Cada árbol y cada planta del prado
parece estar danzando;
aquéllos con ojos comunes
sólo los verán fijos e inmóviles.

31 mar 2014

Living With Joy

Do not wait for other people to respect you or treat you in a more positive way. They will not until you treat yourself with respect. You do not have to be around people who do not honor you, respect you, or treat you well. If you do find yourself around those kinds of people, act with dignity and remember that they are not respecting you because they do not respect themselves. You can telepathically send out a message about how you want to be treated. Others only take advantage of you and take you for granted if you let them.

Living With Joy

Personal Power Through Awareness

To bridge the gap between intellect and intuition, use the heart energy of trust and faith. You can find answers by listening to your heart. Say you want to leave a job and your intellect keeps saying, "If you leave you'll starve, there is not enough money, you can't do it." Meanwhile your intuition is saying "Well, why don't you pretend you can do it - maybe there is a miracle or two out there that will make it happen. Follow your heart and your ability to create the life you want.

Personal Power Through Awareness

Spiritual Growth

You can change your future by imagining what you want to happen, and adding light to the picture. You can think of a future date - a day, month, or year - and send light to that time. Light will make everything you experience at that date better.

Spiritual Growth

Opening to Channel

The way to excellence in channeling is the same as for any skill - continued study, determination, the intention to succeed, a heartfelt love for the process, and responsiveness to those things that help you improve. The greatest teacher of all is your desire to become an excellent, clear channel.

Opening to Channel

Soul Love

When you love as your soul, you are no longer interested in pleasing others so they will love you. You want to empower people, which may or may not mean doing things that please their personalities. Sometimes loving others as your soul means taking actions that they may not like or approve of, such as being firm or setting boundaries. If others love you only when you do what they want, it is not truly love they are offering you, but unevolved solar plexus energy.

Soul Love

Living With Joy

You do not need to convince people you are right, for that only draws you into power struggles with them. Nor do you need to be convinced that they are right. Being positive does not mean being blind. It means being willing to see the good in others and to turn the focus away from what is different or wrong (to you).

Living With Joy

30 mar 2014

~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Saturday March 29, 2014

So many of you are such sweet and caring souls, you wish for everyone to be whole and healed, and become invested in other people’s healing journeys. Attempting to assume the healing of others will never work. You may be able to temporarily support them, but ultimately, they will not sustain it because it is not coming from their own foundation. If you really wish to have a positive impact on others, empower them to have the tools to create their own firm foundations and supports to grow from. Certainly give others a hand up and loving support in times of crisis, but the greatest gift you can give others is to help them discover their own ability to create their own healing and wellness. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Friday March 28, 2014

Surrender is the catalyst for true, empowered and lasting change. ~Archangel Gabriel


Daily Message ~ Thursday March 27, 2014

We cannot impress upon you the power of moving into your own authenticity and BEingness. Not only will it have a profound impact on your own life expression, it will also completely support all of humanity and your planet, as well. Each enlightening human being who has stepped into their authentic power holds an energy that connects to the next human being who has stepped into their own authentic power. This is what has created, and will continue to support and expand the enlightenment process and the anchoring of unity consciousness on your planet. Brave, beautiful and beloved souls, embracing their light and shining in their truth, emanating the brilliance of their individual and collective divinity to illuminate the entire planet – such a glorious sight to behold! ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Wednesday March 26, 2014

Focusing on what you like supports flow in your life. Focusing on what you do not like creates resistance, and blocks the flow. One feels wonderful and holds everything you wish to experience for yourself, the other discomfort and stagnation. Which do you choose? ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Tuesday March 25, 2014

Dear Ones, do you keep yourselves small and play it safe so you don’t risk disappointment? What a curious thing to do! You think, I won’t go after what I really want, because if something happens that I don’t get it I’ll be disappointed. So I will consciously choose to not have the thing I want in case I don’t get the thing I want. You are choosing disappointment to avoid disappointment. Do you see? You are choosing the very thing you don’t want!
You are sabotaging so many wondrous potentials in your lives by such thinking. Every great thing that has every happened to you, that has ever happened on your planet, has come from an opening to potential. If you do try to go after something you really want and it doesn’t work out, all that has happened is you have created an opportunity to adjust your course to get to your end result. You have gathered more information on your quest. And you have been living fully and honouring the nudges of your soul in the process.
So live, Dear Ones! Try things! Dare to dream. Open yourself to potentials. Your soul has worked so very hard to come into the body and be present during this amazing time on your planet to have experiences – lots of them! Be the biggest version you can of yourself and honour yourself by being true to what you are yearning to do. You will never, ever regret having the full experience, but you may very well regret never even trying. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Monday March 24, 2014

Staying in surrender and flow allows you to have the tangible experience of the unconditional love and support the universe is so willing to provide you. It lets you experience the magic of your faith in action, as a powerful and loving force in your life, that is always there to guide and assist you. As you feel that unconditional love, you will begin to accept your worthiness as a beloved part of the whole and a profound reconnection to Source that is incredibly moving and healing. It is all there, Dear Ones, just patiently waiting for you to choose as a new means of empowered living. ~Archangel Gabriel 

Soul Love

Let your heart center become magnetic with love, waves of love radiating out from you. Feel the difference between being magnetic to love, and working hard for love. When you magnetize love you stay in the center of your being and in touch with your soul. Love flows out from you and draws love to you. You do not send your awareness out to others to anticipate their needs and moods so you can then behave in certain ways to gain their love.

Soul Love

Spiritual Growth

The higher you go, the more you will see which activities you could eliminate, how things could be done more efficiently or differently, or how some things could be done by others. Don't take anything you do for granted. Don't think that something has to be done until you have thoroughly examined its purpose and how it fits into your higher purpose. This is one of the most important steps you can take to accelerate your growth.

Spiritual Growth

Living With Joy

When you are with your friends, are you concerned about what they think of you? If you want them to respect and look up to you, then spend time listening to them. Help them focus on their highest good; assist them in seeing their beauty and inner light. People who have true power are not concerned with the impression they make. They are more interested in the person they are with than themselves. They find their sense of inner peace increasing.

Living With Joy

29 mar 2014

Soul Love

Radiate unconditional love to someone important in your life. Have you wanted something from this person, such as acknowledgment, or for this person to act in certain ways before you love him or her fully? As love flows through your heart center, create an affirmation that reflects your unconditional love, such as, "I offer my unconditional love to you. I love you without needing to receive anything in return." Think of a few times when you have offered love to this person without expecting anything in return. Acknowledge how generous and unconditional your love already is.

Soul Love

At any moment you can choose resolution. Let it be now.

At any moment you can choose resolution.
Let it be now. 
                                    ~ Alan Cohen

Living With Joy

Sometimes you must let go of certain things to have what you have asked for. You may need to release a thought, friend, useless activity, or a high level of worry. Think of something you want. Is there anything you need to let go of to get this?

Living With Joy

The Voice for Love‏

"When you pray to speak only the words of the Holy Spirit,
you can open your mouth in faith
knowing that whatever you say will be perfect."

28 mar 2014

No one images that a symphony is supposed to improve in quality as it goes along,

No one images that a symphony is supposed to improve
in quality as it goes along, or that the whole object of playing it
is to reach the finale. The point of music is discovered
in every moment of playing and listening to it.
It is the same, I feel, with the great part of our lives,
and if we are unduly absorbed in improving them
we may forget altogether to live them.
                                                            ~ Alan Watts

Soul Love

Play today with expressing the soul love quality of self-forgetfulness as you focus on others instead of on yourself. Have fun and notice the results. Rather than wondering what people can give , wonder instead what you can give .

Soul Love

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

All of you have heard at one time or another, "Be appreciative; say thank you." What is the true value of gratitude? Gratitude acknowledges your power and ability to create. It focuses your attention on what you have, and what you pay attention to increases. It is a constant reminder to yourself of how abundant the universe is and how you can trust its unending flow. Appreciation is a state of mind that magnetizes money and abundance to you.

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

Opening to Channel

Some people have expectations that channeling does not always meet. Initially some people think channeling will connect them with a wise being who will solve all their problems without any work on their part and without any attempt to change. Instead they find that they still need to learn their own lessons; they are still responsible for evolving and dealing with their own lives. Once people accept that their guides are not going to solve all their problems, but instead will give them the tools they need to solve their own problems, they adjust quite well.

Opening to Channel

Spiritual Growth

Don't think you aren't evolved if you still experience challenges and denser emotions. You may have chosen to experience things such as fear or doubt, knowing that the ways you find to change them in yourself will be tools you can give to others. For every part of yourself that you bring to a higher vibration, you make it easier for others to bring a similar part of themselves to a higher vibration. Your choices become telepathically and energetically available to others.

Spiritual Growth

Personal Power Through Awareness

You can become more aware of the effect people have on you by looking at your thoughts. Be aware of what issues you begin thinking of when you are around various people. Monitor your thinking when you are with people and when you spend time alone. Unless you know how you think when you are alone, you will not be able to recognize the effect other people have on your thoughts.

Personal Power Through Awareness

Living With Joy

Balance is about moderation, not extremes. Maintaining balance in your life means doing the right amount of each thing. Some of you think that things would be better if you only had more time off. Yet, when people retire they find that there is such a thing as too much time off. There is a balance between work and play, sleep and wakefulness, time together and time apart that will create the most peace and joy for you. You do not create balance by eliminating opposites. Balance is doing things in moderation, stopping when the energy is gone and riding the waves as they come in. It means pacing yourself in a steady, even way.

Living With Joy

“Yesterday I was so clever, I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise so I am changing myself.”

“Yesterday I was so clever, I wanted to change the world.  Today I am wise so I am changing myself.” 


The movie shares some great information about how old emotions and traumas get stuck in our energetic body and how that manifests into problems in our current lives.

27 mar 2014

How to focus your attention

Let Success Chase You by Mike Robbins

Coaching no directivo - Leonardo Ravier

Vídeo íntegro del Webinar sobre el “Marco metodológico sintético del Coaching No Directivo“, celebrado el 27 de febrero de 2014 para Busienss Coaching School.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
—Mark Twain

Jeshua: Paradises on Earth, channeled by Pamela Kribbe

Dear friends, I welcome you here today, and I greet you all from the bottom of my heart. It is my greatest pleasure to be with you. I admire you for your courage and perseverance.
You have come on Earth in order to contribute something to this time of transition. You all carry a very precious gift within you: the gift that you are. And you want to give it to the Earth, because you love her. You have been on Earth many times and a part of you belongs to her.
You are light bearers. You desire to bring light into a reality that has been immersed in darkness, where darkness stands for fear, ignorance, and a desire for power. And you yourself have also been lost in that darkness, because a part of your mission is for you to become acquainted with the darkness so that you might find the strength from within to overcome it.
You have immersed yourself in darkness in order to experience what the light looks like, and what it feels like to rediscover yourself on Earth as an angel of light. The original discovery happened quite naturally, because when you are in an atmosphere of light, love, and security, there are almost no boundaries between you and the whole. But what you have now done, what your mission was and is, is for this light – this sense of oneness and complete security – to be brought to Earth so it might incarnate in this earthly atmosphere.
In doing so, you are apt to waver, because you sometimes doubt if you can truly lay a foundation of this energy on Earth. There are doubts and fears, and so I want to help you remember who you really are. I want to bring you back to the atmosphere of light and love from which you originally came by asking you to envision that you are now there. In this way, we anchor a portion of that atmosphere here and now on Earth. That atmosphere, you might say, is the atmosphere of Paradise, or what you imagine as Paradise.
Allow any images to arise that fulfill your idea of Paradise. Deeply hidden in your heart lies a spot where nostalgia exists for that place, for that love and light. Envision something concrete. Maybe you will see a beautiful landscape before you where everything flourishes and grows in profusion. See yourself walk through it and find a home for yourself. Create a landscape, a place, where you feel comfortable, where you are connected with nature and the countryside around you. Come to rest there, and just be in that place and listen to the sounds of nature.
See the light around you, and the plants and trees that bloom. Feel the abundance of who you are, because this is you. This environment expresses who you really are. Take the healing energies of nature into you. Feel the magic of who you truly are, which is an angel in the depths of your being. Divine powers of creation belong to your nature. You are the source of all your creations; you can manifest whatever you want, and attract whatever you need.
If you are in this place, in your portion of Paradise, then it is easy and you will see that this way of being is natural for you. Feel the peace of this place deep in all the cells of your body. And feel how from this place you have traveled many times to Earth, as well as to other realms, perhaps less dense and material than Earth, or perhaps other planets. The important fact is that you have made many journeys; you, the soul, that core, that divine spark, which rests deep within you.
Imagine for a moment that you are a sun and you consist of a warm comforting light that fills you, and from the center of that sun you send out rays to all kinds of realities. One of those rays is now incarnated on Earth, and that is you. You are here to search for opportunities and ways to establish your light on Earth; ways to radiate your solar power as much as possible so it can shine on to Earth. Yet it sometimes can be that you get lost, that you feel stuck in a dead-end alley and you are unable to really experience your own light. I ask you to let that idea go, the idea that things are not possible, that you are stuck, that you are powerless. Try to let go of that feeling of contraction for a moment.
Just imagine that you actually get out of that dead-end alley, and by using that ray of sun that you are, you get back to the center of the sun. Let go, for a moment, of everything in your life for which you try so hard, about which you fret so much, and whatever your mind dwells on. Let it all go, and using that beam of light that you are, sail with that ray in to the center of that sun, in to the core of your being.
Find yourself back in that place in nature, in Paradise, where you feel that anything is possible; where you are not bound by time and by material limitations. Then imagine that on that spot, you find a creative activity that really suits you. You imagine that you live and work there, and whatever you need is at your disposal. There are also friends who support and stimulate you, and with whom you are connected in a loving way. Imagine that you live in this portion of Paradise in a community where you belong, and see what you would love to do there.
What creative task would come to you easily? Do not limit yourself in your imagination. What do you like to do? Do you like to work in nature? Do you enjoy making or building things? Do you enjoy cooking? Do you create art? Do you do something with music or dance? Or do you help other people in some way? And mind you, there are no restrictions – there is abundance. Your contribution is appreciated.
Look for what you feel naturally drawn to, and then imagine that you do this activity. And look at what rhythm – how much and how often – you would like to be involved in doing that activity. What feels good for you? What makes you happy; what makes you content? Search for that moment in which you feel completely connected with the world around you and in which you feel: “This is me; this is the way I express myself”.
Feel the warm acceptance of the people around you and how nature thanks you for your contribution and appreciates you. You will add to the whole, because you are one with all others and yet you make a unique contribution to the whole. You sense how easily that happens; how you can draw from many incarnations in which you gathered experiences with this activity, this talent. This creative activity happens of its own accord, naturally, because you already know so much about it.
Then imagine that you take this creative activity of Paradise into the light beam of your present incarnation, and you let the energy from your inner sun-self slowly enter into your body – right here, right now. Hold on to that image: the ease, the love, the warmth with which this embodiment happens. Trust that these talents are going to manifest easily, and allow them to come into your physical heart, here and now. Feel again the magic of who you are. Let the light flow through your spine, all the way down to your tailbone. See this golden light slowly flow down through your tailbone, your legs and feet, and take root in Earth. And feel how enthusiastically Earth says “yes” to this golden stream that you are, because Earth wants to help you to manifest.
From this golden stream of light, look within to your fears and doubts, the part in you that feels powerless and unable to change your external circumstances. Imagine a dead-end alley where a part of you always bumps up against a wall. Then imagine how the golden light from your sun-self, that light full of love and compassion, flows into that alley in a completely accepting way and invites you to get out by letting go of the struggle. There are opportunities and possibilities awaiting you. Things are not always what they seem to be, and sometimes new opportunities come from an unexpected source that you can not anticipate with your rational mind.
Now completely wrap that golden energy around yourself. Know that the security and love of that atmosphere of light from where you came is also available now, if you allow it to be so. You only need to say “yes”, and to trust.
You often struggle against yourself. There is a knowing in you, a desire, a homesickness to set down this golden light on Earth and to bathe yourself in it, and yet, at the same time, you falter because you get caught up in fears and doubts. I appeal to your determination and to your faith that you can keep persevering, for you all have made a long journey through many lifetimes and many centuries of time. You have come with a beautiful flower in your hand, a flower you want to plant here on Earth. And know you are being helped and supported by energies from beyond the Earth – spiritual energies.
Trust that, however slowly this happens, you are getting ever closer to the core of yourself. And by doing that, you are doing what you intended and that is to bring Paradise on to Earth. That is your mission and that is the advent of the new age. The New Earth is you bringing Paradise on to Earth. You bring a portion of your light and love, and the sense of security associated with the heavenly realm, on to Earth. That is the advent of the new age.
I greet you all from my heart and send you energies of encouragement and confidence. You are doing something grand and I want nothing more than to reassure and support you on your way.
© Pamela Kribbe,

26 mar 2014

Infographic - 30 Things To Start Doing For Yourself | Bounce Back: Develop Your Resiliency

Infographic - 30 Things To Start Doing For Yourself | Bounce Back: Develop Your Resiliency

30 Things to start doing yourself
by shadeed9.
Explore more infographics like this one on the web's largest information design community - Visually.

The Social Media Mood Virus Discovered | NLP Discoveries

The Social Media Mood Virus Discovered | NLP Discoveries

Regreso a Sí Mismo - Bob Mandel

Entrevista a Bob Mandel

Mirabai Ceiba - El Instante Eterno

It takes courage for a man to listen to his own goodness and act on it.

It takes courage for a man
to listen to his own goodness and act on it.
Do we dare to be ourselves?
That is that question that counts. 
                                        ~ Pablo Casals

The Voice for Love‏

"The Peace of God is not something that is bestowed upon you.
It is the state of mind you cultivate within you."


No digáis que partiré mañana,
pues aún estoy llegando.
Mirad profundamente; estoy llegando a cada instante,
para ser brote de primavera en una rama,
para ser pajarillo de alas aún frágiles,
que aprendo a cantar en mi nuevo nido,
para ser mariposa en el corazón de una flor,
para ser joya oculta en una piedra.
Aún estoy llegando para reír y para llorar,
para temer y para esperar.
El ritmo de mi corazón es el nacimiento y la muerte
de todo lo que vive.Soy un insecto que se metamorfosea
en la superficie del río.
Y soy el pájaro
que se precipita para tragarlo.
Soy una rana que nada feliz
en las aguas claras del estanque.
Y soy la serpiente acuática
que sigilosamente se alimenta de la rana.
Soy el niño de Uganda, todo piel y huesos,
mis piernas tan delgadas como cañas de bambú.
Y soy el comerciante de armas
que vende armas letales a Uganda.
Soy la niña de doce años,
refugiada en una pequeña embarcación,
que se arroja al océano
tras haber sido violada por un pirata.
Y soy el pirata,
cuyo corazón es aún incapaz
de ver y de amar.
Soy un miembro del Politburó
con todo el poder en mis manos.
Y soy el hombre que ha pagado
su "deuda de sangre" a mi pueblo
muriendo lentamente en un campo de concentración.
Mi alegría es como la primavera, tan cálida
que hace florecer las flores de la Tierra entera..
Mi dolor es como un río de lágrimas,
tan vasto que llena los cuatro océanos.
Llamadme por mis verdaderos nombres, os lo ruego
para poder despertar
y que la puerta de mi corazón
pueda quedar abierta,
la puerta de la compasión.

Thich Nhat Hanh
Llamadme por mis verdaderos nombres, Editorial La llave, 2001


This being human is a guest house.

Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,

some momentary awareness comes

as an unexpected visitor.

  Welcome and entertain them all!

Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,

who violently sweep your house

empty of its furniture,

still, treat each guest honorably.
  He may be clearing you out

for some new delight.


The dark thought, the shame, the malice,

meet them at the door laughing,
  and invite them in.


Be grateful for whatever comes,

because each has been sent

as a guide from beyond.

Soul Love

If you are carrying other people's burdens, put them down. Your soul knows that taking responsibility for themselves and their lives is one of the most important ways people can grow and become strong. It knows that people have worked hard to bring about their current circumstances, no matter how difficult or unpleasant, so they can learn and grow. Experiencing the consequences of their actions provides people with the motivation to make changes in their lives. Saving people makes them weaker rather than stronger.

Soul Love

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

If you want something, ask your soul to provide you with a demonstration of its faith in and love for you. Then, open to receive and be willing to recognize your request when it comes. Every time you accept love from others, every time you open to receive love from the universe, you set in motion the creation of miracles in your life.

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

Opening to Channel

Only you can know if you are ready to channel. Go within and ask, "Do I have a deep desire to channel or connect with my guide? Does there seem to be an inner urge or voice drawing me in this direction?" Listen to your inner messages.

Opening to Channel

Spiritual Growth

Your Higher Self exists in a state of love. Every time you are loving, kind, forgiving, and compassionate to yourself and others, you are being your Higher Self. Learn to love everything in your life - every feeling, thought, and action you take. Think of yourself as a beautiful, loving person, doing the best you know how to grow and evolve.

Spiritual Growth

Personal Power Through Awareness

Every situation teaches you more about who you are. If you find yourself in a difficult situation, one that is causing you trouble or draining your energy, ask to feel the love of your higher self, letting it pour into you. The radiance of love will assist you in not feeling drained. As love goes out, it protects the sender and stops any drain of energy.

Personal Power Through Awareness

Living With Joy

Think for a moment, if you had six months to live, what would be the most important thing you would want to finish and leave behind? What would you change about your life right now? What limits do you have now that you would do away with? If you were to leave behind one gift to the planet, what would it be?

Living With Joy

25 mar 2014

Love and Marriage: Do They Really go Together?

Love and Marriage: Do They Really go Together?

Inner Bonding 96 Words for Love

Inner Bonding 96 Words for Love

Can You Love Others?

Can You Love Others?

Do You Know How To Love?

Do You Know How To Love?

Notice whether punishing others works to control them.

Daily Inspiration

Notice whether punishing others works to control them. When you get angry, judgmental or withdrawn to control others, what actually happens? You might intimidate them into doing what you want, but what happens to the feelings between you? How do you end up feeling when you try to control others?  
By Dr. Margaret Paul

The ego attempts to use spirit for its purposes, and always fails.

The ego attempts to use spirit for its purposes, and always fails.
The spirit uses ego for its purposes, and always succeeds.
                                                ~ Alan Cohen

Jesus via John Smallman: Whenever You Experience an Event, Interaction, or Interchange that is Loving, Acknowledge It and the Person who Caused It

Jesus via John Smallman: Whenever You Experience an Event, Interaction, or Interchange that is Loving, Acknowledge It and the Person who Caused It

Transference: Parents and Images, Pathwork Lecture Study

FREE Saint-Germain Oracle

FREE Saint-Germain Oracle

The Voice for Love‏

"How you see is a choice. You can see the world or you can see Heaven,
and the scenery doesn't change."

Compelling research reveals these 3 techniques to increase your personal power

Compelling research reveals these 3 techniques to increase your personal power

24 mar 2014

Awaken to Your Precious Life by Gail Brenner

Awaken to Your Precious Life (via

You are infinitely free, unendingly magnificent, undeterred by fear, overflowing as love itself. Isn’t it amazing? This way of being is available to you right now in this very moment. You can be free of the problems that define you. You can live in…

Leonard Cohen. Dance me to the end of love

J. S. Bach: Aria from the Orchestral suite in D major n. 3

About the Fear of Loving, Pathwork Lecture 72 by Jan Rigsby

Identity is destiny.

Identity is destiny.
~ Laurence D. Ackerman

The Mask You Live In - Trailer (Exploration of masculinity)

His high endeavors are an inward light, that makes the path before him always bright.

His high endeavors are an inward light, that makes the path before him always bright.

- William Wordsworth -

Edward Snowden en TED 2014: Recuperemos Internet

Beautiful Girl book by Christiane Northrup

Deepak Chopra Explains The Difference Between Wealth And Money

Charles Cresson Wood on 'the Economics of Happiness' film

Charles Cresson Wood on 'the Economics of Happiness' film from The Illuminated Thread on Vimeo.

The Voice for Love‏

"To know the Truth within you requires you to stop, look, and listen.
It is the same advice every loving parent gives to his or her children."

FREE Saint-Germain Oracle

FREE Saint-Germain Oracle

March Equinox: "The Storm Passed Over, The Calm Returns" - Saint-Germain Channeling

March Equinox: "The Storm Passed Over, The Calm Returns" - Saint-Germain Channeling

Saint-Germain, LIVE Channeling and Online Workshop, March 2014

Saint-Germain, LIVE Channeling and Online Workshop, March 2014

"It is especially important to be acknowledged for the services that you provide. You’ve trained yourself to do your work. Acknowledge this and be glad that you deserve such reward."
- Saint-Germain

Did you know that your Soul has a purpose for your work and career?

Yes, it’s true. Everything that you undertake during your lifetime helps you grow as a being of light and love. This includes your work, your career, and every little job that you take up. All of these have a Higher purpose, whether you recognize it, or not. If you would you like to know more about the Soul purpose behind your career, your job, or any activity that concerns you, then please continue reading. Saint-Germain and Alexandra will address this important subject in an online workshop that's made just for you.

What is this workshop with Saint-Germain about?

This online workshop is about:
► Understanding the Soul purpose behind your work, your career, or any regular activity that you perform.
► Exploring the personal gifts and talents you have that you can apply to your work.
► Learning to live from a place of joy as you perform your work or build your career.
► Observing and releasing any fearful beliefs you have about needing to work to survive.
► Accepting your work as an activity that is richly imbued with spiritual meaning.

Niño de once años habla sobre la Industria Alimentaria

Hackschooling makes me happy: Logan LaPlante at TEDxUniversityofNevada

23 mar 2014

Papa Francisco: "El peor pecado de los medios de comunicación es la desinformación" :: Vaticano :: Religión Digital

Papa Francisco: "El peor pecado de los medios de comunicación es la desinformación" :: Vaticano :: Religión Digital

Todo lo que haces es sagrado – Hafiz

Este es el momento de reconocer
que todo lo que haces es sagrado.

Así qué ¿por qué no consideras
establecer una tregua duradera con dios?

Este es el tiempo para entender
que todas tus ideas del bien y del mal
eran sólo juguetes de un niño
que deben ser dejados a un lado
cuando finalmente has decidido vivir
con veracidad y amor.

Querida, por favor, dime
¿por qué sigues
arrojando palos sobre tu corazón
y sobre dios?

¿Qué hay en esa dulce voz interior
que te incite al temor?

Ahora es el momento en que el mundo debe saber
que cada pensamiento y acción es sagrado.

Este es el momento para que calcules la imposibilidad
de que exista otra cosa
excepto la Gracia.

Este es el tiempo de reconocer
que todo lo que haces es sagrado.

- Hafiz (1325-1389)

Human beings will not defeat nature.

Human beings will not defeat nature.
You can resist it, deny it, thwart it, cover it, pervert it,
subvert it, and try to kill it. No matter what you do,
nature will return and prevail. This epoch of humanity will culminate in the recognition that nature is not our enemy.
It is our benefactor.
Then the war against ourselves will end.  
                                                            ~ Alan Cohen

Arnica Montana - Sea Sand And Sun.- Café del Mar, Vol. 12

The Voice for Love‏

"Loving yourself and not loving yourself only happens in your mind.
It does not happen in Truth.
From God's perspective, there is only Love." 

22 mar 2014

Living With Joy

If you focus on something that is wrong with another person, you can make it even larger. The things that were working in your relationship before will stop working. On the other hand, if you focus on bringing out the good in other people, seeing their beauty and sharing with them what you love about them, you will find the areas that were giving you problems beginning to resolve themselves, even though you have not worked directly on finding solutions.

Living With Joy

Spiritual Growth

The need to save people from their mistakes is an attachment that will slow your growth. Are there people in your life you feel sorry for or are trying to bail out of problems they have created? You often turn into the "victim" when you try to save people, because they often end up blaming you for their problems. They might try to make you feel bad if you withdraw your support or don't solve their problem. They may become dependent and resent your help.

Spiritual Growth

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

Some people hope that when they have money they will be able to stop doing the things they do not enjoy. To begin to let go of doing things you do not enjoy, learn to honor and respect yourself more. You can begin by learning how to stop doing the small things you do not enjoy right now; as you do you gain more honor and respect for yourself and will build up to doing only things you enjoy. As you do things you enjoy you become more magnetic to abundance.

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

Soul Love

Pay attention to how you feel when you are around people. If you feel less than, depreciated, or unloved, then the other person is relating to you from his or her solar plexus center. This is true even if the other person tells you he or she is being loving. Trust your feelings to tell you the truth. In addition, your body can tell you if you are around unevolved solar plexus energy. You may feel your muscles tense, notice a lump in your throat, or experience your stomach knotting up. Lift the energy from your solar plexus center into your heart to transform any solar plexus energy others are sending.

Soul Love

Archangel Gabriel - The Courage To Live Your Dreams

Self Portrait by David Whyte

Self Portrait

It doesn't interest me if there is one God
or many gods.
I want to know if you belong or feel
If you know despair or can see it in others.
I want to know
if you are prepared to live in the world
with its harsh need
to change you. If you can look back
with firm eyes
saying this is where I stand. I want to know
if you know
how to melt into that fierce heat of living
falling toward
the center of your longing. I want to know
if you are willing
to live, day by day, with the consequence of love
and the bitter
unwanted passion of your sure defeat.
I have heard, in that fierce embrace, even
the gods speak of God.
  -- David Whyte
      from Fire in the Earth
      ©1992 Many Rivers Press

Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Saturday March 22, 2014

We understand that many of you are trying to shift into balance and healthier boundaries. We have a simple suggestion. To find the healthy boundary in any given situation, simply ask yourself, “Am I willing to accept as much as I am giving?” Or, “Am I willing to give as much as I am receiving?” You might also wish to stop and ask yourself, “Is this coming from the heart? Will it lead to resentment? Is it truly empowering to ALL involved?” This takes the focus off what other people are doing, and keeps it about you, and each specific situation. Of course, as with all things, the changes you seek always begin within. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Friday March 21, 2014

The greatest cause of strife and discontent is the perception of lack, a limited universe, and powerlessness. These beliefs lead to fear, worry, depression, anxiety, doubt, resistance, angst, war, discord, poor health and crime.
Dear Ones, those ideas cause such discomfort because they are contrary to universal truths. They feel so awful so you will not want to stay in those energies! Life is not a cross to bear. It is not some grand series of tests you are being graded on. Suffering is not a pre-requisite of reward. These are all old belief systems that perpetuate the old lack and fear based systems.
You are infinitely powerful beings who are part of an infinitely abundant universe. As you start to accept that, your focus begins to change. You start to see the abundance that abounds, and through your gratitude and focus, experience even more of it. From there, you begin to sense your truth and power, and will begin to create anew, from a far firmer foundation of authenticity.
As each person on your planet starts to embrace their divinity in these ways, the entire human experience will begin to shift to contain far more joy, contentment, love, peace and harmony. And that, Dear Ones, is exactly what is creating the New Earth and supporting this grand age of enlightenment you are now in. ~Archangel Gabriel

Seeking is not the same as finding.

Seeking is not the same as finding.
Seeking engenders more seeking,
and finding engenders more finding.
The end of seeking is finding.
Not because it just happens. Because you choose. 
                                  ~ Alan Cohen

James Ingram - You make me feel like a natural man

Mirando la lluvia por un mañana
Solía sentirme tan inspirado (Wah), Oh
Y cuando supe que tenía que enfrentar otro día (Wah, ooh)
Señor, me hizo sentir tan cansado

Antes del día que te conocí
La vida era tan cruel
Tú eres la clave
Para mi tranquilidad

Porque tú me haces sentir
Me haces sentir
Me haces sentir
Como un hombre natural (hombre)

Cuando mi alma estaba en el perdido y encontrado
Llegaste a reclamarlo (Wah, ooh, ooh)
No sabía lo que estaba mal conmigo (Wah, ooh)
Hasta que tu beso me ayudó a nombre

Ahora ya no soy dudoso
A lo que estoy viviendo para
Y si te hago feliz
No necesito hacer más

Porque tú me haces sentir
Me haces sentir
Me haces sentir
Como un hombre natural (hombre)

Cariño lo que has hecho a mí (me hecho)
Me haces sentir tan bien (bien adentro)
Y yo sólo tengo que ser (quiero ser)
Cerca de ti, tú me haces sentir tan vivo

Porque tú me haces sentir
Me haces sentir
Me haces sentir
Como un hombre natural

Me haces sentir (te) me hace sentir
Me haces sentir (siento que hacer)
Me haces sentir (te) me hace sentir como me siento

Me haces sentir (te) me hace sentir
Me haces sentir (siento que hacer)
Me haces sentir (te) me hace sentir como me siento

Frank Sinatra - Bewitched


She's a fool and don't I know it?
But a fool can have her charms
I'm in love and don't I show it?
Like a babe in arms

Love's the same old sad sensation
Lately, I've not slept a wink
Since this silly situation
Has me on the blink

I'm wild again, beguiled again
A simpering, whimpering child again
Bewitched, bothered, and bewildered am I

Couldn't sleep, wouldn't sleep
Then love came and told me I shouldn't sleep
Bewitched, bothered, and bewildered am I

Lost my heart, but what of it?
She is cold, I agree
She might laugh, but I love it
Although the laugh's on me

I'll sing to her, bring spring to her
And long for the day when I'll cling to her
Bewitched, bothered and bewildered am I

21 mar 2014

Living With Joy

Are you setting it up so that people are pulling on you, so that your time is full, but you are not filling it with the things that you want? You have the power to change that drama. It comes from your compassion for who you are and from your sense of inner freedom.

Living With Joy

20 mar 2014

Jefferson Airplane -White Rabbit-

One pill makes you larger
And one pill makes you small
And the ones that mother gives you
Don't do anything at all
Go ask Alice
When she's ten feet tall

And if you go chasing rabbits
And you know you're going to fall
Tell 'em a hookah smoking caterpillar
Has given you the call to
Call Alice
When she was just small

When the men on the chessboard
Get up and tell you where to go
And you've just had some kind of mushroom
And your mind is moving low
Go ask Alice
I think she'll know

When logic and proportion
Have fallen sloppy dead
And the White Knight is talking backwards
And the Red Queen's "off with her head!"
Remember what the dormouse said;
Feed your head
Feed your head