If I am myself, if I am really my loving self, I will be in danger. So I will keep myself back, and I will keep myself small, and I will keep myself hidden, until I know some great thing will happen, some great light will come, some miracle will transform the world, and then I will be safe to open my heart." Well, my dear, the miracle is here. It is you. Each one of you has the power to transform your lives miraculously by choosing love. Not love of others, not the behavior of love - self love. Rather than regard yourselves with criticism as you have been taught to do, find one thing that you love and admire in yourselves every day, just one thing. It does not have to be vast or earth shattering. Just one thing, and write it down. Something even as simple as "I like the way I laugh. I like how I smile at strangers." What ever it is, write it down.

And begin to be aware of the unconsciousness with which you regard yourselves and make the choice not to do that any longer. It is not a noble act, the self denial and self judgment. It serves nothing at all except to keep yourselves hopeless, to make you ill, to keep you in the forgetting. Self castigation is not holy work.

There are only 3 things you need to do:

fall in love with yourself,
fall in love with yourself,
fall in love with yourself.

Sweet Dreams
